And then back to the present...

Although Kirishima Touka was very happy that her friend could come, why did the topic get so twisted while we were chatting?

"What is that? An urban legend?"

"Well, this...if it counts, let it count."


Never heard of it at all.

Because I have been worrying about Hinami and Miss Ryoko recently, I don't pay much attention to some recent gossips and rumors in the school.

By the way, shouldn’t the topics between girls be about cosmetics, boyfriends, etc.?

Why did it suddenly become an urban legend?

Apparently last week, weren't there still rumors about a certain celebrity couple cheating?

It only took a few days for it to become an urban legend. It must have changed too quickly.

"Listen to me, listen to me, Dong Xiang, this is really popular on the Internet recently."

Go online, no wonder you haven’t heard of it.

So far, she has only learned to turn on the phone, then turn on Minesweeper and plant flags on it.

As for high-end operations like surfing the Internet, you still need to continue learning in the future.

However, Kosaka Yiko obviously did not hear the inner monologue of a certain blue smelly sister.

Instead, he continued to preach with excitement:

"Legend has it that when night falls and someone in the city is in danger, a messenger of justice wearing red armor will descend from the sky."

"It only takes a few or two blows to defeat all the bad guys, leaving only a silhouette behind and leave in style."

"How's it going? Isn't he handsome?"

While talking, Kosaka Yiko also imitated the protagonist in the hot-blooded animation and put on a pose similar to a transformation.

It's not standard, and it even looks a little funny.

But she still seems to feel good about herself.

"Yes, yes, Yiko is very handsome."

It's like being infected with a bad virus from someone.

Dong Xiang read the words without emotion, then lay weakly on the table and clapped his hands for the other party's performance.

"But urban legends and other things that are based on rumors are mostly lies."

Not to mention it still has that weird name.

"No, no, it's different this time, it's true."

"....How could such outrageous rumors be true?"

"It's true, and many people have seen it with their own eyes."

Kosaka Yiko raised a finger, her tone pretending to be mysterious.

"The earliest news was posted online by a person named 'Tianhuo Jiang Wants to Eat Ice Cream'. I heard she was a girl from the school next door to us."

"At first, people thought it was just to attract attention, so they didn't pay much attention. Some even said it was a ghoul who pretended to be someone else."

"But as more and more people claimed to have been saved by heroes who looked like spiders, the post became popular."

"Later, people simply gave him a name based on the color of his body - Red Superman!"

"...I feel a little bit déjà vu."

Have you seen someone similar or matching the description somewhere?

The image of Lin Qiao giving her a thumbs up after her transformation flashed through her mind...

Then the expression on Dong Xiang's face stiffened instantly, and then he took a breath.



This level can no longer just be called a sense of déjà vu!

This description clearly refers to a failed man who comes to their shop every day to ruin the coffee beans and almost sends two people to the emergency room!

It's definitely him!

"I heard that everyone was quarreling over the name at first."

"is that so......"

He picked up the coffee on the side with a twitching mouth, took a sip to calm down, and forced himself to calm down.

"....But speaking of it, why is it called "Red Superman"? Doesn't it look like a spider? "

"Well, I asked a similar question at that time."

As if she was pleased that Dong Xiang was thinking of her, Kosaka Yiko nodded pretending to be serious.

"I heard it's because I couldn't confirm the exact appearance. Some people said it was a spider, but others thought it was a crab."


Crab, crab?

Okay, great, now I finally have something to laugh at that guy.

"Well, that Dong Xiang, your expression is very strange...are you smiling?"

"Sorry, sorry, Yiko, please continue."

"Anyway, because of this, people on both sides kept arguing, and no one gave in to the other, so in the end, they could only be named by colors."

Kosaka Yiko sighed regretfully. She had obviously thought of many names, but none of them were chosen.

I'm a little bit unwilling...

"But I heard that there was someone named "Killbus", but because it was too weird, he was killed in the first round. "

"...It's really a bit unclear."

After repeating the name Kosaka Yiko said in a low voice, Touka got up from the table and nodded in approval.

At least some patterns can be found in other names, such as appearance characteristics and so on.

But I really can’t tell what I was thinking about this. There is even a sense of prank in it. It’s really not surprising that it would be rejected.

"Speaking of which, I remember there was a boy in Dong Xiang's store? I didn't see him today."

"Kaneki, he went out before..."

"Not the one with the eye patch, but the one who learned to make coffee from the store manager." Kosaka Yoriko said.

"That guy... said he had something urgent to do or something, so he didn't come over these two days."

Holding his hands across his chest, he hesitated for a while, and then held his forehead helplessly.

Tsk, what's the urgent matter? He obviously went back to play games.

He also sent a text message saying "Game update, I won't come recently" for no reason... Who does he think he is! ?


I can't understand what's the point of operating virtual characters on the computer.

Not to mention that you will feel dizzy if you watch it for a long time...he can do this himself!

After chatting for a while, Kirishima Touka said goodbye to Kosaka Yoriko, and then went back to the coffee shop to stretch.

The coffee shop will reopen tomorrow, so we must be prepared.

It just so happens that a certain annoying guy is not here today, so I can work without worry.

Chapter 42 Who asked you to come?

The game has been updated, so I have to go back to participate in activities or something.....

I knew it was a lie as soon as I heard it.

The new version has not been out for a month, how could that lazy dog ​​production team be so fast... cough cough.

In short, this kind of words that are clearly meant to fool people, I guess except for the idiots with only one mind, anyone with a little brain will not believe it.

The phone made a ding-dong notification sound:

[Dear user, your report application for the Red Superman discussion group has been submitted, and we will deal with it as soon as possible]

Looking at the words displayed on the screen, Lin Qiao always felt a little tired.

Even if I opened several small accounts before and posted colorful pictures in them.

But the final result may be that only those small accounts were blocked, and there was nothing wrong with the discussion group itself.

"So how come I became an Internet celebrity when I woke up?"

Although it can't be said to be a completely bad thing, but think about it carefully...


Anyway, it's very strange.

Lin Qiao was not surprised that those people he had saved would form a fan club or similar support group.

People always like to gather together for warmth and find a sense of identity.

Even if he had advised the other party not to discuss things related to him if possible, it would only serve as a reminder.

As for whether to comply or not, it depends on personal consciousness.

However, he didn't care much about this kind of thing, otherwise he would have erased the memories of those people long ago.

..... But the premise is that the matter was limited to this.

However, generally speaking, saying this means that there will be a big problem-

"Fuck, when did I save so many people?"

I have to admit that it is really a good thing to see someone bragging about himself on the Internet.

Lin Qiao is no exception.

It's like when a new author looks at his own failure data and doubts his life, he is suddenly rewarded.

It's natural to be happy.

But the problem is that those four or five hundred people on the Internet say that they have common or similar experiences...

Are you fucking serious?

Why don't I remember saving so many people?

With this number, even if he can save more than ten people every day, it will take at least a month to complete the target.

Although Lin Qiao has not counted how many people he has saved, he still has a rough idea in his mind.

Not a few, but definitely not that many.

Even if we count the large number of people in the incident of the Yamashita Group, there are only about twenty or less than thirty people so far, far less than the exaggerated number of nearly ten times on the Internet now.

So where did those extra people come from?

To get traffic?

However, before he could figure out where all these drama queens came from, an even more surprising situation happened.

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