emmm, that’s right.

After tidying up her clothes, Lin Qiao sighed helplessly when she saw Dong Xiang's attitude of saying, "Don't leave until you tell me."

It's nothing anyway, just think of it as satisfying her curiosity and comforting her inner dissatisfaction.

"Tell everything?"

"Tell them all!"

"Then let's start from the beginning..."

Lin Qiao scratched her head, found a place to sit down, and said with a serious face.

"——On that day 22 years ago, I was born at the obstetrics and gynecology hospital in the city. It was a healthy baby with a net weight of 7.6 pounds..."

Squinting her eyes, the smelly blue-haired sister was looking for a suitable angle to give someone a hard slap on the face.

"Ahem, no more kidding. Anyway, you still remember the news some time ago, right? A certain gangster bought and sold humans to ghouls."

"As for that, I heard that the CCG was busy for a long time, but in the end they didn't even catch the main culprit, and then they simply let it go..."

It was also because of this incident that the ghouls in District 20 were having a hard time during that period. Even the usually high-profile Tsukiyama Xi went abroad.

"To be honest, I did this."


It's a bit unexpected, but it doesn't feel like a complete surprise.

At least it seems more reasonable in this way, and some of his actions can be effectively and reasonably explained.

"Anyway, it's a slightly long story..."

Chapter 39 My work of confidence

Miss Ryoko and Hinami finally stayed in the stable area.

Although he won't be able to get over the pain of losing his loved ones in a short time, at least he no longer has to worry about being sent to District 24, which can be said to be a cesspool.

This can be said to be a blessing in misfortune.

However, there is one thing to say. Although he successfully prevented the Dikou mother and daughter from entering Area 24, Lin Qiao himself was quite interested in that place. After all, he was an animation fan and had never read the comics, but the content of the animation was complete. ...

Just don’t say it.

So if possible, he really wanted to see it.

..... Unfortunately, it seems that because of seeing the miserable situation of the herdsmen and others at the foot of the mountain, the people in the Anding District refused to take him there, which made him feel very regretful.

What evil intentions could the little spider have?

Well, that's a bit too far.

In short, for now, Fieguchi Ryoko is undergoing induction training from Imi Xuan and the others. It won't be long before the coffee shop opens and there will be an extra married woman waiter in the coffee shop.

It is worth mentioning that just when Dong Xiang once again proposed to avenge Mr. Dikou, this woman who was more qualified than anyone else to choose revenge took the initiative to give up.

Does she love her husband?


Does she hate Goo Mato?


But even so, no one could blame her.

Giving up revenge on the prosecutor did not mean that she had given up hatred, nor did it mean that she had lost her love for her husband.

For her who has lost her identity as a wife, all that is left is her "mother" side.

Revenge is important, but raising a daughter is even more important.

She didn't want her daughter to grow up in an environment of hatred, let alone cause other people to lose their lives because of revenge.

Perhaps living in spite of the enemy who killed her husband would be called cowardice, but from another perspective, isn't this a kind of courage?

Lin Qiao didn't know what kind of will drove her to make such a decision, but at least it was certain that she had certain qualities that she did not possess.

It was something that could not be described in words, something warm and soft, yet indestructible at the same time.

As for the members of the Yamashita group who were brought back by Sifang Lianshi, Lin Qiao had all their memories completely erased in front of others, including their language.

No need to worry about anything else.

Their intelligence value on Lin Qiao has been almost zeroed a long time ago, so it is not important whether they retain the memory of the past.

And the remaining function is just to use the blank bottle to extract ingredients after turning into a slammer, or to make him familiar with the use of his abilities... He has already completed this a long time ago.

——So even if good luck can leave here, the rest of life will be completely ruined. As for the next processing, let Anding District figure it out.

"How can I put it this way? Is this what it feels like for a dragon slayer to finally become an evil dragon...?"

No, actually this is not correct.

After all, he was not a brave man who stood up for others from the beginning, but another more powerful evil dragon.

Even if Yamashita Mufu's group of scumbags died without mercy, this was not the reason for him to conduct experiments.

What's wrong is wrong.

At this point, he never thought that he was right, and he didn't want to find other reasons. After all, everything he did had long gone beyond the scope of eliminating harm for the people... Of course, that's what he said, but In fact, I have no regrets.

Instead, I had thoughts like "Damn, I can still do this" and "I'm so cool".

Look at the stopwatch on your phone that keeps counting down.

When the number above reached zero, Lin Qiao picked up the already heated kettle and slowly and evenly poured the hot water into the filter paper filled with coffee powder.

After a period of practice, he has become very familiar with the technique of making coffee.

Ken Kaneki, who was sitting opposite the bar, was always fidgeting.

"Well, Mr. Ishimori, if it's about what happened last time, you don't need to care too much. Although I was indeed shocked at the time, you were trying to save Touka and Ryoko after all, so why apologize..."

