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Chapter 59 CCG is here to clean up the mess!

Although it was to save Kaneki Ken, there is one thing that Lin Qiao did not lie about.

It is really not important whether Tsukiyama Shuu is alive or not, as long as his face can still be recognized by the CCG forensic doctor.

To a certain extent, it is even better if he is dead.

A dead person is more useful than a living person.

Her beloved son died in the hands of the investigator, and no matter how gentlemanly Tsukiyama Kan's mother is, she can't sit still.

And Amon Kotaro, the honest man who reported the location of the ghoul restaurant to CCG, is his first and best target for revenge.

Of course, the fact is that as long as he takes action, the Tsukiyama family will be completely finished and will immediately enter the countdown to destruction... It will be the same if he doesn't take action, but the process will be a little slower.

As for the information about Lin Qiao... What if you know it?

He can't find anyone, so in the end he can only go to trouble Amon Kotaro.

So the result that only the honest man was injured was achieved.

"Sorry, Mr. Ishimori, I'm sorry to bother you..."

He followed Lin Qiao, holding his still aching stomach. The blood on his clothes was shocking, but after replenishing some food, he was basically fine now.

As for the medicine that Yueshan Xi had given him was actually okay.

It should be to avoid the effect of the medicine affecting the relationship of other VIPs in the end, so the amount was not much. At most, his legs are still a little weak now.

It was just that he was scared enough when Lin Qiao shot at him before. At that time, he really thought that the other party was going to come for a Russian rescue.

But fortunately, it was just a close call in the end.

"But, that Mr. Yueshan..."

He turned back timidly and looked at Yueshan Xi who was tied up by Lin Qiao with a spider silk and dragged on the ground like a dead dog.

To be honest, the "food" he had replenished before was the eldest son of the Yueshan family - it was still a bit difficult for him to chew it raw, so it was mainly blood.

"Tsukiyama, don't worry, that guy is still alive. The vitality of ghouls is not as weak as you think, especially for those who have never had to worry about food and clothing since childhood."

And now is not the time to decide whether this guy lives or dies.

Whistling easily, he threw and caught a white and curved bone column in his hand.

"...Um, Mr. Ishimori, I would like to ask, what is that thing in your hand......?"

"What are you talking about?" He shook the bone column in his hand and threw it to Kaneki Ken beside him.

"It's just a part of Tsukiyama Shu's spine."

"Tsuki, Mr. Tsukiyama's spine, spine!?"

He was in a hurry and finally caught the thing thrown by Lin Qiao, and the next second he was scared and dropped it to the ground.

"Yes, otherwise why do you think that guy is so quiet now?"

He pointed to Tsukiyama Shu who was facing the ground behind him without looking back.

If it weren't for the heartbeat and panting, he would have fainted even though he still had a heartbeat and breathing.

"But the vitality of ghouls is really outrageous. They can survive such injuries and even grow new bones in a short time... It seems that they may have to be drawn again later."


Ken Kaneki felt that for the sake of his physical and mental health, he should not answer this question.

Whether he asked him to help later or asked him if he wanted to eat, he suffered a huge psychological trauma... In fact, the other party had asked the last question before, but he didn't know it at that time, and he didn't agree.

"Oh, I almost forgot."

As if she remembered something, Lin Qiao picked up a mask from the ghoul's body and gave it to Ken Kaneki.

There are investigators everywhere outside now, and it would be troublesome if their faces were seen.

"Mr. Ishimori, are we... not running away now?"

After discovering that the route they took was the way back to the Colosseum just now, he asked nervously.

"Go back to deal with some things and complete the delivery commission by the way."

"Deal with some... things?" He nodded half-confusedly.

He walked all the way to the Burning Smasher who was wreaking havoc on the surroundings.

The blazing flames spewed out from the special structure of his right hand, burning everything around him. Just being close to him made people sweat profusely.

Under its feet, more than a dozen carbonized corpses fell crookedly on the ground.

"Ishi, Mr. Ishimori, there is a robot there!"

"Okay, okay, I see it. Please be quiet for a while. It's just a small scene."

However, it seemed that the consciousness left before the transformation was affected. After seeing Lin Qiao, the enemy, the Burning Smasher on the opposite side immediately threw a big fireball.

He casually knocked the flying fireball to the wall on the side.

Looking at the Smasher on the opposite side who had entered an out-of-control state, Lin Qiao murmured in a low voice: "Sure enough, it's out of control. It seems that we have to deal with them before the investigators come in."

Anyway, those ghouls are gone, and their mission is considered completed.

"Elek Steam!"

Adjusted the valve on the smoke rifle, unplugged the full-filled bottle of Lost from the socket and plugged it in again.


Aim the muzzle at the Burning Slammer in front of you and pull the trigger.

"Steam Shot!"


