The more you look at the darker the world is, the more you will be in trouble.

"Did you turn evil?"

Lu Yu did not answer his question, but looked into Cao Meng's eyes with a smile that made him laugh.

From the moment he killed his friend and turned to look at himself.

Lu Yu saw something else in his eyes.

No emotions.

Don't trust anyone.

And deep despair.

In this world, death is not the most terrible thing.

The most terrible thing is the fear when facing despair.

This kind of fear will corrode a person's heart and soul, turning humans into monsters that are more terrible than monsters.

"Who are you?"

Cao Meng's eyes after the beastification stared at Lu Yu, with anger and murderous intent in his eyes.

At this moment, he is no longer a human.

It was a real beast!

"No matter who you are, you must die today!"

Cao Meng bared his mutant gorilla fangs, looking like he was going to tear the other person apart.

Being seen killing a friend?

It felt like the other party had directly lifted his last fig leaf.

It was so shameful.

At this moment, he just wanted to kill the guy in front of him and bury the truth forever.

Don't let the world know his ugly side.

Cao Meng looked at Lu Yu with murderous intent.

Lu Yu, on the other hand, looked calm.

"Must die? No, no, no, although your strength and agility will be greatly enhanced after your transformation, you will still not be my opponent!"

"Still be my little brother, I can give you what you want, such as food, women, status, and even life..."

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Cao Meng was stunned, and then looked at Lu Yu as if he was looking at a fool.

Where did this guy get his confidence from?

It's fine if he said he couldn't beat him, but he also wanted him to be his younger brother?

Are you crazy? ? ?

"What crazy talk are you talking about? I..."

Cao Meng shouted angrily, and wanted to pull out the steel bars in the glasses man's body to kill Lu Yu.

Who knew that before he finished speaking, he widened his eyes and looked at the other party in disbelief.

That feeling was like the first day of the apocalypse when he saw the first monster.

Lu Yu did nothing!

He just took out a pistol and pointed it at him.



Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, Cao Meng wanted to ask where did you get this gun from?

Is it real or fake?

As a result, Lu Yu seemed to see through his thoughts and shot him at his feet.

Damn it!

The green smoke rising from the ground and the clearly visible bullet marks were enough to show that this gun was genuine.

"I know you will be very unconvinced if I use a gun!"

Lu Yu's voice was calm, and he quickly put the gun back into the ring.

Then he raised his right hand and extended his index finger, hooking his finger at Cao Meng provocatively.

"Come on, I'll give you a chance to fight without weapons!!"

There are not many people in Lu Yu's team who really have combat power.

In addition to Lu Yu himself, there are only Liu Ruobing, Wei Jianjun, Wu Qiang, Xue Li and Ding Feng.

There are only six people in total.

Such a team is obviously too small to protect other ordinary people and non-combat professions from leaving Yancheng.

So while dealing with Xiao Fan, it is still necessary to find some strong teammates.

"Looking for death!"

As a man, and an awakener, how can Cao Meng tolerate such provocation from others?

Seeing that the other party did not use a gun, he could no longer restrain the mania in his body.

Throwing the backpack on the ground, he rushed towards Lu Yu.

Although Cao Meng is not a real gorilla, his strength after transformation is not worse than that of a real gorilla.

And his agility is not low!

Other melee professions are generally not his opponents.

But unfortunately, the two sides are not at the same level.

With his current level, he will be just a bronze-level Wei Jianjun after transformation.

And he is the kind without metalization ability and fighting ability.

How could he be Lu Yu's opponent at this level?

Although Lu Yu has not used the crystal core in the past two days.

But 85 strength, 90 agility, plus top-level fighting ability are not a joke.

Slightly sideways, avoiding the opponent's fist.

Bang bang bang!

Three consecutive attacks.

Elbow strike, knee strike, roundhouse kick!

Punch after punch hit Cao Meng.

The speed was so fast that it was hard to see clearly, and the impact was so strong.

It directly knocked Cao Meng back to his body.

"Game over!"

Lu Yu was calm and composed, while Cao Meng covered his stomach and chest which were in severe pain and looked confused!

"You...what kind of monster are you?"

At this time, his forehead began to sweat, and his eyes turned to Lu Yu with horror.

