The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few days.

"Hey, Brother Lu, Brother Lu..."

"Oh my god, this brother is very impatient?"

"Who said he wasn't?"

"Maybe he really met a friend? After all, in this apocalyptic world, it's rare to meet a friend."

"That's right..."

Looking at Lu Yu's back as he said hello and disappeared, Liu Xudong and the others couldn't help but shake their heads and smile bitterly!

The other party saved the six of them, but just asked for a few words of information and ran away? ?

Originally, I wanted to invite him to the base to sit down, but now it seems that I can only talk about it later.

Lu Yu didn't care what they were thinking. He reopened the 'Hidden Abyss' and quietly followed Tang Cheng who was passing downstairs.

Originally, he wanted to get the intelligence and then go to the hospital to kill the scorpions.

After all, there were a few silver-grade scorpions among the scorpions. Silver-grade monsters must have silver crystal cores.

Silver crystal cores are still very useful to Lu Yu now.

Before, he didn't have time to fight with those scorpions because he was saving people.

Now that he is free, he must consider hunting crystal cores.

As for whether he can kill the scorpions? Lu Yu is not too worried.

Although the rock scorpions have high defense, two fists are difficult to beat four hands. Even Lu Yu can't stand in the monster group and fight these monsters with extremely high armor.

If a sword cannot be cut into two pieces, it means that the monster cannot be killed efficiently.

If the monster cannot be killed efficiently, it will be more dangerous if it is surrounded by monsters.

But Lu Yu's Qinggang sword is barely enough now.

With his current speed, it is not difficult to fight while walking and pulling while fighting.

Facing a bronze-level scorpion, even if he didn't hit the vital point, he could just give it a few more swords.

For a silver-level scorpion, at most he would be more serious.

As long as he has deep skills, he can grind an iron pestle into a needle. Why is he afraid that he can't kill all these beasts?

But he didn't expect to meet Tang Cheng here...


Why did Tang Cheng appear here?

Because Tang Cheng himself is a zombie, and the ground dragon mount is also controlled by mental power, and the monster aura on his body has not changed.

So whether it is him or the ground dragon, it is relatively safe to walk on the road.

It only takes him two days to walk from the East City to the South City. On the way, it only needs to avoid some man-eating plants and blood-sucking insects that can't distinguish between friend and foe.

However, it still took him half a month to get to the South City.

The reason for this, in addition to improving his own strength, is to take a detour and control zombies.

When Lu Yu was cleaning up the monsters in the south of the East City, he used his power to take away some zombies in Hai City and Gao City.

The road he took was also the most roundabout and remote one.

His current power was not enough to control many zombies at the same time, and the maximum number was a few thousand.

But the other zombies didn't have much brains, so he only needed to give the zombies' brains the order to follow the main force.

In other words, he was now a real zombie king.

The kind with tens of thousands of followers.

His zombie king palace was built in a town with few survivors in the southwest.

The purpose of coming to the city today was the same as Lu Yu guessed, for Qin Weiwei.

If the aura of the villain and the aura of the protagonist would unconsciously turn the two parties with the aura into hostility.

Then the aura of the protagonist and the aura of the heroine would unconsciously attract them to each other.

On the third day after arriving in Nancheng, he met Qin Weiwei who came out alone to find food.

Although he didn't know why Qin Weiwei came out alone to find food, Tang Cheng recognized her at the first sight of Qin Weiwei.

The reason why I just passed by here was that I was on the way to find Qin Weiwei. Like Lu Yu, I heard the gunshots here and came to check the situation.


Tang Cheng, who was walking on the street downstairs of the coffee shop, suddenly frowned.

He kept walking, but he was already confused.

After a moment, he confirmed his inner thoughts.

"Being followed? Is it the survivors of the coffee shop before? It doesn't feel like it. This breath... obviously belongs to a monster."

One person and one corpse, one behind and one in front.

After turning two streets in a row, Lu Yu, who was hiding at a street corner, also frowned.

"In a short period of time, I changed two directions in a row... Could it be that I was discovered by him?"

