Luo Li led a group of strong men, riding on a phoenix chariot, with great momentum, and headed straight for the city controlled by the Li family, Qianlong City.

Luo Li sat on the phoenix throne, wearing a gorgeous phoenix skirt and a phoenix crown on her head. She was beautiful and noble, with a cold and arrogant look.

She seemed to be an innate god who looked down on all living beings, a peerless queen.

Luo Li's phoenix eyes showed a thoughtful look, and she asked Ji Ning faintly: "Ji Ning, do you think Li Hong really fell in love with me at first sight? Or does he have other purposes?"

She couldn't figure it out. She just met Li Hong once and said a few words, but Li Hong abandoned his wife and children for her and gave up everything.

She didn't believe there would be such a stupid person in the world.

If Li Hong had other purposes, wouldn't he be afraid of getting nothing?

Of course, no matter what Li Hong's purpose was, Luo Li would kill him.

Being liked by an old thing was a huge shame for her.

She felt extremely disgusted.

Luo Li was a little regretful. If she had known that she shouldn't have asked for directions when she met Li Hong, it would have been better to just kill him.

"What bad luck." She was annoyed.

"I think there is another purpose."

Ji Ning, who was shrouded in mysterious light, had bright eyes. Speaking of this, she was no longer sleepy.

"In fact, I have seen many cases similar to yours."

"Many immortal Taoists are blessed with unparalleled talents and beautiful women, but because they have been loved since childhood, they are ignorant of the world and are commonly known as silly and sweet."

"They are simple-minded and yearn for beautiful love. They are deceived by men's sweet words and a little favor."

"From then on, they were willing to give up everything and were kidnapped home to be a housewife, taking care of their husbands and children without regrets, and eating simple meals."

"And you, although you are in the king realm, you are only in your twenties. People who don't know you think you are..."


Luo Li's beautiful eyes showed astonishment. Does she look like a silly and sweet girl?

Where is it?

Luo Li's face darkened a little bit, and the killing intent almost overflowed from her eyes.

After Ji Ning's explanation, Luo Li felt that the matter was almost certain.

No wonder he agreed to all her unreasonable requests unconditionally, it turned out that he thought she was a fool.

"Okay, okay, I will destroy the Li family." Luo Li originally planned to kill Li Hong, but now, she changed her mind.

If you dare to plot against her, millions of Li family members will die.

"It's going to be a good show!" Ji Ning took in Luo Li's expression and secretly rejoiced.

She had long been tired of reading picture books.

All of them were the same routine, with fairies of various noble status falling in love with down-and-out scholars, down-and-out children of aristocratic families, down-and-out... self-degrading to dig wild vegetables, harvesting happy love, and full of happiness every day.

When I first started reading, I couldn't stop.

After reading it carefully, Ji Ning thought that everything was wrong.

The fairy has a promising future and is as beautiful as a fairy. There is no reason for her to fall for a waste.

Fortunately, there are fairy delicacies. Who would like to eat bran and vegetables?

Isn't this a brain problem?

And Luo Li, obviously not fooled, this is the rhythm of killing the protagonist.

"Wang Xiang."

Luo Li's voice came out of the hall and landed in another room of the carriage.

The young man who was meditating heard the voice and was shocked, and appeared in the hall.

"Princess, please give me your orders."

Wang Xiang bowed and saluted, with a pious look, like a believer facing a god.

"Li Hong will come later, you ask him to bring Li Pingan here..."

Luo Li felt that Li Pingan had a treasure, so it was not urgent to destroy the Li family. She should get Li Pingan's opportunity first.

After all, the Li family is a saint family, with holy weapons and a saint-level family protection formation. She can't destroy it for a while.

Moreover, it would be more interesting to let Li Hong and his son kill each other.

She wanted to see how long Li Hong could endure.


Wang Xiang's eyes flickered.

A group of people landed in the house of Qianlong City.

As Luo Li expected, Li Hong really came.

"Please go and inform them, and say that Li wants to see you."

Li Hong has a square face, and his face looks upright and majestic.

At this time, he showed a flattering smile.

"What do you want to see the princess for?"

Wang Xiang's tone was flat, and there was a hint of sneer in his eyes, as if he was laughing at Li Hong for wanting to eat swan meat like a toad, overestimating his own abilities.

Luo Li's status was so noble, she had a promising future, and she was as beautiful as a goddess, and she had the ability to become a god and ascend to heaven.

Li Hong was just a king who had exhausted his potential, and he was very different from Luo Li.

The status between the two was so different, and Li Hong dared to dream, this was not a toad wanting to eat swan meat, what was it?

But to be honest, he admired Li Hong's courage.

Li Hong's face was grim, but he smiled again in an instant. No matter what he said, Wang Xiang remained motionless, looking at him with contempt and sarcasm.

Just when Li Hong was about to give up, Wang Xiang said calmly: "It's not impossible for you to meet our princess."

