Kirishima Touka snorted in dissatisfaction and turned her head to one side. For safety reasons, most of the guests received in the An Ding District are regular customers.

Although there are new customers coming in, those unlucky ones often don't have a second chance to come.

Humans running into the ghoul pile is really a door-to-door delivery.

"If you want to buy milk tea, turn right and walk more than 100 meters. That street is full of milk tea shops. We only sell coffee here, so please don't continue to disturb us doing business."

Kirishima Touka pointed at the door impatiently, signaling Lin Qiao to get out quickly.

After taking off the disguise of a cute waitress, the girl in front of her was like a powder keg that could explode at any time.

"Don't chase me away all of a sudden. We've known each other for a while. Am I so unpopular?"

"It's best if you know yourself."

"Hey, it's too hurtful to say such vicious words with a cute face... Well, being venomous is also a cute thing, but if it goes on like this, even I will feel sad."

After saying that, Lin Qiao frowned, propped his arms on the wooden table, and pretended to be sad.

"How about this, as compensation, let me order two cups of specialty coffee in the store to help you increase your sales, how about that?"

Kirishima Touka said expressionlessly: "No, it's not necessary at all."

It would be a great help if you could leave quickly.

"... So cold, you didn't even hesitate..."

He showed an almost exaggerated sad expression, and leaned back on the seat, but Lin Qiao had no intention of getting up and leaving.

But just when he was about to say something else, a male clerk with a slightly funny big nose came over.

"Hey, hey, as an elder, I have to say a few words to you, Dong Xiang. You must smile at all times when facing customers. You must remember the rules of waiters, Smailu, Smailu~"

Gu Jianyuan preached with the tone of an experienced person, and then demonstrated a perfect smile.

He winked at her calmly, indicating that he should leave it to her.

"To this guy? Smile? What a joke!"

Although she was dissatisfied, she still left complaining.

Don't look at her usual lack of respect for Gu Jianyuan, but that's just because of her personality.

"Welcome to the "An Ding District", and I, Gu Jianyuan, will provide you with the most sincere service next."

Lin Qiao looked like she was finally saved, and then cast her expectant eyes on Gu Jianyuan with a funny big nose.

It's the same CV as me after the transformation.

"Speaking of which, this customer just wanted our specialty coffee, right? "He asked with a standard business smile on his face.

"In that case, I have to recommend you our best seller - Anding District special blended coffee. It has never received any bad reviews since it was sold. It has a moderate bitterness. Even those who are new to coffee will experience a bright feeling. What do you think?"

Like the host of a shopping program promoting his own products, Gu Jianyuan pointed to the introduction with a HOT label on the menu in a slightly exaggerated tone.

After hearing this, Lin Qiao also cooperated very well and put on a look of "I like Lei very much."

"It sounds good, then I'll have one, and then two strawberry mousse cakes."

"Okay, please wait."

The man with a funny big nose was about to leave after signaling Lin Qiao to wait for a while, but was stopped again: "One more thing, can I add a little more to the coffee?"

"Oh, it's natural, we respect the choice of every customer...Excuse me, do you want more sugar?"

"No, normal sugar is fine. "Lin Qiao shook her head to deny it.

"Please add more coriander and green onions."


Chapter 16 What good luck

When it was a little later, the sun gradually set, and most of the customers in the store had left. The people in the cafe finally ended their busy day and could rest.

"Dong Xiang, I heard that you had a quarrel with a customer today, right?" The white-haired old man who was wiping the coffee cup behind the bar asked with narrowed eyes.

"Sorry, manager, I couldn't help it, so..."

The blue-haired girl who was busy putting the tables and chairs back in place turned her head with an apologetic look.

"It's okay, Dong Xiang, I'm not blaming you, I just asked about the details. "

For ghouls, disguise is an extremely important part of living in human society.

But when she thought of Lin Qiao's face, she was furious.

She doesn't look like a bad person, but her words always make people angry.

"That guy is obviously here to cause trouble! Or there is something wrong with his brain!"

In short, one of the brain and the body needs to be fixed!

He put the chair upside down on the table, making a "bang" sound, which made Furuma Madoka, who was holding a mop on the side, couldn't help but look sideways.

"Hey, Touka, no matter how angry you are, you can't vent it on them..."

He reminded the other party helplessly. For him, these old guys who joined the Stable Zone with him at the beginning have a different meaning, and they can't afford to be troubled by young people.

Unfortunately, the other party ignored him as usual.

"But then again, what Touka said is not wrong. Even I have never seen such a... uh, difficult human being before."

Yuujiro Furuma struggled for a while about how to describe it, and finally chose a word that sounded a little less rude.

"Adding coriander and green onions to coffee... To be honest, when I heard this, I thought there was something wrong with my ears."

"Coriander? Green onions?"

Yoshimura Kozen's hands trembled, and his expression was obviously almost choked: "Such a request is really... rare."

"That's right! People who make such a request have problems with their brains!"

Kirishima Touka echoed on the side, but was signaled by the big sister Irimi Xuan on the side to calm down.

"Then what? Is there a problem?"

"This... at least it's not the 'white dove'."