There's no need, right?

He looked at Lin Qiao, who was still brewing coffee opposite him, with a worried look on his face, and tried his best to excuse the other party, as if he wanted the other party not to care too much about such things.

On the one hand, after listening to the store manager's account of what happened, he felt that in such an emergency, such a thing really couldn't be blamed on the other party.

It's better to say that if Touka and Ryoko's lives could be saved by his own blood, even if Lin Qiao didn't have to do it, he would take the initiative to give himself a wave of blood.

Of course, the most important point is-

He really doesn't want to drink the coffee brewed by Lin Qiao!

The coffee brewed by a failed man is not drinkable.

This has almost become an iron rule tacitly accepted by the An Ding District.

It's not that the other party deliberately poisoned something. Generally speaking, if the other party brews normally, the taste is not bad, at least much better than his.

But the key is the word "normal"!

Because of Lin Qiao's unique... or even curious taste, he can't brew this coffee normally no matter how he brews it.

At first, it was just chopped green onion and coriander, and then ketchup, pepper, and thirteen spices were slowly added to it. I dare not even think about what will be added later.

At present, the first and only victim in the An Ding area is Gu Jianyuan.

That day, Lin Qiao went out after brewing coffee because he happened to have something to do, so the cup of coffee was left on the table, and then Gu Jianyuan saw it.

So out of curiosity, the uncle chose to try it, and then... emmm.

In short, I won't go into details about the process in the middle. You just need to know that one of the "condiments" that Lin Qiao put in that day was the Death Pepper.

The average spiciness reached 1569300 Scoville, which is equivalent to the spiciness of ordinary civilian pepper spray.

So that day, everyone in the Anding District was forced to know that spiciness is not a taste but a pain.

——Such useless knowledge.

And now, facing the terrible future of becoming the second victim, Kaneki Ken just wants to say...

Don't do that!

"So you really misunderstand me deeply. Didn't I tell you that Mr. Furuma's last incident was an accident?"

He sighed. To be honest, he was helpless about Furuma Yuan'er's incident.

Who knew that he hadn't been out for five minutes, and someone got into trouble... After all, that cup of coffee was originally reserved for himself!

Lin Qiao put a red fruit with a wrinkled surface, like a shriveled cherry, into his mouth, which made Kaneki Ken next to him terrified.

"Well, that, Mr. Ishimori, I remember that it seemed to be..."

"Well, it would be a pity to just throw away the leftover chili from last time... To be honest, I prefer this kind of stimulating food now."

Without blushing or breathing heavily, Lin Qiao swallowed the chili in her mouth calmly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Furuma drank it last time because I wanted to challenge my taste buds, so I made it for myself."

"But this time it's different. After all, it's for an apology, so no chili or other ingredients are added."

"And after so much time of practice and experimentation, I finally made a special coffee that can satisfy my picky taste."

After a while, a cup of freshly brewed coffee was ready.

"Try it, this is my confident work, and the name... well, let's call it Nebula Coffee."

"...Nebula Coffee... What a good name..."

She laughed dryly with a stiff expression, but she didn't dare to drink it because of this!

Kaneki Ken didn't pick up the coffee immediately. He looked at it curiously.

From the appearance alone, it looked good. Besides, Lin Qiao brewed it in front of him, so there shouldn't be any problem, right?

With a risk-taking mentality, he took it and tasted it carefully... and then his eyes lit up.

"This taste..."

Unexpected surprise!

It was as if the body was freed from the constraints of gravity, floating freely in the air, and still rising.

The earth under his feet became smaller and smaller, and soon he passed through the clouds. Looking up, he saw the vast nebula.

Even his long-dead mother seemed to be waving to him... to him... to him... eh?

Wait! Something is wrong!

"Hey! Half-assed, hurry up and move the things. The new table has arrived..."

Kirishima Touka rushed up from downstairs and pushed Kaneki Ken who was lying on the bar, but the latter did not react. Then he looked at Lin Qiao who was holding a cup of coffee and looked satisfied.

"What's going on? Did you add something weird to the coffee again? The pepper tortured Mr. Furuma for a whole night last time."

"Hey, hey, hey, I warn you, stop slandering me! And last time it was an accident, this time I swear, I really didn't add those things."

At most I stuffed some nebula gas in it... Don't mention it, it tastes great!

Dong Xiang looked at Lin Qiao suspiciously: "Then what's wrong with him?"

"Who knows? He must have not rested well at night and was sleepy. He fell asleep peacefully."


I always feel that something is wrong... Come to think of it, are the words "peaceful" used to describe people sleeping?

"But forget it, it's just right for you to move things with me."

"......I remember I'm not an employee of your store, right? Or I can help you wake up Kaneki..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Because of you, so many coffee beans in the store have been wasted these days, now consider it as compensation!"

It's your own fault.jpg

Chapter 40 He must pay the price!

Tokyo International Airport.

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