
A huge purple light bullet flew out from behind the sand.

Even though the monster-type mechanical lifeform took evasive action at the first moment, it was too late because they were too close to each other.


At the moment of impact, half of the body of the monster-type mechanical lifeform was blown off, revealing the wire-like structure inside.

Then it rolled down the sand dune and landed not far from Lin Qiao and the others.

Everything happened in a flash.

In just less than two minutes, this battle with a huge disparity in numbers ended...with the largest number of people being defeated miserably.

NightRogue did not stop after doing all this.

As the bat pattern part on the chest glowed, a pair of metal bat wings suddenly appeared behind him.

The next second, he flew into the sky and flew quickly towards a medium-sized flying object hiding far in the air...with a person on it.

"You, you, you, don't come over here!!!"

Seeing NightRogue flying towards him, the man standing on the mechanical life form panicked.

Although he had the ability to command mechanical life forms, he was no different from an ordinary person.

But his shouting obviously had no effect.

The next second, as NightRogue quickly passed by, the black metal bat wings easily cut the flying mechanical life form into two pieces, causing it to fall to the ground.

Along with it fell some flesh that was also cut vertically.

The blood dripped onto the surface of the sand, forming a shape similar to a mud ball, adding a touch of blood color to the overall yellow desert.

[Remaining number... 3 people...]

With the death of the operator, the surrounding mechanical life forms also fell silent... It was probably only one or two seconds.

Then, the weapons used by this group of aliens to invade the earth restored their true appearance.


The indicator lights of both eyes instantly turned into a hostile blood red, and the surrounding mechanical life forms immediately attacked Lin Qiao and A2.


The self-destructing mechanical life form screamed and ran towards the two people...

Then it was smashed by the small individual thrown by Lin Qiao and turned into a burst of sparks.

"If you want to sneak attack, then sneak attack. If you want to self-destruct, then self-destruct. Why are you shouting so loudly?"

Are you afraid that others can't hear you?

Picking up another mechanical life form as a weapon, Lin Qiao muttered softly while smashing it.

Although they had just experienced a battle and lost a lot of people, and their main target was not them before, the number of mechanical life forms around was still quite large.

At this moment, Lin Qiao's defense came down and blocked the mechanical life form in his hand.

Ding Ding!

Two bullet holes appeared on the small mechanical life form in his hand.

And on the sand dune not far away, NightRogue was aiming at him with a smoke rifle.

At this moment, the two sides looked at each other...At the same time, everyone knew that this battle was inevitable.

The blue light curtain in the distance quickly pressed over-although it stopped again, it was no longer as far away as before.

Throw the mechanical life form in his hand that was about to explode like a bomb.

After a loud bang, a place was cleared in an instant.

NightRogue in the distance did not take advantage of this to launch another sneak attack... After all, just like himself, he was also the target of the mechanical life form.

Even because he was controlled by another traverser before, as the main target of attack, there were more mechanical life forms around him.

"Is that your enemy?" A2 asked coldly, splitting a mechanical life form in two with a sword.

"Ah, I guess so."

Lin Qiao turned his head and glanced at A2.

"It's come to this point, you should leave, right? The next battle is between humans, you'd better not get involved."

It's better to say that it's too much to get to this point now.

Compared with A2, who is as fast as the wind, his movements are much more casual... or he is just relying on his monster-like power.

"Indeed, as a man-made man, I can't interfere in the struggle between humans..."

A2 nodded in approval.

But despite that, she didn't seem to have any intention of leaving.

"Since you know, don't be so stubborn-"

"But defeating mechanical life forms is also the mission of artificial humans."

The sharp one-handed sword was swung continuously, and with the inertia generated by turning around, the giant sword behind him was pulled out, splitting the surrounding mechanical life forms in two.

"Do whatever you want to do. Before that, I will make sure that the mechanical life forms around here will not interfere with you."

Killing mechanical life forms-this is the only thing she can do and want to do at this moment.

Seeing that Lin Qiao was still hesitant, she simply said in a stern voice: "Don't stand there stupidly, don't you want to be resurrected?"


Without saying anything more, just leaving a word "take care", it rushed to the sand dunes like a chariot.

Chapter 12 A battle of skills and strength

Under the scorching sun, the black and red figures collided quickly.


After a brief fight, a sound similar to the collision of metal and iron sounded, and the two sides quickly separated again.

'It hurts! ’

He covered the cut on his chest armor, which was caused by the smoke sword.

Lin Qiao quickly climbed up from the sand and rolled to one side to avoid it.

Bang, bang, bang!

