Before he could finish speaking, then——


Chapter 79 Alien spider, you are plotting against me!

He opened a crack in the door and observed the situation outside.

After being poisoned, Yi Bingru's physical condition plummeted, almost to the point of being toyed with by the crab-shaped Amazon.

Standing up again and again, only to fall down again and again, which makes people feel a little distressed.

"But I should be able to hold on for a few more minutes."

With this thought in mind, Lin Qiao gently closed the kitchen door without any intention of immediately going out to save people. It can be said that she gave full play to Superman A Guang's principles of saving people.

He closed the kitchen door, turned on the gas but did not light a fire, but allowed the flammable gas inside to continue to release, poked several holes in the gas tank, and at the same time found a bag of flour from the cupboard.

After waiting for a while to confirm that it was almost done, he sprinkled the flour into the air, and then immediately rushed out of the kitchen door, throwing back the fire starter that kept clicking.


A bright flame ignited instantly, igniting the flour floating in the air, and then there was a violent explosion. The shock wave generated when the gas tank exploded, even if there was a door in the middle, it directly blew Lin Qiao to the ground.

Billowing black smoke continued to seep out from the cracks in the kitchen door, and the strong and choking smell rushed straight into the nose, and the blazing gas fire inside could be seen through the cracks in the door.

"What a close call, I almost got killed."

He slowly got up from the ground, wiped his forehead where there was no cold sweat, and took the opportunity to rub two handfuls of ashes on his face to make himself look more embarrassed.

Looking at the fire in the kitchen, Crab Amazon's heart sank completely.

"...Where's that guy?"

“Have you ever heard of fresh grilled mushrooms?”


In fact, after seeing Lin Qiao rushing out of the kitchen alone, he almost guessed the fate of the mushroom-shaped Amazon.

Especially when he saw that Lin Qiao had no scratches on his body except for some scratches on his clothes, he cursed the mushroom-shaped Amazon half to death in his heart.

Damn, he is indeed a piece of trash, he can even be killed against an ordinary person!

Of course, what's more important is that the man in front of him is causing too much noise.

Even if he deliberately turned up the background music in the restaurant in order to cover up what was happening inside, the loud noise just now must not have been able to cover it up, and it must have attracted a lot of people's attention.

To be honest, it is difficult for people not to notice the thick smoke that is constantly pouring out.

He had even heard the exclamations and alarms from passers-by outside.

Needless to say, if the police and firefighters come, everything about him in human society will be over, and everything around him cannot be solved in a short time.

Even if he was lucky enough to cover up the past in the end, without the assistance of the mushroom-shaped Amazon, his future predatory activities would definitely not be as smooth as they are now.

And all of this is thanks to the man in front of me!

The eyes that looked at Lin Qiao were filled with murderous intent. Even Yi Bingru, who was so close, no longer cared. The furious Mr. Crab now just wanted to kill him with his own hands.

"Seriously, if I were you, I would run away right now...I heard that the CCG investigators will arrive at the scene in ten minutes after calling the police."

Lin Qiao said with a tone that said, "I am also thinking about you."

But after hearing his words, the crab-shaped Amazon became even more angry: "It doesn't matter, it won't be too late to kill you and run away."

I sneered and arrived at the scene in ten minutes... Let’s not say whether it was true or not, but I had to call CCG directly.

In a situation like this, the first person to come would definitely be the police or firefighters, and then they could be transferred to the CCG for the second time. By then, almost half an hour would have passed.

Long enough for him to escape.

Facing the murderous crab-shaped Amazon, Lin Qiao's expression remained calm: "Really? But I don't think you have enough time."


The sound of metal cutting sounded.

Just when the crab-shaped Amazon was about to raise its pliers and pinch off Lin Qiao's neck, the rolling shutter door outside was suddenly cut open by a long sword, and even the lock on the door was cut in two.

A group of investigators were standing outside the store, armed to the teeth.

Seeing this, Crab-shaped Amazon instantly felt a chill in his heart, and huge doubts and fears surrounded his heart.

Why, even though not even a minute had passed, why did the investigator come so quickly?

Suddenly, he suddenly turned his head to look at Lin Qiao, who was pretending to be weak: "Is it your fault!?"

"Congratulations on guessing the correct answer~" he read in a somewhat exaggerated tone.

Long before he was dragged into the kitchen by the mushroom-shaped Amazon, he had used Yi Bingru's body as a cover to secretly take out Mato Akatsuki's cell phone, dialed Amon Kotaro's number, then turned off the sound and threw it aside.

I have to say, it's very smooth... No, in short, this can be regarded as repaying the other person with his own technique.

And what happened after that was simple. Hearing the sound of fighting coming from the mobile phone, Kotaro Amon discovered something was wrong in the hospital and reported it directly to the headquarters, activated the shaking method, and located the location of the mobile phone.

After seeing the scene in the store, the leading senior investigator immediately issued an order:

"The deportation target was found, the type is Amazon, and it is suspected to be crab-shaped. The second team is responsible for rescuing the injured investigators and citizens! The first team is following me!"

After glancing at the pursuing investigator and then at Lin Qiao, who was holding Kuink behind his back, the crab-shaped Amazon immediately ran away after showing a resentful look.

After he left, Lin Qiao, who "could no longer hold on", promptly fell into a coma.


