Chapter 140: Madam Demon Lord?

bang bang…

The battle in the abyss of the extreme world brought together all the powerhouses of the entire heavens and the world and the Void family.

The movement of the war, the shock waves that destroy the sky and the earth, are gorgeous and terrifying!

The entire heavens and myriad worlds are trembling madly under such a battle!

This time, it really gathered hundreds of extreme gods.

This is the first time for everyone in the heavens and the world to see this kind of war!

This is definitely the most massive final battle since Ling Ye fought against the Void Army alone in ancient times!

Although there is no Promise Realm, this scene seems to be even more magnificent than the battle in the Promise Realm!

After all, the number of people in this battle is absolutely unprecedented!

ding ding ding…

During the melee, Jiang Yuan’s chaotic stick suddenly turned in his hand, blocking all the golden void air blades bursting from the opposite side!

After blocking it, his figure burst up, and he suddenly hit Yu Blade with a stick!

On the opposite side, the pair of scaled wings behind the feather blade blocked Jiang Yuan’s stick!


With a loud noise, the shock wave rippled, and the two figures retreated a certain distance from each other!

“Haha, it’s very similar to the past! It’s a pity that your Void family is far from the strength of the year!” After Jiang Yuan stabilized his figure, he sneered.

“Humph! Do you have the strength of the past in the heavens and the world?” Yu Ren also snorted coldly.

Yes, it is true that the current Void Clan is nowhere near as good as it used to be!

But the heavens and the world are still far from what they used to be!

Back then, Ling Ye swept through the void alone, but now Ling Ye is only at the pinnacle of the extreme god realm, and it is impossible to be as invincible as back then!

Therefore, in this battle, their Void Clan and the army of Yu Duan Qian Hei Yu will not necessarily lose!

“Excluding Lord Demon Lord, our heavens and myriads of worlds are really not much different from what we used to be!” Jiang Yuan sneered.

In terms of top-notch combat power in the Promise Realm, it is true that the current heavens and myriad worlds do not exist!

But in the realm of the infinite, the realm of the gods, the realm of the gods, and the like, the heavens and the worlds today are not bad compared to the past!

Even more than that!

“Anyway, no matter what, one of you and me is going to die today! So let’s have a good time!” Jiang Yuan suddenly waved the chaos stick in his hand.

“Okay! I will fulfill you!”

Opposite, Yu Ren coldly snorted, the next moment, spread his wings and spread his hands!


I saw that on his body, those golden scales and golden wings turned out to be peeling off piece by piece!

As the scales peel off, you can see the void body below him!

Every piece of his scales and wings, all around him, transformed into a substantial golden air blade!

On the opposite side, Jiang Yuan grinned: “You look like a pheasant with all its feathers plucked! No, it’s a weak chicken! It’s even uglier than the previous shrimp line brother?”

After saying that, the vast spiritual power in Jiang Yuan’s body also burst out suddenly at this moment, and he tightly held the chaos stick in his hand!

Above that chaotic stick, one after another lines, shining brightly at this moment!

“Jiang Yuan! Today I will tear your mouth off and hang it on your ear!”

Opposite, Yu Ren burst out.

Jiang Yuan’s speech has always been so unpleasant.

The previous ghost injury was described as a shrimp line brother, and now he is described as a plucked pheasant!

“All the hairs are plucked out, next… I’ll dismember you!” Jiang Yuan grinned, the next moment!


His figure, with that chaotic stick, suddenly shot towards the feather blade!

“Today I will smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!” Yu Ren also roared.

Then, with the golden void air blades transformed from the body scales around him, he suddenly shot up!

bang bang…

In this melee, above the abyss of the extreme world, the figures of the two people are like two meteorites, piercing the void and piercing the space!

With that dazzling brilliance, keep approaching!

With all their power, keep getting closer!

Finally hit each other hard!

stop driving…


The next moment, only the sound of explosions in the sky could be heard, and after the two bodies collided, there was a loud bang!

The shock wave that destroyed the sky and the earth spread out over the entire battlefield!

With that dazzling brilliance, it is like a bursting sun!

Between the two peaks of the extreme god realm, the winner will be determined under this move!

bang bang…

The shock wave continued for an unknown time, and the scorching sun-like brilliance slowly dissipated for a long time!

Then, Jiang Yuan and Yublade were revealed inside!

At this time, Jiang Yuan was already tattered and dripping with blood!

Countless feather blades left countless scars on his body and face!

Ripped his flesh and clothes!


Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yuan spat out a mouthful of blood.

But his bloody eyes were staring at the feather blade that was more serious than him.

At this time, the opposite Yublade, the figure has been fixed in mid-air!

One of his wings was broken at this time, and there were also cracks all over his body, filling his void body!

The most important fatal injury was Jiang Yuan’s random stick, which was inserted into his chest at this time, penetrating his entire body!

