The wise king laughed "gu ha ha ha" again and was not stingy with his praise. At the same time, he also despised the goddess who slipped up at a critical moment.

But no matter what, after the sun rises, the final battle of farewell between humans and gods will begin on this ancient land.


Chapter 651 The Farewell Battle between Man and God

If tomorrow is the doomsday, what would you choose to do if you are still temporarily safe today?

There are still a few hours before dawn, but for the people in Uruk, this is destined to be a sleepless night.

Even Gilgamesh, who rarely has anything to deal with and doesn't have to work overtime, is the same.

Although a few hours is not too long, it is too short for people who are about to leave their homeland.

However, no matter what, when the sun rose from the horizon, the people who opened up a new future had already lined up and left from the city gate of Uruk that had become tattered under the attack of Rahmu, and prepared as before The route runs towards the unknown distance.

——Let’s thank the Rahmu guys a little here.

Thanks to the cruel nature of these guys, after leaving Uruk and failing to capture humans alive, in order to satisfy their desire to kill, these guys attacked the monsters created by Gorgon before.

Rakhmu, whose individual strength is much stronger than that of Warcraft, can still easily defeat him even though he is not as numerous as Warcraft as a whole... Not to mention that after the death of Gorgon, the current Warcraft group is in disarray. .

However, it is precisely because of the cannibalism and dog-eating dog-eating behavior on both sides that humans have gained a valuable opportunity to evacuate.

The last people who stayed in Uruk stood on the roof of the sacred tower, watching the long queue that gradually moved away as the sun rose.

Undoubtedly, many of them, such as the elderly or those with weak health, will collapse in the middle of the journey and will not be able to reach the end of the journey... But it is undeniable that at least they are moving towards hope.

As long as the pace of progress does not stop, hope will not be cut off.

"Next, it's time to prepare to meet that guy Tiamat..."

After the retreating crowd completely disappeared from the end of the field of vision, Gilgamesh turned back and said.

In fact, everyone was not kept waiting.

Shortly after 12 o'clock, the Mother Goddess of Creation, who had recovered as before and exerted all her strength, drove towards Uruk with her obsession with returning.

"That is.....!?"

Mashu looked at the scene at the end of his field of vision in surprise.

What he saw was a black tsunami.

Compared to Tiamat's body and the army of Lakhmu created by it, the first thing to arrive in Uruk was the tide of chaos that was enough to submerge the entire Mesopotamia.

Mountains, woods, plains... Almost everything as far as the eye could see, except for the city of Uruk, was submerged by the black mud.

"Listen up, just like what I said before, mother's black mud must never be touched!"

Looking at the tide of chaos that was rapidly eroding the ground, Ishtar reminded loudly with his scalp numb.

As a god in Mesopotamia, she knew very well what it meant to be touched by black mud.

In essence, it is a terrible pollution far beyond the evil in this world. Once touched, the essence of life will be rewritten and become Tiamat's "child".

And once this black mud is allowed to cross Uruk, the people who have evacuated before will probably be completely submerged in a short time.

"Fang of Nabistine, unfold—!"

That is, at the same time that the tide of chaos swept through the city of Uruk with overwhelming force.

Following Gilgamesh's order, countless hook-shaped giant tusks sprouted from the ground in front and behind the city of Uruk.

With a height of more than 30 meters, the densely arranged tusks are like an indestructible dam, blocking the black wave that engulfed Uruk.


The moment the Tide of Chaos collided with the Fang of Nabistin, a loud sound like waves crashing against the cliff came out.

In just an instant, the black mud splashed hundreds of meters of waves... But as if restricted by some kind of force, the seemingly raging tide of chaos could not cross the dense tusks.

However, despite this, the situation of the Fang of Nabistin is not optimistic.

At the moment of the collision, more than 20% of the tusks were shattered into pieces on the spot. About 50% of the tusks suffered varying degrees of damage, leaving less than 30% relatively intact.

"But no matter what, I finally blocked it..."

Looking at the black mud that had entered the city of Uruk and submerged the surrounding cities, but could not cross the tusked step behind, Gilgamesh smiled with an expression of relief on his face.

Originally, he wanted to use the first line of defense composed of the Fangs of Nabistin to slow down the tide of chaos, and then use the second line of defense behind Uruk to stop it.

But now it seems that the result of the interception was smoother than expected, and the first line of defense successfully blocked the path of the tide of chaos.

Although it looks like it's impossible to stop it for a hundred years, it shouldn't be a problem if it lasts for a while.

Well, it is indeed the crystallization of my wisdom...

"But don't forget, the original copyright is in my hands~"


A certain inappropriate whisper sounded, causing King Jiji's expression to freeze.

Facing Lin Qiao's unreasonable look, he gritted his teeth and tutted in dissatisfaction, then turned and walked away.

In any case, the first wave of Tiamat's attack was stopped... If even this step can't be done, let alone the future.


But before a certain wise king could breathe a sigh of relief.

A terrifying beam of light with a diameter of more than 20 meters swept towards the Fang of Nabisteen with a high-pitched maternal voice mixed with the roar of beasts.

It only lasted less than a second, and the first line of defense formed by the Fang of Nabisteen was completely declared over with an explosion.


The strong wind caused by the explosion made it impossible to open one's eyes, and the flames produced made the surroundings seem to be much darker.

It was not until more than ten seconds later that the dazzling flames and storms dissipated.

After losing the blocking of the Fang of Nabistin, the black mud sea that was originally blocked also surged towards the urban area of ​​Uruk, and in the blink of an eye, the former city was completely submerged.

