"Limit Mode!"

Kigara realized that the opportunity was not to be missed, and turned around to insert the samurai bottle into the knife full bottle cutting sword.

The originally black blade was attached with a layer of special effects, and the purple blade body showed that the attack power was not much higher than before, and even the attack range was increased a little.

At the last second before the time deceleration ball was about to end, Kisara lowered his body center of gravity and rushed towards Lin Qiao, placing the full bottle cutting sword on his waist, with the handle facing down, and the sword tilted up and pointing to the sky.

Like a nimble cheetah, he launched a surprise attack in an instant, and the sharp blade flashed in the air.

"Final Slash!"

Tendo-style sword drawing technique——!


The speed of drawing the sword far exceeded the speed of sound.

There were no other fancy moves, just pure speed, so fast that it could not be faster.

Even though the purple light on the blade made it much easier to capture, it was almost an invisible slash for ordinary people.

In fact, even if Tendou and Guang, the knight-transformer, were to deal with it, they would probably not be able to react, and at most they would see a very fast purple light flashing before their eyes.

Combined with the super energy slash emitted by the weapon.

It can be said that the lethality of the full-bottle cutting sword was fully utilized at this moment - if she was not worried about damaging the monolith, she would have used this trick to cut Tendou and Guang long ago.

However -

At the moment when this fatal blow that she had placed great hope on was about to hit, Lin Qiao, who was in the time deceleration ball, raised her hand very naturally.

Zila la la la la la -!

A slightly harsh metal friction sound came from the golden gauntlet.

In the shocked eyes of Mu Geng, Lin Qiao only used one hand to catch the fatal blow she released with all her strength.

And the price... was just to step back three or four steps.

A chill rose from her spine to her brain. The gap in strength that was completely beyond her expectations made her want to shout "impossible" to escape.

You can't win!

He was very clear about this fact in his heart. This had nothing to do with will and skills. It was simply because the power gap between the two sides was too big.

No matter how proficient a rabbit is in fighting, it is impossible to knock down a lion.

Even though he knew this fact, Mu Geng still stood in front of Lin Qiao... not just because of the enemy Tendou and Guang, but because she was the only one who could fight Lin Qiao.

"Didn't you run away? Very good will, but also very... naive."

He changed stupidity to a nice word. At least in this regard, he didn't want to hit Mu Geng too hard.

Although rationally speaking, it would be better to retreat in time and come back next time... but exposing your back to the enemy is even more stupid.

"But as a previous offense, please leave for the time being, Kamen Rider Siesta."

Shaking his hand, Lin Qiao turned the joystick on the driver.

"Ready go!"

A dark red flame appeared in his right fist. Although it didn't emit any temperature, it made Mu Geng sweat coldly.

It would definitely be terrible to be hit by that!

Although she reacted at the fastest speed, before the black blade touched the enemy in front of her, Lin Qiao had already rushed in front of her with acceleration.

"Killbus Spider Finish!"

The right fist burning with flames had already been swung out and hit the full bottle on her waist.


At the moment the two came into contact, a violent explosion occurred, and the originally peaceful flames instantly erupted, and violent energy rushed out.

In the strong light that could almost irritate people's eyes to temporary blindness, Mu Geng lost consciousness and flew high into the air... But whether intentionally or unintentionally, the direction in which she was blown away was exactly the direction of Tokyo.

Finally, after drawing an arc, she fell unconscious into the river not far from the shore.

Chapter 267 The End of the Tendo Family

Inside the Osaka Presidential Palace

Since arriving in Osaka and being transformed into a Kamen Rider by Lin Qiao, Tendo and Guang have easily obtained many honors that they had never thought of in the past.

Not to mention that he got the rank of major general in one fell swoop, he also got titles such as "Empire God of War" and "Dark Destroyer" that are full of middle school second-year sense.

It can only be said that he is also a dog, but it is his honor to be Lin Qiao's dog.

During this period, he and the people of the Tiantong clan also helped Lin Qiao and the Four Capitals Alliance to clean up a large number of "rebels" - the remnants of the Wuxiang Society in order to show their value.

Although the means are not so fair... or it is more appropriate to say that it is a frame-up.

Therefore, he and the Tiantong clan are basically in a state of fear in the entire Four Capitals Alliance, and dogs will be slapped if they see them without asking for good luck.


It is such a famous and fearful big man who has an unlimited future in the eyes of the outside world. At this moment, he is kneeling on the ground with his five bodies prostrated on the ground in a posture of sitting down.

The room is terribly silent, and a depressing atmosphere permeates it.

Lin Qiao sits at the desk and stares at him expressionlessly.

Leaning back on the office chair, he supported his head with one hand, and the fingers of the other hand tapped the desk slowly and rhythmically.

