The police officer was very worried.

Lu Yu knew that Xiao Fan was not far away.

And he had just passed the range of one thousand meters.

But this guy was no longer a threat to him except that he was a little annoying.

His "hunter" locked his position. It was basically impossible for him to use fireworks to trick him like before!

So Lu Yu was not afraid that Xiao Fan would take advantage of the situation at this time.

But he forgot that there was a black minibus not far from the police station.

It can't be said that he forgot!

It should be that he didn't expect this black car to come to his door.

When he heard about the robot, the first thing he thought of was the black minibus.

All the vehicles couldn't start, only this car could stand out.

Who else but him could have such a black technology as a robot?

Although Wu Qiang didn't know why there were robots.

But the action of the robot digging the monster's head was obviously to steal the crystal core of his team?

"Robot? Where did the robot come from?"

Liu Ruobing also raised her eyebrows.

During this period, she hadn't heard the sound of cars or seen lights.

Naturally, she thought that electricity was unusable.

Lu Yu's arrival also confirmed her guess.

But if there was no electricity, how could there be robots?

How do these robots work?

"No matter where they come from, we can't let these robots take the crystal core away!"

Lu Yu supported his tired body and stood up!

Damn, this minibus driver.

I didn't have time to find him, but he took the initiative to find me?

He was looking for death! !

"Lu Yu, your arm injury hasn't been treated yet!"

Lu Yu looked at his arm.

There were four claw marks in total, and none of them were particularly deep!

The bleeding has been stopped by Yan Yun, but the healing process is only halfway done.

"Forget it, let's just leave it at that. It's important to solve the problem of the crystal core first. Follow me!"

Although Yan Yun has treated the external injuries of others, they are all very weak now.

Especially Wei Jianjun and Wu Qiang!

They have lost too much blood and cannot recover in a short time.

But these monsters were killed by everyone with great effort. Now someone wants to steal the fruits of everyone's labor?

No one will allow such a thing to happen.

So even if everyone is very weak, they hurriedly walked towards the direction where Dai Lian is.


At the same time, on the black minibus at the back door of the police station.

There is a 7.0-size display screen on the headrest behind the driver's seat.

Lin Xue sat behind Lin Chen, holding a drone remote control in her hand, staring carefully at the corpses of a large number of monsters in the video in front of her.

"Brother, these guys are pretty powerful, they don't look like the bad guys before?"

Lin Chen's central control screen also displayed the situation in the police station: "What does it matter if they are bad guys or not? We just want the crystal core, and we don't want to go to war with them."

"That's right, but wouldn't it be a bit bad for us to take their crystal cores directly like this?"

"What's wrong with that? If you don't work for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth. They don't know the existence of crystal cores, we are helping them to recycle waste."

Lin Chen said as a matter of course.

They came after the last wave of monsters.

After arriving at the police station, they parked the car at the back door of the police station.

At that time, Lu Yu just ordered a close combat with the monsters.

There was a stealth drone in his car for intelligence gathering.

This drone is not an ordinary stealth drone.

It is a drone that can achieve optical invisibility.

After entering the stealth state, it is invisible to the naked eye!

Through this drone, Lin Chen could see the battle in the open space below the police dormitory without being discovered.

Seeing that Lu Yu and others did not collect crystal cores after the battle, he thought about it and took decisive action.

Hearing Lin Chen say this, Lin Xue said no more and focused on the crystal core collector on the screen!

Crystal core collector is the name of the robot that is responsible for collecting crystal cores for this tank.

There are twenty in total.

Like the invisible drone, it is the black technology that comes with this tank.

At this time, all twenty crystal core collectors were dispatched, shuttling back and forth in the monster pile.

"Hey, brother, they seem to have discovered us."


"Yeah, it's bad, that monkey is hitting our collector!"


Don't worry, the collectors are made of special materials, and ordinary creatures can't hurt them. Just call the collectors back!"

"It's already being called. Oh my god, that dog is following them. What should I do?"

Looking at the display screen.

The giant dog is rushing towards her with others. Lin Xue is a little anxious!

"It's okay!" Lin Chen calmly calmed his sister's emotions: "I'll negotiate with them. "

Why did he dare to come here directly to search for crystal cores?

One reason is that his car needs a lot of crystal cores to keep running.

Another reason is that in his mind, other people cannot know the existence of crystal cores.

In this case, even if the other party finds out about his behavior.

He can also exchange the secret of crystal cores with the other party.

There is no possibility of conflict at all.

And even if there is a conflict, the other party is not his opponent at all in his current state.

While thinking!

Six people and two beasts appeared in Lin Chen's sight one after another.

In order to avoid Xiao Jin's attack, the crystal core collector flew too high and could not return to the hatch of the chariot.

At this time, he was forced to stop on the roof.


The surrounding monsters have all been attracted by Lu Yu's gunshots and killed.

So everyone followed the collector and found the location of the black car very smoothly.

Bang Bang Bang!

"Fuck, idiot, get off me! "

As the younger brother, Wu Qiang was the first to come to the front of the black car.

He knocked the bumper of the black car impatiently with the steel bar in his hand.

Originally, he was furious when he saw spider-shaped robots snatching crystal cores.

Now he saw that the owner of these robots was this black car?

He was even more angry.

Before, at the back door of the school, this black car attracted monsters, causing him to suffer serious injuries during his escape.

If it weren't for Yan Yun's healing skills, he might have lost his arm due to wound infection.

This grudge!

He remembered it from the first day he entered the school.

Seeing Wu Qiang being so impolite, Lin Chen, who had wanted to say a few polite words to a few people, immediately became unhappy.

"Idiot? Try to curse again!"

Lin Chen's car is very soundproof.

So his voice was also transmitted to the outside of the door through the special loudspeaker in the driver's seat!

"Yo, you're still arrogant? What's wrong with me scolding you......"

"I advise you to be polite."

"Polite? I'll be polite to your mother!" Wu Qiang was even more impatient, and hit the front of the car with a steel bar: "Get off quickly."

"I won't get off the car, just say whatever you want."

Seeing Wu Qiang's mouth full of swear words and no intention of talking properly, Lin Chen frowned even more tightly.

For him who has paranoid delusions.

Except for his sister, he doesn't trust anyone.

Only by staying in the car can he feel safe.

This Wu Qiang made him feel very uncomfortable, so he immediately changed his mind when he wanted to have a good discussion with the other party!

"Fuck you..."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Wu Qiang was so angry that he wanted to hit the windshield in front of the black car with the steel bar in his hand.

But Lu Yu stopped him.

"Wu Qiang!"

"Boss... Boss!"

"Let me talk to him! "

Wu Qiang didn't dare to say more, nodded quickly, and stepped aside

Lu Yu moved his sore arms!

Walked to the front of the black car and looked at Lin Chen in the driver's seat.

"Hey, kid, those little things on the roof are yours? ? "

"So what?"

"Don't you think it's a bit too much? We killed the monsters with great effort, and you used these things to steal our crystal cores?"

"You... do you know that this is a crystal core? ? "

Hearing this, Lin Chen was stunned!

Didn't he know the function of the crystal core in this period of time? ?

What's going on?

But on second thought, it's no wonder that this group of people is so strong!

So they knew the existence of the crystal core a long time ago?


Hearing Lin Chen's words and seeing the other party's expression, Lu Yu instantly understood Lin Chen's thoughts: "So you thought we didn't know the existence of the crystal core, so you did this? ”

“Forget it, return the crystal cores you just collected to us, and I can temporarily not pursue other matters...”

“Not pursue for the time being? Haha, what if I tell you that I don’t want to return these crystal cores?”

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