The secret is very big and very special!

Everyone who enters the secret will leave a fist-sized hexagram mark on their arm, which is similar to a tattoo.

The moment they enter the secret, the mark will appear in people's minds in the form of mental transmission.

In addition to being a mark for everyone, this mark has two other uses.

One is to walk to the 120 teleportation arrays and use it to teleport to the real secret.

The other is to open the space teleportation directly on the spot and leave the secret.

The ground of the secret is paved with bluestone slabs, with only an entrance and no exit.

If you want to leave the secret after entering, you can only use the space mark on your arm.

Moreover, anyone who uses this mark to leave the secret realm will not be able to come back in.

So everyone who comes here has only one chance.

What Luo Qiqi said just now is also true. Although this secret realm is very large, there are only 120 places.

To become one of the 120, you must be strong enough or find someone to form an alliance with.

Luo Qiqi's personal combat power is indeed beyond doubt. It is estimated that in the entire Nanshi territory, except for Lu Yu's team and Tang Cheng, the corpse king, it is difficult to find an opponent who can beat her in a single fight.

But the strength of these female warriors under her is much worse.

At present, apart from her, there is only one high-level bronze and two mid-level bronze who are barely acceptable.

The others are either too low in level or not even considered enhancers.

She wants to bring two more people in, and it is best to find her own allies before others come in.

Now there is no one else here except Lu Yu, so she can only find Lu Yu.


Hearing Luo Qiqi's words, Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "Why should I ally with you?"

Seeing that Luo Qiqi was able to come in intact, Lu Yu was not surprised at all.

As a female protagonist, it would be abnormal if she didn't have something to save her life.

Luo Qiqi seemed to have prepared her words long ago, and said calmly: "Although you are very powerful, no one knows when this space seal will be opened. In other words, we don't know how many people will gather here, and we don't know what we will face after entering the secret realm! One more ally means one more guarantee, right?"

"Alliance should be based on common interests!"

Lu Yu glanced at Luo Qiqi, who had a 60% betrayal rate, and smiled playfully: "You were full of murderous intent towards me before. What if you stab me in the back after the alliance?"

"I... I'm not that kind of person..."

"Who knows?"

"My experience may be useful to you!!"

"That's a good reason, but I'm not interested in bringing a bunch of burdens."

Luo Qiqi's so-called experience is of course the experience of the previous life.

However, since the secret realm uses a space barrier to isolate the transmission position, it will definitely not be opened in a short time.

So Lu Yu was not in a hurry at all. After taking a look at the space pattern of the secret realm, he found a place at the edge of the open space and sat cross-legged.

Seeing Lu Yu's leisurely look, Luo Qiqi gritted her teeth and was about to say something else.

A sarcastic voice suddenly sounded.

"Yo, someone came in earlier than us?"

"Brother, why are there a group of women?"

"Who knows!"

Hearing this conversation, everyone looked in the direction of the voice, and more than fifty fully armed people appeared in their sight in the distance.

There were more men than women among the more than fifty people.

The leader was a dark-skinned, 1.9-meter-tall strong man.

He was wearing an ordinary black casual suit, a thumb-thick gold necklace on his neck, and a woman in a cheongsam was hugged by his side.

With a short black haircut and an arrogant expression, he was not someone who was easy to mess with.

Huang Jianqiang was just the owner of a hot pot restaurant before the end of the world.

His hobby is boxing.

The hot pot restaurant was about to go bankrupt, but the end of the world made him turn over.

Now he is the boss of a base with thousands of people.

The name of the base is Jiuxingtang.

Since Jiuxingtang is the closest to the park square, they came earlier than the military.

After he brought people in, he just chattered a few words and quickly familiarized himself with the situation of the secret realm.

Soon he also understood the rules of this secret realm.

He glanced at Luo Qiqi, then at Lu Yu, and finally led people to find

He sat down in a safe position.

Not long after he sat down, another group of more than 40 people came in one after another.

The leader also had dark skin, but was thin and had long fingers.

Green Wolf Gang, Xu Lang!

His base was on the other side of the secret realm, just a little further away than Huang Jianqiang.

After entering, he followed the same process as Huang Jianqiang. After taking a look at everyone, he found a safe position and sat down.

The open space in this secret realm is very large, much larger than a football field, and it will not feel crowded even if it accommodates thousands of people.

As soon as Xu Lang sat down, a younger brother next to him whispered.

"Boss, only 120 people can enter this secret realm. Do we need to drive the others out first?"

"No hurry!"

Xu Lang glanced at the people in the field and said in a feminine voice: "We don't know how many forces can discover this secret realm yet. There is no need to waste energy to make enemies at this time."


No one who can become the boss of the base is a fool.

The number of people entering the secret realm is unknown now. Whoever makes the first move may become the victim of the later ones.

So Xu Lang can't make the first move.

Less than five minutes after Xu Lang sat down.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Two more teams of more than 30 people were teleported in one after another.

Seeing more and more forces coming in, Huang Jianqiang and Xu Lang frowned at the same time.

Luo Qiqi, who was sitting not far from Lu Yu, was also a little impatient.

According to the original plot, she would team up with Leng Tianlin, the doomsday version of the overbearing president.

Then the two of them sparked true love in the secret realm.

But now Lu Yu's appearance has completely disrupted her story line.

"He is not only stronger than me now, but also has a bus that can be driven, and even has his own team of survivors?"

"He really doesn't look like the Lu Yu I knew in my previous life... Why is this happening?"

Looking at Lu Yu in the distance, Luo Qiqi muttered to herself.

"No, I must figure this out. Wait for me here."

After saying this, Luo Qiqi picked up her Tang sword and stood up, walking in front of Lu Yu.

"Lu Yu, you really don't want to form an alliance with me?"

Hearing this, Lu Yu smiled playfully: "Again, be my woman, I'll consider it."

"Can't you change other conditions?"

"No!" After saying this, Lu Yu immediately asked back: "I wonder if you have ever thought about it?"


"If you don't be my woman, will I let someone who is powerful but hostile to me get the qualification to enter? Maybe you can find someone else to form a team, but for me, even if you find someone from the military to form a team, I have a way to make you eliminated in the first round."

"So... think about it!!"


Lu Yu was not panicked at all, and said no more after saying this.

But Luo Qiqi, who heard Lu Yu's words, bit her teeth lightly.

Although the military base looks like a big family on the surface, the survivors inside are still fighting on their own.

It is a small society where the fittest survive.

If she wants to avoid being bullied and keep up with the pace of other evolvers becoming stronger, she must enter this secret realm.

Before, she wasted a lot of time to improve her personal strength and come to this military base to save her mother.

She didn't have time to build her own power.

At this time, facing these large base forces, her women's army can't make any waves at all.

Thinking of this, she took a deep breath.

"How many women are around you now?"

"I don't know, and I haven't counted them. About three, four, five, six, seven or eight?"

"If I promise you, what benefits can I get?"

"Not to mention the long-term, at least I can guarantee that you will be one of the one hundred and twenty."

Luo Qiqi thought for a moment, and then spoke decisively.

"Okay, I promise you, what do you need me to do?"

"Put down the knife, come and massage my shoulders first..."

Luo Qiqi: "........"

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