Yuan'er Gu Jian understood and shook her head. Judging from the other party's performance, the situation they were most worried about had not yet occurred. Otherwise, as a scout, Lin Qiao's actions would easily alert the enemy.

"But if there is a problem, it's not without it. I can only say that it feels very strange... First of all, he is undoubtedly not from our side, but the rest, uh, how should I put it...?"

"Well, let me think about it. If I really want to describe it, the smell on that person is a little too light."

After struggling for a long time, Yuan'er Gu Jian frowned and replied.

It's not that there haven't been human customers entering the stable area before.

Although the strong smell of coffee can indeed suppress the hunger of ghouls to a certain extent and make them ignore humans, it is impossible to completely cover it up.

This is the first time such a situation has occurred.

"Where's Touka?"

Putting down the coffee cup in his hand, the white-haired old man turned his head to look at Kirishima Touka, who nodded thoughtfully.

"Indeed, the smell of that person was too light. Now that I think about it, I actually had no appetite when facing him."

At first, she thought it was just because the coffee smell in the store was too strong, and she was angry at the time, which led to subconsciously ignoring the smell of the other person.

But now it seems that this is not entirely the case.

Especially when there are other people in the store who also have this feeling, then such uncertain factors are very worthy of attention, otherwise their stable life may be gone at any time.

"Manager, could it be those guys who have appeared recently?"

Although the information about Amazon is still under blockade, the target of the blockade is only ordinary people. It is basically public information among investigators, and there is also a lot of related information circulating among ghouls.

Although those guys can eat people like ghouls, their temperaments are much more violent than ordinary ghouls, and they never follow the rules. There are even some tricky guys who specialize in preying on ghouls.

With all these factors combined, Touka naturally thought of this.


"I don't agree with Touka on this point."

Furuma Ener waved his hand and expressed his own opinion.

"I have also heard about those new guys, but unlike us, ghouls can still eat coffee as a temporary substitute when they are hungry, while those guys seem to only eat people. No, it's better to say that other foods are simply unacceptable."

"Even if you force something into your mouth that they don't like, they will spit it out the next second. In short, they can be said to be a group of very stubborn guys."

They are simply a group of picky eaters who don't listen to advice.

Even ghouls are ashamed of their extremely picky eating characteristics. It's very difficult to swallow it and pretend, and this is why he disagrees.

At least he could see that Lin Qiao was really enjoying the food, not just pretending to be delicious.

"So that guy is a human?"

"At least that's what it seems to be, but his personality and taste... well, I just don't know how to describe it." Gu Jianyuan spread his hands helplessly and continued.

"As for the taste... I remember that there seems to be a disease called "RC cell deficiency" among humans? Although the number is very rare, it can be explained in this way. ”

Rc cells, a substance that only exists in the human body and ghouls.

The fundamental reason why ghouls prey on humans is the same. Only by preying on humans can ghouls maintain the concentration of Rc cells in their bodies, otherwise they will die.

For humans, if too many Rc cells are produced in the body, it will cause Rc cell over-secretion.

If there are too few or no secretion, it will cause Rc cell deficiency, which is the opposite of the above situation.

The symptoms of the two are completely opposite, but both are extremely rare cases. One in a million people is considered a high incidence rate.

There is no cure, and the cause of the disease has not yet been clarified. There is a saying in the medical community that it is related to human genes, but there has been a lack of evidence.

‘So it’s really just a sick human?’

Yoshimura Kousen, the powerful SSS-level ghoul who was once praised by CCG as the “Unkillable Owl”, is standing there thinking about something without saying a word.

Because of his experience when he was young, he knows more than ordinary people and is more aware of the twisted inside story of this world.

But because of this, for the survival of himself and others, he has more things to consider. Some things others can easily comfort themselves with the word "probability", but he can't.

After a long time, the old man sighed: ".... District 20 has not been peaceful recently. The new man-eating creatures and the increasingly frequent ghoul investigators are all signs of a storm."

Putting the coffee cup on the counter, Yoshimura Kousen sighed softly.

"Touka, find a chance to notify everyone, let everyone be patient during this period of time, try to reduce predation, otherwise it will attract the attention of CCG, and then I'm afraid that more investigators will enter District 20."

"I know, store manager."

"Also, about the young man you and Furuma met today...If possible, it's better not to cause trouble during this period of time."

He didn't forget to remind him before he left.

Usually, humans who leave the stable area will be targeted by the ghouls in the store, become the other party's target, and finally die in a corner where no one cares.

Everyone in the store has a tacit attitude towards this kind of thing. After all, they are ghouls after all, but it is better to be as quiet as possible in this situation.

"Don't worry, manager. No one will look down on those guys who don't even have a little taste."

After saying that, Kirishima Touka curled her lips and muttered softly. Although it is a disease, in a society full of ghouls, it should be a blessing anyway.

"Rc cell deficiency... What a lucky guy..."


"They didn't follow them out. They are really a group of lucky guys..."

In an empty alley less than two blocks away from the cafe, a red giant over two meters tall is hiding in the dark with a smoke gun in one hand and a smoke sword in the other.

Chapter 17 Superhero-style appearance... Possible?

At night, an empty alley, a hideous red monster...

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