As the training continued, Lin Qiao became more and more proficient in driving the Time Demon Machine.

After the sun goes dark, it rises again...

After returning to his residence and taking a quick shower, a certain future demon king lay down on the sofa like a dead dog.

Although there was no scar on his body, his spirit was as bad as a pineapple.

"...Hey, Qiao, am I very useless..."

He looked at the ceiling above his head, and then at the normal version of coffee without any condiments in front of him.

After being tortured for a day by various methods that no earthling could think of, and being beaten by the three-feathered crow that Lin Qiao mimicked for an afternoon, Zhuang Wu asked feebly.

"Emmm, this... you want me to tell the truth?"

"...Forget it, suddenly I don't really want to know anymore."

And he almost has the answer to this himself.

The ragged refugees in the shelter, and the deserted streets with only the echo of cries, both of them deeply hurt Zhuangwu's heart.

But he felt helpless in this extremely bad situation.

Chapter 420 The Consciousness of Evil

For Tokiwa Shougo, if the enemy is a simple weirdo, then that's not the case.

Even if the opponent is invincible and despairing, he may feel depressed because of this, but he will never fall into confusion.

Because all you have to do is try your best to defeat the opponent.

But what we are facing now is an internal war caused by human greed and bellicosity - the opponent is also human.

I want to do something, but I don’t know what to do...

This is the dilemma he faces.

"So didn't I tell you before? What you lack is not the solution to the problem, but the consciousness to do evil, understand?"

"No...I don't quite understand."

Zhuangwu was a little confused, what exactly was that?

Do you need to be enlightened to do bad things?

"It's necessary. Especially for a good person like you, when you do this kind of thing, you need to be better than what you need to save others."

Walking out of the kitchen, he placed a large bowl of rice topped with braised beef sauce on the coffee table in front of Shougo.

The full aroma of rice directly made the latter’s eyes light up.

It's just that he ate a lot of compressed biscuits before coming back, so he's not very hungry now... but he still squeezed them in.

"But even if you say that, I can't understand it."

There were too many things stuffed in the mouth, making a muffled sound.

Basically, if you know it's wrong, why do you still do bad things?

This is inconsistent with the education Zhuang Wu received.

Lin Qiao smiled slightly: "Of course, I know that I won't be able to convince you just like this... So Zhuangwu, let me ask a question first."

"Do you think a righteous hero can commit evil?"



Zhuangwu's mind was dazed for a moment, his throat squirmed, and he swallowed what was in his mouth.

Although he wanted to deny Lin Qiao's words directly, he hesitated when it came time to speak.

"Of course it's possible."

Before Zhuang Wu could speak, Lin Qiao chuckled and answered.

"Eh? But like that..."

"If good people are not more cruel than bad people, how can we deter them and maintain the so-called justice and order?"

Killing, the act of depriving others of their lives, is undoubtedly wrong.

But it is precisely because of the threat of the death penalty that has existed since ancient times that some villains with evil intentions are afraid and think carefully before doing anything.

"In short, as long as we carry the banner of love and peace, no matter how dirty the means are, it is just a necessary process leading to he - the premise is that we can win."

"Is this so...?"

"That's right, if you think about the problem beyond the lower limit, there are always more solutions than difficulties."

Listening to Lin Qiao's gushing words, Zhuang Wu nodded blankly.

To be honest, this was the first time he had heard of this statement.

Or to be more correct, this is already challenging the three views of the good boy he used to be.


"I still don't quite understand what to do..."

After scratching his head, Lin Qiao's words made him feel as if he understood something, but he also felt more confused because of this.

And the latter was not dissatisfied.

"As expected, if you directly say that you understand, I will be a little worried that you will go astray."

"Anyway, let's change to a somewhat classic question - what would you do if a wolf wanted to eat a sheep?"

Wolf? sheep?

Zhuang Wu thought for a moment and looked at Lin Qiao with some confusion: "Is this some kind of metaphor?"

"It may or may not be the case, but it's not too important. Just treat it as an ordinary natural problem."

"A natural question..."

But the more Lin Qiao said this, the more Zhuang Wu became suspicious...

"So the wolf refers to the northern capital and the sheep refers to the eastern capital?"

"You can say that, but you can also say it the other way around."

"...It happens that you are really annoying like this."

Seeing Lin Qiao drinking coffee there, Zhuang Wu was speechless, and at the same time he was deeply disgusted by this kind of Riddler behavior.

