——It’s not the kind of look that’s about having fun, but the concern that comes from the heart... Even though they themselves don’t understand why they have such thoughts about a stranger they meet for the first time.

"No, it's nothing... I just accidentally forgot to add sugar to the coffee."

Shougo stared blankly at the coffee shop in front of him that had become lively again.

The scene on the field was like returning to the scene when everyone sat together and watched when he first learned to use his time ability.

As if by fate, the people who once gathered in this coffee shop, even after their history was taken away and their memories were lost, still reunited in this small coffee shop for various reasons.

Is this an accident or inevitable?

Separation is for the next reunion...Suddenly I can understand this sentence.

I walked out of the coffee shop with a different mood, and the sunshine on my face directly wiped away the previous gloom in my heart.

Yes, he is not alone. He already has so many friends. How could he still be the lonely Tokiwa Shogo from before?

"Well, I feel like I can do it."

With a bright smile on his face, holding the newly appeared three-level dial in his hand, he strode forward.

Let’s go back to the world of exaid and help senior Yongmeng first.

At the same time, see if you can meet the guy called the Destroyer of Worlds and give him a good beating.

But this kind of confidence didn't last for two seconds, and Zhuang Wu's expression immediately became panicked.

"Oops, the Time Demon Machine is still in the old world!"

Chapter 543 The Time Management Bureau is in action

"Oops! Just now, a new world appeared and merged into the world of Heisei!"

"Why is this happening? How much is this! Are you still here?"

"Stop complaining and quickly check the physical laws and world computing system of the newly emerged world... By the way, the attached parallel world must also be taken into account, so act fast!"

In a seemingly ordinary office building, thousands of people wearing some kind of dark ethnic costumes and scarves around their necks were busy doing something.

——There are many people with exactly the same appearance walking back and forth.

They are time managers, people who are responsible for managing history and making time and the world move forward correctly.

....Although it sounds great, in fact now they are just a group of social animals suffering from overtime work.

Even worse than social animals, at least the latter can only work 24 hours a day.

After all, they are really busy.

For example, the build world of Heisei History is newly added.

They not only have to check and correct the physical laws of this world, but also check the worlds of all the knights in front of them to prevent accidents.

To describe it in simple and easy-to-understand terms, the work content of the first eighteen worlds is invalid, and everyone can start over.

That's when everyone is almost too busy to collapse.

On the other side, a man with long hair who was similarly dressed but looked quite refined walked quickly through the corridor, pushed the door open and walked to the deepest room.

On the throne in the center of the room, a middle-aged man in red robe was immersed in the desk in front of him, working on something.


Although the pronunciation of the name is the same, this person is obviously not the Zhuang Wu that Lin Qiao is familiar with.

After seeing someone come in, Sougo raised his head.

"Tell me Woz, how is the situation now?"

"Yes, Director." Woz nodded.

"The newly emerged world is named build, and the differentiation time is 2017. It has been smoothly integrated into the Heisei worldview. The progress is much smoother than expected. As long as the subsequent detailed adjustments are completed, it will be completely stabilized."

"At the same time, in that world, we discovered the previously missing Shogo Tokiwa."

"He has collected the dials of all the knights in the build world...I think this is the main reason why this world integration can go so smoothly."

For the convenience of management and to maintain mutual stability, the Time Management Bureau also divided each knight world into different years according to the time of collection.

This was the case from the year 2000 when I was empty, to the year 2017 when I was built.

These worlds are like different sides of a coin, seemingly close to each other but actually never in contact.

It's like people living in 2016, even in the past 100 years, have no way of being exposed to what happened in the build world in 2017...

The premise is that there is no Mogami Kuixing. This accident caused the balance of various worlds to be broken and the knights of multiple worlds were temporarily brought together.

By the way, it is precisely because of this thief's troubles that the already busy Times Management Bureau is even worse.

"Heh, you did a pretty good job, that Kagemusha."

The good news he heard from Woz made Sougo, who was irritable due to long-term overtime work, reveal a rare smile.

"After the history of Heisei is destroyed, we can consider letting him become one of us...if that guy understands the situation."

As for if you don't know each other...then there's nothing you can do.

"But just in case, check the history he experienced in that world to make sure he doesn't discover our true plan."

"Please rest assured, we have checked this point, there is no problem at all."

Woz nodded in response, then paused for a moment, not knowing what he was thinking, and continued.

"But since Tokiwa Sougo is back, then the person who replaced him before..."

"Hmph, a substitute for a substitute?" Sougo snorted disdainfully.

"I remember what that guy's name was?"

