
He waved a friendly hand to the dazed artificial people.

And that familiar voice that seemed familiar once again made everyone present look at each other.

Even Diavola and Bobola who were a little further away had their eyes widened and didn't even notice that the wrench in their hands fell.

However, Lin Qiao ignored them for the time being, and instead turned his attention to 2B, who motioned for the others to put down their guns.

——Honestly, she was the only person present who knew some of the truth...but she couldn't tell her directly due to the commander's instructions.

"I haven't seen you for two days, 2B."

Under the vigilant gaze of others, Lin Qiao walked towards 2B.

After the latter discovered that the other party's target was him, he suddenly felt at a loss.

Although she communicated with him quite naturally when she didn't know the other person's identity before, but after knowing...

It always feels like it's a little too overstepping.

He wanted to raise his left hand in salute and shout out the words "Humanity's glory lasts forever", but the next second he realized that there were many artificial humans of the resistance around him, which put 2B in a dilemma.

Fortunately, at this time, Lin Qiao directly put his arm around her shoulders and brought her along like he did when the two were fishing in the past.

"Relax, there's no need to be so nervous."

"I just want you to help me contact the bunker, so I agree to their communication requirements."

Although it would be fine to reply directly from the mothership, considering the son of a bitch N2, Lin Qiao decided to be a little more cautious.

After all, he was really good at electronic viruses.


Chapter 707 The machine soul is delighted!

The time for discussion with the bunker...or, to put it more simply, with the human council commanding behind the bunker, was set for two days.

As for the location, it is somewhere in the ruined city on Earth.

——For this slightly arbitrary request, the bunker or the Lunar Human Council did not even show any shirk, and directly chose to agree.

This made Lin Qiao, who wanted to test the other party, feel a little embarrassed...but that was all.

As for before that, Lin Qiao still had some serious things to do.


In the alien's mothership, some kind of blushing and happy sound sounded in the empty cabin.

Lungominiad's soul shadow had a flushed face and lay half-paralyzed in Lin Qiao's arms. Even his breathing became a little faster.

As for her holy spear, it also glowed extremely brightly.

In addition to Lungominyade who was slumped on Lin Qiao, not far away on the other side, 8B, 11B and the androids who were other prototypes were also slumped on the ground with extremely happy expressions.

Some kind of transparent liquid, similar to engine oil or lubricating liquid, seeped out from their bodies, forming a reflective surface on the ground made of an unknown alloy.

"....What are you doing?"

A2, who arrived belatedly, looked at the scene in front of him expressionlessly that could almost be described as tragic.

Be The One, the stand-in next to her, nodded with understanding.

[Yeah, I understand, this is probably the silver mentioned in those comics before... Uh-huh! 】

Before Be The One could finish her words, a ball of blue gel-like substance ejected from Lin Qiao's body and transformed into another Lin Qiao, covering her mouth tightly.

"I beg you, please don't mention this matter again!"

Both Lin Qiao's faces looked filled with grief and anger.

I finally suppressed the shame caused by social death by reducing my emotional activity. Please don’t remind me of it again!

——Frankly speaking, if he didn't really have to deal with the android affairs, he really wanted to take a break for more than ten years before going back.

It's just that A2 and Be The One both looked helpless and helpless about this.

Until now, neither of them had figured out why Lin Qiao had such a big reaction... It could be said that it highlighted an unreasonable human nature.

"So you are indeed driving like in the mobile comics..."

Facing Lin Qiao's resentful eyes, A2 finally let out a helpless sigh, unable to say the next words.

Seeing this, Lin Qiao also breathed a sigh of relief and took back the separated clone.

Yinpa... Although it seems easy to think this way, in reality it is not.

Strictly speaking, Lin Qiao is using the power of her "soul prototype" to create souls for No. 8B and No. 4.

——This is also to prevent N2 from doing anything secretly.

Although Lin Qiao would never defeat a mechanical life form in a head-on battle, she was afraid that the opponent would come up with something fancy...for example, a logic virus.

This thing is completely an invisible killer weapon used by mechanical life forms against artificial humans.

Once infected, it is not just about waiting to die or rebelling, but it is also a disaster.

Even though Lin Qiao has the power to turn back time, some things are best avoided from the beginning.

——Out of this idea, after thinking about it for a while, Lin Qiao simply decided to free A2 and the others from the shackles of the "artificial human".

In other words, I don’t want to be an artificial human anymore!

Shaping the soul, extracting the soul, and finally putting the soul into a new body - these are the three steps that Lin Qiao needs to complete.

In simple terms, it is similar to putting an elephant into a refrigerator... but this process is hardly smooth sailing.

—— The first step of extracting the soul alone has already made Lin Qiao stuck.

