"Then why did you complain about me?" Yi Bingru pouted in dissatisfaction.

"......This can only be said to be a momentary impulsiveness. After all, from my point of view, it was completely an unprovoked disaster at that time." Lin Qiao coughed lightly and began to find excuses for herself.

"Not to mention that my home was demolished for no reason, I was a weak, helpless and pitiful ordinary citizen. When I thought that someone... ah no, a ghoul died in it, I was so scared that I couldn't sleep at night, and even had nightmares for several days in a row."

"So you can understand my pain?"

This is a lie.

In fact, if you really count it, at least half of it is fabricated, such as the point that he couldn't sleep at night-

What a joke, he never sleeps at night, what nightmares!

But Yi Bingru believed it.

"....But, but this is not entirely my fault..." She retorted weakly.

"I know." Lin Qiao said.

"The situation was beyond our control. You are already good enough to do this."

If he hadn't chased me and chopped me later, I wouldn't have been so angry that I would have done such a thing.

Lin Qiao secretly added in his heart that he didn't have any hatred towards Yi Bingru, even if he demolished his house, at most he would have a little resentment... just a little bit.

And this resentment also disappeared with the passage of time, along with the huge sum of money he had just received from the Yamashita Group.

Now that I think about it, it's too much to blame her for this.

After all, the other party was fighting ghouls at the risk of his life, and his behavior was just like those unruly people in the movies who had nothing to do after eating and cursed after being rescued.

In comparison, the ghoul who ran out from some corner was more hateful... plus the CCG who were responsible for compensation afterwards but refused to make excuses!

The all-powerful red bean paste Smithers, the invincible craftsmanship.

You really don't want to compensate me except for the gift, right?

Shaking his head, Lin Qiao threw away the messy thoughts and looked at Yi Bingru with ease.

"In short, people still have to look forward. Besides, we didn't have any deep hatred before, so let the past go. You see, I have forgiven myself."

".... In this case, no matter how you look at it, you should get forgiveness from others, right?"

"It's the same. In terms of the result, everyone has been forgiven. This is a win-win situation. We all have a bright future. Isn't this great?"

"Is that so..."

Looking at the man in front of him, Yi Bingru wanted to accuse him of sophistry, but he didn't know where to start for a moment.

Ignoring the pink-haired girl with a tangled face, Lin Qiao pointed to the shelf next to her.

"By the way, you wanted that pineapple bun before, right? There are still quite a few left here. Although I'm not a clerk, I'll treat it as a special service this time, just as an apology."

"Are all of them for me?"

If it were an anime, Yi Bingru's eyes would definitely be twinkling with stars at this time.

Although she may never be able to eat desserts here again after Mitsui Emi left, the opportunity to eat them all at once now also makes up for this regret to a certain extent.

In her eyes, Lin Qiao's image also changed from an ungrateful, trouble-making, ungrateful and unruly person to a considerate and considerate neighbor brother.


"To be precise, only the clerk's service is free."

"Eh?" She tilted her head cutely, "So?"

"The item itself still has to be charged. Oh, by the way, considering that it is out of print, it shouldn't be too much to increase the price five or six times, right?"


Chapter 11 Thoughts on the Future

Well, charging is actually nonsense.

Although the reason for knowing each other is not very pleasant, it is not a deep hatred after all.

Instead of being stingy and caring about the little money, it is better to give it as a favor, just in time for everyone to make friends.

After all, he is not Mr. Krabs from Bikini Bottom. Money is just enough to spend. More money is really worthless. Even if he can take it out of this world, it is just a waste that is not even as good as toilet paper.

Putting down the mop in his hand, Lin Qiao took a deep breath. After some tidying up, the store is much more spacious than before.

The shelves that occupy a large area are arranged in an orderly manner. Some things that are not used or not used at all are thrown into the utility room by him. At first glance, there will be an illusion that it is much larger than it actually is.

The only problem is that the location is not very good. Compared with the real golden location, his is at most bronze.

"The location of this store seems to be difficult to rent out..."

"Thank you so much for reminding me!"

He glared at Yi Bingru, who smiled and stuck out his tongue, trying to get away with it.

He succeeded in getting away with it.

However, looking at Yi Bingru who was like a hamster, enjoying stuffing food into his mouth, Lin Qiao felt a little uncomfortable.

How should I put it, this woman didn't treat herself as an outsider.

"Mr. Ishimori, is there something wrong with you looking at me?"

Perhaps because his gaze was too direct, Yi Bingru felt a little embarrassed.

Because she was wearing thick clothes, she sat under the air outlet of the air conditioner, and her pink hair fluttered from time to time with the cold wind from the air conditioner.

It was obvious that she did not have a clear understanding of her current situation.

"..... If you want to talk about things, it's okay, but is it really okay for you to do this?"


Yi Bingru wiped the corner of his mouth, then looked at Lin Qiao in confusion.

"CCG should still be working at this time?"

Is it really okay for you to slack off so openly?

"Well, that's true. Everyone in the bureau should still be busy." As if he didn't hear Lin Qiao's subtext, Yi Bingru nodded affirmatively.

"So?" He raised his eyebrows.

"The work of an investigator is really hard. You have to run around every day, and there are endless meetings..."

