After the reorganization at the military base, Luo Qiqi would come to the park square for an hour or two every morning after breakfast.

The women didn't understand why.

If Luo Qiqi didn't say it, they were too embarrassed to ask. Today, one of the women finally couldn't help asking.

But Luo Qiqi's answer made them stunned.

Secret realm?

For the survivors of Nanshi who survived for three months under the protection of the military, these two words are not unfamiliar!

Because this thing will appear randomly in every corner of the earth from the first day of the apocalypse.

There will be all kinds of treasures in it.

Only with strength and luck can you get the treasures inside.

Most of the survivors have heard of it, even if they haven't seen it.

Moreover, several women followed Luo Qiqi into a small secret realm and took out a healing gem from it?

So they were surprised to hear that Luo Qiqi came here for the secret realm.

"Is it the secret realm formed by the vortex of silver light spots?"

"The kind with treasures?"

"Oh my God... No way?"

"Nothing is impossible, I have the ability in this regard."

Luo Qiqi was too lazy to explain, and casually made up an ability to sense the entrance to the secret realm in advance when approaching the opening point of the secret realm.

Anyway, there are all kinds of abilities in this world, and no one can expose her.

As a reborn person, Luo Qiqi has her own unique advantages.

Not only does she have ten years of experience in the end of the world and the fighting skills of the future, just like Chu Feng before, she also knows some things that others don't know.

The secret realm is one of them.

She may not be very clear about the secret realms that have appeared in other places.

But the secret realm of this place is the one that the survivors of the entire Nanshi talked about in the late apocalypse.

Because this secret realm is not only very large, but also has many people entering it.

Of course, there are relatively many treasures inside.

In her previous life, she was in the northeast of Nanshi and had to protect her father and sister, so she only heard about it from other survivors and had never seen it with her own eyes.

In this life, she chose to save her mother instead of her father and sister.

The fate of her father and sister has changed, and she can find this secret realm without pressure.

However, she only remembers that this secret realm was opened about three months after the apocalypse, and she doesn't know the specific day.

So she had to come here every day to squat.

No matter what secret realm it is, no matter how many people can see it, as long as you can enter the secret realm before others, you can take the lead.

"No wonder you bring us here every day recently, so that's the case?"

"Then Qiqi, when will the secret realm appear?"

"If we get the treasures inside, will we not be bullied in the future?"

"What? No matter what treasure it is, it is just auxiliary. If you want not to be bullied, you must have strong strength."

"Yingying is right. If you want not to be bullied, you must be strong enough!! But it shouldn't appear today."

Luo Qiqi estimated the current time, stood up and stretched her arms and said directly: "Let's go, let's go back first, have a good rest these two days, don't wait until the secret realm appears without physical strength."

"Yeah, yeah!"

"Sister Qiqi, wait for me!"

"Walk slower, I can't keep up."

Luo Qiqi turned and left, and several women hurried to catch up.

Although they were very surprised by Luo Qiqi's ability, Luo Qiqi was their absolute core.

At this time, it was impossible for them to doubt Luo Qiqi or anything.

But just as they were walking forward and returning to the military base.

They found that the streets near the military camp were blocked by a large number of survivors.

"What's going on?"

"What are they doing?"

"I'll go ask."

A girl next to Luo Qiqi walked up and found a young man.

"Hey, handsome guy, what are you looking at?"

"I don't know, it seems to be a black bus..."

"Bus? What's so good about a bus?"

"You don't know this?"

A person nearby heard the two people chatting and quickly said, "I heard that this bus came in from outside."

"Driving in from outside...what? Outside

The bus... drove in? ? "

Hearing this answer, not to mention the women, even Luo Qiqi was stunned.

How could there be a bus that could be driven at this time? ?

You know, after the end of the world, all precision instruments were scrapped, and electricity was directly paralyzed.

It took countless scientists in Yanjing a year to develop another way to store electricity.

It took three years to popularize it in other cities.

