I don’t know when, the impenetrable dark clouds covered the entire sky, blocking the sun tightly, but there was no movement for the time being.

It looks like it will rain heavily. It was clear before departure, so I didn’t bring a raincoat or anything... Forget it, it’s useless to say these now, and the most important thing is to avoid getting soaked.

Because he didn’t really want the new car to get wet in the rain, Lin Qiao could only choose to go home first, and increase his speed as much as possible without speeding.

Having said that, when he hurried back home, the sky was still calm, and there was not even a drizzle.

I felt cheated... Well, actually not.

This gloomy weather is most suitable for staying at home to play games. Coming back early to stay at home to eat and drink is definitely a life enjoyment.

After thinking about it, he decided to go to Anding District to buy some desserts and two cups of mixed coffee... so that he can add coriander and chopped green onions to it.

Well, although it sounds strange to do this, it is completely a dark cooking product obtained by playing with food.

But after a little tasting, he found that it unexpectedly suited his taste, and even tasted better than the original.

"Unconsciously, my taste buds are also developing in this strange direction."

He sighed and took an umbrella to go out.

As time passed, it was drizzling outside, dripping on the ground, forming a not very dense watermark.

The autumn rain brought a hint of coolness, dripping into the collar and making people shiver unconsciously. Passers-by on the street seemed to have been prepared, and opened umbrellas of different colors one after another, but some people hurriedly put their coats on their heads and trotted forward.

This is the consequence of not checking the weather forecast in advance.

The black umbrella kept making a small "click" sound. Although the weather was not very good, his mood was unexpectedly good.

This mood lasted until he walked to the stable area.

Some similar developments.....

A big hole was broken in the window on the second floor of the coffee shop, and glass shards of various sizes were scattered all over the floor. The remains of tables, chairs and benches were also scattered on the asphalt road outside. The farthest one even flew more than ten meters away. There was no need to go in, and you could see traces of fighting around.

Generally speaking, except for such a big event, many people would come to watch, but the result at this moment was completely opposite.

There were very few people on the street, let alone gathering together to watch the excitement, there was not even a passerby, and everyone stayed away, fearing that they would be affected.

Even several other shops opposite and around chose to close down.

"Fuck! Is this CCG opening a copy in advance, or is that Jason here to catch people to do elementary school math problems?"

The unexpected scene made Lin Qiao frown.

To be honest, the scene in front of him reminded him of some not-so-good memories... and pink hair.

The hand in his pocket silently took out the smoke gun and walked up to the second floor carefully.

Because of the rain, it was fine outside, but as soon as I walked into the store, the strong smell of blood hit me.

As soon as I stepped on the glass fragments under my feet, they rubbed against the ground and made a clear sound, creaking, and it was impossible to sneak in...

In this case, there was no need to hide.

Like an ignorant passerby who had strayed into danger, Lin Qiao trembled and shouted inside: "Brother Kaneki? Touka? Mr. Furuma? What happened? Are you okay?"

Deliberately pretending to be flustered, but at this moment Lin Qiao was very calm in his heart.

Step by step, I walked up to the second floor. As expected, the inside was in a mess. The original tables and chairs were torn to pieces and fell to one side in a mess. There were scattered coffee cup fragments all over the floor. It was a mess.

I quickly looked around and did not find any enemy, but I couldn't help but look at the place near the window a few more times.

Judging from the various traces around, the culprit who caused all this should have jumped out of the window and escaped.

Tsk, he was able to escape successfully after causing trouble under the eyes of two SS-level and one SSS-level ghouls, which was at least something.

——At least before coming up, he didn't find any corpses or anything nearby.

There is a certain probability that the other party is still alive.

However, despite this, Lin Qiao still did not relax his vigilance, but continued to search for clues in the stable area.

The room on the third floor that originally belonged to the mother and daughter of Fukou was wide open, but there were no signs of fighting inside.

After patrolling around the coffee shop, he finally found Kaneki Ken lying motionless on the ground in the back kitchen where there was no damage.

After confirming that there was no danger, he walked over. The other party's face was completely bloodless, and dark red blood stains were staining his entire chest and abdomen.

Putting back the smoke gun, Lin Qiao sighed and stroked the other person's exposed eye: "Is that so? Rest in peace."


"Don't worry, brother Kaneki. I will take care of your wife. Don't worry... Go with peace of mind."


"Don't be stubborn anymore since it's already like this."


Kaneki Ken felt his expression was a little stiff as he struggled to get up from the ground: "Sorry, Mr. Ishimori, I'm actually still alive... It hurts!"

Kaneki Ken sucked in a breath of cold air after pulling the wound.

"You don't look like you're fine... You're not seriously injured. Do you need me to call an ambulance for you?" He picked up his phone and wanted to make a call, but was stopped by Kaneki Ken.

"It's okay, it's okay. Look, this isn't really a wound. It's just that..." He looked down at the blood on his body and explained in a panic.