Da... Da... Da...

The tapping sound of his fingers and the tabletop fell on Tendou Waguang's heart like a drumbeat...but he didn't even dare to let out a breath.

After maintaining this state for a while, Lin Qiao took the lead in breaking the silence.

"Honestly, I'm disappointed in you, Wako."

Although from the final result, the purpose of raising Kitara's danger level was achieved, it had nothing to do with Tendo and Hikari.

"I'm very sorry, I'm really sorry!"

Hearing his calm voice, Tendou and Hikari became frightened. In fact, if the other party looked furious, he could still feel at ease.

After all, he knew that Lin Qiao actually had no emotions, and her usual so-called joy, anger, sorrow, and joy were all disguised...

But now that the other party is no longer pretending, it represents an extremely scary signal.

"I'm extremely sorry. I underestimated my enemy this time. I..."

"So? What does that have to do with me?" He calmly looked at Tendo and Hikari who were kneeling on the ground.

"Failure is failure. No matter how much you argue, you can't change the fact that you lost to Ki Geng. "

"And the reason for your failure is not the so-called underestimation of the enemy, but your own incompetence."


Tendo and Hikaru, who were kneeling on the ground, swallowed their saliva and swallowed back all the excuses they had thought up before.


The person in front of her was obviously not the kind of enlightened superior who would listen to her explanation and then say "work harder next time".

The experience he gained in the officialdom was completely useless here in Osaka.

——In the final analysis, there are still various forces in Tokyo that can check and balance. He also relies on the big tree of the Tendo family. Even if he really makes a mistake, others must handle him gently.

But this is where Lin Qiao speaks.

From the beginning, there was no room for opposition. Everyone's life and death depended solely on the preferences of the other party... Unfortunately, his mistake made the other party unhappy.

"Is there anything else you would like to say finally?"


At this moment, Tendo and Hikaru seemed to see a blood-red word "death" shining on their foreheads, and they kowtowed and smashed it on the ground:

"Please, please give me another chance! I can continue to serve you!"

"As you are now, what can you do to help me?"

"I...I can..."

The heavy pressure made him feel breathless.

The bold words he had previously made on Kisara's behalf had been completely shattered by his defeat... But despite this, he still didn't want to die here.

"Power! As long as you can give me stronger power, I guarantee that I will defeat Kisara next time!" He shouted as if he was grasping a life-saving straw.

But the look on Lin Qiao's face became colder and colder: "Why should I listen to you? You are teaching me how to do things."

"I just...."

"You are really shameless for a mere defeated general to dare to make such a request."

"not like this....."

"Shut up, there's nothing wrong. My decision is absolute. Whatever I say is correct must be correct. You don't have any right to express your opinion, or are you questioning my decision?"


Following the words of a certain ghost king, Lin Qiao squinted her eyes and looked at Tendou Waguang who was breaking out in a cold sweat.

The cold pupils that emitted blue light and contained no trace of emotion made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

——Unable to refute

In front of him is an alien tyrant, and no matter what he says, the other party will not listen.

——Can't resist even more.

Not to mention the drive and full bottle for transformation are not around.

He had already personally understood how strong the opponent was... during the time when he had just completed the transformation and became familiar with the armor.

The gap between the two sides has become so big that they can no longer see their backs.

Are you really going to die here today?

don't want! Don’t do that kind of thing! An elite like him shouldn't die here!

The fear inside is amplified little by little.

But just when Tiantong and Guang were despairing and thought they were destined to die today, Lin Qiao's tone changed.

"However, since you said you are still useful, I'll give you one last chance."

"Yes! Thank you for your great kindness!"

"Don't worry yet, come with me."

Seeing the overjoyed expressions of Tentong and Guang, Lin Qiao's smile became even bigger.

Take out the smoke gun and walk up to the other person.

Thick smoke instantly enveloped the two of them. When everything dissipated, Tendou and Hikari got up from the ground and saw their surroundings clearly.

"Real, laboratory?"

Of course, a more accurate description would be the Slugger's production plant.

Different models of Sluggers can be seen standing quietly to the side.

Because Lin Qiao, a commanding tower-like presence, gave orders, they did not lose control.

Soldiers in military uniforms escorted people up one after another and forced them into the transformation container.

——To be honest, this scene is not that unusual for Tendo and Hikaru.

As early as when he was still in the Tokyo area, in the laboratory built by Tendo Kikunochori, he had witnessed many similar scenes.

And when he later eliminated those "rebellious" and their related people, he also personally threw people into the transformation container. It can be said that he has long been used to it.

——It’s just different this time.

Because those who were escorted up were all very familiar to him... or to put it more simply, they were from the Tendo clan.

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