And this method can only store a small amount of electricity.

It is no problem to use it for ordinary lighting and car ignition, but it is still wishful thinking to want to operate large machinery.

But now...

"Luo Qiqi? Hehe, hello, we meet again. "

A playful male voice suddenly interrupted Luo Qiqi's thoughts.

Luo Qiqi turned her head and saw that handsome and elegant man with a group of subordinates appeared behind her.

Leng Tianlin?

Luo Qiqi didn't have any special expression when she saw this man.

Yesterday, the two of them went to the base to see Yang Zhan, and Leng Tianlin knew her name from the conversation between the two.

Due to the memory of the previous life, Luo Qiqi didn't have any bad feelings towards Leng Tianlin.

But thinking of the way he hugged her left and right yesterday, she didn't have any good feelings towards Leng Tianlin.

"What do you have to do?"

"I want to invite you to dinner, I wonder if you are willing to do me the honor?"

"No time!"

Luo Qiqi said, turned around and left, but Leng Tianlin's next words made her stop.

"Are you not interested in the owner of this black car? ?"

"What do you mean?"

"A bus that can start should be the first one in the past three months, right? My people have gone to look for its owner. I believe there will be news soon. "

Leng Tianlin smiled confidently: "Let's have a meal, and then we can go to see the owner of the bus together."

Hearing Leng Tianlin's words, Luo Qiqi was a little moved.

She is a reborn person and knows a lot of things.

But for some things she doesn't know, her curiosity will be stronger than others.

So she is really interested in this black bus.

Thinking of this, she said directly: "Okay, where to eat?"

"The restaurant opened by the military district!" Leng Tianlin heard this with a smile on his face: "The variety of food there is relatively more."

"Seven of us!"

"It's okay, this young master is not short of money. ”


Not short of money?

Yes, the base established by the military region is much more perfect than other places.

In order to maintain the normal operation of human order, currency is indispensable.

While other bases are still struggling to survive, various shops here have begun to resume business.

After a group of high-level officials of the base discussed and decided, the currency is still the previous RMB.

It’s just that now only cash is accepted, and after the end of the world, not only have the things sold changed, but the price of food is also ridiculously expensive.

Ordinary white rice costs 20 yuan a bowl.

Add some pickles and green vegetables, and it’s almost 50 yuan!

Now most people’s money is deposited in the bank, and the money in the bank is basically controlled by the military after the end of the world.

What should ordinary people do if they don’t have enough cash?

There are only two choices.

Either work for others in the base to make money, Or you can join the base guard work.

Ordinary jobs still only pay 3,000-5,000 yuan a month. Although food and accommodation are provided, the food is definitely not very good.

The accommodation is also a bunk bed with 8 people in a room.

This amount of money is really just enough for survival.

If you want to become richer, you have to participate in the defense of the base, and the monthly salary starts at at least 30,000.

The purpose of doing this, of course, is to encourage more people to take up arms to fight monsters and zombies.

At this time, in the restaurant in the military area, Lu Yu was also speechless after hearing the rules of this base.

The end of the world is coming, civilization collapses, and the economic system naturally no longer exists.

But the economic system here doesn’t seem to have collapsed completely? ? You have to pay for eating and buying things? ?

As a rich young man in the Magic City, I have all the resources on me, but what should I do if I don’t have money? ?

"That... Boss, do you accept other things besides cash here?"

"Yes, why not? You are enhancers, right?"

"I guess so!"

"Do you have crystal cores? ”


“A transparent crystal core costs 50,000 yuan, and it is universal throughout the base.”

“A transparent crystal core can be exchanged for 50,000? ? Are you talking about the black-patterned one or the bronze-patterned one?”

“Of course the black-patterned one, the bronze-patterned one is in short supply.”

The price is too high, and no one has taken it out to exchange for money yet. "

Black iron crystal core without attributes can be sold for 50,000??

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at the more than 1,000 black iron crystal cores in the storage ring. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

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