She deliberately prolonged her voice, playing with the pregnant girl like an experienced old driver... even though she had no actual experience.

"It's not measured like this!"


"That won't work!"

"Yes, yes."

Yoshimura Et also let go of her hand at the right time, letting Hinami escape from her clutches.

But she was still grasping her hand in the void with reluctance.

"Oh my~ It feels really good, and it's still growing... Someone is so lucky~"

"Brother won't do that!"

"What? I don't think I said who it was?"

"That, that is..."

"Or did little Hinami fantasize about something like this? Ah, oh, oh no, that pure Hinami has become a bad kid~"

"Teacher Takatsuki Izumi!" Hinami's face turned red and the water boiled instantly.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I haven't seen Hinami for a long time, so I accidentally went too far. Please forgive me~"

Realizing that if he continued to play, the assistant girl who was going to help him would run away, At decisively put his hands together and began to apologize.

After all, only sustainable development can make the long-term exhaustion of fish.

What is it like to be an assistant to a famous novelist?

Although he occasionally has to deal with the other party's weird personality and harassment, the rest is fine.

Not to mention being able to see the first-hand novel manuscript, and in this process, Hinami has indeed learned a lot.

Of course, as an assistant, in addition to evaluating the impression of the written novel as an outsider, and helping the other party deal with some trivial matters in life, the job is to ensure that a green-haired pigeon will not delay the manuscript.

This is the most important thing.

"I won't delay the manuscript, trust me a little bit."

Pretending to be angry...but for Hinami, who has already gotten used to it, it has no effect.

Lazily lying on the sofa, she yawned, her legs swinging restlessly, and her plump figure, which was far from being petite, was deformed.

"But when I recruited Hinami as my assistant, it caused quite a stir."

At said with a sigh, remembering something.

As one of the few people in the Bronze Tree who did not reveal his identity, and his external identity was still a famous novelist nationwide.

Openly recruiting a ghoul as his assistant, even after experiencing the Battle of Tokyo, which could be regarded as the most important key event to change the relationship between the two races, and Hinami's background and experience were completely innocent, it still caused considerable social opinion.

If that situation was not handled well, I'm afraid that she, a famous novelist, would be ruined directly.

But fortunately, she held on in the end.

Of course, it has nothing to do with the overly ideal reasons of love and understanding.

It's better to say that it's abnormally mean and evil.

It's just purely because there are different degrees of ghouls around the world.

——The story started with Kano Akihiro three years ago.

In order to create the final "dragon", Kano Akihiro has produced many failed products.

Although these failed products have their own shortcomings, a small number of them have the same function, that is, turning humans into ghouls.

That's enough.

It doesn't matter who got these failed products and who spread them.

But this practice of forcing both sides to sit at the negotiation table did remind Et of someone.

In short, as the number of ghouls transformed from humans increases, even though it is still insignificant compared to the total number of humans, the racial and social problems it brings can no longer be solved in a one-size-fits-all manner as at the beginning.

So coexistence has become inevitable.

Of course, Amazon also has such problems, but because the number is too small and limited to Tokyo, it basically did not cause any waves.

And compared to social and racial issues, they should still worry about whether someone wants to develop them as weapons... even if the lysogenic cells of the mother have been sent.

But these are all later stories.

Back to the point, anyway, with her, a super popular novelist, taking the lead, it should at least play a role in promoting harmonious coexistence between the two sides.

"But because of this, I have to step down from the position of leader of the Bronze Tree... Really, it's only been a short time since I came back."

He complained with some dissatisfaction.

But this is also the most reasonable choice.

After all, if it is discovered that the famous novelist Takatsuki Izumi is the leader of the Bronze Tree, then the relationship that the two sides have worked so hard to build will probably have a deep crack.

In this case, it is better to completely break off.

She originally planned to completely abandon this disguise and announce her identity as a half-ghoul... Now, it seems that she can only pretend to be like this.

But the good thing is that after not having to use money to fill the bottomless pit of the Bronze Tree, her savings have increased - at least she doesn't have to think about how to save money.

As for who the current leader of the Bronze Tree is... it's not a big secret.

It should be said that you can also find it on the Internet.

Holding a chocolate bar in its mouth, the green-haired pigeon was lying on the sofa, watching the TV leisurely, still without the intention of typing.

Slightly unusually, Hinami, the assistant, did not urge him, but also sat next to the sofa.

Compared to the somewhat casual At, she looked a little serious.

[…Although ghouls and humans can now live in peace, as far as I know, there are still many ghouls eating people in secret. Regarding this, do you have anything to say, Councillor Kaneki? ]

It can be said to be a very sharp question.

As the host's question fell, the camera switched to Kaneki Ken, who was dressed in a suit.

And he is the current leader of the Bronze Tree.

"Brother Kaneki is really hard, having to fight wits and courage with those old foxes in the political arena... It's really hard for him."

But as a ghoul with a university degree, he is already one of the top few.

Therefore, after the battle three years ago, after many considerations, in order for the two races to live in harmony, relying on the management experience that was exploited by Duoduoliang 007 in the Bronze Tree, he entered the political arena.

