Holding high flags with blood written on them and holding loudspeakers, the marchers walked in the middle of the road and shouted at the top of their lungs.

"The sinner commits seppuku!"

“We will never forgive corrupt people and the government’s inaction!”

"The Tendo family is the culprit! Kill them!"

"Reject the Cursed Son! Drive all gastral creatures out of Tokyo!"

Screams like this came one after another. At first glance, it seemed that there were at least hundreds of people following behind. During this period, some people took the opportunity to point the finger at the Cursed Son.

The police officers maintaining order looked at each other and then shook their heads.

This is not the first demonstration that has occurred these days.

Even in terms of the size of the crowd, today’s parade can be described as “deserted.”

Even though information control was implemented in the early stage, the whitening of the monolith could not be hidden from the public at all - after all, such a big thing was there, and anyone who was not blind could basically see it.

Everyone living in this era knows that once something goes wrong with the giant stone monument, there is only death waiting for them.

Panic is spreading...

At this time, an internal government secret spread like wildfire, leaked out from various channels, and spread to every corner of Tokyo in just two days.

What is recorded above is exactly the relevant information related to Monolith No. 32, including the fact that some of the funds were misappropriated for no reason and the final destination was unknown.

Although all kinds of unclear data are confusing, to put it simply, it means that corners were cut during construction.

Only then did people suddenly realize why Aldebaran had chosen Monolith No. 32. It turned out that it was not a coincidence. The relationship itself had quality problems.

Because its purity is far inferior to that of other megaliths, although it can drive away ordinary intestinal organisms, it is not very useful against Aldebaran, which is why this crisis occurred.

Someone even made a comparison chart of the entry probability of gastrea organisms near Monolith No. 32 and the entry probability near other monoliths.

And the result is naturally obvious.

There is a gap of more than three times. In other words, the number of gastrea organisms crossing the border from Monolith No. 32 into the Tokyo area is more than three times that of other places.

Even though there is no concrete evidence yet, at this juncture, this fact can be considered solid.

Then something changed.

——If it is just a natural disaster, people can only admit that they are unlucky, but man-made disasters are completely different.

The fear caused by the arrival of the primitive gut creatures quickly turned into anger and dissatisfaction, and exploded.

Just like throwing a burning match into the gasoline, the original chaos finally had an outlet.

After understanding that this disaster was entirely caused by man-made people, people became extremely angry and took the lead in holding public demonstrations or demonstrations, demanding severe punishment for the culprits behind it.

The first person to bear the brunt of this was naturally the person in charge of the construction of Monolith No. 32 - Tendo Wako.

In this regard, the Holy Emperor naturally would not refuse, and borrowed the sword of public opinion to strike hard at the Tendo family.

Although some people with interests in the Tendo family used "the situation is urgent now" and "it is not the time for internal fighting" as an excuse to delay it.

He planned to wait for Tendo Kikunoichi, who was still abroad, to come back and stabilize the situation.

It turns big things into trivial matters, and finally ends with "misunderstandings" caused by "rumors"... It's amazing to introduce a few scapegoats.

But it is a pity that the Holy Emperor did not give them this opportunity.

A comprehensive review of Monolith 32 has begun.

Of course, it’s definitely not just the monolith that needs to be investigated.

Dominated and secretly driven by various emotions, the Tendo family was inevitably targeted by angry people.

In this case, the matter of Monolith No. 32 is not very important.

It would even be better if the case could not be closed so as to investigate some of the secret matters of the Tendo family.

Tendo and Hikaru and those involved were just pawns.

Even if they were all discarded, it would not hurt the behemoth of the Tendo family.

Uprooting the Tendo family is the purpose of the Holy Emperor.

With the deepening of the investigation, although a lot of evidence is not enough to directly send the Tendo family to hell, all the posts involved by the Tendo family and their subordinates have been collectively dismissed.

This is one of the reasons why Tokyo is so chaotic.

After all, the Tendo family is the backbone of Tokyo, and these words are not just words.

Up to now, the Tendo family and the forces below it have become an indispensable part of the Tokyo area.

If you want to rectify it, you have to clear it all at once with lightning speed... That's what I say, but if that's the case, the Tokyo area will not be able to survive.

——To put it mildly, it is a giant tumor.

It would be a disaster to keep it, but if it were completely removed, I might have to send it away too.

But now is an exception, or the best time.

Here I would like to express my special thanks to Aldebaran and the army of gastrea creatures led by it, so that the Holy Emperor has the privilege of commanding in wartime.

Coupled with the absence of Tendo Kikunojo, some problems that could not be solved during peacetime can now be dealt with in a drastic way.


"Tokyo has really become chaotic..." Kisara sighed.

"What are you still waiting for? Hurry up!" Yanzhu complained dissatisfiedly from the small truck nearby.

Kisara sighed and said feebly and casually: "Yes, yes, it's coming."

He walked quickly to the driver's seat of the pickup truck and put on his seat belt.

The coffee shop behind her has closed its rolling shutters and is closed.

The car engine started, and the familiar yet unfamiliar scenery around him was receding rapidly.

"Are we really going to move to the outer area?" Yanzhu asked quietly.

