The main purpose of the game is to protect the host.

[Guardian Jade Pendant: Defensive item. ]

[Description: A prop that can be used to protect the host. When the host is in danger, the jade pendant will automatically open a protective barrier that lasts for ten seconds. The strength of the barrier will increase according to the host's enhancement level (it cannot withstand attacks from weapons that are two levels higher than the host's enhancement level). ]

[Note: Each use needs to be separated by more than seven days, and can be used up to five times. ]

[Power Scroll (Fire); Offensive item. ]

[Description: Contains the 'dark gold level' fire power 'wildfire', with an attack range of more than fifty meters and an attack distance of more than one hundred meters. It is powerful, so please use it with caution. ]

[Note: A one-time prop. You can know how to use it by injecting mental power. 】

These are the two treasures Yan Yun and Li Hai got just now.

Among the ten people present, only Yan Yun has little combat power. Defensive treasures are most suitable for her as a medical soldier.

So after Yan Yun got the protective jade pendant, Lu Yu didn't let her give it to him.

The other treasure is the fire ability scroll!

Dark gold level fire ability? No matter how powerful it is, it can only be released once.

So Lu Yu didn't want it.

But at this time, Lu Yu didn't have time to care about anything else.

Because he didn't know where he was teleported to, he only knew that there was a treasure chest on the opposite side.

When he was about to grab the treasure chest, a ninja with a ninja sword on his back and a black coat covered him with only a pair of eyes.

His body was in a slanted bow step, and while holding the ninja sword behind his back with his right hand, he put his index and middle fingers in front of him.

He muttered a line that Lu Yu was familiar with but unfamiliar.

The moment the line was finished, it split into three and rushed towards Lu Yu.

Is this...really split into three?

Lu Yu was sure that he was not mistaken.

One on the left, one on the right, and the last one jumped high into the air.

Are all three holding ninja swords in their hands?

The speed was so fast that even he needed to concentrate to catch his figure.


Lu Yu was surprised, but he didn't have time to think too much. He quickly activated the Gale Step and flew back while shaking his wrist.


A ball of fire enveloped the blade of the Qinggang Sword.

"Get out of here!"

Lu Yu shouted coldly and slashed horizontally.

A line of fire like a horizontal sword energy instantly enveloped a figure on the ground.


The figure was hit by the line of fire and a ball of white smoke came out, disappearing in the line of fire.

Lu Yu's Qinggang Sword was horizontal, blocking the ninja sword of a figure on the side!

Kicked it away with a kick, and then killed another clone.

"Got it! Nishiuchi..."


Taro Nishimoto is from Japan.

He is 34 years old this year.

He was an anime fan before the end of the world, and after the end of the world, he awakened to the unique 'ninja' profession in Japan.

In this era when the world is invaded by monsters and zombies, while others are still worried about food, he can already rely on his awakened power to snatch treasures from the strong men of other countries.

He had just been teleported to this place from the secret realm, and before he had time to take a closer look at the surrounding environment, he saw a bronze box not far away.

He knew what was in the bronze treasure box because he had opened it once.

Seeing a kid actually preparing to open the treasure box before him?

He didn't say anything and launched an attack directly.

This move, 'Konoha Style, Three-Day Moon Dance', was a move he created based on the Naruto anime he watched when he was young.

Instantly split into two clones, one on the left and one on the right to confuse the line of sight, and the original body jumped into the sky and launched a surprise attack from top to bottom.

When facing an enemy, this trick always works.

But this time, he obviously miscalculated.

The opponent was not only extremely fast, but also had insight into all his attack routes.

Not only did he instantly kill his two clones, but he also easily blocked his original fatal blow with the long sword in his hand?

"Blocked? How could it be..."

Looking at the handsome Xia Guo boy in front of him, Nishimoto Taro's two exposed eyes were full of disbelief.

Before he could react too much.


A terrifying electric current suddenly came from the opponent's sword.

