The firework is Xiao Fan's most powerful secret weapon at present.

It is also the solution he came up with after encountering these thugs.

This thing can attract a large number of monsters, but the monsters don't bite themselves.

Using fireworks to attract monsters to solve the enemy is simply a perfect weapon for him to kill with a borrowed knife.

When he saw Lu Yu leading a large force into the community in the afternoon, he had already prepared these things.

Later, when Lu Yu entered the police station, he decisively moved these things over.

Xiao Jin and Hei Shuai were left outside by Lu Yu, but they went around the front door as soon as the door was closed.

The two thugs who were responsible for the alert upstairs were attracted by the actions of Xiao Jin and Hei Shuai.

He took advantage of this opportunity to climb in through the back door and opened it.

For him now, climbing over the wall is so easy.

After hearing the gunshots inside, he quickly started to move the fireworks.

Then the scene just now happened.

"But it's useless to run faster, hahaha..."

Xiao Fan laughed out loud!

Although the dogs after the end of the world have mutated.

But he has also been strengthened, right?

With the distance between the two sides so far, even if humans can't run faster than dogs, it will be very difficult for Hei Shuai to catch up with him.

So when Xiao Fan saw Hei Shuai chasing him out, he was not panicked.

He kept drilling into the monster pile.

Soon Hei Shuai was trapped by three high-level zombies and seven or eight lizardmen.

It is unknown whether these monsters were attracted by the previous gunshots or by Xiao Fan's fireworks.

In short, due to the existence of the dark contract, Hei Shuai and Xiao Jin will be judged as aliens by these monsters.

When monsters face aliens, even if there is a gap in strength between the two sides, they will fight as soon as they meet.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Fan stopped and raised a smug smile on his face.

For him now, what he likes to see most is the scene where those ignorant guys chase him and are beaten by monsters!

It's so cool.

Only when Xiao Fan looks proud.

Swish, bang!

A wind blade knocked a high-level zombie away.

Then several cold lights flashed.

Several lizardmen fell to the ground.

There is no doubt that Lu Yu, who had arranged the finishing work, chased out with Xiao Jin!

Even if he didn't recognize Xiao Fan at the first time, the other party's behavior of setting off fireworks in the end times was enough for Lu Yu to kill him.

"Fuck, why is this kid so awesome?"

Seeing Lu Yu kill several monsters as soon as he appeared, Xiao Fan was a little surprised.

Before at school.

He had heard about Lu Yu's strength from other survivors.

But other survivors only knew that Lu Yu had wind powers, and didn't know that Lu Yu was so good with a sword.

Later, he followed Lu Yu's team from a distance and couldn't see Lu Yu killing the enemy.

So he only had a rough idea of ​​Lu Yu's strength!

But now.........

Xiao Fan was observing Lu Yu.

While Lu Yu was taking Xiao Jin to help Hei Shuai solve the monsters, he was also observing Xiao Fan.

"Why don't these monsters bite him?"

After stabbing two lizardmen to death, Lu Yu had a big question mark in his mind.

There were several monsters in the distance still running towards him, but they all passed Xiao Fan and rushed directly towards him and his two pets?

What was going on?

Lu Yu didn't have time to think about it, so he quickly killed the two zombies closest to him and quickly scanned them with the villain's eye.

The next second!

[Ding, congratulations on discovering the new protagonist ‘Xiao Fan’, the plot is loading, please wait...]

[Ding, the plot is loaded, please check it! ]

“Protagonist? Xiao Fan??”

The sudden two system prompts made Lu Yu stunned: “Fuck, this guy is the protagonist??”


“Lu Yu, prepare to die!”

Originally, Xiao Fan was a little panicked when he saw Lu Yu was so awesome.

But seeing more and more monsters attracted by the fireworks in front, he became unscrupulous again!

“I was wondering why there were treasures in the police station besides thugs? So that’s what happened?”

Discovering that the other party was Xiao Fan, and he was the protagonist, Lu Yu was not surprised but happy: “Xiao Fan? I remembered you...”

When he traveled through time, he absorbed the memories of this world, so he naturally knew who Xiao Fan was.

Now this Xiao Fan has become the protagonist and appeared here

Want to seek revenge on me?

Was the treasure on Xu Bao prepared for this guy?

Did I just accidentally intercept it? ?

"So what if you remember? I'll let you die here today. Come on, all of you, kill this guy on the opposite side!"

Xiao Fan's awakened power cannot control monsters.

But the dozen lizardmen, two sickle mantises and seven or eight zombies that came later rushed towards Lu Yu like crazy after discovering Lu Yu.

There are both mid-level and high-level ones, and more and more!

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

At the same time, he also realized how tricky the other party's awakened ability was.

These monsters, no matter how many there are, they won't bite him? ?

What kind of ability is this? ?

But at this time, Lu Yu didn't have time to think too much!

Seeing the protagonist close at hand, he couldn't let go of this opportunity to kill the other party!

Lu Yu originally wanted to use a gun, but a gun is a very unfamiliar weapon to him.

If used directly, the accuracy at this distance is obviously not enough.

And judging from the speed at which Xiao Fan ran before, he must be an enhancer.

Seeing that he was holding a gun, the other party probably ran away directly.

So Lu Yu had already thought of a countermeasure in a flash.

He quickly wiped his right hand to his left hand, and the gauntlet made of high-level lizardman scales appeared on his hand.

Then he closed his eyes.

Three seconds later, Lu Yu's eyes opened again!

Everything around him became clearer than before.

[Concentrated state: consume about 20% of mental power, and increase your mental power limit by 20%-50% in a short time! (The more stable the mind, the more the mental power limit will be increased.)]

This is a combat state obtained from Chu Feng!

The more stable the mind, the more the mental power limit will be increased.

In other words, Lu Yu, who has the heart of a villain, is more suitable for this ability than Chu Feng.

Facing Xiao Fan standing in the monster pile, Lu Yu wanted to kill him.

So he started the battle mode and started his own slaughter.

The sword moved with his heart, invincible.

These monsters that gave other survivors a headache were like lambs to be slaughtered in Lu Yu's eyes.

They had no power to fight back.

Seeing Lu Yu shuttle freely among the monsters with a sword.

Every step he took, one or two monsters would be killed.

Xiao Fan was dumbfounded.

"Fuck... Is this kid cheating?"

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