Even though he was well prepared, Guo still couldn't stop him from transforming into his ultimate form!

How terrible!

The dark storm that made it difficult for Lin Qiao and others to move forward did not stop until more than ten seconds later. Right in front of them, Killbus, who had changed greatly, was standing there.

Completely breaking away from his previous knight form, it was like Evolto absorbed the black panels and transformed into a complete monster.

The difference is that Killbus's monster form looks like a spider, and the color of its body is also dark blue.

"I originally planned to change back to this form when I finally destroy the universe... Well, forget it, I'll just give you little creatures a little reward at that time."


After waving to Lin Qiao and others, a purple energy wave covering an almost unavoidable area hit them instantly.

Although most of the energy had been reduced by the time it hit, the power contained in it still blew them back ten steps... But for Lin Qiao, it was just a wave of blue bars.

After finally stopping his retreat, Shougo looked at Killbus who had changed drastically in disbelief: "Is it possible to have such a level of power with just a casual blow...?"

This kind of power is really too terrifying.

"Who cares what kind of ultimate body he is or how messed up he is, he just changed from a white crab to a blue crab!"

"As long as we gather our strength, we can definitely defeat him!"

After saying that, Ryuuga took the lead and rushed towards the killbus regardless.

At the same time, he pulled out the magma glove on his belt, pulled out the full bottle of black dragon lava and then inserted it.

"Bottle Burn!"

"Volcanic Knuckle!"

"I am invincible!"

The hot lava instantly emerged on the surface of the gloves, and the high temperature it emitted even distorted the air.

Then, Ryuuga hit Killbus with all his strength, who had no intention of dodging.


High-heat flames that can directly carbonize the human body burst out in an instant... But Killbus did not move even after receiving this punch from the front.

"How can it be!?"

"It seems that you still can't learn well, evolto."

In Ryuuga's shocked eyes, Killbus knocked him away with a casual punch.

The terrifying power attached to it made him unable to resist at all, and he was directly knocked hundreds of meters into the air.

Seeing that the situation was not good, others immediately came to support, but the killbus at this moment was completely different from before.

"How on earth can I make you inferior creatures understand that I am invincible when I am serious?"

Completely ignoring the punches and kicks from Yihai, Huande and Utsumi.

For him, whose defense capabilities have skyrocketed after transforming into the Ultimate Body, an attack of this magnitude is simply not painful or itchy.

He kicked Utsumi in the chest, and when the latter screamed, he kicked him into the distant mountain.

Then, he grabbed Yihai next to him and threw it directly to Huande next to him regardless of his resistance.

The two men fell to the ground like bowling balls colliding together, whimpering in pain.

Because of their serious injuries, a lot of light particles suddenly dispersed from the four people's bodies.

"How could this happen? The power is completely different from the previous one...!"

Yihai gritted his teeth and reluctantly got up from the ground, looking at Killbus who was doing very well over there.

too strong!

Although he had already made corresponding preparations when he traveled back to 17 years ago, such a powerful force still far exceeded expectations.

Is this the ultimate body?

"Final Slash!"

"King Giri Giri Slash!"

"Full Full Match Break!"

Just when Killbus was about to finish up the four people lying on the ground, three long swords unleashed a sure-kill and slashed at him...

But it was only blocked by Killbus with one hand.

The weapons held by the three men trembled slightly. This was not out of fear, but because there was an invisible shield between them and Killbus, causing the energy-filled blade to stop in mid-air and prevent it from falling.

"Hey, well, well, I thought that as my other self, you would understand my desire to destroy the universe, but in the end, you ended up siding with these inferior creatures?"

"It's so disappointing."

There was a hint of regret in his tone, but more of it was the unconcealable madness.

Regarding this, Lin Qiao didn't want to talk nonsense to him... If the therapy had worked, Blood Star wouldn't have been destroyed by this crazy guy from Blood Star back then, and Evolto's stinky brother wouldn't have been held down either. Hammered for so many years.

Chapter 533 Courage is a Miracle


Killbus, who felt a little bored at Lin Qiao's silence, shook his head.

The next second, three dark blue spider legs spread out behind him in the blink of an eye, knocking Lin Qiao, Zhuang Wu and Zhan Rabbit away with lightning speed.

Golden light particles continued to float out from their bodies.

The three people who had been hit by Killbus immediately lay on the ground and began to open their mouths and close their eyes.

After Zhan Tu and Zhuang Wu rolled around on the ground twice, they immediately canceled the transformation... Having said that, in terms of actual damage, Lin Qiao was probably the most serious.

Compared to the other two, the light particles emitting from his body at this moment are almost like a light bulb...

In this space that is constantly squeezing its own energy, the results brought about by the fusion of the blue bar and the blood bar can be said to be vividly reflected at this moment - an attack of the same power hitting him will often cause a lot more damage than others. .

It can even cause a "bleeding" effect due to excessive damage.

In response, Lin Qiao immediately took out three full bottles and poked them at himself.

The next second, the three full bottles turned back into blank bottles as the ingredients inside were absorbed by Lin Qiao.

Only then did the energy dissipation in his body stop.