Wanting to completely extract the existence of an artificial human, which is essentially an electronic data, and then shape it into a soul in the conventional sense...

This is much more troublesome than extracting the soul directly from a living person.

Is the artificial human a thinking machine, or a thought living in a mechanical body...

These two statements seem similar, but they are essentially different.

The first thing Lin Qiao thought of was the relic he had seen in cyberpunk... and then kicked the thing directly without any hesitation.

—— That thing is just a high-level AI that is consistent with the original owner's personality and memory.

It has no reference value at all.

Fortunately, the simulated soul was placed in the body of the resistance army before, allowing Lin Qiao to collect quite valuable data.

In addition, A2, the awakened substitute, was used as a sample, which gave Lin Qiao a general direction.

Therefore, although it took a lot of time, the final result was satisfactory.

——At least the most difficult first step, shaping the soul, was successful.

However, a byproduct was inevitably produced in this process.

Well, the more academic term is "soul interferes with the body".

For example, two pistols from the same factory, with the same process, and even the number of times and strength of the hammering of the parts are exactly the same.

One jammed as soon as the trigger was pressed; while the other could continue to shoot after firing several magazines.

Under the premise that the material conditions are the same, the difference between the two is determined by the "soul" they possess.

Just like when people feel happy, they are more energetic and do things more powerfully.

As a high-dimensional record, if a certain influence is exerted on the soul, causing it to produce a reaction like "happiness", it will in turn affect the material itself that carries the record... even if it is an item like a sword that has no self-thinking ability.

——In layman's terms, it is the so-called "machine soul joy".

Considering that 8B and Rungominiad are equivalent to thinking robots on one side, and the other side is simply the soul of the weapon itself.

So Lin Qiao simply tried it a little bit with their consent...

Well, first of all, it was successful.

Both the android and Rungominiad's body showed high performance beyond the previous scope.

As for why it turned into a silver party scene now...

It can only be said that Lin Qiao accidentally applied too much stimulation, making them as "machine souls" too happy.

"I see, so is it my turn next?"

A2 looked at Lin Qiao who had calmed down Rungominiad's soul shadow and said.

But the latter shook his head.

"That's not necessary. From the beginning, the soul was shaped based on you... although there is no substitute."

"... So that's it..."

With a sigh, the expressions on A2 and Be The One's faces were a little disappointed.


You are not right!


Chapter 708 Soul Juice (Illusionary Liquid), pour it on~

Although A2's face was full of regret, Lin Qiao raised his eyes fiercely.

But after a twitch in his throat, he finally didn't say anything.

But overall, despite the incident of accidentally causing the machine soul to be overjoyed and overjoyed, things can indeed be described as smooth.

——Soul Prototype.

The role this ability plays on the soul is indeed much more useful than the third method "Soul Materialization" that Lin Qiao obtained at the beginning.

And after taking the most critical first step, the following steps will naturally come naturally.

The disturbing-looking black mud sea emerged from Lin Qiao's feet...

But the black mud did not spread randomly to submerge the entire cabin, but gathered into a basin-like shape and continued to differentiate.

The outermost layer of black mud turned into some kind of translucent thin capsule, like a container to ensure that the black mud inside would not flow out.

And with Lin Qiao as the center, it differentiated into several "petal" containers that were like petals and could easily hold two adults.

——But rather than being a simple container, it would be more appropriate to say that it was a culture chamber.

Then the black mud under Lin Qiao's feet seemed to solidify.

It turned into some kind of metallic pipe like the body of the slammer, connecting each petal-like culture chamber in series.

"So all you have to do is lie in it?"

A2 glanced at the culture chamber in front of him, which was like a bathtub and filled with black mud.

Compared with the previous scene of the change that had some sanity loss, the deep and faintly sticky liquid at this moment was blooming in it incomparably calmly.

"I guess so. Leave the rest to me."

"Okay, I understand."

Hearing Lin Qiao's affirmative statement, A2 nodded calmly without showing any doubt.

Then she took off her clothes neatly and lay down in the incubator in front of her, which was wrapped in a metallic hardened capsule.

As she entered, the black mud that nurtured life gradually engulfed the body that had experienced various battles and even the bionic skin had fallen off.

"Actually, you don't have to take off your clothes..."

Although it was true, Lin Qiao did not say it out loud.

I have to admit that due to their admiration for the Creator, the androids are really meticulous in imitating humans, and even the details are quite realistic... But considering that no one likes it, I won't go into details.

Lin Qiao put the other androids who were temporarily incapable of action due to the excessive joy of the machine soul into the incubator one by one.

But just before A2's body completely sank to the bottom of the incubator, she seemed to remember something and added with a "gurgling" sound.

"There is one more thing, it should be bigger, just like in your comics..."

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