Chapter 138 Destroy the Promise Origin, Lock the Cultivation Limit

Among the countless figures, there are more than a dozen or 20 people in the extreme god realm, from the early stage of the extreme god realm to the peak of the extreme god realm!

Those are the people who used to be loyal to Yu Duanqian!

They are all people who are willing to follow Yu Duanqian against the Void family!

As a result, it was directly refined by Yu Duanqian?

What kind of madness is this rain and rain?

He actually turned all the subordinates who were loyal to him into black rain puppets that were consciously controlled by him?

Seeing some of these familiar faces, many of them are former friends, Jiang Yuan was furious!

It’s raining thousands of times, it’s really something that is inferior to a beast!

“Ah, if I didn’t refine them back then, how could I keep this army until now?”

Opposite, Yu Duanqian smiled coldly.

Yes, in fact, many strong people did not die in battle, nor did they hide in the world!

In fact, most of them were secretly obliterated by him and refined!

Among them are not only his former subordinates, but also many who were not his subordinates were also obliterated and refined by him!

He has long prepared this black rain army!

Now, that’s where it really comes in handy!

Jiang Yuan gritted his teeth, wishing he could tear this pig-and-dog-like Yu Duanqian into pieces!

Among them, many people are truly loyal to Yu Duanqian!

Yu Duanqian, this bastard, is so capable?

It’s not a fucking thing!

“Hehe, how? Do you feel hopeless?”

Yu Duanqian’s eyes turned towards Ling Ye again, and sneered: “What can you do with you now?”

“You who have always been invincible, this time you can give a good try to what is called failure!

“I can feel your powerlessness! In the face of absolute power, your powerlessness!

“In the past, you had a cloudy spleen, and all beings in the world were like ants in your eyes!

“Now, it’s time to try what it’s like to be an ant under someone else’s feet!”

Yu Duanqian looked at Ling Ye opposite.

He couldn’t wait to see Ling Ye’s expressions of despair, pain and begging for mercy.

The spiritual sense that Ling Ye tortured him before, that life is better than death, he also wants Ling Ye to pay it back a hundred times!

Ling Ye’s woman, Ling Ye’s daughter, and all those who follow Ling Ye in the heavens and the world, he will not let any of them go!

I want them all to be buried with Ling Ye, and I want them to know what the consequences of following Ling Ye are!

The Lord of the Void also looked at Ling Ye coldly: “You can also beg for mercy, just as my Void family begged you for mercy!”

“If you have enough sincerity to kneel down, maybe this seat can save your life!”

“Although you will live in misery!”

“But in the words of the heavens and the world, it is better to die than to live, isn’t it?”

At this time, the Lord of the Void brought the entire Void family, and Yu Duanqian brought the Black Rain Army!

The mighty and overwhelming pervading above this extreme abyss!

They all looked at Ling Ye opposite with the same eyes, and their eyes were full of pride!

Full of confidence!

Because it was the first time for them to experience the feeling of stepping on Ling Ye’s head.

And next, they will really step on Ling Ye ruthlessly!

There are five infinity realms and more than 30 extreme god realms.

The Void Army and the Black Rain Army add up to more than 100 million!

Yu Duanqian and the Void Clan joined forces, and now is the most powerful lineup in the history of the entire heavens and the world.

The single point of the five infinite realms is something that has never appeared in the history of the heavens and the world.

On the opposite side, behind Ling Ye, everyone was sullen and said nothing!

Just strain your nerves and be ready for battle!

Ready to die anytime!

At the front, Ling Ye looked at the Black Rain Army and the Void Army with a cold gaze.

Then he said lightly: “This time it is truly complete!

“You two dogs who like barking, I will solve it myself! But my people can’t go all in vain, they have to give them something to do!!

“This time, none of you will stay!

After saying that, Ling Ye just raised his palm.

Then, under his induction, the Great Array of Myriad Realms of Void flowed up.

The infinite source that permeated all worlds began to gather towards his palm.


At this moment, in the whole world, all the origin of the infinite, the invisible force, the introduction of the infinite realm, all gathered in Ling Ye’s hands.