But even so, Lin Qiao couldn't breathe a sigh of relief.

Staring at Killbus, Lin Qiao felt a little scared in her heart: "Fuck, how on earth are we going to win against this kind of opponent...?"

To be fair, aside from the completely unsolvable thing about Enchanting King, Killbus is definitely the strongest one among all the opponents he has faced.

And it's so powerful that it's so powerful that it's hopelessly strong.

To put it bluntly, even in the cyberpunk world, the vampire with the evil eye of death has really developed to the point where he can see the death line of his body, but it is far inferior to the Killbus in front of him - the former certainly has one blow It has a terrifying ability to kill, but it's not impossible to defeat it without getting hurt even if you try hard.

But the killbus in front of me was completely different.

Whether it is strength, speed, or combat experience, he is comprehensively stronger than Lin Qiao... If he is a hexagonal warrior, then this guy is an oversized hexagon.

And even though they are both in monstrous form, they are different from the red snakeskin that absorbs the black panels.

After all, no matter how strong Evolto is, he still has weaknesses. In addition, because of the black panels, his power is unstable. He can explode gold coins with just a few hits...

In a sense, Evolto's weirdo state is no different from that of contemporary college students. It has high attack and defense but really low HP.

But Killbus doesn’t have so many concerns.

Not to mention that this guy has not been sealed with the separation of soul and body, the belt is completely mimicked by itself using genetic factors, and it can reorganize itself even if it is damaged.

In other words, this guy has no weaknesses at all... This special girl has an egg!

Glancing at the people lying around, Killbus mocked: "Accept the fate of destruction and witness the end of the universe, human beings."

"You know, this is a wonderful scenery that lower creatures like you will never be able to see...ah~ Just thinking about it makes me so excited~"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Amidst the wild laughter, Killbus's body gradually floated into the air, and the four dark blue spider legs behind it spread out and accumulated some kind of power.

Blue lightning continued to burst out of his body and shot into the surrounding landscape that was distorted by space.

Click, click, click—!

The next second after the lightning was projected onto the landscape formed by the space distortion, the space distortion that was originally generally red was developing in a deeper direction.

‘Stop him! He must be stopped! ’

Lin Qiao, who saw the other party's actions, instantly realized that something was not going to happen next.

Now killbus is working to change the nature of the space.

If he really succeeds, then this special space that originally existed to create a new world will become a super bomb factory capable of destroying the universe.

At that time, the entire universe, and even multiple universes, will be directly destroyed by it.

One thing to say, Lin Qiao did have an idea - with the system and the completion of the main mission, he could indeed escape from this world immediately...

However, he only thought about this thought for a moment, and then he threw it out of his mind.

If nothing else, at least he couldn't bet on whether the next explosion that would destroy the universe would affect the worlds he visited.

——If you run away like this, you may regret it for the rest of your life!

"Are you kidding? We will not accept such a fate!" War Rabbit barely supported his body and stood up from the ground.

"Humanity is indeed weak, and the universe may come to an end at some point, but that will definitely not be today!"

Following his sonorous and powerful words, others slowly got up from the ground.

It was obvious that he couldn't even stand firmly, but his gaze towards Killbus never flinched.

Insert the transformation full bottle into the driver and quickly turn the driver's rocker.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

A strong electric current instantly ravaged the whole body, making the already scarred body even more riddled with holes.

Regardless of the side effects caused by the second transformation, Qiang used all his strength to shout out the words that represented infinite hope.


Almost light pollution effects appear on the scene.

After the transformation was completed, everyone rushed towards the killbus like moths rushing to the flame.

"Hey, you don't know what you can do."

He snorted coldly and easily dealt with the attacks of Lin Qiao and others - it was easier than an adult playing with a baby.

Almost with a casual blow, he could cause serious damage to the armor of several people... Despite this, every second they were knocked down, they would stand up again from the ground and continue to attack.

At the same time, under the harassment of Lin Qiao and others who risked their lives, Killbus also successfully stopped modifying the space temporarily.

The enemy was very strong, so strong that it was desperate - but this was definitely not a reason to lie on the ground and let others slaughter them.

Throughout history, there were always people who stood up in the face of countless natural disasters and man-made disasters, as if there was some magical power driving them to do so.

- And that was the power called courage.

This is a power that has no mystery, but is more magical than any magic.

Even if you know that the final result is nothing but a mantis trying to stop a chariot, even if your enemy has high-tech weapons such as airplanes and cannons, and you have nothing, you will still pick up the stones on the ground and fight back... Even if the final result is to go to the abyss, you will not hesitate.

This is courage.

The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage.

And courage... can bring miracles.

"In order to create a world where everyone can smile from the heart, love and peace, how could we lose to a guy like you!"

At this moment, a rainbow-colored energy radiated from the body of the war rabbit, and this energy turned into a dazzling gold as it became stronger and stronger, and finally gathered on the rabbit bottle on his waist.

At this moment, the rabbit bottle changed from its original red to gold.

Lin Qiao, who let him see this scene, smiled from the bottom of his heart: "Danger level 7.0, it's finally here!"

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