It's not that I don't understand, it's that the world is changing fast!

Before the end of the world, there were many coincidences in this world.

After the end of the world, there are more things that cannot be explained in this world.

So Lu Yu, who was sleeping, naturally didn't know that a willow tree would awaken his consciousness?

The next morning!

The weather was clear and sunny!

The first thing Lu Yu did when he woke up from his sleep was to put all the remaining guns and ammunition in the police station into the storage ring.

Then he handed over the control of the chariot to Liu Ruobing.

The use rights of this chariot are very user-friendly.

Lu Yu can set how many people can use this car at will.

He can also set how many meters away from himself this car cannot be started.

The signal receiver can be used to stop the car and lock its location.

So no matter how many people Lu Yu gives the car to, no one can drive it away from him.

Unless Lu Yu dies!

10 o'clock in the morning!

An old neighborhood next to a large shopping mall.

Qiao Manli and Li Wanning were still worried that the fireworks and gunshots before would put Lu Yu and his friends in danger.

Now they see that Lu Yu is not only fine, but also drives a chariot back?

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and only surprise was left on their faces.

When they heard that there was a bathroom in the chariot, everyone was even more excited.

Especially Qiao Manli.

"Oh my God, Mr. Lu, can you take a hot bath in this car?"

"Not only can you take a hot bath, but you can also wash clothes."

"Wow, can we take a bath?"

"Of course, but let's go back to the hotel first!"

Except for Xue Li and Li Wanning, no one else has seen this car!

So when they saw this car, they were more excited than when they saw the brand-name lipsticks and bags before the end of the world.

However, Lu Yu didn't want to talk nonsense with them. After calling everyone into the car and putting away their luggage, he drove directly to the hotel.

This time, Dai Lian was not in Lu Yu's car.

Because she needed to go back with several people in her team to find her relatives.

In the early days of the end of the world!

There are too many survivor teams like them who form teams to find their relatives.

So Lu Yu didn't force it. After giving them some handy melee weapons, the two sides parted ways.

On the way back to the hotel, Lu Yu couldn't help but try the combat function of this car.

I have to say that this chariot is really awesome.

As long as you have enough crystal cores, you can have very powerful combat power.

Energy cannon, strangling gears, strong electric shocks! !

If the probability of crystal cores appearing is not too low now, killing a wave of monsters may be a loss.

Even most of the time, if you want the crystal core collector to work, you need to manually clean up the remaining monsters!

Maybe Lin Chen has already taken off.

Why do you need to stop and grab the crystal core from Lu Yu?

"Captain, where are we going?"

"Let's pick up Lao Wei's wife first, turn left in front!"

Liu Ruobing nodded, controlled the black chariot, and disappeared on the street with a tailspin.


There are still survivors in the police station?

Sorry, there are no other survivors in the police station!

Before, Xiao Fan used most of the survivors to clear the way in order to rescue Zhou Ping.

Even if there were a few left, he ruled them on the grounds of "relieving you".

These survivors were eaten before Lu Yu used gunshots to attract monsters.

Liu Ruobing searched the entire police station and only found traces of their lives.

Didn't find a single living person or a corpse.


Lu Yu came to the police station this time.

Not only did he get a large number of crystal cores, but he also got Liu Ruobing to join him.

Even while getting a large number of guns and ammunition, he also got a chariot?

It can be said that both personal strength and team strength have been greatly improved.

On the afternoon of the day when Lu Yu returned to the hotel!

In a large supermarket in the northeast of Yancheng, a sturdy figure sat on the office chair in the manager's office.

The desk in front of him was full of food.

Zhou Zhiyong, 29 years old this year.

When he was a child, he cheated and stole, and when he grew up, he turned into a contractor for the construction site next door.

Before the end of the world, he did a lot of dirty things with the security captain of the construction site!

For example, withholding and owing wages to migrant workers, beating migrant workers for debt collection, etc.!

After the end of the world, he awakened the ability to control insects.


Relying on a few extremely ferocious bugs, he gathered a large group of survivors and occupied this large supermarket!

