"Play! Play!"

"Happy Happy!"

Countless mechanical life forms dressed as clowns were standing on both sides of the road, singing and dancing, waving shiny confetti, as if welcoming guests from afar.

Even the weapons that originally fired destructive energy bubbles were treated like fireworks, firing countless red bubbles into the sky.

Frankly speaking, in this era where humans have become extinct and artificial humans are at war with mechanical life forms, the entire amusement park is filled with a unique atmosphere of joy.

Coupled with the feeling of brightly lit lights under the setting sun, it is even more touching.

The three of them walked openly and openly in the middle of the road in the amusement park, without attracting any extra attention from other mechanical life forms.

Although the mechanical life forms here are all neutral entities separated from the network, Lin Qiao still resorted to small tricks to be on the safe side.

For example, by releasing special electromagnetic waves and electrical signals, it can make the surrounding mechanical life forms mistakenly think that they are the same kind...

Anyway, before truly awakening oneself, the intelligence of mechanical life forms is not too high.

"Congratulations, you have collected all the seals. This is a luxurious gift from this amusement park to you."

He handed a few seals that he found deliberately hidden in the corners of the amusement park to the mechanical life form that looked like a large kobold at the gate.

——Lin Qiao remembered that there was no such number in the game...but considering that mechanical life forms have all kinds of weird and weird looks, she wasn't too curious.

The latter also handed him a beautifully wrapped gift box directly.

"It's said to be a luxurious gift, but in the end it's just a few rusty parts and... recovery medicine?"

After opening the gift box, Lin Qiao was slightly disappointed by what was inside.

The only one that has some value...

It's probably the faded gold necklace inside that can be picked up with a magnet.

Although it cannot be said that it is worthless, it is indeed a bit disappointing...

Or from the perspective of mechanical life forms, these are quite precious things?

"But think about it carefully, when I took a girl to the amusement park for the first time, as soon as I left, I was caught by the other party..."

Recalling her experience as a ghoul in Tokyo, Lin Qiao couldn't help but click her tongue twice.

Tiamat and Lungominiad looked at him curiously.

But the latter smiled indifferently, and then walked past Tiamat and Lungominyad, without any intention of explaining too much.

"Aaaaa...the amusement park...interesting...but why?" Tiamat said in somewhat vague language.

Lungominiad on the other side looked at Lin Qiao with the same doubts.

Although she didn't resist Lin Qiao's approach of taking them around, and was even a little happy, she was really confused.

"Okay, okay, don't be so serious."

Lin Qiao waved her hand and continued: "It's not really for any reason. I just happened to be relatively close, so I came to hang out with you two...I just came here to look for clues based on my feeling."

It's really just in passing.

After all, it was quite some time ago when A2 appeared here.

And although the mechanical lifeforms here are all neutral units, it is impossible for A2 to settle here...

In general, Lin Qiao didn't expect to meet each other here.

Lin Qiao easily crossed the large iron gate used to block the road and walked towards the castle with a heart-shaped gap in the middle of the amusement park.

——As for Pascana's warning that "there are out-of-control mechanical lifeforms in the amusement park," Lin Qiao didn't pay attention.

boom! boom! boom!

Before he even got close, he could hear explosions coming from the gate and the sound of high-speed shooting from firearms.

Even if you get closer, you will find that the surrounding ground is shaking slightly...

But amid the sound of fireworks exploding in the amusement park, all of this didn't seem too obvious.

Within Lin Qiao's field of vision, behind the gate of the castle, three high-energy reactants emitting heat were fighting among them.

The one with the biggest reaction was obviously the mechanical life form.

The remaining two are a humanoid individual and...a small box floating in the air.

"Why is there one missing?"


As a civil war phantom... ah no, as an E-type Executioner machine disguised as a combat model.

Although the real task is to deal with the shady things in Yurha's army and eliminate the people who know these secrets, it sounds like they are assassins or something like that.

But in frontal combat, 2B still has some strength.

Needless to say, ordinary mechanical life forms are basically one knife at a time.

Even if it is a super-large weapon like the "Engels", as long as she is flying a flying device, she can defeat the opponent... and then destroy a vehicle.

But it's a pity that even though her strength is considered to be quite capable of fighting, she is indeed in a tough fight now.


Chapter 680 The illusory god in civil war, not good at foreign wars

——2B’s opponent is undoubtedly a mechanical life form.

Wearing a red cape, her lower body made entirely of steel plates looks like a dress held up by a crinoline, which makes people think of her as the "Iron Songstress".

However, what is horrifying is that the remains of the androids are hung on her body after the surface bionic skin is completely stripped off, just like an ornament.

And this is exactly the opponent that 2B is in a difficult battle with.