He didn't have time to think about it, and quickly pulled back. Unexpectedly, the opponent didn't even guard the treasure chest, and chased him relentlessly.

Ding Ding Ding!

The swords kept colliding with each other, sending out bursts of sparks.

"Damn it, this guy is crazy

? ? "

Taro Nishimoto cursed angrily. He couldn't bear the opponent's fierce attack. He had to fly back and put the ninja sword back into the sheath, and then quickly formed a tiger seal with both hands.



Lu Yu's Qingguang sword cut his body, but it didn't cut in half as expected.

Instead, the whole person emitted a puff of white smoke and disappeared on the spot.

Lu Yu frowned and quickly glanced around. The opponent's body had already run twenty meters away.

"How can this ninja run so fast? ? Can he even teleport like Xu Ling? ? "

"And that sword... Forget it, take the treasure first."

The ninja sword that can block his Qingguang sword must not be an ordinary item.

However, the opponent has already used his special ability to run far away, and Lu Yu has no time to chase him, so he hurried back to open the bronze treasure chest.

"Teleportation scroll? ? That's fine......."

After getting the treasure, Lu Yu finally had time to look at where he was now.

This is a huge canyon.

The canyon is no longer an endless flat open space, but a real canyon with woods and hills.

Not only is the terrain more complex, but the range is also dozens of times larger than the previous open space.

There is a giant tower in the middle of the canyon, which can be seen at a glance no matter where you are in the canyon.

At this time, all the remaining people in the secret realm should have appeared inside this canyon.

Lu Yu hesitated for a moment, ready to explore the surrounding terrain first to see if he could find Yan Yun or other treasure chests.

Who knew that just after crossing a small forest, he heard a shout from the hill ahead.


"Hey, two ninjas over there, how about we work together to kill this chick and then divide the treasures on her equally? "

The two people who spoke were two enhanced psychics from Han Country.

One of them held a sword, and the other held a hand axe, and they communicated with the two masked men in black in Japanese.

In the middle of them was the girl with a bandage on her hand and a Tang sword in her hand.

There was an opened silver treasure chest in the bushes not far to the left of the girl.

The awakened abilities of other countries are similar to those of the people in Xia Country.

They are all psychics and enhancers.

It's just that the awakened powers of some psychics are a little different!

For example, ninjas, samurai, knights, swordsmen, magicians, etc.

Hearing the words of the two Han people, the leading ninja had a slightly stern look in his eyes.

"Join hands? We are ninjas, and we don't have the habit of cooperating with other professions..."

"This girl just killed two of us. The two of us, plus the two of you, plus the werewolf over there, can definitely kill her."

"Are you talking about me? "

Looking at the eyes of the two Han people, a European white man with black curly hair pointed at his nose.

The white man was burly and extremely fierce, but he had not transformed yet.

"Not bad!"

The sword-wielding Han man nodded and repeated in English: "Let's cooperate temporarily to deal with this girl, and then discuss the issue of treasure distribution."

"This..." The white man touched his chin, then nodded thoughtfully: "Okay! ! "

Seeing that these people reached an agreement, Luo Qiqi subconsciously gritted her teeth.

Is my luck good? ? Or bad?

As soon as I arrived at this place, I saw a silver box, and no one around was fighting with me.

As a result, I ran into these guys just after the box was opened.

If it was one-on-one, or even one-on-two, she would be sure to get out of it.

But these people are obviously not weak, and they have blocked all her retreat routes.

There are no other teammates around, and it is probably not as easy as before if I want to run. .

Unless you choose to give up the treasure you just got.

But didn't you come in for these treasures? ?

If you give up easily, then why did you come in?

As for going out directly? That's even more impossible.

There are treasure chests everywhere here. If you go out directly, you might as well give up the treasure you just got and try your luck somewhere else.

Maybe you can pick up the lost treasure.

Just when Luo Qiqi was in a dilemma, a teasing voice sounded.

"Hey, wife, do you need help?"

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