[After confirming the permanent world, the points required to enter the world will be greatly reduced, and after each mission, you will automatically obtain permission to enter the world for 365 days, and you can interrupt and exit at any time during this period...]


Listening to the system's words, even Lin Qiao couldn't help but freeze in place for a while.

——Since the time ability cannot play a role in the system, this scene was not within his prediction.

The surprise came too suddenly... Maybe it's what he said before his eyes.

Fortunately, he has seen a lot of storms, and this level of surprise only made him stunned for a while before he came back to his senses.

At least this is a good thing, isn't it?

——Then he was stuck on which world to choose as the permanent world.

Although he is not lacking in decisiveness when necessary, Lin Qiao does have a disease called "selective disorder" in his normal state.

Tokyo Ghoul, Black Bullet, Cyberpunk, Kamen Rider, and the Type-Moon he just experienced...

A total of five worlds.

To be honest, there are too many things that are hard to give up, but there is only one quota.

Although it is not such a wicked question as which one to save first between his wife and someone who fell into the river, it is indeed a difficult decision.

"No, can you think like this..."

The next second, Lin Qiao chose to shut down his emotions directly.

Compared with revisiting the old place or enjoying the gentle countryside, what should really be considered should be the improvement that living in the world can bring him.

Otherwise, if he is not strong enough in the future and dies in a certain world, then he will be completely finished.

And now, the biggest improvement for him, in addition to using the dial to gain power, is to devour planets and strive to evolve to a complete form as soon as possible.

At his current level of evolution, he can eat up a planet as big as the earth in at most ten years.

——Based on the above point, the targets that can be chosen have become much smaller.

Tokyo Ghoul, Black Bullet and Cyberpunk are definitely excluded directly.

It is one thing that the power system is too weak, but more importantly, if he devours a planet, even if the target is not the earth, the changes in the gravitational structure caused are enough to allow hundreds of millions of humans on it to live.

The remaining Kamen Rider and Type-Moon seem to have met all the conditions, but in fact they also have many problems...

Let's not talk about Kamen Rider, there are a lot of demons and snakes, and the super boss of the Time Management Bureau, if you don't play well, you will be overturned directly-even Oma Zi-O hinted to him before that it's better not to go back for the time being.

As for Type-Moon, although he can handle it, and he can get a lot of buffs after going there, in addition to causing gravitational imbalance, the trouble is that the planets here generally have something called planetary will.

.... It always feels bad to suddenly rush to someone and bite them for no reason, and it is also easy to be besieged by other UOs...

Although I'm not afraid, it's annoying.

In general, these two worlds have their own advantages and disadvantages, but they are also the most suitable options among the five worlds that Lin Qiao has experienced... right?

"Speaking of which, I seem to have experienced more than five worlds..."

Pinching his chin, Lin Qiao moved his eyes to the options given by the system that can be set as permanent worlds.

It can be seen that in addition to the five worlds mentioned at the beginning, there is another option at the front of Tokyo Ghoul.

——NieR: Automata.


As the starting point of everything, although I only stayed in this world for a few days before leaving, there are too many things to say...

A white but somewhat embarrassed figure of a man-made man emerged in my mind.

Recalling everything that happened in the preliminaries, even with the emotional state turned off, Lin Qiao still couldn't help but fall into silence.

Just putting these aside, I have to admit that Neil's world is indeed one of his options, even more suitable than Kamen Rider and Type-Moon.

At least there is no need to worry about causing human extinction when eating planets here-after all, the humans in it have been kneeling for many years.

The only one left, Emil, is also a bit hard to describe.

As for the mechanical lifeforms... Frankly speaking, although there are Pascal among the creations used by these aliens to invade the earth, overall, Lin Qiao finds it difficult to feel sympathy for them.


"The ability to reverse time should be effective for androids, right?"

Although he knew the answer was yes, he couldn't help but think about this question in his mind - or it could be said that he had some rejection of the possibility that time reversal would fail... that is, the so-called concern leads to confusion.

But no matter what, although the upper limit of power cannot be compared with Kamen Rider and Type-Moon.

But in terms of the growth option of Devouring Planets, there is indeed no world more suitable than NieR.

Thinking of this, Lin Qiao no longer hesitated and chose NieR's world as the permanent world.

[The permanent world has been established...]

It was with Lin Qiao's confirmation that the icon representing NieR's world in front of him was highlighted.


After regaining his emotions, Lin Qiao let out a long breath.

For him, who no longer needs to breathe, a necessary physiological activity for humans, this is a sign of inner tension, just like pinching the corner of his clothes.

——But this feeling is not bad.

After calming down his somewhat turbulent heart, he continued to exchange while the iron was hot.

The first of these is the exchange of world compatibility.

——Here only refers to Rungomyniad.

Chapter 662 The Prototype of the Soul

Let’s not talk about the Tiamat dial and the third method for now. Lin Qiao had already exchanged the former when it was still a blank dial, and the latter was compatible because it assimilated with Lin Qiao.

But if Rungomyniad is not exchanged, he can only smash people in other worlds, and there is even a possibility that the real thing will explode.