"Our princess is curious about how Li Ping'an recovered his talent. As long as you bring him here, I will report it immediately."

"Are you serious?"

Li Hong was overjoyed, and then he thought of something, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.

Luo Li wanted to meet Li Ping'an, which must be bad intentions, and maybe he wanted to dig Li Ping'an's bones again.

That's his son.

Is Luo Li so ruthless?


Wang Xiang nodded affirmatively.

Li Hong's face was grim, and he hesitated for a while, but still nodded.

"Okay, let Fairy Luo Li wait for a moment, I will go and bring the rebellious son here."

Li Ping'an is his son, he should be considerate of him, he just wants a piece of bone, not Li Ping'an's life.

At this time, the Li family is holding a competition for the younger generation. The arena is crowded with people, gathering talents from various branches.

There are also people from other families and sects who come to watch the battle.

Li Hong glanced around and didn't see Li Ping'an, so he asked in a deep voice: "Where is my son Ping'an?"

On the high platform, the elders and the invited strong men looked at each other.

Didn't Li Hong care about Li Ping'an?

Suddenly leaving and coming back, is it to find Li Ping'an?

"I don't know!"

One elder shook his head.

You think I don't know, how can they know?

"Master, what are you looking for the young master for?"

Li Gao's face was as gloomy as water, and his eyes looked directly at Li Hong, with a posture of forcing him to ask to the end.

"It has nothing to do with you."

Li Hong was in a bad mood, and his mind was full of thoughts about finding Li Pingan to meet Luo Li as soon as possible. He had no time to care about the opinions of outsiders.

"Master, do you want to dig out the sword bone of the young master again to please Luo Li?"

Li Gao asked angrily.

Li Pingan survived a life-and-death struggle and finally recovered his talent. He is the hope for the rise of their Li family. He must not let the tragedy happen again.

"Master, please think twice."

Another elder advised earnestly.

"Yes, Luo Li is of noble status, the Nine Heavens Phoenix, and is not from the same world as us."

He was just short of pointing at Li Hong's nose and scolding you for being unworthy, which made Li Hong look extremely ugly.

"How dare you." He shouted loudly, his expression majestic and cold: "Are you going to interfere in my private affairs?"


"It's simply unreasonable."

Several people were furious, and they threw their sleeves and stopped persuading him.

Because they felt that Li Hong was already possessed, no matter how much they said, it would be useless.


The people who came to the Li family to watch the battle looked at Li Hong with burning eyes.

The eyes were full of sarcasm and contempt.

An old man with exhausted potential actually wanted to pursue the peerless goddess, which was simply overestimating his own abilities.

"What do you want to see me for?"

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded in the scene.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a handsome young man with firm eyebrows and eyes walking slowly.

Carrying a long sword full of cracks on his back.

Wearing a linen shirt, washed white.

On his feet was a pair of straw sandals.

This outfit made the young man out of tune with the painting style present.

It was like a beggar walking into a rich place, so dazzling.

"Where did this beggar come from?"

"Tsk, I didn't expect that the young master of the Li family, who was a saintly family, couldn't even afford clothes."

People who had a grudge against the Li family couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"What do you want to see me for?"

Li Pingan ignored the contemptuous eyes of the crowd, with a cold expression and calm eyes, and walked step by step to the stage.

"You came at the right time, come with me."

Li Hong frowned.

Li Pingan dressed like a refugee beggar, which was really embarrassing for him.

It's not like the Li family couldn't even afford clothes, so who would be embarrassed by dressing like this?

But he didn't bother to care.

He was now thinking about seeing Luo Li again.

And Li Pingan was his stepping stone to see Luo Li.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Are you going to send me to that vicious woman Luo Li again?"

Li Pingan asked in a flat tone, making it impossible to tell whether he was happy or angry.

"Evil creature, don't smear the goddess Luo Li."

Li Hong was furious, raised his hand and slapped Li Pingan, but before the handprint came, it was blocked by several elders.

"Li Hong, I think you are really hopeless."

The eldest elder was furious.

"Great elder, please get out of the way. I am teaching this evildoer a lesson. It is not your turn to intervene."

Li Hong looked ugly, feeling that his dignity was challenged.

"It is not impossible for you to let me see Luo Li."

Li Pingan stepped out of the crowd and looked directly at Li Hong: "As long as you agree to my two conditions, I will go to see her immediately."

"What conditions?"

Li Hong subconsciously wanted to refuse, but seeing the elders' protection of Li Pingan, he didn't agree, and he probably couldn't take Li Pingan away.

"First, resign from the position of patriarch, because you are not worthy of being the patriarch of the Li family anymore."

"Impossible." Li Hong was furious, but when he came into contact with Li Pingan's cold eyes, his heart trembled.

Finally reacted, Li Pingan seemed to hate him.