As if some strange switch was turned on, Yi Bingru complained about the heavy workload, the lack of manpower, and the terrifying seniors in the bureau...

"Hearing what you said, CCG is really not easy."

996 when there is nothing to do, 007 when there is something to do, and getting off work on time is just like the pie in the sky drawn by the unscrupulous company boss.

"That's what I said. Fortunately, I'm on vacation recently. Yesterday, I heard from my seniors in the bureau that they have been working overtime until late at night in recent days, and even dark circles have appeared under their eyes."

Happiness needs comparison. Compared with her colleagues who have to work overtime all night, she is very happy now.

Lin Qiao's mood is inexplicably subtle. Ah, how to say it, fortunately, when she came to this world, she didn't choose the identity of an investigator, otherwise she would have nothing to do and would have been dragged to death by overtime.

Of course, compared to the CCG's blessing situation, he cares more about another word in Yi Bing's mouth.

"Vacation? Logically speaking, CCG should not approve it for you at this time, right?"

There is a shortage of manpower, and it is even more impossible to let people go out to fish during this tense period.

"Eh? Is... is that so?"

"Don't answer a question with a question. And you should answer me for this kind of thing, right?"

"Oh~, it seems to be so..."

It seems that he quite agrees with Lin Qiao's words, and Yi Bing nodded after realizing it.

"But I'm a wounded soldier, so it should be okay if I'm on sick leave, right? No one told me to go back or anything..."

Wounded soldier?

Are there any wounded soldiers as energetic as you?

Lin Qiao paused and looked at her with some surprise.

But just as the girl said, although there was nothing wrong at first glance, if you look closely, you can vaguely see the bandage wrapped under the girl's sleeves. It seems that this guy's previous injuries have not healed completely...

No, since the injury has not healed, how did you escape?

Did the doctor agree to discharge you?

Slowly, an answer that seemed impossible rationally, but became more and more likely emotionally appeared in his mind.

"Although I have expected it in my heart, I still want to ask.... You didn't sneak out of the hospital?"

Lin Qiao asked hesitantly, but then Yi Bingru's reaction was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and he jumped up from the sofa.

"No! Although the doctor disagrees with my discharge and the nurse asked me to rest in bed, I have indeed recovered. Even if I jump from the third floor, there will be no problem."

"....Because the ward is on the third floor?"

"It doesn't matter!"

"Are you a child who is afraid of seeing a doctor? No matter from what angle, you are obviously sneaking out!"

"Mr. Ishimori, if a person knows too much, he will encounter ghouls when walking at night, and then be cut into eight pieces by the passing investigators~"

I Bingru smiled and narrowed his eyes, saying something creepy.

".....Okay, just pretend I didn't say it."

What's that saying? Don't try to reason with a woman?

In short, being this guy's boss will definitely effectively prevent diseases such as low blood pressure.

But on the other hand, given how out of touch this guy is, it's not too surprising to do such a thing...it's better to say it's expected?

Gradually, the pile of food on the table disappeared, and Yi Bingru leaned back on the sofa contentedly.

"But Miss Wounded, since you have eaten and drunk enough, the time for going out should be over. How about going back to the hospital and lying down? I'll state in advance that I don't provide accommodation here."

"Hey~~~~~ How can you do that!?"

"Even if you look at me like that, it's useless, and do you really think that everyone has nothing to do every day like you?"

Having said that, Lin Qiao turned off the air conditioner with a sound of beeping, put his hands on the other's shoulders, turned her in a direction, and pushed her towards the door step by step.

Living in Tokyo, an international metropolis, whether it is voluntary struggle or being swept up by the environment, it is impossible to lie down... Those who have mines at home can't lie down, unless you want your parents to open a small account.

"But you obviously look very idle... Well, speaking of this, I don't know what Mr. Ishimori does specifically."

Yi Bingru muttered in a low voice.

She was pushed forward by Lin Qiao, with her legs straight against the ground, looking like a child who had a quarrel with her parents and didn't want to go to school.

"As for me, I just graduated from college, but I don't have a job yet. As for the future..."

Lin Qiao thought about this question seriously. He had never thought about this because he had always been a day-to-day person.

First of all, it was impossible for him to go to work. It was impossible in this life. With the example of Yi Bingru's miserable colleagues in front of him, no one would choose to be a social animal.

"Well, maybe I could open a coffee shop or a beauty salon... provided that this shop could not be rented out and I was in the mood."

"Eh? Coffee shop? Beauty salon? I never thought that Mr. Ishimori would have such an idea."

The first one was more or less understandable, but the second one was... Are you serious? You, a grown man, want to open a beauty salon?

"Yes, yes, I never thought of it before, so please don't stand in front of the door again."

Lin Qiao pushed Yi Bingru out of the store and pulled down the shutter.


As the shutter fell, a stream of heat hit the tightly wrapped Miss Investigator. The obvious temperature difference between indoors and outdoors instantly made her feel sick.

"It's so hot..."

"Young people should not always think about using air conditioning. Air conditioning is not good for the body. Come and experience more natural wind!"

Lin Qiao, who was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and shorts, patted Yi Bingru, who was wearing a CCG windbreaker uniform.


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