After a period of operation, there are more than 200 survivors in his team.

Among them, there are 3 superpowers and 14 enhancers.

Ambition breeds!

Before the end of the world, there was national power to suppress, so even if he did things unscrupulously, he didn't dare to do too much.

And now?

Monsters are rampant and order collapses, which makes the dark side of his humanity explode to the greatest extent!

The power of life and death of more than 200 people? ? ?

This is completely different from managing dozens of workers before the end of the world.

And as time goes by, his ambitions are getting bigger and bigger, and he wants to expand his territory around.

At present, he has contacted the leaders of several survivor bases.

There are communities, shopping malls, and air-raid shelters.

And a few days ago, he met a young man.

This young man is not only very strong, but also has special abilities.

At that time, he wanted to recruit him.

However, the other party did not agree, which made him a little regretful.

But he never thought that today this young man would take the initiative to bring two people to find him?

"Brother Xiao Fan, have you figured it out?"

Zhou Zhiyong looked at the young man sitting opposite him and asked with a smile!

That's right!

This young man is Xiao Fan.

Before finding Lu Yu at school, Xiao Fan had already met Zhou Zhiyong.

But at that time, Xiao Fan did not have the idea of ​​forming a team with others.

So he did not have much contact with Zhou Zhiyong!

And now...

"Think it through?" Xiao Fan, who was sitting on the chair opposite him, was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Haha, you think too much!!"

Zhou Zhiyong raised his eyebrows: "Then why are you here today???"

"Looking for your sister!"

"Yana? Hahaha, brother Xiao Fan, you still like to joke so much..."

"Okay!" Xiao Fan shrugged nonchalantly: "I just want to bring someone over to show you!!"


"Zhou Ping, go and bring the person in!"

"Yes, boss!"

Zhou Ping, who was standing behind him, did not dare to neglect it, and hurriedly nodded respectfully and left.

After a while, Zhou Ping brought in a middle-aged woman with a pale face and an unusually tired look.

After the middle-aged woman came in, she was still very frightened!

But when she saw Zhou Zhiyong opposite, she was stunned at first, and then immediately knelt down with snot and tears!

"Zhiyong? Is it really you? Oh, Zhiyong, you have to make the decision for me..."

"Aunt Cui?" Zhou Zhiyong frowned: "Brother Xiao Fan, what's going on?"

"Before you asked me to find someone, although I didn't care, but I also remembered it in my heart. When I went out for a stroll yesterday, I met a team of survivors, and then I asked casually!"

Xiao Fan was calm: "As a result, she said she knew the person you were looking for, so I brought her back!"

Hearing Xiao Fan's words, Zhou Zhiyong was stunned, but there was no time to think too much.

Ask quickly!

"Aunt Cui, was my mother with you before the monster came?"

"Yes... together!"

"Where is she?"

"Dead... dead..."

Aunt Cui recalled with a face full of fear.

"Dead?" Zhou Zhiyong was stunned for a moment, then sighed helplessly: "As expected, when you get old, you can't escape the mouth of monsters?"


Hearing this, Xiao Fan raised a playful smile at the corner of his mouth: "Boss Zhou, did you misunderstand something?"

"What do you mean?" Zhou Zhiyong's eyes were slightly cold.

Xiao Fan didn't say anything, but looked at Aunt Cui.

"Wu Lan...she wasn't eaten by a monster!"

Zhou Zhiyong noticed something, and his eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of coldness: "What happened? Aunt Cui, tell me in detail!"

"Let me tell you!"

Xiao Fan stretched, then slowly said: "Your mother was killed by a college student named Lu Yu. Before the monster appeared, that guy was an arrogant rich second generation."

"On the day the monster appeared, your mother happened to hide in his room to avoid the monster's pursuit, but that guy didn't know right from wrong and attacked directly!"

"Yes, yes, that's it!" Aunt Cui quickly echoed: "I didn't know his name at the time, but he had two bodyguards with him! I heard those bodyguards call him Master Lu!"

"Asshole, asshole, this bastard surnamed Lu is simply looking for death!!"

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