A powerful blue electro-optical ball was shot from the muzzle, knocking Burning Slam almost to pieces in one blow.

But something strange is that the injuries on it are recovering bit by bit.

A blank bottle appeared in Lin Qiao's hand. He twisted the bottle cap with his thumb, and then pointed it at the Burning Slammer on the ground.

The next second, the mechanical body of the Burning Slammer turned into bursts of golden light spots and was sucked into the blank bottle in Lin Qiao's hand, revealing the disintegrator with a red hood inside.

"Mr. Ishimori, what was that just now...?" Kaneki Ken couldn't help but swallowed his saliva when faced with the scene in front of him that was beyond common sense.

"My little secret, well, just remember to keep it a secret from others."

With that said, he shot the unconscious disintegrator on the ground, making Kaneki Ken next to him tremble.

"Let's go. There are still three guys like this to deal with, especially the guy who can clone himself, which is really troublesome. If we don't hurry up, we may not be able to solve it before the investigators come in."


Ah, how do you say this word?

Take it for granted?

In short, for Kaneki Ken, if he was still shocked at first, then after this kind of thing that exceeded common sense happened in front of him four times, he was completely numb.

Rather than caring about that kind of thing, he just wants to go home and lie down.

Fortunately, after going through so much, according to Lin Qiao, they only need to complete the last task.

——Hand over Tsukiyama Xi to the ghoul investigator.

The two people walked around in circles until they came to a place where there was no one around.

In front of them, an investigator with short, sleek hair was waiting.

Just like when acquaintances meet each other and greet each other.

From a long distance away, Lin Qiao waved to say hello to Kotaro Yamen on the opposite side: "I've been waiting for a long time, Investigator Yamen."

"It doesn't matter, I've only been here not long ago...I wonder who this is?"

"Irrelevant Passerby A... I guess he is this kind of character. Even if he talks about it, it's just a waste of time."


They didn't get too entangled in this issue. Compared to a minor character like Kaneki Ken, Tsukiyama Xi was the focus of their meeting.


"As you can see, people have been brought here."

Grabbing the short blue hair, the whole person was like a piece of rotten meat without a backbone, and carried it to Kotaro Amen.

"Is this... Tsukiyama Xi?"

After getting closer, he carefully looked at the extremely embarrassed young master. Although there were some differences, it was indeed almost the same as what he had seen in the information before.

In other words, it's the same person.

As for the other things, there is no need to verify it - the ridge extending from the underside of the shoulder blade has already shown everything.

It doesn't matter whether Tsukiyama is a "gourmet" or not. This alone is enough to identify him as a ghoul and then hunt him down.

It's really too bad, the famous Tsukiyama family is actually a ghoul or something.

Kotaro Armen couldn't help but sigh.

"But that's all we have to say, why don't you invite your good friends out?"

"...You misunderstood, I came here on my own from the beginning."

"A person..."

Without refuting him, Lin Qiao just picked up the smoke rifle in his hand and fired randomly into the room next to him.


A hole as thick as a finger appeared on the closed white door.

The investigator who was ambushing inside looked at the still smoking bullet holes next to him with cold sweat on his face, and couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

That moment just now, if it was just a centimeter off, he would be dead.

Press the switch, and the briefcase in your hand instantly turns into a lethal metal rod.

"It's not a good habit to talk without keeping your words..."

But who am I to accuse others of dying.

It seemed that Lin Qiao had already anticipated Amon Kotaro's backstab, and did not look panicked at all.

Only Kaneki Ken next to him looked confused, completely unaware of why the two people who were so harmonious just now suddenly became at war with each other.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I guessed that it would end up like this... It seems that the plan to go home can only be postponed later."

He sighed helplessly. After all, Kotaro Armen, an honest man, was not honest to the end.

Although he agreed to cooperate with Lin Qiao, he did indeed lead a large group of ghoul investigators to raid the ghoul restaurant.

But regarding Lin Qiao, after a few days of struggle, he finally chose to report it to the CCG.

Of course, he also considered that the Tsukiyama family would most likely bribe some investigators with shaky bottom lines to serve as informants, so the selection of candidates was very important.

Marutesai and Shinohara Yuki, these two were the best candidates at the same time as Mado Gou, and the latter was the person in charge of the ambush operation.

"Now that it has been discovered, it seems there is no need to hide it anymore."

A dozen heavily armed investigators poured out from the surrounding rooms and surrounded the two people in the middle.

Kuink's hand was no longer disguised as a briefcase, which also showed that they were ready for battle.

"You are more willing to believe your friends and superiors than a stranger like me... I have to say, it's a wise choice."

Lin Qiao praised after glancing at the highly alert investigators around him.

Turning to the focus of everyone, Yukinori Shinohara, the latter asked in a calm tone: "Can you tell me how you found us? I personally think that we should be hiding well."

"It's actually very simple, just the door."


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