But, how dare Li Pingan?

The body and hair are inherited from parents.

Let alone just digging a piece of Li Pingan's bones, even if Li Pingan was killed, that was what Li Pingan should return to him.

Thinking of it, Li Hong's eyes turned cold.

He felt somewhat guilty for digging out his son's innate sword bone.

But since Li Ping'an was so inconsiderate, don't blame him for not thinking about the father-son relationship.

"I'm not discussing this with you. I'm just informing you." Li Ping'an said calmly.


"Is this loser crazy?"

"I think so, otherwise why would he say such crazy things?"

Everyone looked at Li Ping'an's calm attitude and couldn't help but mock him. They didn't understand where Li Ping'an got the confidence to let him abolish the head of the family.

Do you really think you are a saintly ancestor?

"Okay, okay!"

Li Hong laughed in anger. He wanted to see why Li Ping'an said such big words.

"Second, go to my mother's grave, kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistakes. You are not worthy of being my mother's husband."

Li Ping'an's eyes showed a monstrous hatred, and he spoke word by word.

He will never forget how Li Hong dug out his innate sword bone.

He can't forget that his mother and the old slave blew themselves up to protect him and died with the enemy.

He searched like crazy, but only found a corner of his mother's clothes.


Li Hong's face changed, and his momentum exploded.

"Shuping is dead?"

"How did she die?"

"Who killed Shuping?"

He just divorced Zhang Shuping, but with hundreds of years of husband and wife love, who dared to kill her?

Aren't you afraid of revenge from the Li family?


"It's ridiculous. You only remember your mother now. What did you do before?"

Li Ping'an laughed, his eyes bloodshot, and said word by word: "Li Hong, in order to please Luo Li, you actually want to abandon your wife and children. Are you worthy of your mother?"

"Tell me, who killed Shuping? "Li Hong's eyes were grim, and his killing intent was soaring into the sky.

The people with low cultivation on the scene turned pale instantly, as if they had seen endless killing and their souls were about to break.

If it weren't for the protection of the elders, they would definitely be strangled into nothingness by Li Hong's terrifying killing intent.

"Hmph, there's no need for you to pretend. Even if I tell you, do you dare to seek revenge on her? Are you willing to take action against Luo Li?" Li Ping'an said sarcastically.

He knew how obsessed Li Hong was with Luo Li. For Luo Li, he could abandon his wife and children, and also give up the revenge of killing his wife.

But Li Ping'an couldn't figure it out. Li Hong just met Luo Li once, so he was so obsessed?

Did Luo Li put a Gu on Li Hong?

"You... Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Li Hong's voice trembled, and he shook his head frantically. He didn't believe that it was Luo Li who did it. After all, the two had no grudges.

How could Luo Li, a girl in her twenties, be so cruel?

"There must be a misunderstanding. "He said firmly.

Hearing this, Li Pingan completely gave up on him.

Li Hong was really hopeless.

He was ruined by Luo Li and his family was torn apart, but he still believed in Luo Li.

"Come with me, we'll ask in person."

Li Hong said.


"I want to see who Luo Li is, and why she has bewitched you so much that you can't tell right from wrong."

Li Pingan's eyes were cold.

He left with Li Hong immediately.

Everyone present looked at each other and followed immediately.

Such a shocking melon must be seen.

Moreover, they were also very curious about Luo Li's appearance, and wanted to know if Luo Li was as beautiful as the rumors said.

"Go in, Her Royal Highness the Princess has been waiting for you for a long time."

Wang Xiang raised a mocking arc at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Li Hong with a cold look.

"Thank you! "

Li Hong bowed.

In Li Ping'an's eyes, Li Hong was like a humble licking dog, which made him furious.


"Her Highness the Princess does not welcome you, please go back."

Wang Xiang stopped the people who wanted to sneak in.

"Hmph, get out of the way."

The elder's momentum burst out, his expression was cold, but he was handsome for only a second, and a monstrous divine power descended, suppressing everyone and making them unable to move. The elder was stabbed to death by a finger.

The one who made the move was the Venerable Realm.

The elder of the King Realm was killed instantly.

"Get out!"

"If you dare to make noise here again, you will be killed without mercy. "

The voice contained the power of the supreme law, which shocked everyone's soul and made them pale.

These people dared not say a word and ran faster than anyone else.

"So beautiful..."

Seeing Luo Li again, Li Hong was instantly attracted by Luo Li's beauty.

And the same was true for Li Pingan.

Luo Li wore a gorgeous phoenix skirt and a phoenix crown on her head, noble and cold.

Even if she was sitting casually, she had a domineering and arrogant momentum, as if a god was looking down.


Luo Li flicked her sleeves, and a long sword appeared in front of Li Hong, and her red lips opened slightly.

"Dig out your son's bones."


Today I have something urgent, so I can only write more than 4,000 words, and tomorrow I will update 10,000.

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