After several meat addictions, the mental outlook of the whole village has obviously improved. When they met, they found that they were full of energy and red light, and they seemed to have more energy to work.

Compared with people in the village who are in a good mood and walk with the wind, Yin Yu'e's mood is not so bad. The news that she doesn't like fish is spread out somehow, and some young women and young women are embarrassed when they hear this. "It's a pity that some people don't like meat these days." When they recalled the fish on the dinner table yesterday, their saliva was secreted, as if the soft and rotten taste of the fish still stayed in their mouths.

The quilt-drying woman nodded in agreement. "Yes, the two daughters of the Yin family have too weird tongues. They don't like to eat these big fish and meat, so they like to eat other things. Tsk, it's not a life of good fortune at first sight. I don’t know how to eat meat."

In short, the more the words passed, the more outrageous Yin Yu'e rolled his eyes with anger.

Because of the last fish-fishing incident, Wenshuihe has recently squatted with many people carrying buckets and "waiting for the rabbits" every day, mostly idlers or underage children in the village. Among them is Yin Minglu, who wore a straw hat, moved a small bench, and stood by the sparkling river every day, wanting to see if he really was what the old lady said, "Blessed people".

It is a pity that he shouted "Fish Yuyu" towards the river for several days, and there was no more fish. The river **** seemed to ignore him.

Originally, after a few days of guarding and not seeing any good things, those people were disappointed. Only Yin Minglu persevered, squatting by the river every day. The miracle came again. Of course, the miracle did not appear a second time, and the villagers laughed at him stupidly.

The little guy felt the same way. It happened that Yin Yu'e reluctantly ran back to call him home under the urging of the family. Yin Minglu quickly licked a penny and a cold popsicle in his hand, red mouth, and slapped him. Hiccup, put on sandals, plan to take the bench and go home.

If he thought of any blessings, it was indeed Mrs. Luo who coaxed him. People shouldn’t always do this kind of delusional things for nothing.

Just the moment he picked up the small bench, he looked up and found a person lying on the side of the river from a distance.

What's the matter, is that person asleep? The tide is going up, do you want to call him? Just thinking about it, in the end, the body was faster than thought, Yin Minglu tilted his head, pulled Xiaoliangtuo, and ran over to look at it, and he was immediately taken aback.

I saw a young man in a shirt, soaked on the stone, his beautiful face was covered with gravel, with shocking scratches, his eyelids were closed, his face was extremely pale, showing a kind of bluish purple, breathing The extremely weak is about to stop. Judging from the river water washing his trousers, it is suspected that the drowning and suffocation caused a temporary coma.

Touch that heartbeat and pulse again, and you will die if you don't get medical treatment!

Yin Minglu no longer hesitated at the moment, using the energy of feeding, pressing the water in the opponent's abdominal cavity, and regardless of the sharp gravel under his feet, quickly bent his knees, put the other's handsome face down, and pressed his back until After spitting water, he found that the other party gradually recovered his heartbeat, and then there was a wave of oxygen delivery from mouth to mouth.

Others are small, and the oxygen that can be delivered is limited, and only a few mouthfuls will have no energy.

But the person finally came back to life. With a heartbeat and breathing, Yin Minglu got up and hurried back to the village to call someone, saying that someone had drowned. Yin Yu'e heard his shattered shout, her eyebrows twisted, and impatiently said, "Yell, yell, are you a soul?"

Yin Minglu didn't care about her, just skipped her and went to the village to find a strong young man, otherwise he and Yin Yu'e might not be able to move that young man to the health clinic.

Yin Yu'e looked dissatisfied. She was originally the old lady Luo who called Yin Minglu to go home for dinner. Otherwise, who would come to the river to find sins in this sun-exposed weather?

As soon as the little guy ran away, her swear words were stuck in her mouth, and the corners of her mouth hung with a sneer arc. This bluffing look was unqualified. Just such a mountain boy, the eccentric old lady Luo felt that the other party was a piece of cake. Blessed baby.

