"Most of the time was spent on meaningless evasion, 90% of the attack opportunities were wasted, and even then, they didn't completely dodge..."

He mercilessly listed the mistakes Lin Qiao made in the battle.

If he hadn't been caught in a corner by mistake because he didn't look around when dodging, he would have had no choice but to fight with brute force.

Then this chase game might have to continue for quite a while.

To be honest, A2 felt that even when he was just out of the factory, he could beat ten Lin Qiaos with one hand.

And even so, Lin Qiao's fighting style was the kind of relying on his thick skin and flesh, forcibly grabbing the opponent and not letting go, and finally using the method of exchanging injuries to kill the wild boar alive.

Anyone with a weak vitality would have to die on the spot.

"... Was my performance just now so unbearable?"

"It's worse than you said."

A2 shook his head. At least if this rough fighting style was used by himself, he might not have lasted until now, and would have died in the hands of the mechanical life form long ago.

——But this also indirectly shows how tough this guy is.

Perhaps the only thing worth praising is that this guy can muster up the courage to face the enemy head-on instead of running away directly... Although this is similar to those mechanical life forms who only want to die.

When he wanted to say something else, his eyes fell on Lin Qiao's hands soaked in water.

There were many long wounds on it, and several nails were cracked from the middle.

At the same time, some kind of red liquid flowed down from Lin Qiao's forehead and dripped into the water. There were also some dark lumps condensed from it nearby.

Is that the existence called "blood" in the human body?

"Are you... okay?" asked uncertainly.

The body structure is similar to that of an artificial human, but it is completely different. Obviously, it cannot be repaired by replacing parts.

It is precisely because of this that A2 finds it difficult to assess Lin Qiao's current damage.

"Uh, should... maybe... okay?"

Lin Qiao was also a little uncertain and looked at the scabs on his body.

"Although some parts are not completely healed, most of the wounds have healed. It will be almost done in a few hours...right?"

If a heart can be regrown in a little more than half a day, these injuries on the body should not be a big problem, right?

Although the pain is on the body, it is not too strong - it just looks a bit miserable.

"Can I ask a personal question?"

She rarely showed a trace of hesitation on her face, or some other expressions that she didn't know how to describe.

"Personal question?"

"Yes." A2 nodded, and then looked at Lin Qiao with ice-blue eyes.

"I want to know what it feels like to die."

"Ah this..."

Lin Qiao was speechless for a moment.

I thought the other party would ask some questions related to the human world, but I didn't expect that he would start with such a sharp development.

To be honest, this question is really not easy to answer.

And seeing his expression, A2, who knew that he asked a question that he shouldn't ask, also shook his head.

Let others recall such things, think carefully, it is stupid enough.

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't ask."

"No, it's not that I don't want to answer, but I don't know how to describe that feeling to you..."

Take your hand out of the stream, shake off the water left on it, and Lin Qiao's face shows a trace of reminiscence but with a rather complicated color.

"After all, the accident happened quite suddenly, and I died quite quickly, so it was over without any preparation at all..."

"Isn't that bad?"

"Well, it can't be considered a bad thing... At least compared to dying after experiencing some pain, it is lucky to some extent."

Not to mention that compared to other people who died directly and had no place to complain, he still had the opportunity to participate in the resurrection match, which is a good thing in every sense.

-If the premise of all this is not at the cost of dying once, it would be better.

"In short, from my personal experience, my brain went blank for a short time, and then my body started to hurt, and I didn't know anything. Then I woke up in your world. Fear and other things were only felt later - but you can just ignore the latter."

"The process may be a bit like a painful sleep, or the shutdown of your artificial people, but it won't wake up."

Is that so...

Although he got the answer from Lin Qiao, A2's expression didn't change much...but the image of his former partner seemed to flash before his eyes.

Did No. 4 and the others feel the same way at that time?

"Thank you...Lin Qiao?"

"Nothing, and if you're not used to it, you can just call me Qiao."

It felt even weirder.

But A2 didn't refuse or express any other opinions.

"What does Qiao plan to do after he is resurrected?"

"After that..."

Lin Qiao pinched his chin with some stubble.

"If possible, I'll probably go find the person who hit me to death to get revenge, and then enjoy life, right?"

But these are just his wishful thinking.

The system only told him the rules of the battle royale. As for what would happen after he won, he had no idea.

The winner can naturally know it, and the loser doesn't need to care - maybe that's what it means.

"But having said that, what about you, A2?"

