"Therefore, we have two missions this time. The first is to capture Yueshan Guanmu alive, and the second is to annihilate all the remaining ghouls."

"Also, although this mission is very urgent, everyone must obey the command and not advance rashly! Repeat, don't advance rashly!"





Since the other party already knows that they are coming, they will definitely make corresponding preparations. Even if it is a deliberate trick to delay the attack, it is better than letting his subordinates fall into a trap and lose their lives in vain.

"Then, everyone - attack!"

The investigators who launched the attack quickly poured into Yueshan's house from all directions like a tide.

Despite this, the ghouls inside won't sit still and wait for death.

"Matsumae-sama, can we really do this?"

Watching the investigators outside the courtyard gradually moving toward the house, many of the Yueshan family's servants turned pale with fright.

"Don't worry, you just need to do your best, and the rest will be left to me and the guards."

The comforted male servant swallowed, gritted his teeth, and picked up the long black tube-shaped object next to him.

The other servants had similar expressions when they saw this, but now, they had no choice in order to survive.

They all took out similar objects and started shooting at the investigators standing outside the window.

Da da da da da da!

Tongues of flame spit out from the muzzle one after another, instantly forcing the rushing investigators to stop.

Chapter 65 All parties enter the venue

"It's really cool that you can still get a gun after all this."

In the distance, Lin Qiao, who was standing on the top of the tree to observe the situation, was amazed when he saw the continuous fire coming out of the Yueshan family's mansion in the distance. The ghouls on the second floor were scanning the investigators below.

This is not Ami who is free every day.

Although Japan can also obtain firearms through some means, even legal means, they are only limited to small-caliber pistols, and the management is also extremely strict... It is so full of firepower that it is impossible to imagine It is really difficult to see it in places other than Zhanluan and Ami.

"It's just that my shooting skills are a bit bad...傂."

It should be said that they are amazingly bad, even the police in the movie are better than them.

Although they clearly had the advantage of taking the lead, they were stuck inside for a long time. As a result, there were not many people injured in the CCG when there were no bunkers nearby.


Lin Qiao really wanted to complain. The fireworks set off by a country next door during the Chinese New Year were more powerful than this one. With so much spare money, he might as well buy a few more kickers. At least on the premise that they only made a loud noise, the noise of those things was relatively loud. , and it gives people a stronger sense of oppression.

Aren't you aiming for it?

It seems not really.

The ghouls of the Tsukiyama family basically hide behind the wall, stick the muzzle of the gun out of the window, and then press the trigger. As for whether they can hit someone, it's up to fate.

Having said that, CCG's offense was temporarily suppressed with its free firepower.


"Rather than killing the enemy, it feels more like delaying time... Is there any back-up plan?"

No, it would be strange to say there is no such thing.

It's better to help the CCG guys a little, otherwise if Yueshan Guanmu runs away, everything he has done before will be greatly compromised.

"Rifle Mod!"

Lin Qiao set up the assembled smoke rifle with one hand and began to call the ghouls of the Yueshan family one by one, who were thousands of meters away.


"Damn it! Why do those trash guys from the Tsukiyama family have guns!?"

And it’s a damn fine art weapon!

Listening to the frontline battle report coming back from the walkie-talkie, Maru Shousai's blood pressure instantly rose while sitting in the command car and responsible for rear command.

As for how the Yueshan family obtained such a large amount of arms without the CCG's complete knowledge, he didn't want to pursue it for the time being. It wouldn't be too late to liquidate the traitors among the humans when he returned.

What needs to be understood now is what these ghouls want to do!

The opponent has obviously been prepared in advance, but the effect of that kind of rubbish shooting method is really limited, especially the novice shooting method of pressing the trigger and not letting go, which is a waste of ammunition.

Unless the Yueshan family really evacuates the U.S. military base, it won't be long before they are in a crisis of having no ammunition left.

"Hey, at this time, are you still trying to use some tricks?"

Easily seeing through the other party's intention to stall for time, Marutesai spat.

Since you are stalling for time, you must be waiting for something, but no matter what it is, you just need to prevent the other party from succeeding.

Although many investigators wanted to rush into the house under fire, they were stopped by the Tsukiyama family's security team at the door of the building.

If this continues, I'm afraid the other party may really achieve their goal.

He turned to look at the walkie-talkie placed aside: "Do you want that guy to play?"

After hesitating for less than two seconds, he turned his head back to the side. Since it was a trump card, it could only be played at the critical moment, and that time had not yet come.

"All teams obey the order and reduce the frequency of shooting with the ghouls in the house. Those guys just want to delay time and waste our bullets."

"Next, the attack targets will be mainly focused on the ghouls who are responsible for guarding the door. At the same time, some people from each army will be deployed to guard the back."

"Except for the necessary one, I will use all the other helicopters to patrol the area. If a suspicious person is found approaching, report it immediately. If necessary, I am allowed to fire!"

After giving the order in an orderly manner, Marutesai sighed and stared at the picture on the nearby monitor screen, not missing the slightest detail.

Especially the scene where tongues of fire are constantly spitting out from the window of Tsukiyama’s house.