"Yes, I just spilled red wine and coffee on my body, and then I accidentally got my clothes cut by a piece of glass."

He patted his chest as he spoke.

After all, if he really went to the hospital, his identity as a ghoul would most likely be exposed.

...... And he has a psychological trauma about the hospital now, otherwise he wouldn't have become a ghoul.


"Yes, that's right. I'm really fine!"

"That's good."

Although it was very unconvincing and full of loopholes, Lin Qiao still tried his best to show an "yes, yes, yes" and "I believe you" look.

"But what happened in your store? Did someone come here to rob?"

"Huh? Well, a few people from society came, and then suddenly..."

"Gangsters? Wait a minute, I'll call the police."

"No, no, the manager and others have already gone to the police station!" He waved his hand and hurriedly stopped Lin Qiao's hand movements.

Well, this is a lie.

In fact, he didn't know what the manager and others were doing at all.

But as a ghoul, in order to avoid exposing his identity, even if something happened, it is best to solve it privately to reduce the possibility of dealing with the official department.

"What a pity, I wanted to order two cups of coffee, but now... Alas!" Lin Qiao shook his head regretfully.

"......Sorry, the store can't accommodate customers now."

"It's not your fault. Well, since there's nothing wrong, I'll leave first... By the way, remember to tell me when the store opens."

"Well, please take care."

Looking at the back figure disappearing in the stairs, Kaneki Ken finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then sat on the floor with one hand holding the bar with a painful expression.

It hurts so much, the wound hasn't healed yet...

He took a big breath of cold air, and his actual condition was far from as relaxed as he had shown before.

However, the wound has recovered a lot under the self-healing ability of the ghoul. Although it still hurts, at least it won't bleed.

If it were a human, it would have been sent by now.


"But the underworld... You really can't lie, Brother Kaneki."

Looking back at the coffee shop, Lin Qiao took out a piece of toilet paper from his pocket, which was stained with some black sticky liquid.

Amazon's blood.

This was just what he collected casually by the window.

"It can actually get rid of at least two SS-level ghouls. Is it a highly mobile Amazon? Or does it have the ability to fly?"

If that's the case, it's not surprising.

As for the possibility of counterattack... If it's just a single individual, after rounding it off, it's basically the same as zero.

Because of some curiosity, Lin Qiao followed the black mucus left on the ground and walked to a sparsely populated area.

A pile of clothes that were almost rotten into strips were thrown aside, with Kaneki Ken's red blood on them.

And there was no trace further ahead.

I don't know if it was washed away by the rain or for other reasons.

Just when he was about to return the same way, he saw two people carrying boxes coming out of the corner of the road ahead.

One tall and one short, the tall one was a very powerful-looking young man, and the short one was a hunchbacked middle-aged man with white hair.

"Mado Wuxu and Amon Kotaro?"

Lin Qiao, who was hiding behind the wall, murmured, because the characteristics of this pair were too distinct, so he easily recognized them.

However, they did not stay here for too long. After receiving a phone call, they trotted away.

Chapter 23 Kaneki Ken fell down again

Move the time forward a little bit...

The Anding District was open for business as usual on this day, but because it was Sunday, there were many more people than usual, so the work was naturally very busy.

On the other hand, it might be because of the new toys.

Fueguchi Hinami has been staying upstairs with Fueguchi Ryoko to study how to use the computer.

Although he looks like an old man in his teens and uses two fingers to type on the keyboard, he has learned some basic operations.

For example, minesweeper.

Of course, the happiest thing is probably the function called "online shopping".

It just so happens that his father's birthday is coming soon. As long as he learns this, he can buy a gift for his father even if he doesn't go out.

But it was when Fueguchi mother and daughter were sitting in front of the screen, thinking hard about which book to buy as a gift, and everyone downstairs was too busy to spare any time.

A hooded man who looked a little weird walked into the coffee shop.

His eyes stared straight ahead, his mouth opened and closed from time to time, his expression was very stiff, but it seemed that he had a strange smile.

He walked unsteadily to a corner that was not easy to be noticed and sat down without saying a word.

Because there were many people in the store, no one paid much attention to him for the time being.

Even if someone saw it, they would be startled by the strange expression on the other person's face, and after cursing it secretly, they would not say anything more.

However, when it started to rain outside, the number of customers in the coffee shop began to decrease slowly, and the clerk in the Anding District finally noticed this inconspicuous man.


"Excuse me, sir, do you need anything?"

After realizing that he had been leaving the person there, Kaneki Ken immediately walked up with a pen and paper in his hand to record.

The hooded man did not answer, but continued to bow his head and said nothing.

Try to learn from Furuma En'er and recommend to the other party: "Uh, is this your first time here? If so, please let me introduce you to the more famous coffee in our store..."


A subtle murmur came from the other person's throat, but the specific content could not be distinguished.



"Eh? Sorry, can you say it again? I didn't hear it clearly just now."

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