how to say.

If it's difficult, it's not that difficult. After all, Yue Shanxi has come to Anding District once or twice. Everyone knows the information about him. Even if there is no time left for investigation, he can tell a lot with his mouth.

The same applies to his ghoul restaurant.

Even if no one has been there in person because they don’t agree with the concept, it’s still okay to give an approximate location.

However, the problem is that this matter itself is quite difficult for them.

Although Lin Qiao didn't say it directly and didn't show any emotions such as murderous intent or hatred, they could see that this guy was just going to kill Yue Shanxi.

They didn't think much about the reason.

With the things that Yue Shanxi had done, it was not surprising at all that enemies would come to visit him.

Kirishima Touka was a little moved: "Store manager..."

However, Fangcun Gongshan raised his hand to stop her from continuing.

Ignoring other factors, from a trading perspective, this is a sure win.


"It is the principle of the stable area that ghouls help each other... Although I don't know what kind of past you and Tsukiyama have, I'm sorry, but we can't betray our compatriots."

Shaking his head, the store manager's old voice revealed a lot of helplessness.

The principle of mutual aid between ghouls is the foundation of the stable area. If they betray Tsukiyama Xi today because they don't like it, then who can guarantee that they will not betray other people?

Some things, once started, will happen countless times.

"Really, that's really a pity."

She said it was a pity, but Lin Qiao's heart was unmoved.

It seemed a pity that he didn't get the information about Guan Yueshan Xi, but the store manager's reaction was exactly what he expected.

——To put it bluntly, he never thought about being honest from the beginning.

It's so outrageous that no one will believe it.

If the store manager really chooses to pursue the inquiry, he will only make up a decent excuse to fool him first, and then selectively report it to the CCG depending on the situation.


Very disdainful!

But no matter how true the lie is, it is still false. Once discovered, it will be equivalent to bankruptcy of credit.

By then, he would naturally be unable to maintain a friendly relationship with Anding District, and would even turn Anding District towards another traveler.

In this case, it is better to prepare early and eliminate possible dangers in advance... or something...

However, all of the above are only hypothetical, and it would be great if they didn’t actually happen.

"However, although it is a pity that the transaction failed, I can still provide you with some help." Lin Qiao raised an index finger and said quite considerately.

"At present, the guy hiding behind the scenes obviously has a certain understanding of the Anding District. This can be seen from the fact that his target is Dikou mother and daughter."

"Maybe he came in person, or maybe he left some objects that can monitor you. As for the time, it shouldn't be too long, probably around the last time."

"You can recall specifically whether you have met any special people...such as foreigners or something."

Lin Qiao's words caused the store manager and others to fall into silence. They all thought about whether they had seen anyone matching the description during this period, but they quickly shook their heads.

Most of the customers in their store are regular customers. If you are a stranger, you can tell them at a glance.

But among these people, there was no one who fit the characteristics described by Lin Qiao.

Except... Kirishima Touka.

"Um, I've never seen foreigners...but...ah, how should I put it?"

The words fell out of her mouth but she couldn't say them out. It seemed that she didn't dare to confirm whether her thoughts were right or not, so she scratched her head irritably.

"Anyway, there is one suspicious person, and the time is right, and he doesn't smell like other humans..."


If nothing else, just focus on the last point, it’s almost certain.

In this world, there are only a few people who do not have RC cells in their bodies.

"His name is Ishimori Takumi."






The eyes of the others were all focused on Lin Qiao. Although they didn't say a word, the slight curve of the corners of their mouths seemed to say everything.

.....Wait, why do I feel like I am being excluded from others?

Dong Xiang, who looked at the expressions of the people around him getting more and more wrong, always felt a little confused.

The store manager glanced at Dong Xiang who knew nothing strangely, then sighed helplessly and looked at Lin Qiao: "Didn't you tell Dong Xiang when you were upstairs?"


Chapter 36 Lost Memory (4k)

When Lin Qiao walked out of the stable area that night, a peaceful life came again.

Regarding Tsukiyama Xi, although Anding District did not give him the information he wanted, nor did he reveal anything related to the ghoul restaurant. But he also promised not to interfere in this matter and not to tell anyone else about his existence.

That's enough.

Lin Qiao never regarded them as partners who could fight side by side in the stable area, at least not until now.

The expectation for them is limited to being able to remain neutral and not interfere when there is a conflict with another time traveler.

However, it may be because he has increased the favorability of the An Ding District.

Before leaving, the store manager revealed a very important thing to him: that is, at this time of year, Yueshan Xi has a habit of traveling abroad regularly.

Hawaii, Maldives, Sicily, Taj Mahal...

It can take half a month or a week.

Although for some reason, the time of return this year is a little later than in the past, it should be about the same.