He always credits the person who can eat fish to the other person, and it really puts gold on his face. Just like Xiaobao is still called blessed? She bah.

Yin Yu'e, who had just slandered in his heart like this, the expression on his face froze when he saw the boy by the river in a blink of an eye. Looking at the face familiar to all the people in the future generations, her calm heart began to beat frantically.

She was shocked to think, maybe the old lady Luo didn't say anything wrong, and Yin Minglu was indeed a blessed person. Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that Fu Peian, the young master of the capital Fu family and the future father of mobile phone communications, was saved.

Oh my god! Oh my god! Yin Yu'e almost couldn't breathe, couldn't restrain her urge to scream, and rushed directly to the opponent, staring at the comatose and pale face at close range, her eyes on the black trembling eyelashes, fine porcelain complexion, and The five senses that were so beautiful and throbbing in her heart lingered, and the thoughts and thoughts in her mind followed one after another between the electric light and the flint.

She likes Qin Mao, but she also wants to be Fu Peian's lifesaver, so that the noble son who holds the lifeline of the country's communications economy in the future will always treat her as a guest! She wants to become one of the women who will remember when the other party writes his autobiography and have a great influence on his life! When that autobiographical memoir is made into a movie, her name will be remembered forever!

Action is not as good as the heart, her eyes fixed on the pale and bloodless lips, her hand stretched out without hesitation, just about to come to breathe.

As a result, the boy woke up, his heavy eyes opened, his eyes burst with misty colors, and he subconsciously vomited a large mouthful of water from the person in front of him, and then coughed again and again.

Yin Yu'e was stunned by the spray of water, but she hurried closer, caring "You, are you okay?" Her voice was trembling, no doubt, because of the identity of the person in front of her, she thought of the future achievements of the other party. Unable to suppress my nervousness.

"Did you save me?" The boy asked with his eyes fixed on the girl's face and paused for a moment. After coughing, he was still very weak and could only stay where he was.

"Yeah, yeah!" Yin Yu'e immediately nodded and smiled. "I just saw you fainted there. The unconsciousness was very terrible. It frightened me. I didn't even think about it, so I gave it to you as soon as possible. You did first aid. Thank God, my efforts were not in vain, and I finally rescued you. You are fine."

Regardless of why a rural girl drowns in the first aid loophole, only with the girl’s somewhat flattering and overly excited look, the teenager subconsciously raised his eyebrows, always feeling that the other party’s behavior is like the group in the capital knows his identity and did it. The subordinates who are eager to claim credit for something, a faint feeling of not liking this person comes to mind.

Moreover, he was keenly observant, looked at the girl's brand-new and clean clothes, he always felt that the girl was lying. He just felt that he was dying, and his overall senses were closed, but there was still a bit of perception in the memory remaining in the body.

When his nose and mouth were about to be submerged, a soft hand grabbed him. He couldn't describe how small his hands were, but they felt very tender, and even a breath was quickly entered into his mouth, with a cold breath, the taste was very familiar.

—He remembered, it was the smell of cheap popsicles in the grocery store. It was sweet and cold. Snacks that children like.

He also heard the other's small gasps, and from the weakness of his breath, he could tell that it should be a young child, so after giving him a few breaths from mouth to mouth, he couldn't stand a big gasp.

After recalling the age and physical characteristics of the savior, the teenager already knew it. I thought that the person was probably a child in the nearby countryside. He didn't find a figure when he woke up. It might be because the other party went to find an adult. Looking for an adult in case of trouble is also in line with the psychology of a child.

After guessing in his heart, the young man nodded politely from beginning to end, and the language was concise, allowing the girl to chat excitedly on the sidelines, and did not easily make any promises of gratitude.

As he expected, someone arrived by the river soon. The boy looked up. He noticed that when he heard the footsteps, there was a flash of unnaturalness on the girl’s face, and she immediately revealed that she was His face was irritable and displeased like a spoiler.