One by one, the light spots converged from all the corners of the heavens and the world, and all the spaces!

Finally, on Ling Ye’s palm, it condensed into a dazzling sphere of light!

This is the source of the infinite after condensation!

The ranking of the supreme artifact is ranked according to its particularity.

Excluding the first supreme artifact, the rest of the diseases do not mean that the top ranked is stronger!

Just like the second-ranked Promise Source.

It has no power, no aggressiveness and destructiveness, but it is a necessary introduction to reach the infinite realm.

Without the existence of this infinite source, the heavens and the world would not have the power of the infinite realm!

The corner of Ling Ye’s mouth evoked a faint arc, blood-red eyes, and looked at the Lord of the Void opposite: “Very familiar, right?”

“This is..

Opposite, the narrow eyes of the Lord of the Void suddenly narrowed slightly: “The source of infinite!”

Yes! It is the source of the infinite!

He also has the Promise Origin on him, and what is condensed in the tenth Void Light Eye is the Promise Origin!

It was precisely because he had merged the source of Wuji with himself, so Ling Ye killed him would destroy the source of Wuji, so Ling Ye kept him.

But what is condensed on him is the infinite source of the void world!

And what Ling Ye condensed at this time was the infinite source of the heavens and the world!

I didn’t expect that Ling Ye could condense the source of Wuji?

These two infinite origins, live and die with each other!

Now this Ling Ye condenses the infinite source of the heavens and the world in his hand, what does he want to do?

At this moment, a sense of unease suddenly rose in the heart of the Lord of the Void!

It always feels like… Ling Ye seems to be doing something crazy again!

Yu Duanqian’s dark and gloomy eyes were also staring at the light group in Ling Ye’s palm.

What does he want to do?

He can actually condense the Promise Origin? And is it condensing the Promise Origin at this time?

Yu Duanqian’s heart was also filled with unease!

It always feels like this Ling Ye has already planned everything!

Why does Ling Ye still have such a cold expression at such a time?

Is he really planning something?

At this time, the opposite Ling Ye spoke again.

That cold voice resounded in this extreme abyss!

“There are always people who like to use my kindness as a capital that can appeal to me!”

Ling Ye’s cold eyes looked at Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void: “In this case, I will put away this kindness!”

After saying that, Ling Ye’s palm was tumbling with blood, and he squeezed suddenly!

At the beginning, in order to ensure the future development of the heavens and the world, he did not kill the master of the void, but kept the source of the infinite!

But later, someone always wanted to climb on his head!

If this is the case, then let these heavens and myriad worlds no longer be boundless!

This time, he will not have any kindness and concern!

When he heard Ling Ye’s words, when he saw Ling Ye’s actions, Yu Duanqian, the lord of the void, instantly burst his scalp, and his pupils shrank suddenly!

Does he want to destroy the source of infinite?

This crazy idea instantly appeared in the minds of Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void!

What will happen if Ling Ye destroys the Promise Source?

Both Promise Sources will disappear at the same time!

Then, the heavens and the world and the void family will not have any power in the infinite realm.

At that time, the strength of the Lord of the Void will fall from the boundless realm!

The strength of Yu Duanqian will also fall from the boundless realm!

At that time, they will no longer be the five extreme gods!

But it is only the peak of the five extreme gods!

“Stop him!!!”

Immediately Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void roared, and the five figures shot at Ling Ye at the same time!

They are fast and their strength is strong!

It only takes a moment to stop Ling Ye.

However, it was already too late for a moment!

Under their hideous gaze, under their desperate gaze!

Ling Ye’s palm suddenly exerted force!


A loud explosion spread throughout the heavens and the world!

That Promise Origin, the introduction to the Promise Realm, was instantly pinched by Ling Ye!

“no no!!!”

Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void both roared out at the same time!

Ling Ye’s move is equivalent to completely closing a door to the heavens and the world!

From now on, there will be no power in the infinite realm in these heavens and myriad worlds!

All the existences of the infinite realm will all fall to the peak of the extreme god realm!

Even if it is half a step in the boundless realm, it will still fall down!