But that said, it was not very smooth.

After all, the top talents among ghouls are just cabbages on the roadside among humans.

Even the position of the councillor was given by humans for the sake of appearance.

[…Regarding the fact that ghouls eat people, I personally think that the mistakes of individuals should not be imposed on the group. Moreover, in this world, some people will choose to commit crimes even if they have no worries about food and clothing. The same is true for ghouls…]

Listening to Kaneki Ken’s crisp rebuttal and debate on TV, Hinami and Eto were relieved even though they knew it was a recorded broadcast.

Fortunately, after three years of polishing, the two races have been able to accept each other, and Kaneki Ken has matured a lot.

While being able to do some practical things, at least he will not fall into the pits dug by others so easily.

I handed a handful of dried strawberries to Hinami: "Would you like some? They taste good."

"Thank you... But ghouls can't eat this, right?"

Unlike the perfect half-ghoul, At can eat normal food, as an ordinary ghoul, Hinami can't choose many types of food.

"Don't worry, sister, how could I not know this problem?"

Suddenly, a dried strawberry was stuffed into Hinami's mouth. After hesitating for a while, the latter chewed it tentatively.

Then his eyes lit up and he couldn't help chewing faster.

"Mi Nishiki 0249", a new thing made by the laboratory in Nishio... Although it is still in the experiment, it can make ghouls feel the sweetness of strawberries. How does it feel?"

Although the outside world has mixed opinions about him because of his identity as a ghoul, as one of the people who developed "Mi Nishiki", a ghoul meal substitute, Nishio Nishiki is now a celebrity.

It is expected that if this guy commits suicide by swallowing a gun, he will probably be listed on the wall of fame of his alma mater, Kamii University.

By the way, except for not having children, he and Takami have basically done everything else... including the wedding.

"It feels really good..."

Hina nodded, but then gave an objective evaluation.

"But I haven't eaten strawberries before, so I don't know much."

"That's true..."

In the final analysis, for a group of people who have never eaten strawberries and eating them is equivalent to rotting internal organs, experiencing the deliciousness of strawberries is indeed a false proposition.

However, this level of false propaganda should be within the acceptable range.

"By the way, how are those people in the former stable area now?"

Because he has completely given up his identity as a ghoul, and his relationship with his old father Yoshimura Kousen is still tense, Et is not very clear about the situation on the ghoul side.

"It's okay, the manager and Mr. Furuma are still running the coffee shop, but now they will be responsible for the safety of human customers who come here."

"As for Sister Touka, after two years of tutoring, she was admitted to Kamii University."

I won't mention it because Nishio Nishiki and Nishino Takami have said it before.

As for her and her mother Fueguchi Ryoko, they have lived an ordinary life. The latter runs a specialty store for ghoul meal replacements.

It is worth mentioning that as early as three years ago before the final battle, Lin Qiao secretly found Marutesai and restored all the assets under her name.

Although the latter tried to refuse, under the threat of the leaked video of the sniper, he said that it was not impossible.

After the war, these assets were divided among Touka, Ibe Iri and Fueguchi Ryoko.

This is also why Touka has money to go to college, Ibe Iri can travel by car at will, and she and her mother can live a better life.

In fact, the place where they live now is Lin Qiao's original residence.

"Where is the pink-haired dumpling from the original CCG?"

"Miss Iri? She said she wanted to see what the world is like without being bound by He Xiu. She is now traveling by car, but she will contact her occasionally."

This is also a relatively good result.

As a person who has obtained the Dragon Bottle and transformed into a Burning Slammer, even if Marutesai and a group of special agents have issued a death order to block the news about her as much as possible.

But it is really hard to tell what people are like, so it is better not to stay in one place for too long - it is also a good opportunity to travel.

Anyway, her danger level has reached 3.0, and she can also transform into a Burning Slammer.

Without using powerful weapons, it is still difficult to hurt her.

Watching Kaneki Ken talking eloquently on TV, Aite's memory couldn't help but fly to a somewhat distant time - such as the time when the peaceful zone had just seized power.

But forget it, it’s been so long.

Moreover, the previous leader of the Bronze Tree, "Echidna", has disappeared a long time ago. It would be better not to let her come back, right?

He looked at the pendant that came out of his collar as he moved his body - it was an item similar to Yi Bingru's dragon bottle, but the pattern on it was slightly different.

Phoenix full bottle.

She had used the power of this thing when she broke into the body of "Dragon" and killed Riyo.

‘But it’s just that one time. ’

After that, it was just a thought.

He shook his head and stuffed the full bottle that fell out of his collar back into his plump chest.

"Um, teacher, are you thinking about your brother?"

"No, it's just that when I went outside to collect materials last time, I met that smelly old man again, and then I was yelled at by him for a long time."

His tone couldn't help but feel a little irritated. Of course, he was talking about Fangcun Gongshan as a father.

As for her unique character, she looks at a good daughter who is twenty-seven years old, which is rounded to thirty.

Fangcun Gongshan also used a skill common to many parents - urging marriage.

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