From the place where the barren stick penetrated, the power of the void flowed out like blood, constantly dissipating away!

The feather blade at this time is already like a piece of glass that has been shattered, and it will shatter at any time!

His hideous eyes stared at Jiang Yuan, who was facing him.

He tried his best to make a move, although Jiang Yuan was seriously injured, but it was only a serious injury!

And his, is fatal injury!

Yu Ren slowly raised the powerless palm, grasped the chaotic stick that penetrated his chest, and wanted to pull it out!


But at this moment, Jiang Yuan’s figure, with the last strength, suddenly burst up!

Then, the spiritual power condensed on his double hall!


After he burst out, his palms turned into sharp claws, and suddenly penetrated into Yu Blade’s chest!

Suddenly, Yu Blade’s pupils suddenly shrank again!

“Hahahaha! Today, uncle, I will give you a shredded chicken!”

Jiang Yuan laughed wildly, and the next moment, his arm suddenly exerted force!


Under Yu Ren’s hideous and desperate gaze, Dollar’s hands suddenly ripped open his entire chest!

Immediately, the void power poured out, sprayed out!

“Ha ha ha ha..

After one claw, Jiang Yuan didn’t stop, and continued to grab and tear up!

open open open…

Then, Feather Blade’s wings were ripped off alive!

The void body was also torn down a little bit!

In the end, that head was also torn into pieces by Jiang Yuan suddenly from the middle!

The king of the void was torn to shreds by Jiang Yuan like this.

As Yu Ren’s broken body turned into a light spot of void little by little, it dissipated away.

The Void family has lost another Void King!

After killing the feather blade, Jiang Yuan grabbed the chaos stick in his hand, and then he spurted out another mouthful of blood: “Servant.

He killed Yu Ren, but Yu Ren did not make him feel better!

Now he is exhausted.

As long as another peak of the extreme gods shoots at him, he can be directly obliterated in an instant! It’s effortless!

Jiang Yuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at the battlefield!

Today, he killed a Void King who was at the peak of the extreme god realm, which was considered a contribution to this battle!

It doesn’t matter whether it is life or death!


At this moment, in front of Jiang Yuan, an old figure flew up suddenly, carrying a faint medicinal fragrance.

“Although this medicinal pill cannot heal you, it can also make you recover a little from your injuries for the time being!”

The person here is really the Patriarch of the Medicine Immortal Clan.

As soon as he came, the old hand waved, and a medicinal pill exuding golden Guan Hui flew to Jiang Yuan.

“Aah! To have the number one alchemist in the heavens and the world, this auxiliary function can be of great help!”

Jiang Yuan grinned: Thank you “Thanks!”

Then take the pills in one go!

With the medicinal herbs entering the body, Jiang Yuan’s severely injured body suddenly got some relief!

Although a quick recovery is not possible, some of his stamina has been restored!

Immediately, he clenched the chaos stick in his hand again: “I am no longer an opponent at the peak of the extreme god realm! But below the peak of the extreme god realm, I can still fight!

After saying that, the two looked at each other, and then they both entered the melee again!

The entire Medicine Immortal Clan is an alchemist, so under such a battle, it is also a powerful addition to the heavens and the world.

With the on-site assistance of so many alchemists, the army of the heavens and the world naturally has a great advantage!

Sure enough, the heavens and the worlds united are invincible and invincible!

It is a pity that throughout history, the entire heavens and the worlds have never had true unity!

Even when the Void Clan invaded in the ancient times, the heavens and the world were divided into three major factions, and there was no real unity!

Today’s unity is the first time ever!

Because someone did it and really impressed the whole world!


The violent battle is still sweeping the whole world!

The Star Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms seems to be distorted at this moment!

Even the abyss of the extreme world below, under the movement of the battle, seems to be torn apart by the shock!

It looks even more monstrous!

In this battle, the entire heavens and the world, countless creatures are looking up.

They are also praying, praying for the end of the war!

I pray that the heavens and the world will not fall into the hands of the Void family and Yu Duanqian!

Under the watchful eyes of the entire heavens and the world, and waiting, the war became more and more fiery.

The battle on the army side, in fact, has almost become a foregone conclusion from the very beginning!

All over the heavens and the world, all forces have joined hands, and there are dozens of people at the peak of the extreme god realm, from the early stage to the later stage of the extreme god realm!

On the other hand, looking at the Void Clan and the Black Rain Army on the opposite side, the two Void Kings are the pinnacles of the Extreme God Realm.

The black rain puppet of Yu Duanqian has only three or four peaks of the extreme god realm.

Therefore, whether in terms of top combat power or in terms of the number of troops, the Heavens and Myriad Realms have an absolute advantage!

0. …… ask for flowers ……

Under the joint efforts of various forces, the Black Rain Army and the Void Army have been retreating steadily, and their numbers have continued to plummet!

