The other party also belittled him in front of everyone, comparing him to a baby that can't speak yet... This is very irritating, you know!

Every time he thought of this, Weber felt like he was going to explode!

"In the final analysis, he only relies on family and blood. This kind of guy is no different from a playboy who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun!"

The family lineage is amazing!

In the final analysis, the theory of blood is just the thought of the old era. It has been so long since the age of gods, and it is hopeless that we still hold on to this old stereotype!

And if his magic circuit is the same as Kenneth's, then his current achievements may not be... No! It must be more than the other party!

But these are just "ifs".

In fact, in terms of talent, as a third-generation magician, he is far inferior to Kiara, the first-generation magician - of course, the latter's talent is indeed a bit beyond the standard.

But there is no doubt that in the next considerable period of time, the name "Weber Velvet" and the paper he spent all his efforts writing will be the biggest joke in the entire clock tower, and there is no one in it.

"Why don't you remind him?"

Glancing at Weber who was far away from the crowd and still losing his temper in the air, Kiara looked up at Lin Qiao.

"If it weren't for Teacher Kenneth, Webb would have been kicked out of the clock tower, right?"

Kicked out by the Clock Tower...

At first glance, this is a very cruel thing, but if you really want to say it, this is a relatively good result.

It is true that Weber's paper is indeed eye-catching.

If what is written above becomes reality, many emerging magicians with inferior family backgrounds but flexible minds will usher in the day of success.

And the entire magic world will also usher in a wave of change, just like the technological explosion in the outside world. By then, the magic world will also have more fresh blood...

The premise is that Weber can really survive until that time.

Writing about the futility of blood in a clock tower that emphasizes aristocracy and blood supremacy... just thinking about it makes me realize how stupid it is.

To put it bluntly, this is almost the same as seeking death.

Although I don’t know what Kenneth’s thoughts were, as far as the result is concerned, if he hadn’t repelled the paper and made it public, both Weber and the paper would have become a complete joke.

Given his family background, which lasted only three generations and had no power at all in the Clock Tower, it was not surprising that he was killed in a corner.

Do princes and generals like Xiang Ning have the guts?

Sorry, this is true.

"Forget it, it would be good for that guy to suffer a little."

Lin Qiao shook her head and made no comment.

The truth that even a child could see clearly was ignored by the angry Weber...

In other words, because he is concentrating on theoretical research, this guy has not yet added his skill points to politics.

"Brother Qiao, I'm back."

While Lin Qiao and Kiara were chatting, Sakura also walked out of Kenneth's office.

He rushed here at a trot, and the last jump hung on him.

Kiara next to him didn't say anything, but his eyes became a little sharp.

"How about it? Teacher Kenneth must have told you about the Holy Grail War."

"Well, Mr. Kenneth plans to go to Fuyuki City to participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War."

Just now she was pulled over by the other party to talk about the Holy Grail War.

Of course, it is not so much asking about the details, but rather that Kenneth, who acts according to the principle of aristocracy, used this reason to inform Matou Sakura, who is also a student of the Gosan family, in advance.

If I really want to use an analogy, it’s almost like signing up with the organizer.

——In his eyes, this is just a magic competition held by a magician from the far eastern countryside.

The so-called "Holy Grail" of the universal wishing machine is just an exaggeration.

In short, although we should not take it lightly, we must not lose the necessary aristocratic etiquette...

"Although I have warned Teacher Kenneth to be careful, but..."

It was obvious from the look on the other side that he didn't listen.

Or maybe he just took Sakura's words as a courtesy from a student to a teacher.

"Does he think this is a Pokémon battle? Do you want to give him another gym medal?"

Lin Qiao couldn't help but complain.

Frankly speaking, Kenneth's group, whether the master or the servants, always feels like they are here to compete in magic rather than "war".

There was no way around it. As a genius who had always had smooth sailing since he was born, Kenneth was indeed proud of himself... so his overturn in the end was quite tragic.

In contrast, Weber, who is also an academic, can only say that he is really lucky.

But having said that, Lin Qiao didn't change his mind.

Whether it's Kenneth's arrogant attitude or the fact that the sacred relic used for summoning was stolen.

After all, he had no intention of making his dream more difficult...

In the build world, the sudden appearance of Killbus has made him hate the difficulty upgrade.

"But in this case, we should prepare to return to Fuyuki."

Even though it is earlier than planned, he is still wearing the skin of a servant now. If Kenneth and Webb have obtained the qualifications of masters during this period, then he will be directly exposed... ...

Although he didn't want to hide it, he still felt a little uncomfortable compared to going out to surprise everyone.

Under Sakura's angry expression, Lin Qiao took off the girl hanging on his body like a koala...but Kiara, who was standing next to him, turned around and hung it around his neck again.

"You two..."

He sighed helplessly, but he was almost used to this.

I took the two girls back to my house in London,

He had already asked for leave at the Clock Tower, or he had already said when he came here that he would need to return to Fuyuki after studying here for a year.