Just the next second after he dodged, the destructive light bullets fired from the muzzle of the smoke rifle made a lot of shallow pits in the sand.

Although a single shot did not cause much damage to him, it was still painful to be hit!

NightRogue was very strong.

Although they were both enhanced by Kamen Rider Build, Lin Qiao had to admit that he was not a little bit worse than the other party.

This strength was not from data crushing or something like that... After all, if we really want to talk about this, he was the one who really had the upper hand.

The most fundamental difference between the two sides was the advantages and disadvantages in combat techniques.

Maybe he was a fan of the fighting club before being brought here by the system, or because he was engaged in related professions.

Compared with Lin Qiao, who changed his career halfway and bullied ordinary mechanical life forms for a few days with his physical advantage, the best record was that Lin Qiao, who was not transformed and loaded, fought with injuries and beat a wild boar half to death.

The opposite NightRogu was completely two streets ahead of him in this regard.

Although he was reluctant to admit it, Lin Qiao was no match for him in close combat.

If there was no gap between the two sides in terms of data, he would have opened his mouth and closed his eyes at this moment.

"That being said, I feel like I can win!"

Lin Qiao's eyes focused, and his main eyes and the three pairs of single eyes on his forehead looked at NightRogu at the same time.

Although the gap in combat experience could not be made up in a short time, with the addition of something like the golden finger, the so-called technology could be completely made up by hard power.

And even if he was beaten badly, it was not a bad chance for him to win.

Apart from the fact that he was strong enough and had a long health bar, there was another reason why Lin Qiao was obviously weaker than the opponent, but he did not fall to the ground directly.

--That was that NightRogu did not use his full strength.

Perhaps he had not recovered from the consumption of the previous battle; perhaps he felt that he could deal with Lin Qiao at this level; or perhaps he had to save energy and physical strength to prevent the remaining opponent.

In short, from the beginning to now, NightRogu has been fighting Lin Qiao with the "labor-saving" method of physical skills + smoke rifle as much as possible.

Of course, he is almost the same in this regard... but now it seems that he can no longer care about saving energy.

A faint red light is emitted from the surface of his hands, but it is completely invisible in the strong sunlight.

He swung his fist to knock the destructive light bullets to the side - he has almost figured out the use of the "destructive energy" in his body.

Let's not talk about the too advanced use method for now, but it is still possible to wrap it on the fist like this and add an enchantment to yourself.

Then -

Acceleration mode!

It turned into a red afterimage and rushed to NightRogu in an instant. With the inertia brought by the sprint, it kicked him in the chest with a flying kick.


With a muffled sound, sparks appeared on the collision of the silver breastplate.

And NightRogu was kicked out directly and rolled down the sand dune.


A curse came from inside, and the pain from the chest made him groan.

Because his action mode is more inclined to speed and flexibility, the armor on his body is relatively light.

In other words, he is thin and can't take a beating.

Facing Lin Qiao who turned on the acceleration mode again, NightRogu didn't stand up from the ground... It would take too much time and he would not have time at all.

The smoke rifle in his hand released a large amount of smoke to cover his body.

"... This thing is useful..."

Lin Qiao, who was planning to chase, looked at NightRogu who appeared in the distance and pointed a gun at him.

Smoke gun, always the god.

If there were not many safe zones left given by the system, this guy would have run away directly.

——We have to find a way to block his action.

Before Lin Qiao could come up with a countermeasure, a pair of huge metal bat wings grew from NightRogu's back.

"Don't even think about it!"

Seeing that the other party wanted to fly into the air, Lin Qiao didn't care about anything else and turned on the acceleration mode again and rushed over.

Once the other party flew up and used the smoke gun to fight a long-range battle, he could only passively take the beating.

For him now, the sky is still a place that cannot be set foot on.

Just when NightRogu was about to ascend to the sky, two spider silks shot out from Lin Qiao's wrists and entangled his ankles.

... That being said, the effect produced was just to make NightRogu fall.

"Damn, the sand is too slippery!"

The loose sand dragged him forward, leaving two drag marks on the barren land.

Holding on to the two spider silks tightly, he would soon be carried into the air by NightRogu.

The opponent only needs to fly to the edge of the safe zone and then throw it away - then he will be dead without the ability to fly!

Then try another way! .

Lin Qiao's eyes were stern. Since leaving him behind was not feasible, he could take the initiative to stick to him.

The strength in his hands loosened, and he gave up the idea of ​​wrestling with NightRogu, and instead took the advantage of the power transmitted by the spider silk to actively approach NightRogu.

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