Under the leadership of the Blood Shadow Demon Army, the various forces in the heavens and the world have almost an overwhelming advantage.

Today, everyone killed enough happy!

During the melee, Luo You Leng slashed down with a sword, and another Void King’s deputy in the early stage of the extreme god realm died in her hands!

She is at the peak of the extreme god realm, and it is easy to deal with the early stage to the later stage of the extreme god realm!

With so many extra pinnacles of the extreme god realm, there is no doubt that the heavens and the myriad worlds will win!

After killing the Void King’s Deputy, Luo You Leng’s beautiful eyes once again looked towards the melee center that no one could approach!

Look at Ling Ye who is one against five!

She kept fighting, but her mind was always with Ling Ye!

Although she also believed in Ling Ye, she was of course worried at such a time!

After all, the other party is a full five pinnacles of the extreme god realm!

And Ling Ye, there is only one person!

Although the Eight Directions Supreme Divine Pillar is indeed amazing, it is really hard to say what the outcome will be with one against five!


At this moment, a petite figure came to her side.

“Mrs. Abandoned Lord, do we really need to help Lord Demon Lord?”

The person who came was Yao Yao of the Taixu Protoss.

She was very curious, in fact, there are already many peak powerhouses who can free up their hands, and they can fight against Yu Duanqian and the Lord of the Void together with Ling Ye!

Are you really not going to do it?

“Woman Madam?”

Luo You coldly glanced at Yao Yao.

It’s the first time I’ve heard this name, and it sounds pretty good!

Very suitable!

“Um.. I’m sorry, if this name is inappropriate, I’ll still call you Palace Master Ziyun!”

Aware of Luo You’s cold eyes, Yao Yao immediately changed her words.

Actually, everyone knows about Luo You Leng and Ling Ye.

In the eyes of many people, Luo You Leng is the devil’s wife!

“It’s okay! Let’s call it that!”

However, Luo You cooled and replied lightly.

Such a title can be regarded as clarifying the relationship between himself and Ling Ye in the eyes of others.

Not bad!

She then said lightly: “Although he said that no one else is allowed to interfere, that is, no one else is allowed to interfere! But when I have to, I won’t listen to him!”

Yes, Ling Ye said that no one else should interfere, so everyone did not interfere, this is respect for Ling Ye!

However, it can’t really reach the point where Ling Ye is no match for Ling Ye, and Ling Ye is about to die, can you still watch?

Anyway, she’s definitely not like that!

That is his man, the father of his daughter!

It is absolutely impossible for her to let Xin’er lose her father!

So, when she has to, she doesn’t care so much!

Anyway, Ling Ye must live!

“I understand!” Yao Yao nodded.

While speaking, he looked at Luo You Leng’s beautiful profile.

She really deserves to be the number one beauty in the world, she is really beautiful!

Even a girl thinks she is beautiful and charming.

There is only such a person, worthy of being the wife of the Demon Lord, right?

“That… Mrs. Demon Lord, can I make a request?” Yaoyao then suddenly thought of something.

Request “?” Luo You’s cold and beautiful eyes looked at her again.

“That’s right, in fact, I’ve always wanted to be a member of the Purple Cloud Immortal Palace. I don’t know, can I have this qualification?” Yao Yao said hesitantly.

Ziyun Immortal Realm only recruits the top goddesses of all realms!

The place where the goddesses gather is naturally her yearning.

She also wanted to be like the fairy sisters there, each one of them was beautiful and charming!

“Qualification?” Luo You’s cold eyes looked at Yao Yao, and then said: “With your strength in the God Emperor Realm, you can be considered a top genius when looking at the heavens! Naturally qualified! If you want, you can enter my Ziyun Immortal Realm at any time! ”

“Really?” Yao Yao smiled suddenly.

In fact, what she cares about is not the issue of strength!

It’s that kind of .. aptitude!


Everyone has a love for beauty!

Being able to enter the Ziyun Immortal Realm is a sign that you not only have strength, but also have good looks!

Therefore, she is of course happy to be recognized by Luo You Leng!

Even Luo You Leng has admitted his temperament, so he is really beautiful, right?

You are a little fairy, aren’t you?

“Then after the war is over, I will be a member of the Ziyun Immortal Realm!” Yao Yao continued, “See the Palace Master!

“See? Ziyun Immortal Realm doesn’t have these rules!”

Luo You coldly said something.

The people of Ziyun Immortal Realm are not master-servant relationships!

In Ziyun Immortal Realm, no!

“La la! I understand!” Yao Yao nodded quickly.

Luo You Leng then closed his eyes, and then entered the melee again.

On the spot, Yao Yao stomped her feet excitedly and whispered, “Can you see Lord Demon Lord every day from now on? Hee hee!”

“No, no, you can’t think like this, or the palace master might want me to get out of here!

She quickly stabilized her emotions, and then, once again, entered the melee. Qian,

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