If no one holds her back, even if the assassination succeeds, the person responsible for the assassination may be caught and expose himself.

Currently, the only one who can complete this task and escape unscathed is Lin Qiao, an alien creature.

It's completely free for others to go up there.

And if something unexpected happens, Lin Qiao can be asked to silence the person responsible for the assassination in time to ensure that the information will not be leaked.

Taking all factors into consideration, it can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

"So President, you would rather spend money to find someone outside than give the money to me, right?"


hiss! This sounds...why is it so strange?

After a while of silence, Qi Wu Xuanzong ignored Lin Qiao and hung up the phone.

"It's really not a joke."

Regarding his impolite behavior, Lin Qiao shrugged and said nothing more.

He just silently picked up another cell phone that was on a call and put it to his ear.

"So, you heard what happened just now, right, Mr. Ziyuan?"


There was a faint sound of gritting teeth and sighing on the other side of the phone, and then there was a sigh that was deliberately lowered.

"...that bastard Qi Wu Zongxuan!"

Murasaki Senichi, the top cadre of the Goshokai Tokyo area, his apparent identity is the butler of the Tendo family, and he is currently abroad with Tendo Kikunomagi.

In a sense, a large part of the reason why Qiwu Xuanzong chose this time to launch an attack was because he and Tendo Kiku no Cheng were both away and would not be able to come back in a short time.

"He actually acted without authorization while I was away. He never thought about what kind of chaos would happen if the Holy Emperor died!"

Qi Wu Xuanzong had wanted to assassinate the Holy Emperor for more than a day or two, and these cadres basically knew what the other party was thinking.

Naturally he was opposed to this.

I just never expected that the other party would actually choose this time to attack!

More importantly, this guy is completely targeting himself!

As the person in charge of the Tokyo region, if the Tokyo region is gone and becomes a vassal of Osaka, is it still necessary for him to exist as the person in charge?

——After all, Wu Xianghui is not monolithic, and the various factions are also very playful.

Lin Qiao said with an attitude that the matter had nothing to do with him: "Hmm, so Mr. Ziyuan, what can you do?"

"Let me think about it first..."

Ziyuan Xianyi began to pace in place a little upset.

Judging from the current situation, even if he personally calls and talks to Qi Wu Xuanzong, it probably won't have much effect.

You will even be attacked by trash talk from the other party.

And other colleagues probably won't help him. After all, as Qi Wu Xuanzong said, if the Holy Emperor dies, there will still be a lot of benefits to the Wuxiang Society.

——He was the only one injured.

The only thing we can hope for now is that Kisara and Rentaro, as bodyguards, are powerful enough to stop the assassin's actions...

That being said, the matter itself is tantamount to gambling, and it’s hard to say whether it will succeed or not.

‘The Qi Wu Xuanzong who killed a thousand swords! ’ I don’t know how many times I cursed the other person in my heart.

Just gradually, a somewhat bold idea came to mind.

After thinking about it, Ziyuan Xianyi felt hard and made a decision:

"You should do this first according to his request, but if you can, try to delay it for a while, and the next thing..."

Since things cannot be done against, one can only find ways to minimize losses or maximize benefits.

——For example, get rid of Tendo Kiku no Cheng who has always been in the way.

In this way, no matter whether the assassination is successful or not, he will have a certain room for maneuver.

If he succeeds, he can directly throw the blame for assassination on the opponent's head.

Then under the guise of "avenging the Holy Emperor", he sat on the throne of the ruler of the Tokyo area... but the risk and price of success were a bit high.

If it fails, that's better. The situation in Tokyo is exactly what he wants. Maybe he can use this to get rid of Tendo Kikunochori.

"I can't do much abroad now. Anyway, I'll leave the matter to you. If you need anything, the Goshokai members in the Tokyo area will fully cooperate with you."

After all, it is not easy to do things under the eyes of that old fox, Tendo Kikunochori.

Even when he contacted Lin Qiao this time, he wasted a lot of effort.

After saying that, Ziyuan Xianyi hurriedly hung up the phone.

Seeing this, the corners of Lin Qiao's mouth also curved.

"Sure enough, whenever mutual interests conflict, relationships between humans will become particularly easy to provoke."

Although it was not as smooth as expected at the beginning, the conditions were finally met.

Finally taking a look at the new toy placed on the experimental table for Miss Geng, Lin Qiao stretched out and got up from the stool:

"Well, now it's time to go meet that owl girl."

Chapter 222 Let’s get along well, Tina~

Night has fallen, rows of street lights illuminate the streets, and nightlife in Tokyo has begun.

And on a remote path, a blond girl wearing loose pajamas and slippers was taking small steps forward.

