Chapter 120 Accept Luo Xin as a disciple (seeking monthly ticket)

Baijiu slowly raised his jade hand, and the black silk cloth in his hand slowly fell down. At the same time, it turned into a star and disappeared.

At this time, she seems to have changed a person.

Zhuge Qingchan and Xi Ji, from her, can no longer feel the kind of introversion that sinks like stagnant water!

On the contrary, she, with her white hair and shawl, looked so soft.

She is white, like a fairy.

She was originally a fairy, but she entered the swordsmanship at the beginning.

She has restrained herself from too much beauty, with the sword alone, lonely-this life!

Now, just dropped the sword in his hand.

A person who once stood at the pinnacle of the sword, let go of the supreme pursuit of the sword, and now he has returned to the origin again.

Picking it up and putting it down, how worthy of emotion is this?

“This is what a woman should look like now!” Xi Ji smiled lightly.

Anyway, in her opinion, women should not hide any of their own beauty, but to show their beauty.

She is this kind of woman, so whether it’s her face and temperament, or her demonic figure, she shows it without reservation.

Especially in front of Ling Ye, I can’t wait to hide it

But now, this Baijiu has let go of the obsession with the sword, and it has a bit more feminine flavor.

In her opinion, liquor should be like this!

After Baijiu pondered for a moment, those snow-white long eyelashes fluttered slightly!

At this moment, as if under this pair of beautiful eyes, everything withered, and everything was eclipsed.

“Alas! Why are my opponents so flawless?” Xi Ji let out a sigh of relief.

Forget Luo You Leng, the number one beauty in the world is naturally insurmountable.

But this Baijiu, Xiji only thought Baijiu was a very plain woman before, and the relationship with Ling Ye may be the same!

But now she understands that this liquor is so moving, and it also has that affection for Ling Ye.

Another great competitor!

Zhuge Qingmu snorted slightly, and Baijiu put down his sword to show his amazingness.

But at least, you are still a horizontal line.

I am different, I am far from you!

I’m not even qualified to be your competitor.

Luo You Leng doesn’t need to say, and even has a child with Lord Demon Lord, of course he can’t expect his status in Lord Demon Lord to be comparable to that of Luo You Leng.

What about Xiji and Baijiu?

One is the King of Banshees, so charming that even her will be moved.

One is the first sword god in the heavens, white clothes beats snow, white hair beats snow, although he is no longer the sword god of Qinggu, but he has become a fairy of Qinggu!

I can’t compare myself to them.

They are all at the pinnacle of the extreme god realm, the top ten powerhouses in the heavens and the world!

And what about yourself? A small and inconspicuous Supreme Realm!

In this Ziyun Immortal Realm, any one who stands up at random will be much better than her.

I guess you are the weakest person under the Demon Lord, right?

Alas, it doesn’t even exist!

“So you still have a pair of eyes?”

At this moment, a faint voice sounded.

I saw Ling Ye holding Luo Xin in his hand, and Luo You Leng walked in next to him.

Luo You Leng was also slightly surprised when he saw Bai Jiu’s beautiful eyes with snow-white eyelashes!

Isn’t she blind?

Everyone thought she was a blind swordsman!

Under that piece of black silk cloth, there are such beautiful eyes hidden?

Even Luo You Leng had to admit that Bai Jiu’s penetrating eyes were very beautiful.

After undoing the black cloth, the current liquor seems to have changed a lot.

No longer as cold and deep as before!

Instead, it’s a little more feminine.

Liquor itself is also a peerless beauty!

There is no simple woman who has a relationship with Ling Ye.

Although she also knew that she was the number one beauty in the heavens and the world, people like Baijiu and Zuo Ji were actually not much different from herself.

At this time, Bai Jiu’s gaze also turned towards Ling Ye.

In the past, she didn’t use her eyes to see people, she used her divine sense to sense, even though she could see everything clearly!

But now, the eyes and Ling Ye looked at each other, as if suddenly there was a new channel for communicating information to each other.

It feels a little strange!

“Others don’t know, you may have noticed it long ago, right? Baijiu” then said lightly.

No one’s strength is higher than her, at most it is equal!

Therefore, the fact that she is not blind, she will naturally not be able to tell if she does not say it.

But Ling Ye, Ling Ye’s strength is always above her!

Ling Ye should have known it long ago.

“I didn’t expect you to have such a face!” Ling Ye smiled lightly.

Of course he was, in fact, he had already noticed it a long time ago.

However, in his eyes, Baijiu has always been a lonely swordsman, and now he has given up his sword and opened those beautiful eyes!

Indeed…it’s like a different person!

Baijiu itself is a peerless woman, and she really shouldn’t restrain her beauty.

“Many rules are just the shackles you put on yourself! Sometimes, no rules are the best rules!”

Ling Ye then said lightly.

“Really?” Baijiu Meimei looked at Bai Zhe’s jade hand, and then said lightly, “Thank you for your advice!!