Just like what she said, they were not just delivering supplies to the children in the outer districts this time.

"It's only for this period of time. Besides, don't you miss your little friend very much?"

"That's true, but if no one is watching the coffee shop, wouldn't there be a thief?"

"Don't worry, I will come back and check on you from time to time."

Looking at the scenery passing by quickly outside the window, the usual harmony and tranquility are gone forever, and the city has fallen into chaos.

The ground in front of the supermarket was littered with discarded garbage and broken glass shards. It was obvious that there had been a zero-dollar shopping spree not long ago.

"Brother Qiao will definitely be shocked when he comes back..."

Yanzhu's whisper made Miss Geng, who was driving, twitch the corner of her mouth.

'The fact that things have developed to this point has something to do with that guy, and I heard that the recent trends in Osaka are also a bit strange...'

I said this in my heart, but it would be better not to tell Yanzhu and Cui.

Although this chaos is mainly aimed at the Tendo family, and due to the existence of the supermodel Kisara, everything is under control, so the Holy Emperor has not introduced a policy to allow the cursed son to enter the shelter, which makes it difficult to a certain extent. Let those children avoid being in the spotlight.

But the current situation is really not very safe for them.

Those who are carried away by anger but dare not face the primitive gut creatures will not be surprised no matter how heinous actions they take.

...In fact, some people have already put it into practice.

When Matsuzaki called her that day and told him that several corpses had appeared in the outer area, she was really frightened.

But fortunately it was not those poor children who were in trouble.

Taking a long detour to avoid the crowd of marchers, Kisara recalled in his mind what he saw at the scene that day.

The dead were several adults. Among the items they carried with them, Kisara also found bombs mixed with Shao fragments.

Although the police did not find out who killed them, the purpose of sneaking into the outer area with such a thing, where those children lived, is naturally self-evident.

This is why Kisara and the others moved to the outer area during this period, to prevent anyone from attacking those children.

As for the option of bringing all the kids to the coffee shop...

Not to mention whether there is such a large space inside that can accommodate dozens of children.

If they were all concentrated in urban areas, wouldn't they be more likely to be targeted by those with evil intentions?

Because they were not very skilled at driving, it took them a little longer than expected to get to the outer area.

Amid the warm welcome of the children, the supplies on the truck were unloaded one by one.

After asking Yanzhu and Busicui to teach the children how to use the most basic code words, Kisara came to the scene where Matsuzaki said the body was found.

"Who killed those people?"

A question that has been lingering in my heart for the past two days has arisen again.

There were only a few pools of blood left on the ground, and the body had long been taken away by the police.

First of all, it can be ruled out that it is an archenteron. After all, the cause of death is gunshot wounds, and the archenteron cannot use guns.

But the strange thing is that during the subsequent search, the police did not find the warheads that killed those scum.

"And why do you always feel that the wound looks familiar?"

The inexplicable sense of déjà vu made Ki Geng mutter in his mind.

It's a pity that I didn't have time to take photos at the time, so now I can only make inferences based on my impressions at the time.

But before she could figure out the reason, her phone suddenly rang.

A very familiar voice.

But instead of ringing with incoming phone calls and text messages, it's the sound of the slammer's detection radar.

But why is it ringing at this time?

The Gosho Club in the Tokyo area has been wiped out, and Takuya has gone to Osaka. Theoretically, there will be no more Slammers.

Out of curiosity, Kisara opened his phone, but then his pupils suddenly shrank.

"What the hell, this amount...?"

Although the radar cannot detect the specific number of attackers, it can only give a general location.

But in the small map displayed on the phone, several locations close to each other have turned red——

This means that there are definitely a lot of attackers this time!

Chapter 256 Er Wu Zai’s Determination

"Holy Emperor...that damn woman!"

Does she know that her ability to survive until now is all due to the Tendo family's support of the Tokyo area? ?

Smashing his fists on the coffee table in front of him, the culprit responsible for triggering the Third Battle of Kanto, Tendou and Mitsuru roared angrily.

Although some means have been used to temporarily avoid prison, it is hard to say how long he will be able to avoid prison.

——The current situation is not friendly to him or the Tendo family, or it can be said to be very dangerous.

The only good news may be that the things in the Tendo family's safe depository were destroyed in advance, otherwise the contents recorded in it would be enough to send them directly to hell.

"And so many days have passed, why hasn't the giant stone tablet fallen yet!?"

Tendo and Guang were so angry when they thought of this that they wanted to bite their back teeth to pieces.

It has been a full half month since the appearance of Aldebaran.

And the No. 32 giant stone tablet, which should have collapsed early... is still standing there at this time.

Except that the middle part has completely turned white and spreads irregularly to the surroundings, there is no sign of collapse or damage.

And he, who originally hoped that the No. 32 giant stone tablet would not be in trouble, has now become the one who hopes that the No. 32 giant stone tablet will collapse as soon as possible.

After all, once the giant stone tablet collapses, not only can the evidence be completely destroyed, but the third Kanto battle will also break out immediately.

At that time, the Holy Emperor and the untouchables under him will not have time to pay attention to the affairs of the Tendo family, and he can also retreat calmly.

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