In all these days of the apocalypse, this was the first time he encountered an awakener who defeated him with fists alone.

No, this was not a defeat!

But a complete defeat!

Is this guy still human?

"You haven't answered my question yet, will you die if you become my younger brother?"

Lu Yu stood there without moving, and his voice was still so calm.

But the pressure on Cao Meng was unparalleled.

"I...I don't know what you are talking about. If I offended you just now, I will leave now..."

Be someone's younger brother?

Cao Meng never had such an idea.

But Lu Yu's fighting power obviously crushed him, so he wanted to find a chance to escape.

"Did I say you can leave?"

The cold words made Cao Meng unable to move a step, and the sweat on his forehead even faster.

"I'll say it one last time, I admire your decisiveness. If you are loyal to me, you will live longer than other survivors, otherwise I will have to kill you!"

This is an order, not a negotiation.

Cao Meng could feel the cold tone.

If he dared to say no, this guy might really kill him? ?


Cao Meng wanted to say something but stopped, clenched his fists and struggled for a long time. In the end, he could only grit his teeth: "Okay, as long as you can guarantee my safety, I am willing to be loyal to you!"

Why did he want to kill Liang Feng?

It was because Liang Feng's behavior would endanger his life.

So could he, who was already very cherishing his life, refuse Lu Yu's request?


In front of Lu Yu, he had no power to resist.

If you want to survive, you can only compromise.

"A wise decision!" Lu Yu raised his mouth!

He didn't care whether Cao Meng really surrendered.

As long as the other party is useful, he doesn't mind giving him some time to adapt.

"Your name is Cao Meng, right?"


"Don't have any psychological burden, time will prove everything. My last name is Lu, you can call me Master Lu or Boss like them!"

"Yes, Lu... Master Lu!"

"Now I have a few questions to ask you!"

"You... You ask!"

Absolute obedience.

Cao Meng, like Wu Qiang, no matter how unwilling he was in his heart, he could only bow his head and surrender on the surface.

"Have you ever seen a young man who is not attacked by monsters?"

"Young man who is not attacked by monsters?"

Cao Meng was stunned at first, and then asked tentatively: "Is the person you are talking about called Xiao Fan?"

"Do you know him?" Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

Although according to the guidance of the 'hunter', Xiao Fan should have appeared in this area.

It is normal for Cao Meng to have seen him.

But it is a bit unusual to know Xiao Fan's name?

"I know him!" Cao Meng thought seriously: "He came to see me yesterday with Boss Zhou's people!"

"Boss Zhou? Who is it?"

"It's the boss of the supermarket over there in the square. I don't know his specific name, but I don't think they are good people, so..."

Hehe, they don't look like good people, so you look like a good person?

Lu Yu really wanted to say this to Cao Meng.

But the words didn't come out when they came to his lips.

Because in this environment of the end of the world, who dares to say that he is an absolutely good person? ?

"Okay, follow me, don't pick up the steel bars."

Cao Meng nodded, and didn't ask Lu Yu where he was going!

He just turned his head and looked at the body of his companion with steel bars inserted, and a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes.

But it was soon replaced by perseverance.

I just want to live, what's wrong? ?

Liang Feng was wrong, not me!

Thinking of this, Cao Meng took a deep breath, picked up the backpack on the ground and followed Lu Yu.

The two came to the private room of the coffee shop and saw the two monsters guarding the door.

Cao Meng was immediately shocked.

"Fuck... these two monsters..."

Lu Yu ignored him and pretended to push the door. At the moment, he took out some food and water and handed them to him.

"You eat something next door first and wait for me for an hour! Xiao Jin, Hei Shuai, you two watch him."

Cao Meng's backpack still had some food.

But Lu Yu gave him food, he couldn't refuse it.


..Wait for an hour?

Cao Meng didn't understand why Lu Yu asked him to wait for an hour!

But because two monsters were staring at Lu Yu when he entered the door, he didn't dare to leave easily.

Until an hour later!

When Lu Yu brought the woman out, Cao Meng instantly understood why Lu Yu asked him to wait for an hour.

This woman... is so exquisite?

Enchanting figure, slender legs.

She is much more feminine than Qin Xiaorou in his air-raid shelter... Waiting for an hour... is not too much at all?

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