He and several other victims were sent to the CCG-affiliated hospital. After some treatment, Lin Qiao was finally able to wake up from lying in bed pretending to be dead.

Because the poison released by the mushroom-shaped Amazon was not very strong, or simply not toxic at all, everyone was sent to the hospital and woke up almost two hours later.

It's good, at least he doesn't have to figure out how to deal with injections and infusions.

Of course, to be on the safe side, the doctor would still let them stay in the hospital for two days of observation.

"If you think about it carefully, this seems to be my first time being hospitalized, right?"

He has always been in good health. Even when he was hit by a car, he died on the spot. He felt that he should go to the crematorium instead of the hospital.

The smell of disinfectant entered my nose. I stood up from the hospital bed and moved my body. The loose hospital gown felt like pajamas on my body.

Opening the window to get some air, he lowered his head and started scrolling on his phone.

Knock knock...

There was a rhythmic knock on the door, accompanied by the familiar voice of a pink-haired girl with excessive energy. It sounded like she was in a pretty good mood.

"Hi, Mr. Ishimori, are you there~"

"Ishimori isn't here."


There was the sound of Yi Bingru turning gray and falling to the ground outside the door.

Chapter 80 Are you interested in joining CCG?

But despite saying that, the other party still opened the door and walked in.

Like Lin Qiao, Yi Bingru, who was admitted to the hospital because of the mushroom-shaped Amazon, also wore a loose hospital gown.

She jumped up to the hospital bed next to him, and walking in with her was her partner, Akatsuki Mano.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Ishimori, thank you very much for what happened yesterday."

He bowed to Lin Qiao. Not to mention that he had not played any role as a prosecutor and was protected by ordinary citizens. No matter how he thought about it, he felt that he had neglected his duty.

"There's nothing to thank you for. After all, I was trying to protect myself at the time."

And it feels really...ahem.

"But why is Mr. Ishimori so kind to Xiao and so bad to me?" Yi Bingru poked his face with a finger and asked, tilting his head.

"You must still remember that someone demolished my house, right? I haven't received a penny yet."

"Then...but Mr. Ishimori, didn't you say you had forgiven me at the beginning?"

"Look at what you said, I am forgiving myself, what does that have to do with you?"


That's not what you said originally.

She looked at Lin Qiao pitifully, looking a little aggrieved, but Lin Qiao messed up her pink hair.

Just as he was about to express his dissatisfaction, Lin Qiao picked up the small cake next to him and stuffed it into his mouth, and then immediately showed a happy expression.

After the two parties briefly exchanged greetings, Mato Akatsuki said: "Speaking of which, Yi Bingyi and I waited for this visit. In addition to thanking you, Mr. Ishimori, there are actually other reasons."

"Other reasons mean...?"

"A friend of my father's wants to meet you."

Lin Qiao had a look of surprise on his face. Although he did sense the presence of someone outside the door, Mado Wuxi's friend...

Who is that?

"Well, let me introduce this myself."

An uncle with a strong build but dangerous-looking hairlines on both sides. When he saw this person appearing in front of him, his eyes narrowed unconsciously.

"Sorry to bother you, I am Yuki Shinohara, and I am a very good friend of Akatsuki's father."

Shinohara Yuki walked in and said hello kindly.

Lin Qiao deliberately showed surprise: "Shinohara... special class?"

"Do you know me?"

"I saw your photo on the Internet some time ago. It was about the Yueshan family."

"It turns out it's that one again..."

Seeing Lin Qiao's excited look, Shinohara Yuki felt inexplicably tired.

Ever since a certain famous superman posted his photos on the Internet, he has become quite famous. It can be said that the number of people turning around when walking on the street has greatly increased, and some people even ask him for autographs and the like.

"You see, I don't have anything to entertain you here. If you don't want me to make room for you..."

"No, no, I really don't need this!"

He quickly waved his hand and refused. He really couldn't do such a thing as competing for a position with a patient.

In fact, if Mato Akatsuki hadn't insisted on following him, he would have wanted the other party to continue to rest.

"Then you came to me to confirm what happened in this case? Don't worry, I will tell you everything."

"...No, um, thank you very much for your cooperation, but we have already completed the investigation of the details of the case and confirmed it with Xiao and Yi Bingyi, so there is no problem for the time being."

Hearing the other party say this, Lin Qiao showed a disappointed look on her face: "Oh, so, then may I ask why you came this time, Shinohara Tokushitsu...?"

"It's not a very important matter. I just heard the report from Xiao and the others, and I am a little curious about who can kill an Amazon alone."

After dealing with Mr. Krabs, the investigators inspected the scene.

Although the body was severely damaged in the explosion, it can be basically confirmed that the mushroom-shaped Amazon was first blinded by a sword and then killed by the power of the gas explosion.

If the person who did this was an experienced investigator, it would be fine, but an ordinary citizen is a bit eye-catching.

Naturally, after his former partner Mado Wuxu fell into a coma, Shinohara Yukinori, who had always regarded Mado Xiao as his niece, also rushed over after hearing that the other party was in trouble.

While being glad that the other party was safe, he naturally became curious about Lin Qiao.

Like the dark flame magician, Lin Qiao covered half of her face with one hand, struck a somewhat coquettish pose, and then deliberately lowered her voice: "So what is your impression of me now?"

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