"I was wondering why I couldn't find this guy's trace. So this is the case."

He can understand why Yueshan Xi delayed his return plan.

It's nothing more than because he was afraid of being found by CCG after the Yamashita Group sold humans to the ghoul restaurant.

Although the Tsukiyama family is a wealthy family with extensive connections, even the current Prime Minister Wakayama is a classmate and old friend of his father. For a case like this where there is no evidence and even no suspicion of him, the group of investigators can't do anything to him.


It's better to have less trouble than more.

It's better to hide abroad and come back after this period of storm has passed.

Moreover, even if something unexpected really happened, such as triggering a hell-level copy like the "Tsukiyama Family Crusade", which led to the CCG launching a full-scale attack on the Tsukiyama family.

But with him, at least the last spark of the Tsukiyama family can be preserved so that it can make a comeback in the future.

It really deserves to be a big family.

It was easy to figure out these ways in it. Lin Qiao understood that to some extent, this was the butterfly effect caused by himself, although this did not hinder his next action.

Now, the discussion on the Internet about the Yamashita group trafficking people to ghouls is slowly fading, and it has even been overshadowed by the news that a couple of out-of-date celebrities cheated on each other.

The celebrity couple became famous overnight and obtained more resources than before their peak... If you say that the Yueshan family did not contribute much, Lin Qiao would be the first to disbelieve it.


Judging from the situation, the eldest son of the Yueshan family should be back like lightning soon.

So now, all he needs is to wait patiently...

Of course, this does not mean that there is nothing to do now.

Since then, he has been going to the Anding District more and more frequently. Even if the coffee shop has recently announced that it will suspend business, it has not affected him from walking in through the back door and ordering a cup of mixed coffee.

Strictly speaking, he and the Anding District are not allies, not even a cooperative relationship.

But someone does not seem to have this perception. He often sits in it all day like a big boss, and even has the foresight to bring a charger.

Every time Dong Xiang sees him, no matter what happened before, his expression will quickly become extremely weird.

Probably the kind of person who wants to drive people away, but doesn't know how to start.

It's not that Lin Qiao deliberately came here to be annoying.

On the one hand, he had originally planned to continue "squatting" in the An Ding District. In his opinion, with Yue Shan Xi's personality, he would come here nine times out of ten when he came back and learned that the An Ding District was attacked, no matter what he thought.

On the other hand, he continued to communicate with the store manager about Amazon.

There are too few Amazons nowadays.

Although there are actually quite a few in number, and there are even more hidden in the dark, compared with the expected large-scale outbreak, the current ones are at most a drop in the bucket.

This is a good thing, but it is also a bit unreasonable. It feels more like intentionally controlling the number of Amazons.

After all, if it is placed in places like water plants, it is estimated that there are few normal people in the whole city at this time.

But no matter what, the sooner the other party is solved, the fewer infected people there will be, and the safer he will be.

It is not necessary to kill, you can also break the limbs and imprison them, and use the system bug.

It's just that in this tense, there is a bit of relaxed daily life. When Lin Qiao stepped into the An Ding District again, some of the atmosphere inside seemed to have changed.

"It seems that I came at a bad time today... Then I'll leave?"

"No, please come in. In a sense, this is also what you want to exchange with Ishimori."

As if he had foreseen Lin Qiao's arrival, Yoshimura Kousen sighed and invited him in.

Today is the fourth day since Fueguchi Ryoko woke up from her serious injuries.

After a few days of recuperation, plus the ghoul's own recovery ability, her complexion has changed a lot...except that she still finds it difficult to accept her husband's death, and her spirit seems a little depressed.

Therefore, for the ghouls in the stable area, what they need to face is the follow-up treatment of their mother and daughter.

Although Touka was also suspected by Mado Wuxu because of the clerk's clothes on her body, the style of a piece of clothing cannot explain anything.

And before there is sufficient evidence, ghoul investigators are not allowed to use violence against civilians...As long as this point is grasped, the rest will be much easier.

In general, there is still room for recovery.

In addition, the coffee shop was closed due to the attack by Amazon, so in a way, it was a lucky escape.

However, the situation of Fueguchi Hinami and Fueguchi Ryoko is completely different.

——Their faces were seen by the investigators.

This is the most fatal part!

Unless they hide somewhere and never go out, they will be found by the investigators sooner or later, and even implicate others.

And this is where their differences lie.

Dong Xiang wants to persuade others to eliminate the four investigators including Mado Wuxu, protect Fueguchi mother and son, and avenge Mr. Fueguchi who was killed and made into Quinque.

However, others unanimously opposed it.

The reason is simple.

After the appearance of creatures like Amazon, the predation rate in Area 20 can be said to have risen sharply.

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