As the source of Wuji shattered under Ling Ye’s clutches, the entire heavens and myriad worlds rang out at this moment!

From now on, the upper limit of the heavens and the world will be completely fixed!

The pinnacle of the extreme god realm is the highest realm!


Immediately afterwards, there was a bang in the entire heavens and the world!

All the powers of the infinite realm and the half-step infinite realm of the heavens and the world are all scattered at this moment.

On the Lord of the Void, the vast light of the Void suddenly exploded!

Then, the ten Void Light Eyes behind him, the one in the middle, shattered!

With a crisp sound, the biggest Void Light Eye, together with the Promise Origin in his body, dissipated in an instant!

Along with the radiance of the sky that swayed away, it dissipated under the abyss of the extreme world!


The Lord of the Void roared, but he was still unable to resist the instant dissipation of his power!

In just a moment, the moment Ling Ye pinched the source of Wuji, his strength fell to the pinnacle of the extreme god realm!

Now, he only has nine Void Light Eyes!

Strictly speaking, it is no longer the Lord of the Void, but just a King of the Void!

Yu Duanqian was the same, the vast black energy around him dissipated in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, his four bodies all plummeted in strength!

All of them fell from the realm of infinity to the realm of extreme gods!

As the strength of the two fell in an instant, the coercion of the two infinite realms that permeated the entire heavens and worlds dissipated in this instant!

All the heavens and the world, all those who were shrouded in their imposing pressure, breathed a sigh of relief.

I was overwhelmed before, but now, in an instant, I am relieved!

It seems that the entire heavens and myriads of worlds, the rain passes the sky.

Ling Ye is also the same, a vast blood energy suddenly swept away from his body!

His strength also fell from the half-step infinite realm to the peak of the extreme god realm!

Like them, there is also the supreme divine pillar under the abyss of the extreme world!

Today’s Bafang Supreme Divine Pillar no longer has the power to suppress the Promise Realm. At most, it is only the pinnacle of the Divine Realm.

Together with the powerful gravitational force under the abyss of the extreme world, it all fell to the level of only the peak of the extreme god realm at this moment!

Today’s extreme abyss is the strongest, but it can generate the same gravitational force as the peak of the extreme god realm!

The universe of the heavens, the void of all worlds, at this moment, under the hands of Ling Ye!

Suddenly the whole is lowered by a level!

From now on, all realms are empty, and there is no limitless realm!

The pinnacle of the extreme god realm is the pinnacle!

The limit has been completely locked!

No one will ever be able to go beyond the limits!

“Damn! Damn!!!

The Lord of the Void roared, and his figure suddenly charged towards Ling Ye.

Above that fist, with the power of the vast void, smashed at Ling Ye!

Facing the fist that fell like a falling star, Ling Ye just raised his palm and clasped it!


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound, and the blood energy and the power of the void exploded abruptly between the three armies of the extreme abyss!

Originally, a punch from the Realm of Promise was enough to kill Ling Ye who was half a step in the Realm of Promise!

But unfortunately, the Lord of the Void is now no longer a limitless realm!

His punch was received steadily by Ling Ye.


Ling Ye sneered: “This doesn’t have the confidence to call me?”


After saying that, Ling Ye’s palm suddenly shook!

The figure of the Lord of the Void hurriedly backed away!

He was still in the air, looking at his hands, his face full of hideousness and unwillingness!

Today, he no longer has the strength of the Promise Realm!

Just the pinnacle of the extreme god realm!

What is this? What is this Lord of the Void?

It’s just a special Void King!

Unexpectedly, Ling Ye would do such a crazy thing!

He was able to condense the source of the infinite?

And will the Promise Origin be destroyed?

So, this is Ling Ye’s plan?

Was this all planned by Ling Ye?

So that was the reason why Ling Ye let him out?

Ling Ye didn’t use his hand to deal with Yu Duanqian, on the contrary, Ling Ye planned to bring him and Yu Duanqian together! solve it all together!

The eyes of the Lord of the Void suddenly turned to Yu Duanqian.

