...Then the other party reneges.

After the interview that day, the other person seemed to be a changed person.

Instead of packing his bags and leaving with his tail between his legs, he started to play against them.

Needless to say, the recent rumors that discredit CCG are 100% the work of the other party.

Good guy, I gave you some face because you were the Prime Minister, but you did this to me?

You Ruoshan really don’t want to step down with dignity, right?

Frankly speaking, I didn't understand Hughie's actions when I was with him, but I was greatly shocked.

Just when he was planning to send someone to thoroughly investigate the officials who accepted the money from the Yueshan family, and hold a press conference to help them look decent.

What happened next forced him to calm down

"Want a thorough investigation? Okay, don't just investigate my side. If you want to investigate, do it thoroughly. Let's investigate together."

"Oh, by the way, in order to prevent any more ghouls from entering government departments, let's do an RC value test, the kind that doesn't use the RC detection door."

"Why not? I'm afraid you know this better than I do. And don't you and the Xiu family take it as your duty to eradicate ghouls? Then how about simply making the RC detection door technology public?"

"Haha, don't you dare? Bring all crimes to justice - isn't this what you said yourself? Indeed, I admit that I accepted Guan Mu's money, but so what? How can you and the Xiu family's butts How can you be cleaner than me?"

"Finally, let me give you a piece of advice. When you are with Xiuji, you continue to be the director of your CCG. I will not hinder you, but you also should not interfere with my affairs. Don't interfere with the river, otherwise we will wait for the fish to die! "

I don't know how I felt when I hung up the phone with Xiuji, but I think his face must have been terribly ugly at that time.

Prime Minister Ruoshan hit the vital parts of Hexiu's family very accurately, and even danced ballet on it.

Needless to say, if the CCG really wants to thoroughly investigate the financial transactions of all officials, not to mention their hostile factions, I am afraid even their own people will rebel.

After all, after so many years, everyone's hands and feet must not be very clean, just a few.

You said you were looking for a ghoul collaborator, but who knows if you have other ideas.

They are the CCG, not the Anti-Corruption Bureau.

If we really want to get to the bottom of it, we will only force the Hexiu family to become enemies.

In addition, what worried him even more was that the secret of their manipulation of the RC detection door was also known to the other party.

In fact, at the beginning, they were worried that others would discover their ghoul secrets, so the Hexiu family tried their best to develop the RC detection door.

After all, blood cannot be faked.

Even if someone can be found to replace the result, as long as there is one mistake in the middle, it will be all over.

In contrast, although technological creations cannot be faked, they can forge evidence—provided they are personally supervised and created.

Because the cost is too high, the RC detection door cannot be popularized...it is naturally a lie.

Although the cost is not low, it is far from as outrageous as advertised.

Even though the technical requirements are very high, it is really not a problem for those industrially developed countries.

After all, in this era, as long as there are drawings, everything else is easy.

The real problem is that if this thing really becomes popular, it is estimated that in a few years, people will only see ghouls in zoos.

You should all understand the principle of hiding the bird behind the bow, right?

If there were no ghouls, the Hexiu family's status would also be greatly reduced.

What's even more terrible is that once the manufacturing technology is leaked, others will not set up a backdoor in it.

In that case, it would be the real end for the Hexiu family.

Therefore, both public and private, the manufacturing method of RC detection doors must not be spread out. It is best that even the finished products can only appear in China.

But how did Ruoshan know the secret?


Or the reporters trying to investigate the so-called truth?

The clenched fists were clenched and unclenched several times.

I looked at the scenery outside the window and thought for a long time, and finally turned all my helplessness into a sigh.

He now slightly regrets why he didn't take action decisively and kill Ruoshan, the old fox.

But now is not the time to think about such things.

Although the bad news is that the other party knows the secret of the RC detection door.

But the good news is that the other party only knows about the RC detection door, not the secret of the entire Hexiu family.

He probably thought that He Xiujia, like him, had contacts with certain ghouls, rather than being a ghoul himself.

This is a blessing in misfortune.

Shaking his head, he and Xiu Jishi also made a decision in their hearts.

No matter what, Ruoshan cannot be kept here.

After a while, after confirming and cutting off all the opponent's escape routes, let "V" deal with him.

A fight between ghouls and the sudden death of the Prime Minister sounds so pleasant to the ears!

Jingle bell bell~~

Just as Xiuji and Xiuji were sitting and thinking about how to take care of Ruoshan in the future, the phone in the office suddenly rang.

"Yes, this is with Xiuji, what's wrong?"

He answered the phone and relaxed his frown.

But when he heard what the person on the other end of the phone was saying clearly, his pupils instantly shrank to the size of pinholes.


"Please, please let me go, please?"

Lin Qiao looked at the pink-haired dumpling next to him expressionlessly.