Yes, maybe his so-called Kenshin, that deep-locked heart door, is just a kind of restraint that he has given himself?

“Do whatever you want, the way is the highest! Let go of the constraints, and maybe you can reach a higher realm!” Ling Ye then said lightly.

“You are such a person?” Baijiu Meimu looked at Ling Ye again.

Do what you want, you can do anything you want, is that what it means?

Is this the realm of Ling Ye?

She remembered.

Her beautiful eyes then looked at Xiao Luo Xin, who was holding Ling Ye’s hand, and then looked at Luo You Leng with a bitter smile in her heart!

The door of his heart that was locked was opened by Ling Ye, but unfortunately… Ling Ye already belongs to him.

There are even children!

If I could open the door to my heart earlier, if I could do whatever I want earlier, maybe this is not the case, right?

After all, the relationship between Luo You Leng and Ling Ye seems to have only started five years ago!

And what about her and Ling Ye? They knew each other thousands of years ago!

If you were… like now, what kind of scene would everything… be like?

Unfortunately, it’s too late!

If you miss it, you miss it!

Nothing can be done, nothing can be done!

She then swept away lightly, her figure swept down from the purple cloud fairy lotus, and her light and snow-white figure landed in front of Ling Ye.

Snow-white long hair, fluttering gently.

Those beautiful eyes looked at Ling Ye in front of him.

“Do you think I’m weird now?” She then asked lightly.

“It’s a bit strange! But…it looks a lot better than before!” Ling Ye replied lightly.

As soon as these words came out, a smile appeared on Bai Jiu’s face.


Such an evaluation is alright.

That being the case, from now on… keep it going!

Bai Jiu’s gaze then turned to Luo Xin, and then asked softly, “What’s your name?

“My name is Luo Xin, but I can also be called Ling Xin, um.. I think I can also be called Ling Luo Xin! Hee hee!”

Luo Xin blinked with big eyes, and then smiled: “Your eyes are so beautiful, they are as beautiful as your mother’s!”

As soon as these words came out, Bai Jiu smiled again, and it was an honor to be comparable to the number one beauty in the world.

“My name is Baijiu! They all call me Sword God Baijiu!” Baijiu continued.

“Baijiu? Then I’ll call you Aunt Bai in the future?” Luo thought for a while and replied.

“Aunt Bai?”

Bai Jiu was thoughtful, and then said to Luo You coldly, “Can I make a request?”

Luo You Leng nodded lightly, wondering what Baijiu could ask for?

“I want to accept her as a disciple!” Bai Jiu then said.

Although Luo Xin was not her own child, she naturally liked it very much at first glance.

This little guy is so cute, who doesn’t like it?

Besides, at a young age, he was in the God Emperor Realm!

This kind of talent, Baijiu is also the first time to see.

Therefore, it is not bad to take this cute little guy as an apprentice and teach her to learn swords.

Of course, this requires the mutual permission of Ling Ye, Luo You Leng and Luo Xin!

As soon as Baijiu’s words came out, Xi Ji frowned slightly: “This…why didn’t you think of it?”

Although it is not their daughter, but it can be accepted as a disciple, so it is not impossible!

Zhuge Qingfeng didn’t say a word, you guys are amazing, you can accept her as a disciple and teach her some skills.

I’m different, I’m far less powerful than her.


Bai Jiu’s words also made Ling Ye and Luo You Leng slightly surprised.

“Don’t teach my daughter… to be like you!” Ling Ye laughed suddenly.

He naturally didn’t want his daughter to become like the liquor from before, a sword is a lifetime!

What kind of messed up Kenshin, those things my daughter doesn’t need!

“Of course I won’t teach her that, I just want to make her stronger!” Bai Jiu said lightly.

Stick to Kenshin, this kind of thing.. good and bad.

But she also didn’t want any bad things to be linked to Luo Xin.

Luo You Leng Mei and Bai Jiu looked at each other, and then said lightly, “Ask Xin’er about this!!

Baijiu is the sword god, looking at the heavens, the peak of strength!

Even she didn’t dare to say that it must be the opponent of Baijiu!

So it is not a bad thing to let your daughter have such a master and learn more skills!

Of course, she agrees, Ling Ye agrees! It also needs Luo Xin’s consent.

“Xin’er? Do you want to learn swordsmanship?” Baijiu Meimei then looked at Chao Luo Xin.

As the daughter of the Blood Shadow Demon Lord, she is also the daughter of the Ziyun Palace Lord!

Bai Jiu believes that if he accepts Luo Xin as his disciple, this disciple can definitely reach a state that no one else can achieve!

Reach the level of Ling Ye!

In all the heavens and the world, her liquor can indeed be called the number one in kendo!

However, Ling Ye is above everyone!

Everyone else can only rank one, two or three, but Ling Ye is not in this one, two or three, he surpasses everyone!

If you have to give a ranking, his ranking can be said to be zero!

Baijiu has now put down the sword in his hand, and it doesn’t matter whether she can reach the higher realm or not.