"...those maggots!"

It's obviously a problem that can be solved with just a few grenades.

If it weren't for those damn politicians and capitalists getting in the way, CCG wouldn't even be unable to get heavy firepower for offense.

Even helicopters can only be used for unarmed purposes, and fire coverage depends entirely on the output of the personnel on board.



"A search officer found a group of unknown trucks parked on the roadside. After inspection, they found that there were no people or any goods inside, and a large number of footprints were found nearby."

truck? footprint?

Marutesai's eyes narrowed, and there were indeed reinforcements.

"Report! The helicopter found a large number of uniformly dressed ghouls in the northwest. They are quickly approaching the Yueshan family's main house. They have already exchanged fire with them!"

"Hmph, are you a ghoul from the Yueshan Group?"

Originally, he planned to capture Yueshan Guanmu and then slowly take care of these guys, but in the end he couldn't sit still and came to save his master.

But that alone would make it impossible to deal with a fully armed CCG, and the opponent should also know this.

Judging from the intelligence collected, Yueshan Guanmu is not the kind of person who has strong self-destruction, or who abandons reason for revenge.

So, why would you do this kind of act that would make people die?

He closed his eyes and thought for a while, then said slowly: "Send someone to check the port and airport to see if any ships or planes that have business dealings with the Yueshan family have docked recently."


"The time has come to repay Lady Guanmu, everyone rush with me!"

"For Lady Guanmu!"

"Down with CCG!"

As if they had been injected with chicken blood, all the ghouls in the Tsukiyama family became fanatical.

Even facing the hail of bullets from the investigators on the helicopter, he was fearless.

Several Yuhe-type ghouls joined forces to attack the helicopter in the sky.

Not long after, the helicopter that was shot like a hedgehog fell to the ground dragging black smoke amid the screams of the crew inside. After an explosion, the rest of the wreckage burst into flames.

This is not only for Yueshan Guanmu who has shown kindness to them, but also for themselves.

Only by defeating the CCG and boarding the overseas ferry with Yueshan Guanmu could they have a chance to survive.

Otherwise, if you stay here, you will be found and killed one by one by the investigators in the future.

Loyalty and the desire to survive are the truth behind their terrifying fighting spirit.

Further away, a petite figure wearing a cloak and covered with bandages formed a sharp contrast with the tall white-haired man next to him.

Behind them, there were also a large number of red-robed ghouls.

"It seems that we are not late, Mr. Tatara~"

Chapter 66 The underground passage of Yueshan’s house

"Are you kidding! Not only are there ghouls affiliated with the Yueshan Group, but there are also bronze trees!?"

Marutesai punched the door of the command vehicle, and the huge noise made several investigators responsible for escort outside tremble.

The original situation was that the CCG completely surrounded the Yueshan family, which was basically equivalent to catching a turtle in a jar.

But after the two parties fought out from both sides, they instantly changed into sandwiching cheese between two sides, and the CCG people were immediately caught in the middle.

The situation is reversed.

"The fourth team immediately went to reinforce the third team. The second team stayed in place. After the first team separated some people to continue to contain the ghouls of the Tsukiyama family, the remaining people went to support the second team!"

After a very brief shock, Marutesai picked up the walkie-talkie and quickly issued instructions on the channel.

Concentrate most of the combat power near the third team that had already engaged in a firefight with the Bronze Tree.

Although there are many ghouls under the Yueshan Group, their combat effectiveness is hard to say. After all, no matter how ruthless they are, they were just a group of social animals responsible for working part-time. With the manpower of the second team plus some of the first team, it is enough Cope with it.

The key that really affects the outcome of this battle is the Bronze Tree.

Different from the former, they are real martial arts factions, and the dangers of the two are not at the same level.

When this group of guys dominated and integrated District 11, he had a feeling that he would face them sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to be such a bad time.

"Amaru, do you need Aban and I to go out?"

Yuki Shinohara's voice came from the intercom.

"No, no need for now."

Soldier against soldier, general against general, king against king

He didn't even see the opponent's generals. Such precious combat power as the special class must not be wasted on those indifferent fish.

Moreover, although it is surrounded, the current situation for CCG has not reached the point where special class is needed.

In fact, CCG actually has the upper hand, but this advantage is smaller than at the beginning.

"Report! All shooting in Yueshan Residence has stopped. It is suspected that the ammunition has been exhausted. Do we need to send investigators to break in?"

"Did you hear that, Shinohara, now it's your turn..."

"Report, multiple S-level and above ghouls have appeared. The defense formation of the third and fourth teams was broken by the bronze tree. Now they have entered close combat. We are at a disadvantage."

Damn it! Why at this time! ?

He gritted his teeth and had to temporarily change the plan.

If Shinohara and his men really had to rush in to capture Tsukiyama Kanmu and could not take her down in a short time, the remaining troops would be in danger.

He was almost certain that there would be strong guards around the old and undead Tsukiyama Kanmu.

It would be great if Hoshi and the others were there too!

However, when he thought of this, Marute Sai gritted his teeth in hatred.

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