The forty-ninth chapter fixed method of rebirth

“Rebirth in reincarnation always requires rebirth in a new place!”

“And the so-called random rebirth of rebirth is actually…not really random!”

“It was reborn with the flow of spiritual power in the sky and the world!”

“In other words, rebirth… is actually fixed in itself!”

Zhuge Qingchan said while drawing the whole picture of the heavens and the world.

“Oh?” Ling Ye was slightly surprised.

Is reincarnation itself fixed?

Your discovery is enough to shock the world!

“This has something to do with the great flow of spiritual power in the heavens and the world! Therefore, Lord Demon Lord, as long as you can control the great flow of spiritual power in the heavens and the world, you can fix the position of rebirth!”

Zhuge Qingchan went on to say: “Not only can it fix you alone, it can even fix the rebirth of everyone in the heavens and the world!”

“Controlling the flow of spiritual power in all worlds, of course my strength can’t do it! But you can, Lord Demon!”

“We… can use Myriad Realms as a point and the void as a line! Build a… Myriad Realms Super Formation!”

“The great circulation of spiritual power itself exists!”

“That is to say, in fact, this formation has existed since the beginning of Wanjie! As long as we modify it a little, we can control it!”

“This… is the whole picture of the heavens and the world!”

“We just need to… destroy some of these worlds! And move some of these worlds!”

“With the great flow of spiritual power in all worlds, it can be clearly controlled!”

“At that time, you can directly deduce your rebirth position, Lord Demon Lord!”

“This is natural, even if it is… a fixed rebirth!”

After Zhuge Qingchan drew the whole picture of the heavens and the world, he marked several of the worlds.

These worlds are the worlds that need to be moved or destroyed!

Of course she couldn’t.

But with Ling Ye’s strength, it is completely enough to do it!

Ling Ye’s eyes looked at the whole picture of the heavens and the world.

Taking Myriad Realms as the point and the void as the line, can such a brilliant formation be drawn?

Thanks for her wanting it!

“It’s really a… an incredible Void Formation of Ten Thousand Realms!”

Ling Ye then smiled lightly.

“But… Lord Demon Lord, there is still a problem!”

Zhuge Qingchan then whispered: “Although the location of your rebirth can be determined, but… after rebirth… how about the Lord Demon Lord?”

After being reborn, Ling Ye probably won’t have the strength she has now!

What happened to Ling Ye at that time?

“These… Naturally, you don’t need to worry about it!”

Ling Ye smiled lightly: “Let’s go, come with me… set up this Great Void Formation of Ten Thousand Realms!”


Zhuge Qingchan nodded heavily.

Since Ling Ye said that she doesn’t need to worry about herself, then naturally she doesn’t need to worry about herself.

He must have his plans!

“Master Demon, wait for me!”

Zhuge Qingchan went on to say something.

Then he flew down, and in the bookshelf, he picked up a thick black ancient book.

“Let’s go!” She then flew up and smiled lightly at Ling Ye.

Ling Ye’s eyes looked at the ancient book that Zhuge Qingchan held tightly in his arms: “What is this?”

“No…nothing, it’s just a storybook!” Zhuge Qingchan held the book tightly in his arms.

She looked like she was afraid that Ling Ye would rob her.

This is indeed a storybook, a… unfinished history book!

And this book… records it is Ling Ye!

She also discovered this book by accident.

She also doesn’t know who left this book here!

Only know one page at the end of the book, with the notes of the previous author.

The previous author, I hope someone can write this book down!

That is… to write down Ling Ye’s story!

On this, many histories with Ling Ye as the core are recorded in the ancient times, the super ancient times.

Zhuge Qingchan wanted to know more about Ling Ye, so she wanted to take this book away!

I don’t know if the records here are true or not.

But she still wanted to take it with her, and she still wanted to finish this book!

And if you can… be the next author yourself!

Complete this unique history book!

Ling Ye didn’t say much.

With Zhuge Qingchan, he left the ancient building.

Then, start setting up the big array!

To determine your own rebirth location!

Among the worlds marked by Zhuge Qingchan, there is one that is quite special.

Purple Cloud Immortal Realm!

The location of Ziyun Immortal Realm is more critical, and it needs to move some distance!

Therefore, Ling Ye first took Zhuge Qingchan to Ziyun Immortal Realm.

At this time, in Ziyun Immortal Realm.

As soon as Luo Youling came back, he came to the quiet spring again.

Then, the whole person was directly submerged into the clear spring.

The cold and clear spring water made her mind stabilize a little bit.

What happened to yourself?

It actually caused some… throbbing towards Ling Ye?

Yes, albeit subtle!

But it did appear!

His heart, which has always been calm, did shake a little in front of Ling Ye! *

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