Seeing his appearance, Lin Qiao shook her head helplessly.

"Okay, okay, if you don't like it, then I'll just say it."

In view of the torture (crossed out) of special training for a day, it is better not to increase the workload of his brain.

"Zhuangwu, it doesn't matter whether you choose to help the wolf, help the sheep, or stand by and do nothing. The point of this question is not who you choose to help, or who you choose to harm."

"If you choose to help the sheep, the wolf will starve to death because it cannot catch food; if you choose to help the wolf or stand by, the sheep will be eaten."

Helping one party is equivalent to harming or even killing the other party...

Although this conclusion sounds a bit like heresy, it is the most true when you think about it carefully.

It's just that Dongdu and Beidu are not really wolves and sheep after all... In other words, the relationship between the two parties is completely interchangeable.

Once Beidu's invasion of Dongdu fails, and Dongdu's losses are not that great, then the next step will naturally be Dongdu's retaliation against Beidu.

——If the honest man was still the prime minister at that time, and there was no basilisk to cause trouble.

Zhantu didn't want to listen to Himuro Gentoku and go to defend the Eastern Capital, and this was partly for this reason.

As a hero who protects people, if this matter follows the normal course of war, no matter what he does, a large number of innocent people will be injured in the end, and the knight system will completely become a weapon of war.

In this case, it is better not to take action at all...

But it is a pity that such an idea naturally failed due to the secret actions of a certain basilisk.

"But Zhuangwu, you are different. As an outsider in this world, from a purely rational point of view, your existence is just like a bystander in the problem. You have no conflict of interest with any party, so you are in a completely neutral position by nature."

Therefore, no matter which party he helps, it is wrong.

As Kureha said, this is not a place suitable for a righteous hero, but a war between countries and people.

It won’t work if we have the ridiculously naive idea of ​​“protecting everyone”.

The consciousness of killing and being killed.

This is what those who step onto the battlefield should do.

"Then if it was a coincidence, what would you choose to do?"

"My choice?"

Naturally, the wolf and the sheep are exploited to the maximum extent at the same time. Is this even necessary?

Lin Qiao chuckled and then shook his head.

"Forget it, rather than giving you something like a reference answer and limiting your thoughts, I hope you can make a judgment based on your own thoughts."

"That's true..."

After all, no matter how correct other people's opinions are, they are still theirs...not to mention that this guy in front of me is really too arrogant!

But complaining was a complaint, and Zhuang Wu conscientiously chose to keep his mouth shut.

And what the other party said was indeed correct. He really had no intention of intervening in this war.

Chapter 421 Picking up the dream

"Isn't there some way to get the best of both worlds?"

After having enough wine and food, Zhuang Wu asked casually with some unwillingness to give up.

It's just that he almost knows the answer to this point in his mind. How can there be such a good thing in the world...

"Yes, I have."

"Sure enough, there isn't...Eh, eh? There is actually one?"

His eyes widened for a moment and he turned to look at Lin Qiao.

"The specific method is..."

Seeing Zhuang Wu's anxious look, Lin Qiao smiled and said, "I don't know~"


So Zhuangwu withered again.

To a certain extent, Lin Qiao's words were like asking someone if there are aliens in the world. The other person replied that there must be some if the universe is so big.

And when asked about the specific location, the other party seemed unable to answer.

——Why don’t you just talk about it!

"It's just the consciousness of doing evil..." Stretching and leaning behind the sofa, Zhuang Wu was in a daze for a moment.

It was not that he couldn't understand what Lin Qiao said, or that he felt at a loss just because he understood the meaning.

Compared with doing something that is obviously right, persisting even though you know it is wrong requires more courage.

...The above premise is for people with conscience and normal views.

If there are some scumbags who take pleasure in this, it is beyond the scope of discussion... I am afraid that they themselves enjoy it.

"But what should we do..."

Looking at the news program that was still broadcasting the disaster situation in Dongdu, Zhuangwu scratched his hair a little irritably.

Because Lin Qiao did not reveal to him the next action of a certain basilisk.

Or because another time traveler intervened in advance, even he himself is not sure whether the subsequent development will be the same as before - after all, evolto's evolutionary drive has been taken away.

So whether it was the subsequent knights' war or Xidu's intervention, these were all pieces of information that Zhuangwu didn't know.

——The situation in Beidu and Dongdu alone is enough to cause a headache.

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