In order not to be transformed by the Chaos Tide, everyone jumped onto the higher roofs nearby... except Lin Qiao.

——He is not a carbon-based creature, and a banana is more human than him. The Chaos Tide has changed!

Like a bottomless pit, Lin Qiao, who spread out four huge spider legs, is absorbing the Chaos Tide at a very fast speed.

It must be admitted that this thing is indeed stronger than the evil of this world... It has more magic!

Of course, compared to these messy things, there are obviously more important things for everyone to worry about.

In the field of vision, a large "dark cloud" that covers the sky is flying quickly towards Uruk... But it is not just a dark cloud.

In addition to the environmental changes caused by Tiamat's magic, there are more terrifying numbers of Lahmu.

——And they have evolved the ability to fly.

At this time, among the many Lahmu groups, the largest shadow revealed her true face.


The huge roar of the beast and the cry of motherhood mixed together, making people feel like falling into an ice cave.

But compared to the beautiful goddess image that was first seen on the beach, Tiamat at this moment has not only grown more than ten times in size, but also turned into a terrifying monster in appearance.

Although she still barely retains the characteristics of a woman, her limbs have become heavy beast claws, huge wings have grown behind her, a huge dragon tail is also swinging in the air, and her body is covered with extremely hard scales.

Tiamat, dragon form confirmed.

"You are kidding... You are kidding, that is... Tiamat?"

Looking at Tiamat in the distance who has turned into a dragon form, Ishtar swallowed her saliva involuntarily because of the tension.

Although she had learned some information about Tiamat, the Father God had never told her that she had such a trick before...

No, thinking about it carefully, it seemed that the Father God did want to tell her several times before.

It was just that she was too lazy to listen at that time, so she ran away directly.

Chapter 652 Falling into the Underworld

"Don't be stunned for me! Leonidas, all the seals of divine power are activated!"

With Gilgamesh's stern shout, everyone came back to their senses from the huge gap between the enemy and us.

And the 360 ​​giant cannons originally arranged around the walls of Uruk for defense against monsters were also activated, firing deadly artillery fire at the "dark cloud".

Boom boom boom boom!

The shells called "treasures" drew countless golden streams in the air, and the high-frequency shooting almost made them connect into golden silk threads, exploding in the dark cloud composed of countless Lahmu.

Even though Lahmu's defense is amazing and has been strengthened to its current state, it will still be blown to pieces after being hit by the artillery fire of the Divine Seal.

And their concentration like sardines makes it unnecessary to aim.

Just shoot in the direction of Tiamat, and there will always be a few unlucky things that will hit it.

But it must be admitted that operating so many Divine Seals at the same time, even if Gilgamesh is a demigod, the burden on his body is extremely terrible... At least normally.

However, the existence of Leonidas undoubtedly reduced his burden a lot.

The warriors wearing Spartan-style armor are operating the Divine Seals in groups of two and firing continuously-and they are officially the three hundred Spartan warriors summoned by Leonidas's treasure "Flame Gate Guardian".

In this way, Gilgamesh's burden is relatively reduced by about half.

But this is not enough!

The fire of the explosion of the Noble Phantasm continued to explode in the shadow formed by Lamuch, but in the face of the number of weapons created by Tiamat at full power, the firepower of 360 divine seals was still not enough.

It didn't take long for the sky above Uruk to be covered by dark clouds - it was clearly daytime, but the entire city of Uruk was gloomy.

And looking around, the whole sky was almost full of the figure of Lamuch.

The strange chirping sound kept ringing in the sky, and combined with their image, it was simply disgusting.

At this point, the real battle began!

"Bellerophon (Riding Ying's Reins)!""

The holy white Pegasus rushed across the sky, smashing hundreds of Lahms into pieces in just a few seconds.

Anna, who was one with Medusa, was also using the black sickle to quickly harvest Lahms' heads. At the same time, the petrified magic eye that was unsealed because Merlin was offline was also destroying the surrounding enemies with great efficiency.

Every time Ishtar's gorgeous blue bow was unfolded, the magic arrows fired would pierce dozens of Lahms.

Ushiwakamaru and Benkei were also relying on their superb martial arts to kill the enemies.

In addition to the slammers that had been left in the city, the number of Lahms was rapidly decreasing under the high-speed killing of the heroes.


"How many of these guys are there!?"

Even if they were crushing Lahms in terms of individual strength, the number of the opponents was too much to be a headache... and Lahms were not weak either.

To put it bluntly, if this continues, they might not be able to hold on first.

And the more troublesome thing is the problem of Tiamat... How can she fall into the underworld if she can fly! ?


At this moment, the roar of the beast and the call of motherhood sounded again above everyone.

At some point, the Mother Goddess of Creation, who was carrying the artillery fire of the divine seal, had come over Uruk.

The purple-red pupils, like the cross of a mushroom, also stared at Lin Qiao, who was absorbing the tide of chaos on the ground.

——There is no doubt that it was an enemy from the sky.

If she was still a little uncertain when she was half asleep and half awake before, then the moment she saw Lin Qiao, Tiamat understood this.

Unlike the others who were still resisting, this was not a child who needed her pity, but a mortal enemy as the mother of all things!

The moment she made this clear, Tiamat entered the combat state.

The huge wings flapped, and they could cause a tornado-like wind in Uruk.

The huge body of several hundred meters fell to the ground with a bang, causing the surrounding black mud to be shaken into waves tens of meters high.

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