After the monthly exam, in order to relieve the children’s learning pressure and have a better enrollment gimmick for the next year, the school found some sponsors, such as brain-filling milk, refreshing health products, or a posture to straighten the spine. Corrected the shoulder strap brand and jointly funded this tour.

Students and their parents are the main consumers of their branded products. Sponsors naturally allow them to get out of the bus and provide equipment. They are the bridge between them.

The parents of the students are also very relieved to let their children go to play, gain knowledge and exercise their physique through the three-day and two-night trip. Back then, they also participated in the summer camps and winter camps organized by the school, and nothing happened. Parents are also very clear about what these activities can learn and whether they will become good memories in life. And when they hand over their children to the school, they also put a hundred hearts on them.

The owner of the travel company who arranged the venue was the principal's brother-in-law, and he often had business contacts with the sponsors. They also patted their chests and agreed.

Parents trust the school, the school trusts the sponsor, the sponsor trusts the travel company, and the travel company trusts the material supply stations that they place in each post along the road. If the students need it and the bus runs out of gasoline, they will provide assistance.

Under the mutual trust of many parties, many buses were full of laughter and went on smoothly.

Before getting on the bus, each of the boys and girls carried a big bag full of snacks and drinks. They took turns to get on the bus according to their school number. They were probably happy. Everyone had a smile on their faces. They hooked their shoulders, and you chased me. Hurry, too lively.

There are natural jokes. For example, Wang Panpan pointed to Yin Minglu’s bag and snorted: “You all have to buy the same backpack. Are you imitating my male god? It’s really different!” This month’s exam, Yin Minglu’s grades went up. No longer dragging down the average score of the class, the teacher Wang was very surprised. The little girl's attitude towards him was much more cheerful, and it seemed that she was not so dissatisfied with seeing him "imitate" occasionally.

But when it comes to imitation, Yin Minglu still shows an expression of indescribable expression. He was originally just an ordinary black mountaineering bag, but because the boy N once brought out the mirror, the sales of a certain treasure instantly exceeded 100,000, and now it is 29.9 to buy the same. The sales volume at the bottom is not low. Many Internet celebrities even claim that Teenager N is the king of goods, no need to advertise, as long as you show your face, you can set off a wave of purchases.

Because he has always been thinking about losing his horse, he has never deliberately concealed some of his characteristics, but no one has paid attention. Moreover, his genuine product was counterfeited in various ways, and in the end, it became a counterfeit in the eyes of others.

There was also a classmate who shared snacks generously in the car, "Come and eat something, cucumber-flavored potato chips are crunchy with a bite, but they are delicious."

"Wow, it's delicious, then you can also eat my prawn crackers, seafood flavor."

"Potato chips should be paired with carbonated drinks. I have Happy Fat House Water and a disposable cup here. Would you like to pour one for you? Come on, I am 2.5L. You can drink it. You are welcome!"

"Plus my juice, come and let's toast!"

So there was a snack party in the car quickly, and everyone ate and drank like above.

There was another classmate who pinched his nose in the car and complained: "Which one of you has a leek bun in your school bag, eat it! It's so stinking!"

"There are also those with durians. Don't eat them in the car at that time, okay? Can you stun a car."

"What's wrong with durian? Durian is so delicious! I still don't think your feet smell like a chemical weapon? Why are you ashamed to take off your shoes as soon as you get in the car." The girl with durian was so scolded that she couldn't help but return. After a few words, a man and a woman scolded each other.

Let the teacher lead the team to come and persuade you to fight.

Because Teacher Wang in Yin Minglu's class was pregnant, he could not lead the team personally. The teacher who led a class of students was a newly hired art teacher from the school. He was very young, only twenty-five and sixty-six, and had a gentle temperament. He couldn't hold back a group of 16 or 17-year-olds.

In addition, in the new era of humanity, art is still not the main subject, and the status of the curriculum determines the teacher's right to speak. Art class is not as good as Chinese class, math class, and physical education class. Students are naturally laughing and joking, and they are not so persuasive.

