But despite this, the battle situation was still extremely unfavorable to Saruto Ikai.

It can even be said that defeat is just a matter of time.

As a person involved, he can say that he understands this very well, but...

After taking a few deep breaths, he took out a full purple bottle - the unrefined Lost Bottle.

That was given to him by BloodStalk before the representative battle.

Although it is certain that the man who wears a suit and makes coffee all day definitely has ulterior motives, but according to the other party, as long as he uses this, the danger level can be greatly increased.

But the price is extremely serious - should I use it?

"Wait...Three Feathered Crows are still alive."

Seeing Saruto Ikkai about to use the Lost Bottle, War Rabbit remembered Lin Qiao's explanation of the relevant matters before, and immediately leaned close to Saruto Ikkai during the close combat, stopping him from inserting the Lost Bottle.


Hearing Zhantu say this, Saruto Ikai's eyes widened instantly.

Are those three idiots still alive?

The strength in his hand was slightly slack, and while he was dazed for a moment, Zhan Rabbit maximized the speed of his rabbit form, rushed in front of him in the blink of an eye, and snatched the Lost Bottle from his hand with his backhand.

However, in the next second, Saruwatari Ichikai reacted and seized the opportunity, starting a wrestling state - in this way, his speed could be limited to the greatest extent.

"What is going on?" He asked in a deliberately lowered voice while competing with Zhan Rabbit in a strength competition, trying to snatch back the lost bottle.

"That's the literal meaning. The three of them are not dead. They are just in a coma after being rescued due to excessive injection of nebula gas."

"Do you think I will believe you!?"

The golden drill of the Double Destroyer fell hard on War Rabbit. With the harsh sound of metal scraping and the sparks coming out, War Rabbit was beaten straight back, and the Lost Bottle originally held in his hand also fell down.

Saruwatari Kazumi looked at the lost bottle that had fallen on the edge of the duel platform, and sprinted forward to pick it up. However, before he could use it, he heard War Rabbit shouting from behind.

"Don't use that thing or you'll die!"

"Your companions will be sad if you die!"

Nosy guy!

The movements of his hands paused, and there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

Although he said he didn't believe the other party, what if it was true?

How are those three idiots really still alive?

He looked at the dog tag hanging on his waist that belonged to Three-Feathered Crow, then looked at the Lost Bottle in his hand, and finally fixed his gaze on Zhan Rabbit, who was trying to stop his behavior.

Judging from this guy's strength, if he had been more cunning, he would have lost long ago.

And would that kind of naive fool who shouted love and peace and tried to end the war without hurting anyone really use this kind of thing to deceive him or threaten him?

"Damn it! Those three idiots, no matter which world I meet, they must be repaired!"

Gritting his teeth, he inserted the lost bottle and robot gel that were originally aimed at him into the double destroyer.

Seeing that he didn't insert the Lost Bottle into his body, Zhan Rabbit just breathed a sigh of relief.


"Kneel down before me!!!"

The golden drill was instantly wrapped with a layer of dazzling purple energy,

With a roar, Saruto Ikkai rushed towards the war rabbit regardless.

Seeing this, Zhan Rabbit also put his hand on the red handle of the driver and started to turn it quickly.


Leap into the air, even though they were still far away from each other, War Rabbit used a flying kick on Saruwatari Ichikai in advance.

Then he saw that his kicked right leg was like a stretched spring, instantly growing to dozens of times its original length, and one of his kicks caught Saruwatari Ichikai.

The latter, who was originally very passionate, looked confused after being kicked out.

What the hell is this? Rubber man?



Just like a rubber band that had been stretched to its limit and rebounded, War Rabbit in mid-air hit his body in the direction of his feet in a way that extremely violated the laws of physics.

The powerful kick kicked out Yihai, who was somewhat confused, in the blink of an eye.

The latter let out a scream and rolled twice on the ground before being unable to get up again. The golden armor also turned into light particles and was lifted.

The scene fell into a brief silence. It was not until several seconds later that a trembling sound came from the surrounding speakers.

"Win...the winner is the Kamen Rider build! Toto wins!"

With an excited tone, he announced the victory of Dongdu to everyone watching the live broadcast.

At this moment, countless people cheered, not only those in the Eastern Capital who had suffered from the war, but also those who hoped for peace.

Even though the duel stage was set up far away from the crowds, the cheers for the arrival of peace could still be conveyed.

"I lost..."

Lying on the ground, Saruto Ikkai was a little distracted and said: "So are those three idiots really still alive?"

"Yeah, still alive."

Zhan Tu nodded seriously and replied, although they were in a bad state after being treated by Lin Qiao with Pandora's Box, they were indeed still alive.

It's even better than it was at the beginning.

"Oh, right." Something seemed to ring, and Battle Rabbit took out something like a remote control.

"This is a jammer. As long as you have this, the self-destruct device in your body will no longer work - find a way to take it out later, and you don't have to worry about it at all."

"... Really... You even considered this step."

This also made him more convinced that the three crows were still alive, otherwise it would be impossible for outsiders to know that there was a self-destruct device in his body.

Although knowing this was actually the result of Lin Qiao reading his memory.

However -

"... This is really a complete defeat..."