"Kakogawa Hiru, graduated from the same school as Tokiwa Sougo, had good grades in all aspects during school, and was well received by classmates and teachers..."

Listing all kinds of information about the other party one by one,

That is, not long ago, after Sougo fell into the world of build and disappeared, Kakogawa Hiru took the initiative to find the staff of the Time Management Bureau who posted recruitment information in the talent market to find a replacement for Sougo.

Since he performed well in all aspects and had some talent, after consideration, the Time Management Bureau decided to train him as a replacement for Tokiwa Sougo...

"But no matter how good he looks on the surface, his nature as a scumbag inside will not change."

Before Woz finished speaking, Sougo waved his hand to signal him to stop.

Don't look at Kakogawa Hiru saying something like protecting the world, in fact, he was just jealous after accidentally seeing Sougo's first transformation.

World peace? Correct history?

Who cares about these messes, he is happy himself is the most important thing.

The funny thing is that Kakogawa Hiru thought that his little tricks could be well concealed, but in fact, he had been seen through by the people of the Time Management Bureau.

It is precisely because of this that even though Sougo has been missing for so long, he is just a backup.

After all, if it is not from the heart, it is really difficult to deceive those knights and obtain the dial representing their respective history.

Anyway, now that the real master has returned, his substitute's substitute is naturally worthless.

"So what is your opinion on how to deal with Kakogawa next...?"

"Let him clean the toilet. Didn't he say that as long as he can protect peace, he can do anything?"

"It's a good opportunity to let him wash his soul."

With one sentence, Kakogawa Feiliu was sent to the toilet.

At least compared to the filthy and smelly heart, the toilets of the Time Management Bureau seemed extremely clean.

"Go on, Woz, is there anything else?"

"Yes, next is about the movements of the Time Robbers."

"Time Robbers..."

When Sougo heard these three words, his face darkened a little.

If the history of Heisei was too bumpy, so that the Time Management Bureau had to reluctantly cut it off and start over.

Then the so-called Time Robbers are a group of locusts running around in various timelines for them.

In fact, one of the accusations of guarding the correct time itself is to completely wipe out these historical locusts...

However, due to the increasing workload, the Time Management Bureau relaxed its stranglehold on them.

As a result, these guys are now jumping up and down again!

After thinking for a long time, Sougo seemed to have made up his mind, looked at Wozniacki opposite him, and said in a deep voice:


"Yes, Director."

"Tell everyone to keep the history of Showa well, and as for other things, including the Time Robbers, don't worry about it for now..."

"But forgive me, Director, if the actions of the Time Robbers are allowed, then history will be completely chaotic..."

Wozniacki's anxious words were not finished, and he was interrupted by Sougo.

"I know what kind of consequences this will cause, so I asked you to preserve the history of Showa and make sure those guys don't get into it."

"You want to... I understand, I'll go and inform the others."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

It doesn't matter how rotten the history of Heisei is, it's all going to be destroyed anyway.

The same goes for the Time Robbers, if they want to jump, just jump... and then roll into the incinerator with the history of Heisei!

It's obvious that the Time Robbers who are still reveling and mocking the incompetence of the Time Management Bureau at this time don't know that the Time Management Bureau is going to overturn the table now.

"One more thing, Woz."

"Yes, Director."

"That's it, don't call me Director anymore, call me Demon Lord."

"Eh? Oh, it's Demon Lord."

Although he didn't quite understand the reason, Woz still spoke without any resistance... Don't tell me, he was a little excited after changing his words.

After Woz left, Sougo looked down at a document with a capital V on the desk.

——What is recorded in it is exactly what the Time Management Bureau has been planning all along.

"The V (vacation) plan must not have any mistakes!"

Having made up his mind, Sougo continued to work overtime.

And the course of history is slowly moving in the direction it should be but is unknown.

Chapter 544 An unexpected gain?

[The main task is completed and has returned to the system space]

[System components +6, 21,000 points are obtained (main task + enemy residual points)]

[New functions have been unlocked, the points consumed for the functions obtained will be reduced, and corresponding enhancements will be made. Some items in the system store will be reduced in price accordingly.....]

[The "World Compatibility" and "Synthesis Enhancement" functions have been unlocked....]

"I'm back again..."

The feeling of weakness on my body disappeared the moment I returned to the system space... This is one of the few advantages of the system. Treatment does not require additional points.

Turning his head to look at the rapidly changing scene around him, Lin Qiao shook his head helplessly.

Although he looks so free and easy on the surface, his inner feelings are actually not much better than Sougo...

I can only say that I'm used to it.

"But this time it's really a heavy loss in all senses!"

Thinking of this, Lin Qiao couldn't help but smile bitterly.

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