The teacher's shouting is often buried in the noise, like a small rock falling into the sea, without any movement. In many cases, young teachers can only turn to Fu Jinxiu, the class leader, with a help-seeking gaze. With Fu Jinxiu's order, the classmates would be honest and obedient even if they were reluctant.

Yin Minglu was carrying a schoolbag and was about to get in the car. He didn't know what was going on. His eyelids were always jumping, his left eye was jumping, and his right eye was jumping. In addition to this young teacher who couldn't live in town, he always felt that it would happen. What a bad thing.

However, the young teacher is also very good at one point. He is good at listening to the opinions of the students and has a good temper.

Thinking of this, he raised his head to look at the teacher and said, "Mr. Luo, do we have to go on a trip? Can we stop this activity?" He always felt that accidents would happen, and it would be best to stop the damage in time and not start at all.

The young art teacher, Luo Yuan, has always had a good impression of Yin Minglu, a student who is extremely talented and romantic in art. He likes this painting very well and usually respects his children.

He felt that the other party's question was a bit strange, but those jet-black eyes were very focused, like two black pearls in a museum, containing a light that could not be perfunctory.

So although he was helpless, he still answered earnestly: "Student Yin, you see everyone is so excited, how can our tourism activities be stopped?"

The three-day monthly exam has just ended. When it comes to travel, the students are very happy and crazy. If it is terminated at this time, they will definitely shake the sky. The school simply can't bear any verbal abuse and complaint. Not to mention, the sponsors also spent a lot of money in this event. If the event is terminated, wouldn't the money be in vain? How can businessmen who are chasing profits allow such backlash and contract violations to happen in schools?

He didn't say what he didn't say, but stuffed the juvenile's hand with a bottle of walnut milk from the car, hoping that the juvenile would understand. And holding the milk provided by the sponsor in his hand, the teenager really understood it in seconds. For the school to suspend the activity hastily, the school is fortunate, and the students must be dissatisfied, but the father of the funder is the most unhappy.

Thinking of this, he was in a trance for a few seconds, unconsciously unscrewed the milk bottle, and took a sip. The sweet milk scent eased his tight nerves a little, but the sweetness also told him that even if this milk can replenish the brain and replenish energy, it should not be drunk, because sweetness cannot quench thirst.

If you can't quench your thirst, people will subconsciously drink more, speeding up the consumption of drinks and food.

Listening to the rustling sound of his classmates eating food again gave him a vigilance. He approached Luo Yuan’s ear and said a few words in a low voice, hoping that the teacher would let his classmates eat less while driving. Things, don’t open your belly and eat and drink. Don't worry about him, just in case.

Luo Yuan was embarrassed because he knew himself and had the name of a teacher, but he lacked the power and deterrence of a teacher, and the other teacher was a good-tempered middle-aged man, only four or five. At the age of ten, he was able to live in an old-age life, and his temper was not rushed or slow. Both of them are good-looking people, and they have no deterrent power. Students will not listen.

"I know if you say this directly, you must be an unknown teacher, but if you are like this...that...for sure..." the teenager continued to mutter, Luo Yuan listened carefully, and soon he suddenly realized that he laughed: "Minglu Classmate, you are so smart."

It accurately grasped the weakness of human nature.

So he stood up, as if inadvertently reminded: "Everyone, drink less, we are on the suburban road, we are still two hours away from the next supply station, if you eat too much, diarrhea, or drink too much I want to go to the toilet, but there is no place for you to relieve it."

"We have to hurry. We can't wait for you to go to the toilet by yourself, and there are a lot of wild animals in the wilderness. In case you attack you while you take off your pants and scratch your ass, then..." Of course, he said in a casual tone according to the lines confessed by Yin Minglu, but the students were shocked.