At this time, Yu Duanqian’s four bodies were also fixed in the air, not saying a word, and even in the eyes, there was a bit of retreat.

Who could have imagined that the feeling of superiority that could just be stepped on Ling Ye’s head would disappear in an instant?

Now, he is still four in one, or the four bodies of Heaven Extinguishing!

However, it is not the four Promise Realm, but the Four Extreme God Realm peaks!

If it is only the peak of the extreme god realm, he is really nothing special!

The four peaks of the extreme gods are indeed powerful, but they are not invincible!

In this case, can they still deal with Ling Ye?

Can you still kill Ling Ye?

The Lord of the Void and Yu Duanqian looked at each other, and at this moment, the kind of fear appeared in their eyes again!

That kind of fear of Ling Ye!

They are no longer beyond Ling Ye’s existence!

At this time, the entire heavens and the world, countless eyes, are also looking at the direction of the extreme abyss.

Seeing Ling Ye who caught a punch from the Lord of the Void.

Then, everyone suddenly realized it!

All, as expected, the Lord Demon has already planned everything!

He really has a way to deal with the Lord of the Void and Yu Duanqian!

Destroying the source of the infinite, although this method does lock the future of the heavens and the world!

But it is indeed the right thing to do!

If the Lord of the Void and Yu Duanqian are only the pinnacles of the extreme god realm, then… the odds of winning are great!

This time, the heavens and the world will not fall into the hands of the Void family?

It won’t fall into the hands of Yu Duanqian, will it?

Now, on top of the other party as a whole, there are more than 30 extreme gods! As well as the Black Rain Army and the Void Army!

Not enough!

Immediately, many great forces from all over the world, all over the world, became restless once again.

Since the Void Clan and Yu Duanqian have only such strength, what is there to fear?

They couldn’t participate in the previous (Li Lehao) battle in the Realm of Promise!

But this time, don’t be afraid!

All of a sudden, the world is restless!

All forces are rectifying the army of the strong and rushing to the extreme abyss at full speed.

That being the case, let’s go together to support the Demon Lord.

Extreme abyss.

Behind Ling Ye, except for Luo You Leng, who already knew, Bai Jiu and everyone else understood Ling Ye’s plan!

Didn’t expect him to have such a skill?

It can actually condense the legendary source of the infinite?

Now that the source of Wuji has been destroyed, Yu Duanqian and the strength of the Lord of the Void have both fallen to the peak of the Extreme God Realm!

Not to mention Ling Ye, they can fight!

Ling Ye’s move directly reduced the opponent’s strength to a level similar to his own!

That way, there is no fear at all!

“”So that’s why you want to release the Lord of the Void? Now I understand!” Xi Ji smiled charmingly.

This is Ling Ye’s plan!

It’s something I hadn’t thought of before!

Sure enough, Ling Ye can deal with Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void!

“Although this method is indeed a bit crazy! But it is indeed a method!” Jiang Yuan immediately waved his hand, and the Desolate Stick appeared in his hand.

“Then follow the Lord Demon Lord’s wishes! This time, none of them will be left!” Shura Kuang also clenched the big sword in his hand, his eyes full of fighting intent, and looked at the Void army Black Rain and the army on the opposite side.

In the rear, many goddesses in Ziyun Immortal Realm, and all the banshees in the sea monster’s nest, also all understand!

The tension at the beginning is all gone now!

Today, with the Lord Demon Lord, we must completely eradicate this scourge of the heavens and the world!

Sure enough, it is right to believe in Lord Demon Lord!

At the forefront of the army, Ling Ye’s mouth curled into a cold arc: “There is no cage in which you can hide in this world!”

“Since all are here, then this time, don’t even think about one!”

After saying that, he slowly spread his arms!

Boom!! Class!

Suddenly there was a thunderous roar, and eight supreme divine pillars suddenly flew out from under the abyss of the extreme world!

Although this Supreme Divine Pillar of the Eight Directions no longer possesses the power to suppress the Promise Realm, it is still the most powerful divine weapon!

And these eight monstrous supreme pillars will serve as Ling Ye’s weapons next!

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