The auxiliary machine's minigun kept firing pale yellow energy bullets at the Iron Songstress named Beauvoir in front of her... but the effect was very little.

Ding Ding Ding——!

In front of the thickened metal plate, the energy bullets fired by the auxiliary machine directly hit it and shattered into a pile of sparks, or even bounced to the side.

Even if 2B's long sword "White Contract" chopped her body, it was difficult to shake her at all.

Instead, she herself was forced into a mess by the red energy cannon released by the opponent.

What's more, the other party has the ability to hack.....

If it weren't for the assistance of the auxiliary machine, she would have been defeated by now.

Although she was reluctant to admit it, it was too difficult for her to defeat such an opponent alone.

Yes, 2B was the only one who came to the amusement park to investigate.

Although the commander rejected her previous suggestion to act alone, the chance of touching the truth of human affairs in this mission was too high.

In order to avoid contacting confidential 9S every now and then and prevent the investigation from being unable to proceed.

Although the mission was still carried out by the two of them, it was actually a separate investigation led by 2B.

Unless it was determined to be necessary, 9S was only responsible for other local investigations...

To put it bluntly, it was just to find a job to get him out of the way and bring him back when needed.

Unfortunately, because the amusement park involved the civil war between humans half a year ago, in order to prevent 9S from being exposed to this information, 2B did not bring him with him.

- Now, he should be investigating abnormal mechanical life forms in the desert.


"Pod, contact for reinforcements!"

Facing Beauvoir who has the ability to hack, 2B knows that she has fallen into a very unfavorable situation.

——For androids and mechanical life forms, hacking is like a real injury... Although once they lose, they will be invaded by the opponent, it is undeniable that hacking is powerful.

Although 2B also has a certain basic hacking ability, it is really just the basics!

Not to mention counter-killing, it is already quite good to be able to protect herself under the opponent's hacking attack with the help of the auxiliary machine.

In the current situation, it is the most appropriate to ask 9S for help and delay time to wait for the opponent to come, and the two of them will kill Beauvoir together, or even more simply retreat as soon as possible.


[Report, communication failed due to enemy electromagnetic waves. 】

The rough male voice of the auxiliary machine reported an extremely bad situation.

What's more troublesome is that when 2B ran towards the castle gate, some kind of transparent hexagonal light wall blocked her.

"Electromagnetic barrier?"

2B looked at the purple-pink light wall in front of her in surprise.

The White Contract in her hand chopped it with an extremely sharp posture, but it only caused a slight ripple on it, but there was no other change.

[Report, due to the influence of the enemy's ability, it is impossible to leave the battle area. ]

In other words, now that the communication has been disconnected, she can only fight desperately.

If she wants to leave, she can only defeat the mechanical life form in front of her... Although the bunker still has her data backup, she will undoubtedly lose this memory after "resurrection".

And at this time, as the bottom skirt armor of the singer Beauvoir unfolded, about a dozen small missiles were fired from it in waves.


[Understood. ]

The body nimbly dodged the incoming missiles, and under 2B's exchange, the auxiliary machine on one side also turned the muzzle to aim at the missile that just came out of the launch port.

The next second....

Boom boom boom!

The yellow energy bomb instantly detonated the fired missile.

The impact caused Beauvoir to lose stability for a moment, and she screamed.

Taking this opportunity, 2B also stepped forward quickly, waving the pure white sword in her hand and hitting it twice.

Clang! Clang!

The crisp sound of metal and iron hitting the armor on Beauvoir's upper chest was heard... but it only left two inconspicuous scratches on her rusty armor plate.

——But having said that, it was not completely fruitless.

"It's the core!"

The sphere emitting a bright yellow luster slightly exposed a part of it at the moment when the armor plate was shaken.

Theoretically, as long as the core as the center and energy attack source is destroyed, the mechanical life form will be destroyed...

Of course, if it is a super-large mechanical life form like "Engels", there are also multiple core components.

But now is not the time to talk about this.

Waving the sword and looking at the attacking red energy ball, 2B's body quickly retreated, looking at the more crazy singer in front of him with a serious face.

Even though she had found the weakness, with her current attack power, even if the auxiliary machine used a more powerful laser cannon, it would probably be difficult to break through the enemy's armor.

And the trouble is that although 2B saw Beauvoir's weakness just now, it also made Beauvoir take precautions.


The huge steel singer tightly covered the place that was loosened by 2B's sword just now, and the mechanical sound with a tremor continued to come out of her mouth.

"I want to become more beautiful!"

The deafening shout like a sonic weapon burst out in an instant, causing dust to fall from the ceiling.

And as the roar sounded, a dazzling light appeared from the singer's chest.

"Oh no! It's the enemy's hacking...!"

The defense inside the machine was broken through almost instantly.

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