"Hey!!! Teacher please don't say so!!!" The girls had thin skins, and immediately hurriedly **** their snack pockets and tightened the bottle caps, so they didn't dare to eat or drink anymore.

Speaking of going to the toilet, the boy was okay, with a thick skin, parking on the side of the road and taking a pee to solve it. But the girls are very reserved. They can't do it in the outskirts to go to the toilet, and because of their own personal affairs, they delay the trip so that everyone in the car knows that they are going to the toilet. How embarrassing and embarrassing. Not to mention that the teacher mentioned that there are animals.

In fact, the boys are also afraid of embarrassment and counseling animals. They think that the teacher is talking about wild boars, monkeys, tigers and other beasts, so they are naturally a little afraid.

Thinking about it, the cookies and potato chips in my hand suddenly no longer fragrant.

Forget it, they'd better eat at the picnic base.

As a result, only the first or two buses where Yin Minglu was from the few buses that the party departed received the greatest food preservation.

But since they can’t eat, drink, and there is still a long trip to the picnic location, what can they do? Naturally, they are sleeping, playing with mobile phones.

"Damn it, what a mountainous area? It's too biased. How many years have there been no network coverage?" Looking at the sign of no signal, the classmate who played with the mobile phone complained. Let the game pass the time.

"I can't turn on the black, it's boring, go to sleep!"

"I still want to make a phone call to my parents to keep them safe. As a result, the text messages can't be sent at all, and the phone can't be connected. Then I should call again when I get to the place." Another student who chose to sleep with his eyes closed.

"Where is this? Why is it so humid? There is a lot of fog outside the window." A girl grabbed her companion's hand and pointed to the road outside the window. The foggy weather and the humid forest that covered the sky made the sky look dim. Visibility is also much lower.

I don't know if she has watched too many horror movies, which have psychological effects. I always feel that some monsters will come out of this cold fog, which makes her feel a little hairy.

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just this section of the road." The companion comforted her, "Before I set off, I looked at the weather forecast and said that it would rain lightly from 2 to 4 in the afternoon, so it's normal for it to be wet and foggy."

"You have a good night's sleep. If you wake up, it might be sunny." If you are lucky, maybe you can still see a rainbow in the valley.

"Yeah!" The comfort of her companion slightly soothed the girl's fearful heart. The more she looked at the fog outside, the more she felt that she was scaring herself. In addition, dozing off was contagious. When half of the car was asleep, she Naturally, I also want to squint on the pillow provided by the sponsor.

"It's foggy?" The fog was still thick, and Yin Minglu frowned as he looked at the tiny water marks across the window, and muttered to himself subconsciously. The unpleasant feeling in his heart became heavier and heavier, looking at everyone's sleeping faces. Look at the driver in front of you who is driving hard.

He couldn't help but leaned over and said, "Master, the fog is so big, can you find the way?"

When questioned by a little boy, the driver's face appeared unhappy, "What are you talking about, young man, I have been driving for more than ten years. This fog will reduce the visibility at most and will not affect my driving. Besides, Now the car is equipped with navigation, if I follow the navigation, can I get lost? Don’t worry, I will definitely be able to send all of your classmates in the car to the destination safe and sound! 80% of you have not passed the driving school test and you don’t know the car. Bar?"

So, stop interfering with my driving!

The middle-aged driver’s chasing order was extraordinarily polite. The loud voice almost woke up half of the classmates in the car. They woke up from their sleep, looking coldly at the two who seemed to be arguing.

The classmates in class 1 are okay, but they don't have the brain to protect their classmates. The second classmates didn't know Yin Minglu, so they sneered.

"Some people don't know how to drive, so they want to interfere with other drivers' driving. It's really funny."

"Quiet, don't make any noise? It's noisy! The driver can drive by himself, where do I need others to give directions?" They just wanted to drive to the place quickly. It was early autumn, but the car was cold to death.

In the end, even the classmates of the first class were not embarrassed, and urged Yin Minglu to come back in a small voice, so stop messing around.