And more importantly, although he doesn’t have to worry about magic power after obtaining the power of Tiamat, it is necessary to make Rungomyniad completely fit his own power in order to maximize his own increase in many aspects.

——That is, transformation in the popular sense.

[The total points required for compatibility and transformation of this item is 4500 points. Do you want to pay? ]

It must be said that this price is a bit expensive. Except for a small part of the exchange of compatibility, the rest is basically spent on transformation.

You should know that even the treasure "Endless Bottle" that can provide him with a constant supply of illusory liquid is only 4000 points, and after the price was reduced again, it still exceeded the price by 4500 points.

It is conceivable how much the system charges this time... but it is also within an acceptable range.

After all, his request is indeed a bit too high, and even to a certain extent, it is out of control.


The moment the voice fell, a faint light appeared on the surface of the holy spear in his hand.

From the appearance alone, it seems that nothing has changed.

However, when you actually try it, you will find that the original extremely resistant to destructive energy and can only be driven by magic, Longominiade, has completely lost this disadvantage at this moment.

Even according to Type-Moon, at this moment, Longomyniad has completely changed from an earthly creation to an alien weapon.

——And this is just the surface...but the others still need to be tried slowly.

As for the next step, it is the problem of the third method.

It must be admitted that the third method of the Heavenly Cup is a very powerful ability.

But the only problem is that although this thing cannot be said to be useless to Lin Qiao, it really does not play a big role in combat power...or it does not play as much role as he expected.

It is true that it is said so, but it would be a pity to abandon it directly. After all, it is a rare soul-related ability, so just try to strengthen it.

[Searching for the best upper-level ability for "Soul Materialization", please wait...]

After entering his requirements, while the system was still screening, Lin Qiao also clicked on the exchange list to look at it.

A dense array of soul-related abilities appeared in front of Lin Qiao, including undead manipulation, the end of all souls, and the soul book...

Many of them seem to be extraordinary things just by hearing the names.

And of course, the price is definitely not cheap.....

[After screening, the enhancement with the highest adaptability rate is "Soul Prototype", and the required points are 5000 points. 】

"It's expensive..."

Although it is based on the already powerful third method for enhancement, rather than exchanging from scratch, the points spent are still within Lin Qiao's affordability.

But he still wants to say - it's expensive!

The price reduction brought by 12 system components and the pre-foundation of the Heavenly Cup, the result is still 5000 points...

Lin Qiao really feels a headache just thinking about how expensive the original price is.

Although the biggest reason is that his request is a bit too much.

However, after taking a quick look at the introduction of "Soul Prototype", Lin Qiao chose to agree to the exchange.

Or in other words, he has no reason to refuse this fully enhanced version of the third method.

Soul Prototype.....

And to understand this ability, you must first understand what the soul is.

——Do humans have souls?

That's natural. The most intuitive example is Olga Marie. If she didn't have souls, she would have died completely at the moment of Chaldea's explosion, not her soul coming to the singularity.

——Do animals have souls?

Although it's a little uncertain, they should still have souls, right? It's just that the quality may not be as good as that of humans...

——Then let's change the question. Is the special existence of souls unique to carbon-based creatures?

This question is obviously not easy to answer.

If the answer is yes, then there is no way to explain the existence of instrument spirits and Transformers, especially the existence of planetary souls like Gaia - these things are not carbon-based life.

But if the answer is no, does it mean that the saying that everything has souls is correct? And the stones on the roadside, and even the shit in the toilet, also have souls?

I have to say that this is indeed a somewhat difficult question to explain.

And the existence of the ability of "Soul Prototype" gives the answer to this.

——Yes, it exists.

Even the stones on the roadside have souls.

Rather than saying that "Soul Prototype" is a simple ability, it is more appropriate to say that it is the final answer to the existence of the soul.

Its essence is the high-dimensional recording carrier of all things in the world.

To give a more specific example, if the real body in the real world is compared to a computer, then the soul is equivalent to the software in it...

No matter whether the object has cognitive and thinking abilities, its essence will not change, it is a change between "0" and "1".

Based on the above, this is the ability of "Soul Prototype" - a more straightforward and vivid way of saying it is a hacker at the soul level...

Although this statement is not completely correct, it is at least a rough reference.

Now he can completely enlighten the stones or beasts on the roadside and give them intelligence like the immortals in some fantasy novels...

But that said, considering the proficiency of the Tao, what can be pointed out specifically, whether it is a super idiot, that is another matter.

In general, compared to the original Third Law, as its superior existence, the Soul Prototype has a qualitative change in both omnipotence and strength.

Of course, when Lin Qiao obtained the "Soul Prototype", after a little trial, he found that something was wrong.

It was not the wrong ability, but other aspects.

His eyes moved to the holy spear Lungominyad in his hand - he had not discovered it when he held the Third Law before, but now...

Although it was a bit strange, judging from the shining aura on it, the Lungominyad in his hand did not seem to be as simple as a simple item.

In other words, this thing may have its own ideas.....

Chapter 663 Lungominyad

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