He had just come out of the mall, carrying large and small bags in his hands. In addition to several buckets of imported mineral water, it also included a complete set of coffee making equipment.

Originally, there was a loudspeaker giving a speech on the only way home, and it was already annoying enough that the whole road was blocked.

As a result, just as he was about to squeeze through, Yi Bingru was spotted and entangled in the crowd.

No matter how hard you try, you can't drive it away.

It's like having an extra little tail, but it's the kind that can talk and do pyramid schemes.

"But Mr. Ishimori, you don't have a job anyway, wouldn't it be nice to become a ghoul investigator?"

As if he hadn't given up on persuading him to join the CCG, Yi Bingru followed and chattered next to him.

"And by then I will be Mr. Ishimori's senior, and I can also take care of Mr. Ishimori in the bureau~"

As he spoke, he patted his bulging chest with confidence.

"...So you just want to show off to seniors, right?"

"That's not true! I'm also thinking about Mr. Ishimori's future."

"Yeah, that's a good point, but if you stand there and say arrogantly, 'The new guy will give the seniors a glass of water,' how dare you say that you haven't thought about such a thing?"

"No, absolutely not!"

"If that's the case, why don't you dare to look directly at me?"

Facing Lin Qiao's direct gaze, Yi Bingru turned his head away with a guilty conscience after hearing most of what was in his heart.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long, and Lin Qiao let her go.

"Anyway, let's discuss this issue later. At least for now, I have no plans to become a prosecutor...it's too dangerous."

Just like most ordinary people's concerns, Lin Qiao responded with a sigh.

But she still continued to ask without giving up: "What about the civilian position? Or the assistant to the prosecutor?"

"Let's talk again."

He beat Haha and managed to get away, but Yi Bingru, who was standing by him, muttered in a low voice: "Mr. Shisen has no ambition."

Hearing this made someone's eyes jump. Hey, I can hear it from such a close distance.

He didn't really want to continue talking about this topic, so he quickly changed the topic:

"If you continue walking, you will have to go home with me. Although you are welcome to come to my home as a guest, you probably don't want to be found out by the real household prosecutor for skipping work, right?"

The person who was giving a speech on the street just now seemed to be Prime Minister Wakayama. As a ghoul investigator, Yi Bingru appeared there and should be responsible for the security of the scene.

If you leave the scene without permission, you will probably be punished afterwards.

"Huh huh huh~~"

However, when faced with Lin Qiao's reminder, Yi Bingru was not worried, but made some kind of proud sound.

He jumped up to the former.

Then he cleared his throat, raised his head, covered his face with one hand, and imitated the tone of voice that Yuki Shinohara used that day, and said in a deep voice:

"It's a pity that Mr. Ishimori didn't guess it right at all, because I just have a day off today."



He smacked his tongue secretly, tnnd, if it weren't for the fact that there were a lot of things in his hand, I would really want to give this unlucky child some.

But it’s just like what Yi Bingru said.

Today, she was indeed not wearing a white trench coat with CCG hair as usual, but a very ordinary daily dress.

If she was considered heroic in the past, now she is dressed like a lively young girl.

The fluffy down jacket made her look soft.

Well... As long as you can ignore this guy's blood-pressure-raising personality like a husky.

There was also Kuink's briefcase in his hand, which he used as a disguise.

——In order to ensure their own safety and prevent ghouls from retaliating, investigators can carry Kuink in their daily lives.

Chapter 91 What matters is the present and the future

Lin Qiao's home.

The warm air blowing from the air conditioner and the heating equipment newly added in the past two days have made the indoor and outdoor temperatures completely different.

At this time, Miss Ryoko and Hinami were in the coffee shop. As for Hinami, he secretly ran out of the safe area while Touka played "见えないからね!?"

Although I really wanted to stay and see the other party's reaction, I always felt like something big was going to happen if I didn't run.

Yi Bingru curiously sat on the sofa and looked around, then looked at the steaming coffee in front of him.

“The coffee made by Mr. Ishimori is unexpectedly delicious~”

He picked up the cup, blew on the hot air, put it to his mouth and took a sip, showing a satisfied expression.

Then he looked at Lin Qiao curiously: "But Mr. Shisen, I always feel that your coffee is darker in color. Did you add something?"

It seems that she has some eager ideas to try.

"It's just for the taste of adults. Underage children are exempt...and is it really okay for you to do this?"

"I have the day off, it's okay."

"No, that's not what I'm talking about..."

Lin Qiao naturally understood that this was a person who had no routine. If there was no reliable and strict person like Zhen Huxiao watching over him, he would probably run to a nearby dessert shop and start fishing in the next second.

In a sense, she and Akatsuki Mano are two extremes, with simple personalities but difficult to manage.

"I mean, is it really okay to just go to the house of a man you've only met a few times and drink the drink he gave you?"

I'm glad you trust me so much though.

But even children should know not to eat candy given by strangers.

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