He was thoughtful, watching the people coming.

"Little treasure, where is the person you mentioned?" "When you left, the person was not dead?" Several eight-foot-tall farmers in short shirts asked as they walked, hearing that there were people in Wenshuihe. Drowning, the old masters who were working immediately dropped the tools in their hands and ran over in twos and threes. There are also those with quick legs and fast running, so I called the village chief. Because Yin Minglu's short legs ran slowly, the big guy finally lifted him directly, hugged him and ran, and asked him to show the way.

Yin Minglu protested twice before holding it on his shoulders instead.

"It's the big rock." A tender voice sounded, attracting the boy's attention, he turned his head slightly, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Because the child's voice was unexpectedly tender, like a soft feather, scratched in his heart. Suddenly I wanted to see the whole picture of this life-saving benefactor.

He soon wanted to get things done, and as a group of people approached, a pretty face immediately broke into his sight. It was a beautiful child comparable to a child star in a movie pictorial. The other party was sitting on the man's shoulders, wearing a pair of flip-flops with his little feet dangling, his black eyes were shining in the sun, and his eyes blinked and blinked as if he could talk.

This is somewhat different from imagination, but the feeling of inexplicable fit makes the teenager a little surprised.

Especially when he looked down and noticed that the child's thin white knees had traces of blood oozing out, even after being stained with sand and gravel that was almost the same as where he fell, the boy was even more sure of his guess.

The person who kneeled on the ground and gave him artificial respiration was not a girl, but the half-year-old child named "Xiaobao" in front of her.

"I saw it, I saw it! People are okay, they are all awake, and your sister is there too." Seeing that there is no dead person, the burly cropped man breathed a sigh of relief, put Yin Minglu down, stepped forward and lifted up and fell to the ground. The young man enthusiastically asked, "This comrade, are you okay? It seems that you are not a person near our village. How can you drown in a good manner?"

Seeing the handsome appearance of the young man and his outstanding facial features, several big men felt that they shouldn't ask more. Everyone lifted the people up hurriedly and sent them to the health clinic. The boy smiled weakly and said sincerely, "Thank you Wenshui Village for your help, thank you Xiaobao, I really don't know how to repay you."

"It's okay, it's just a matter of effort." The child waved his hand arrogantly, escorting the teenager to the health center like a flower care envoy, and even ran off his shoes halfway. I quickly picked it up and put it on, pretending that nothing happened before continuing on.

The open-minded atmosphere of saving lives without expecting anything in return made the eyes of the young man lying on the back of the villagers full of smiles.

The **** the side was also chasing after a group of people, and found that she was not on the thank you list. She was a little anxious. She reminded in a low voice, "I am still there. I saved you." You too. Repay me!

Hearing that, the young man nodded and added, "Thank you too, Miss Yu'e." His behavior and demeanor showed the style of the family, and he called women an extremely gentleman. But if the Fu family's bodyguard was present, he would definitely be able to see the indifferent attitude of the young master under his politeness.

Of course, after receiving the call, they are still on their way to Wenshui Village in the neighboring provinces and cities. As black cars came to the muddy mountain area, the news that Yin Xiaobao had rescued the young master of the imperial capital Fu's family quickly spread throughout the village.

Everyone was extremely surprised. After being surprised, they all turned to admire the good luck of the Yin family, and saved someone by the river. That person was actually the noble son of Beijing. This luck is also good! It is said that after hearing that Xiaobao was a lifesaver, Master Fu rushed to stuff old lady Luo with money, and also offered to subsidize Xiaobao to go to school and take Xiaobao to live in the big city.

It's so enviable! Hongmei is right, Xiaobao is indeed a blessed baby, otherwise such a good thing, why haven't they met the people who run to the river these days? Moreover, the black-clothed bodyguards in black suits took turns shaking hands with Xiaobao, and the shocking image of expressing gratitude was enough to make this group of people in the village who hadn't traveled much past the mountains unforgettable forever.

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