Only Yin Minglu noticed the driver's dilated pupils, cold sweat on his forehead, and too tight mental state. He was only worried that the driver was disturbed by the fog and driving the wrong way. Now he has to worry about the driver's physical problems.

But everyone was a little disgusted with his intervention. Yin Minglu frowned. He didn't say anything. He returned to his seat and took out the employee handbook and list placed on the bus by the travel company. He wanted to investigate whether the driver had any. What invisible physical or mental illness.

As the mobile phone time passed bit by bit, the destination was never reached, and several classmates who had regained consciousness were already whispering.

"What's the matter, has the supply station been through? The driver didn't remind us, I really want to go to the toilet." He held back for a long time.

"Is the driver in a hurry? Didn't stop the car in the middle. I don't know if there is a time when people want to release their physical needs?" Some people murmured, but they remembered the driver with a fierce face and a stubborn tone. Yin Minglu, who was scolded ugly before, complained and complained, but he dared not ask the driver.

"I knew I didn't drink so much water, and it suffocated me to death."

"Let's all ask, we all want to go to the toilet." A girl whispered, hoping that everyone would go together, so that even if the driver scolded, if he saw so many people, he would definitely not be able to scold him.

"Okay, everyone go together."

Just when a few people were going to ask questions, suddenly the bus shook, and the people screamed and were dumped elsewhere. As he staggered, Yin Minglu's familiar alarm bells rang out loudly. He saw the driver in the front seat drooping his head as if tired. Although his hands were still clasping the steering wheel, he had not paid attention to the direction.

Everyone saw it too, and started screaming, "Master! Master! Driving, Master! A curve ahead!" There is a steep **** down the mountain! Under the steep **** is a raging river! However, the person who was called seemed to be lethargic and had no response at all.

Yin Minglu rushed over, turned the steering wheel, kicked off the driver's unconscious foot by the way, and slammed on the brakes.

Fortunately, there was no danger, but the front of the bus was rubbing against the mountain, and it hit a rock and couldn't drive anymore. Seeing that they passed by the landslide of the curve, they didn't fall off the cliff or fall into the river, everyone cried in fright, their feet were so soft that they supported each other.

When the school received feedback from the travel company that the students did not arrive on time, it was already half a day later, and the people in the city knew that the school bus was missing! They disappeared in the misty roads and mountains, the most prone to fogging triangle area recognized in the country.

Even if government and military helicopters patrol the sky over the city and missing locations along the travel route, they cannot find the four or five missing buses. It's like there is something mysterious preventing them from finding people. How is this possible?

"They are trapped in a magnetic field! The information is hidden by the magnetic field!" Someone woke up.

"This, this is the test! We have not escaped, it has come! It has not selected well-trained adults, it has selected a group of unprepared children!" It's over!

At this moment, the gray sky, the floating city that shades the sun above the city, suddenly flickered like a virtual shadow, attracting everyone's attention.

They put out a huge virtual image, on which there is a person's head and one person's head are released, more and more, there are hundreds of people, densely crowded with the eyes of the citizens.

At first, everyone was at a loss. They climbed up the high-rise buildings built in the city, and wanted to get into the distance to see the image above clearly, wondering what this is? But as more and more immature and young faces appeared, they knew that the head of the person above was a list of missing students!

Everyone can't ignore wherever the floating city with virtual images goes. Some of the photos in the list above are in color, but some are already dark. What does this mean?

Soon, words appeared on the virtual image, "This is a cruel selection. It will last for half a month and will be broadcast live throughout the whole process. The game process is completely open and black box operations are eliminated. The person who stands out will be eligible to visit the floating city in the new year. Our king welcomes the arrival of the winners."

Everyone is suffocating. Does this mean that unarmed and frightened students are trapped in one place, so that they can kill each other in the face of survival? And the winner stepped on the **** corpse of his companion to gain honor, status and fame, right? It's like the script 25 years ago!

Will history repeat itself again?

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