0… ask for flowers…

But she hopes that Luo Xin can reach and replace her to reach that higher peak!

Go to the highest peak!

Even surpassing Ling Ye or something.

“I want to! Of course I want to learn!”

Luo Xin nodded immediately.

All kinds of weapons, what does she like?

Of course the most beautiful is the sword!

So, of course she is willing to learn the sword!

“Then… would you like me to be your teacher?” Bai Jiu continued.

“Hmm! I do!” Luo Xin nodded quickly.

Baijiu then whispered: “From now on, I will be your master!”

“Hey, Master! Hehe!”

Luo Xin had a bright smile on her face: “I also called my mother a master before!”

Now you can call your mother a mother in an upright manner, but you can still call someone else a master.

Hearing Luo Xin’s call, a smile appeared on Bai Jiu’s face.

Although it is not his own daughter, it is impossible for him to have children with anyone.

But to have such a disciple is also contented!

In this life, except for Ling Ye, I have no regrets!

Bai Jiu’s gaze, then towards Ling Ye, said lightly: “Don’t worry, I only teach her the sword, it won’t affect her heart!”

The tender stamens should grow brilliantly in the mild sunshine, she still understands this.

She also understood Ling Ye’s intentions.

“It’s better, otherwise I might teach her what it means to deceive teachers and destroy ancestors!” Ling Ye also smiled.

The strength of liquor is indeed worthy of recognition.

There is no harm in Luo Xin worshipping her as a teacher, he has no objection!

Ling Ye’s words made Baijiu stare at him, can you say such a thing?

What a dream you are!

“How’s the injury?” Ling Ye then asked.

There was some concern in his tone.

“It’s all right!” Baijiu retracted his gaze.

Ling Ye looked at her with a bit of concern, and she was still a little uncomfortable!

In the past, this kind of concern, in her opinion, might just be a concern among friends.

Now, this concern has become very complicated.

At least in front of Luo You Leng, she didn’t have a good relationship with Ling Ye!

Even if it was a look between her eyes, she didn’t really want to show it in front of Luo You Leng’s face!

Ling Ye nodded lightly, then turned to Xi Ji.

“In a few days, of course, I have already recovered! Lord Demon Lord has given me your orders!” Xi Ji smiled charmingly.

Her injuries have already recovered a lot, and in the past few days in this Ziyun Immortal Realm, she has recovered!

It’s time to fight with Ling Ye!

Ling Ye’s gaze then turned towards Zhuge Qingfeng.

“I…” Zhuge Qingm lowered his head immediately.

Do you feel like you can’t do anything?

How about a mere Supreme Realm?

During this period of time, with the Purple Cloud Immortal Lotus, it has been greatly improved, and the talent has also changed a lot, but the change is not big,

Too weak “, I need you to reach at least God Realm as soon as possible!” Ling Ye continued.

“I, I’m already very fast, Lord Demon, my talent has improved a lot, I will work hard!” Zhuge Qingfeng lowered his head.

God realm?

How far is that?

After the Supreme Realm, the Holy Realm, the Holy Realm, the Heavenly Sacred Realm!

After that is the realm of gods!

She actually…may never get to that point in her entire life.

Damn it, why are you so weak?

The Demon Lord seems to have important things for himself?

But his own strength is far from enough!

If only I could be as powerful as Luo You Leng and the others!

Really useless!

“With this Purple Cloud Immortal Lotus washing the marrow for a few days, your talent does have the foundation for a certain change!”

Ling Ye then said lightly: “I will take you to a place where you can quickly reach the divine realm! But the process will be very painful! Are you willing?”

“I… I’m willing! I’m willing!” Zhuge Qingmu raised his head quickly.

As long as she can help Ling Ye, she is willing to do anything.

Ling Ye then said lightly: “You have already helped me enough, if you don’t want to suffer that hardship, I can let someone else do it! Life is better than death in that process, you think carefully!”

He does have an important matter that needs to be done by Zhuge Qingshou! Zhuge Qingchan is the best candidate!

But it needs at least the strength of the gods!

In fact, he didn’t have the heart to let this girl suffer too much suffering.

After all, Zhuge Qingmu had indeed helped him enough.

“I do! Lord Demon Lord, I really do!” Zhuge Qingchan showed a firmness on his face.

Really, as long as she can play her role, she is willing to do anything.

Why not live rather than die?

What is a strategist? That is, he should solve problems for the Lord of Demons!

But in her opinion, she has no credit for helping Ling Ye to be reborn five years ago!

She also wants to do more for Ling Ye!

Ling Ye looked at Zhuge Qingmu, and after a while, nodded lightly: “That’s it, come with me!”

“Hmm!” Zhuge Qingfeng nodded his head.

Then, he planned to go with Ling Ye to the place that Ling Ye said.

But at this moment, Xun Ruyue suddenly flew here: “Palace Master, outside, Ye Ziwei asks to see you!” Qian,

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