Before leaving, he looked back at the clock tower shrouded in mist one last time. If nothing unexpected happened, he would probably not return to this place again.

"But as a caster, I should be able to bring another servant over, right?"

After all, if there were no violations, the Holy Grail War would be meaningless.

Chapter 565 Kenneth will not be injured

Kenneth is undoubtedly a genius.

Although his personality reveals an unflattering aristocratic temperament, which makes him seem a bit arrogant and even conceited, but to be fair, he does have the ability to be conceited.

At the age of only twenty, he became one of the twelve monarchs who controlled the Clock Tower, and became a first-level instructor in the Spiritual Science.

And the level of "sex position" is a realm that many magicians cannot peek into in their lifetimes. Even the top "crown position" among magicians does not seem to be unattainable in their lifetime.

His extraordinary talent means that he has never been troubled by anything, and all the problems he encounters in life will be solved by him just like eating and drinking.

——Even receiving the above honors is just inevitable in life for him, and there is nothing surprising.

Because of this, he enjoys all the praise and honors as a matter of course.

And the reason why I want to obtain the Holy Grail is just to add to my already brilliant resume and make it even more perfect...

Of course, using this magic competition called the "Holy Grail War" to improve the relationship with him that has always been lukewarm is also one of Kenneth's goals.

However, what this great genius did not expect was that something went wrong before the Holy Grail War even started.

——The holy relic he spent a lot of money to get is lost!

No, judging from the results, perhaps it is more appropriate to call it stolen.

At this juncture of the Holy Grail War approaching, Kenneth immediately thought that it was definitely the other participating Masters who were messing with him.

After all, his intention to participate in the Holy Grail War was no secret in the Clock Tower.

After investigation, he discovered that the person who stole his holy relics was one of his students...

The students who left the clock tower at this time were only four of their own students: Matou Sakura, Sesshōin Kiara, Lin Qiao and Weber Velvet.

The first person Kenneth suspected was Lin Qiao...

After all, in this year, although this guy's talent in magic is not outstanding, he has shown full talent as a fun-loving person.

——Lin Qiao studies time magic.

This is not a secret in the Clock Tower. After all, that guy used this name to deceive many people in order to borrow magic equipment. He even signed a self-compulsory certificate that bet on magic seals and magic circuits... .

To put it bluntly, when they heard the news, the Clock Tower was actually prepared.

One is to treat them as arrogant people who don't know the heights of the world, and then laugh at the other person's jokes.

Second, if the other party really researches something like Emiya Noriken, just give him a seal designation...

However, the final result was a bit disappointing.

"One minute is equal to 60 seconds. When you see this, it has taken 10 minutes, which is 600 seconds."

"——This is a time-wasting magic!"

Although some of the theories about time in it are indeed refreshing, if you can write such bastard words in the paper, you should know something about the nature of this guy.

Not to mention this guy's magic trick of predicting the future - it takes 60 seconds to predict the future one minute later...

If Lin Qiao hadn't signed a self-imposed certificate before, and this guy didn't act like his magic circuit and magic seal had been damaged, many people would probably have thought they had been deceived...

wrong! Even so, they felt like they had been fooled!

It would be better to say that he was deceived!

Frankly speaking, the Legal Affairs Section actually wanted to arrest Lin Qiao on the charge of fraud, but the existence of self-imposed certificates made the crime of fraud untenable - after all, they really made the results, and Shared.

There is no doubt that self-imposed certification does not lie.

But if you want to say that this is the result, it is quite irritating.

As for seal designation...

Although the seal designation is notorious, it is essentially the Magician Association's recognition of a person's abilities - if such a person were to be sealed, the entire Clock Tower would be disgraced.

In short, although this matter ended in nothing, it made people feel that something was wrong, as if the people in the Law and Politics Department were brainwashed.

But if we really talk about the degree of suspicion, Kenneth feels that there is no one higher than Lin Qiao among the four people...

--But it is not.

According to the courier's words, the one who stole his package should be Weber...

'When did that guy have the courage? '

Kenneth's face became a little strange when he thought of this.

But no matter what, the incident of stealing his holy relics has already happened... When I meet that guy, I will give him a good beating and let him know what it means to respect teachers!

"But this is really a bad start..."

Although he has obtained other holy relics as a supplement, Kenneth still feels unhappy for the first time in his life.

It is said that a good start is half the success... Conversely, a bad start also means half the failure.

In other worlds, this statement may just be a psychological comfort, but in Type-Moon, which has the concept of "mystery", it can be regarded as a kind of invisible blessing or curse that may exist.

Of course, this level of blow is not enough to make Kenneth feel frustrated. Instead, he is looking forward to this Far East Magic Competition.

He started badly, but won with an overwhelming advantage in the end... I think such a record is more suitable for his title of prodigy.

Holy Grail?

Forget it, what kind of omnipotent wishing machine, it has been opened 200 years ago and it is already the fourth Holy Grail War, but no one has made a successful wish so far...

It is obvious that this is a false propaganda that cannot be more false, which can only fool those wild magicians who are unwilling to be down-to-earth.

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