As it gets darker, Tina, who seemed dazed when she was with Kisara before, is quickly becoming energetic.

The half-lidded eyes have been fully opened, and the dark blue eyes seem to be fully charged.

The comfortable night breeze blew through the hair on the temples, completely different from the little confusion before.

The IP ranking is 98th. The nocturnal cursed child, Tiana Sprunt, has returned to full status.

A loud ringing sound came from her pocket. She glanced at the number displayed on it and chose to answer it.

"Report the situation." An emotionless voice sounded.

"Yes, I have successfully sneaked into the Tokyo area. Everything is normal and the props are being recovered."

He reported his situation word for word in the most concise language, showing signs of professional training.

"Tina Sprunt, confirm again, what is your mission, and tell me again."

"Get rid of the representative figure in the Tokyo area, the Holy Emperor." Tina replied in a tone without any emotion.

"Please rest assured that I have collected information about the target person's residence - the Holy Residence. The best sniping location and retreat route have also been confirmed."

During the day, she seemed to be wandering around in a daze, but her actual purpose was to use her listless state at that time to make people around her relax their vigilance and take the opportunity to collect intelligence.

It's hard to imagine what kind of experience it would take for a child of about ten years old to be extremely proficient in these methods.

"very good."

The person on the other end of the phone was obviously very satisfied with her report, and his tone changed slightly.

"In that case, let me tell you some good news. This time our employer has sent a special person to assist you in your mission."

"Special personnel?"

"He will assist you in your retreat after you complete the assassination - I will send you the details later."

"Yes, Master."

Although she was a little curious as to why a special person suddenly appeared, she still did not question the decision made by the other person.

"Remember, Tina Sprunt will do whatever it takes to complete your mission, don't let me down."

After hanging up the phone, Tina, who put the phone back in her pocket, breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly walked to a somewhat remote apartment.

This is a hiding spot arranged for her in advance.

He took off his slightly dirty pajamas and walked into the bathroom.

The warm water sprayed from the shower head wetted the girl's body, making it warm and comfortable.

I just didn’t spend too much time enjoying it.

After a simple rinse, all the dust on her body was washed away, and Tina walked out with a lot of moisture on her body.


It was only the next second that she realized something was wrong.

——A cartoon called "Tenchu ​​Shoujo" is playing on the hotel's TV...

Someone is coming in!

It was completely muscle memory and instinctive reaction. Without any hesitation, she suddenly exerted force, overturned the coat rack closest to her hand, and then left the place as fast as possible.

Like a flash of lightning, he ran to the closet, took out a pistol from inside, and pointed it at the figure who was watching the TV with gusto.

——A strange man covered in dark red heavy armor, with blue spider tattoos on his chest and face.

There was no tension even when a gun was pointed at him.

"Don't make such big moves. The old things in this apartment can't withstand your tossing, and once you shoot, you will be completely exposed."

He caught the coat rack thrown by Tina with one hand, put it aside smoothly, and persuaded her kindly.

Not swayed by the other party's words, Tina looked up and down, seeming to be considering where to start.

The head and body are covered with heavy armor, which may be difficult to penetrate with an ordinary pistol, and only the limbs may be left.

"Who are you?"

"Just a guy passing by... Well, just call me Blood Riot." He stroked the horn-like chimney on his head with the back of his index finger.

"But at the same time, he is also a... partner to assist you in completing this mission? Well, he is a partner."

Lin Qiao nodded as if she was firm on this idea.

"Don't move."

Hearing what he said, Tina walked to the table with hesitation and picked up the phone, and there was a newly received email on it.

There was only one photo and a very brief introduction - in general, the armored weirdo in front of her was indeed her teammate in this assassination mission.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Blood Riot."

The misunderstanding was resolved, Tina's tense nerves relaxed, and the weapon in her hand was put down.

The other party was able to wear heavy armor and sneak into her residence silently, which had proven his ability.

Maybe he is indeed a reliable teammate, but before that...

"Mr. Blood Riot, if possible, could you please leave for now?"

She covered her body with the towel she brought when she came out. Because of her young age and the fact that she had just taken a shower, the girl's exposed skin revealed a certain pink luster.

"Why?" Lin Qiao tilted her head and asked knowingly.

"Is it possible that in your eyes, I am the kind of pervert who is interested in little girls who are not yet fully developed?"

"Stop thinking nonsense. Although I am indeed not a good person, I am not so bad that I would take action against a little girl like you."

Lin Qiao, who seemed to be hurt by Tina's suspicious eyes and felt that his character was being doubted, tried his best to defend himself.

But Tina was not fooled by his righteous words.

"So you don't plan to leave?"


Lin Qiao, whose eyes never left Tina, nodded:


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