"No way

? ? Is this Corpse King so alert? He has opened the Abyss Hidden, and he can still detect me? Oh, right, his ability is to control zombies, right? "

Lu Yu slapped his forehead fiercely, and the whole person suddenly realized.

Corpse King, can control zombies.

So theoretically, it is easier for him to sense zombies than humans.

"Damn, this is a bit of a mistake... What should I do now? The other party is alert, and he will definitely not go directly to Qin Weiwei! ! "

Even if I switch my aura, it's too late now...

At this time, Tang Cheng is alone, and I am alone too. Maybe this is an opportunity?

Or... fight hard???

Lu Yu touched his chin and lowered his head to think.

After a while, he made a decision in his heart.

Quickly distanced himself from the other party, then switched back to human aura and ran in the direction where Tang Cheng disappeared.


There are many large bases in Nancheng.

These large bases are generally built in residential areas, factories, schools and hospitals. This kind of base is suitable for living. large area.

The management system in each base is different.

At this time, when Lu Yu chased Tang Cheng through several streets to fight.

On the street outside the Second University of South City, six men and four women, ten survivors, were holding various weapons and carefully searching for supplies.

Although there are fewer monsters in South City because of the army, there are also many more survivors who dare to come out to find food.

It can be said that there are too many monks and too little porridge.

But there are always some food that has not been found... So they are also out to pick up leaks.

"Brother Bin, why do we still have to come out to find food?"

A thin man asked with an unhappy look on his face: "Isn't it good to sleep in the base? ”

Among the ten of them, the others are average, but this man named Brother Bin is a bronze-level enhanced psychic who can beat the Fire Cloud Leopard in a single fight.

You know, except for the protagonist team with amazing luck, the survivors of other bases are not as awesome as Lu Yu's team.

They not only have to find the crystal core and find the correct way to use it. And because there are so many people, they can't allocate too many crystal core resources.

They don't have any magic weapons.

Not to mention treasures, battle pets, and combat skills.

So an awakener like Brother Bin, who is a bronze-level mid-level person who can barely beat a mid-level Fire Cloud Leopard one-on-one, is already the object of admiration for most people.

And Brother Bin also holds an important position as the captain in their base.

At this time, a captain actually led the team out to find food?

"Yeah, Brother Bin, I was so sleepy after tossing all night last night..."

"Sleepy? Sooner or later, you will die on a woman! ”

“Brother Bin, didn’t you spend the whole night with Luo Qingqing last night? ? ”

“I am a bronze-level awakener, can you compare with me? I told you last night to conserve your energy, conserve your energy, and go out to hunt monsters and search for supplies today!”

Brother Bin was a little angry: “You ignored my words, didn’t you?”

“That’s right, you are lazy, and you want to stop my brother Bin from becoming stronger?”

A twenty-year-old girl with high-end cosmetics on her face glared at a few people, and then charmingly took Brother Bin’s arm.

Her name is Luo Qingqing, her appearance is above average, and she is just an enhancer.

Because she has not used many crystal cores, she is currently only at the high level of black iron.

“Luo Qingqing, I am talking to Brother Bin, what does it have to do with you?”

“That’s right, did you eat too much chicken chin? ”

“Don’t think that you can speak recklessly just because you are Brother Bin’s woman. I tell you…”

“That’s enough!” Brother Bin interrupted one of the women with an unhappy look on his face: “Luo Qingqing is also my woman now. Do you think I don’t exist?”

“Brother Bin, we…..Fuck…Fuck!!”

Before the thin man finished speaking, he saw a tall and strong man like an iron tower suddenly appear at the corner of the street in front of him!

The appearance of this strong man obviously scared him.

It also scared others.

Even if the other party was wrapped in a leather jacket and did nothing, it gave them a very strong sense of oppression.

Seeing this strong man, the ten people who were originally searching for supplies picked up their weapons and gathered together in an instant.

They looked at the strong man with an extremely nervous expression, but the strong man ignored them and walked past them to the other side of the street.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, a clean, young, and handsome figure also

Appeared in their sight.

Seeing this handsome young man, Luo Qingqing was stunned at first, and then her eyes lit up.

"This man is so handsome..."

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