Lying on the ground with a big letter, he sighed. It was not only a defeat in strength, but also that he didn't want to fight anymore in his heart.

Love and peace...

After a bitter smile, he still thought about how to deal with the Prime Minister. This time he lost so badly, I think she must be furious.


While Saruwatari Kazumi was still worried about how to deal with Tajimi Kiko, the situation in Kitado was not good.

In summary, it was the same as the original version, they were stolen by Saito.

Because their own army was sent to the East Capital, and there was an insider named Evolto leading the way.

This led to the defenders of the West Capital not encountering even a little symbolic resistance, and they rushed all the way to Tachimi Kiyoko.

"How dare you plot against me? Ishido Soichi, you bastard!"

Staring at BloodStalk, who was sitting in the position of Prime Minister that once belonged to her, Tachimi Kiyoko was so angry that her body was shaking.

And around her were a circle of defenders of the West Capital.

"Don't get me wrong, Tachimi, I have never been on your side from the beginning."

Crossing her legs, crossing her fingers on her chest, she ignored Tachimi who was shouting, and she had already been dragged away by the defenders at the order of Mido Masakuni.

Glancing at the smug Prime Minister of the West Capital, Evolto smiled.

——Of course, he didn't stand on the side of the West Capital either.

Chapter 447 Things that I, Long, can think of

The sky gradually brightened.

The duel arena built with alloys was still completely reduced to ruins. Only a few pillars and a mess on the ground could show some of its original appearance.

The war was over... huh?

It was over.

Although when they saw Zhantu win, people from both the East and North, and even the West, which was a third party, breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, war is so scary - it's not like you can play PUBG for two more years and then go on the field as a special forces soldier.

Not to mention the relatives and friends living in the other two cities, the fact that a shell might fall on your head at any time is quite frightening. In comparison, peace is naturally better...

But this is just people's wishful thinking.

The existence of the big nemesis of North City is at best a warm-up for Zhantu and his team.

Now that the warm-up is over, it's time to get down to business - the next West City is the beginning of the real trial.

It was only less than an hour after the representative war ended. Just as Zhantu dragged Yihai to have breakfast and visit the Three Crows, the news that the Western Capital had captured the Northern Capital had spread throughout the streets.

The troops sent by the Northern Capital to the border of the Eastern Capital were also completely annihilated by the latter... No, it should be said that they rebelled.

The main force of the three capitals' army is currently the mechanical soldiers called "Defenders".

With many advantages such as strong and tough, high obedience, and easy maintenance, it naturally replaces the existence of humans in the army-unless they are necessary commanders.

And these defenders are all produced by Nanba Heavy Industries, the pillar company of the Western Capital and the behind-the-scenes controller.

It is easy for Nanba Heavy Industries to add a backdoor to its own products.

As for whether this would violate business ethics and craftsmanship?

Are you kidding? Would people with business ethics sell arms? Besides, although there is no craftsmanship, there is still a spirit of craftsmanship.

Of course, it was definitely not Namba Juzaburo who had to bow. As the saying goes, prime ministers come and go, but Namba is always there... The prime minister is a good guy, and he is a first-class cover-up.

But this is beside the point.

In short, with the help of the backdoor program, except for a few defenders who were purchased earlier, all the remaining defenders in Kitato went back to their parents' home.

——Ninety percent new, except for a few steps, they really hadn't fired a single shot.

The whole process was almost the same as cheating the bride price, house, and diamond ring, and then sending the other party in the name of Raip.

... So Kitato is really a big victim.

After basically solving Kitato, the only thing left was naturally Touto, which held Pandora's Box——

Of course, in order to prevent the remnants of Kitato from getting in the way, and to maximize the combat power of their own side, Saruwatari Ikkai, the only Kamen Rider in Kitato, became the target of Seito.

As a man who values ​​friendship and loyalty, he does have a weakness that can be exploited - his relatives and friends in Kitado...


"Um, can you interrupt me?"

Saruwatari Kazumi's eyes twitched, and he looked at Lin Qiao who had been explaining the 100 ways to conquer Grease from the beginning.

Originally, he came to the coffee shop just to see the three idiots of Three Crows.

Although he was annoyed at the three guys' presumptuous behavior of going out to give up their heads, seeing that they were safe, Saruwatari Ikkai was still relieved with great relief... Then the other party jumped out by himself.

To be honest, Saruwatari Ikkai found that if he really wanted to do it according to the other party's method, whether it was East Capital or West Capital, he would have to obey it obediently.

More importantly, if the other party just reminded him of this, it would be fine, but when he heard from Lin Qiao that every step and matters that needed to be paid attention to were detailed, Saruwatari Ikkai felt that the other party might have really planned it this way.

Looking back at Zhan Tu, the meaning was extremely clear-Is this the love and peace you mentioned?

Seeing this, Zhan Tu's face was a little embarrassed... Why did you say so much in detail?

"But wouldn't that be bad? My companions and family members were captured by others and used as threats... Should we go to Beidu to save people?"

Although he was not particularly smart, Ryuga still pointed out the crux of the problem.

——It's just a pity that it is absolutely impossible.

Even though they are not very willing to admit it, as Kamen Riders, especially those who have been confirmed to belong to Toudou, they are basically equivalent to walking sub-nuclear weapons.

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