Lin Qiao asked knowingly as she looked at the white-haired artificial man who had stood up and sat next to him at some point.

The latter clenched his fists directly: "Kill the mechanical life forms, and then take revenge on the headquarters...!"

it is as expected.

"But don't you think this kind of life is too sad?"

Lin Qiao's throat trembled... but in the end she didn't say these words.

I think of the way A2 looked up at the sky and said goodbye to the world at the end of the game - that look was so sad and heartbreaking.

It is impossible to just want the other party to give up their hatred.

He didn't think he was so charming that he could resolve the hatred in the other person's heart with just a few words... and it was said that he didn't want to do that either.

Encourage people to be magnanimous and the sky will be struck by thunder.

It was like if someone tried to persuade him to forgive the female driver who injured him to death, he would definitely slap that person in the face first.

It's just the same, so just sitting back and watching her go to an ending that can almost be said to be self-destruction is not what Lin Qiao expected.

"So, I mean, what do you want to do after taking revenge on the headquarters?" Lin Qiao asked tentatively, moving closer to A2.

"After revenge?"

"Yes, what do you want to do next?"


What happened after that...?

Chapter 9 Time is running out (4k)

A2 was lost in thought. Some data seemed to flash across his ice blue eyes, and then he shook his head.

"I didn't think about it, and it didn't make sense."

Whether she hasn't considered it or just doesn't dare to consider it, I'm afraid even she herself may know.

"It still has some meaning...for example, it can at least make your life a little more exciting, so that your life will not be completely obscured by revenge or something."

"So what's the point?"

In A2's opinion, the only remaining meaning of his life is to kill as many mechanical life forms as possible and take revenge on the headquarters.

Chapter 10 The end is coming

No more nonsense or anything.

The two of them each put on a dusty cloak and hit the road.

The place A2 mentioned is not too far away, and one and a half hours is more than enough time... provided that you don't encounter other travelers on the way.

Fortunately, this went very smoothly because I followed her advice.

And because they had been hunted by Yorha, and as a combat-type android, sneaking behind enemy lines was a basic skill, so even the mechanical lifeforms didn't notice the two of them along the way.

Lin Qiao was holding an AK picked up from the roadside, which made it look more like him.

Although it took a long detour, the most important thing was not to cause trouble with these two.

Green vegetation is disappearing...

The farther away from the central area of ​​the city, the more obvious the signs of desertification become.

And when we walked out of the ruins formed by the remains of the city, the signs of civilization completely disappeared, leaving only a piece of yellow sand.

If the forest area with the most abundant water resources provided an inexhaustible greenery in front of them, then what they entered was a restricted area of ​​life.

And that is, after entering the desert, the already hot temperature around us directly increased to a higher level.

Since the earth has stopped rotating and revolving, and is exposed to the sun 24 hours a day, the yellow sand on the ground is so hot that even the light is distorted by the high temperature it emits.

From time to time, the wind blowing in front of me would make the cloak on my body make a constant "pattering" sound, and even cause a sandstorm.

If you open your mouth to breathe at this time, you will definitely be fed a mouthful. .

"A2, are you okay?"

He pulled up the cloak that was wrapped around his body, but was blown back by the wind.

Use spider silk to secure the cloak, trying not to expose the unusual red armor underneath.

This kind of environment is nothing to him, but it is a lot to say about artificial humans like A2.

"It's okay. The Yoshiha-type androids have already considered various possible extreme environments when they were produced... As long as they are not in water, there will be no problems elsewhere."

Wearing high heels and not sinking into the sand, A2 walked steadily on the desert surface and answered calmly.

But actually, it doesn’t matter even if it’s in the water.

There is a big difference between artificial people's electrical appliances and ordinary electrical appliances. There will be no short-circuit when exposed to water.

And their hard body structure, even the older models, can withstand the pressure of relatively deep seawater.

...The only drawback is that since most of the body is made of metal, there will be considerable weight problems.

To put it simply, it will sink directly.

The two of them walked all the way to the closed door, which was covered in rust and had obviously experienced countless wind and rain.

A2 pressed the button next to the door several times, but there was no response.

So he simply punched it, and then the thick, rusty iron door opened immediately.

"I'll go in and check first. In twenty minutes, if there's no one else inside, I'll come and let you know."

As for if he doesn't come back... then the answer is naturally self-evident.

A2 did not give Lin Qiao a chance to express her opinion. As she walked into the iron gate, she clenched her fist and hit a button inside, and the iron door was closed again.

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