The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

Obviously, Tao Yong regretted it.

Seeing so many treasures, he even wanted to kill Lu Yu directly.

You know, these things should have been his, right?

In his previous life, he also summoned a group of survivors to kill and seize these treasures.

But now... these things are neither his nor Chu Feng's, but Lu Yu's.

"Three treasures? Hahaha!"

Looking at this magical scene, Lu Yu couldn't help laughing out loud.

He didn't give Tao Yong a chance to get his hands on the treasures, but just hesitated and walked in front of the three stone pillars.

He was not afraid of traps here.

Because when I saw the entrance to the secret realm before, the information had already made it clear that the secret realm was the hope of mankind.

It's outrageous enough that there are so many mutant monkeys outside.

If we set a trap here, what hope is there?

So Lu Yu came to the pillars without saying anything and took down the scroll of the brightest pillar in the middle.

The blue light of the pillar in the middle is so bright that it must be better than the other two treasures.

"This scroll... is good"

"A ring is also OK!"

"A jade pendant is also OK! Wow, a great harvest!"

First take the scroll, then the ring, and finally the jade pendant!

As soon as these things were taken down, the blue light of the three stone pillars gradually dimmed.

Lu Yu put the ring on his left index finger without thinking.

There was also a red string on the jade pendant, and Lu Yu hung it around his neck.

"Damn it!"

Seeing Lu Yu put these treasures into his pocket one by one, Tao Yong cursed in his heart.

But he had no way out now.

Because Lu Yu had kept a relatively safe distance from him from beginning to end.

If he made the slightest movement, he would face Lu Yu's wind blade.

Lu Yu's wind blade was very fast!

Unless he was a speed-type awakener, or a battle-hardened master like Chu Feng!

Otherwise, even if he concentrated his mental power, it would be difficult to avoid Lu Yu's wind blade.

"Let's go! You should go ahead!"

Lu Yu took the scroll in his hand, feeling very happy, and quickly said to Tao Yong!


Tao Yong was very unhappy.


Outside the secret cave!

Ding Feng met Wan Hai and Tong Xiaohua at the entrance on the other side.

After hearing that Chu Feng had left the secret realm, he did not continue to chase!

Instead, he quickly returned.

He saw a 1.8-meter-tall monkey chasing a humanoid dinosaur in the open space outside the cave.

He was a little dumbfounded.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

Wu Qiang didn't have much physical strength left, and now he was being chased by a mutant monkey. He was panicking.

Fortunately, his awakened ability was the Deinonychus gene.

His running speed was good.

Fortunately, the monkey stopped and didn't continue to chase after it when it reached the edge of the open space.

Otherwise, Wu Qiang would definitely be chased to death.

As for why this monkey wouldn't leave the cave easily?

And why did it stop at the edge of the open space?

This is not a hatred value setting in the game.

It's because there are treasures in the cave!

Putting those treasures on the stone pillars is equivalent to activating a formation.

This formation can allow the entire cave to automatically condense some of the energy it needs for its body.

So in its subconscious, it has to protect those treasures.

When Tao Yong and Chu Feng tried to attract its attention before, it didn't chase to the end because of this reason.

But now that Lu Yu took the treasure, it discovered the abnormality at the first time.

Lu Yu could have left the secret realm directly.

But after he walked out of the cave entrance and read the information on the scroll!

He immediately decided to stay a little longer.


[Dark Scroll. Fragment (1/3): Special Item]

[You can use the essence and blood of monsters to force them to sign a dark contract. Once the contract is established, you will enslave the other party's soul. In addition to the original ability, the enslaved person will also gain the ability of a 'ghoul' and will always be loyal to the master. Unless the master or the enslaved person dies, it cannot be released. ]

[Note 1: This item is a special item and requires blood to recognize the owner before it can be used. Once the recognition is completed, other people cannot use it normally unless the owner dies. ]

[Note 2: The contracted monster has the strongest mental power.

It is better not to be higher than 70% of the owner, otherwise it will be difficult to complete the contract. Too high mental power may even cause backlash. (Friendly reminder: When a monster is on the verge of death, its mental power is the lowest)]

[Note 3: This item is a fragment and can hold the souls of up to 2 monsters. (0/2)]

[Note 4: Each monster needs a certain amount of dark energy as an aid when being contracted. This dark power will repair any injuries suffered by the monster before the contract, but this dark power needs 72 hours to condense, which means that within 72 hours, you can only contract one monster for one soul slot. ]

"This thing can help you enslave monsters, and when enslaving monsters, you can also repair the monsters' injuries? But there is a three-day cooling time?"

This scroll has a lot of instructions!

But Lu Yu, who has played many games, just glanced at it and knew how to use it.

After dripping the monster's blood on it, you can use this scroll to enslave the opponent's soul?

Isn't this just a prop used by some specific professions in the game to summon battle pets?

"Let's catch this monkey king first to test the waters, Ding Feng..."

Looking at the monkey with a grin and explosions, Lu Yu immediately had a plan in his mind.

Is this the mutant monkey leader who is about to evolve into bronze?

Even Chu Feng didn't dare to confront him head-on with an axe.


Chu Feng and Tao Yong didn't dare to confront him head-on, not just because of this, but also because of their lack of physical strength.

In fact, after they knew that the treasure was in this cave, they didn't dare to move around casually.

Because they had limited physical strength, they didn't know if there were any monsters at the other end of the road.

And once you leave, who knows if the other party will go directly to get the treasure?

At that time, if you encounter a monster and consume too much energy, and the other party snatches the treasure, that would be really tragic.

So they didn't know that the other side was also the entrance to the secret realm.

But they never thought that they calculated against each other, but in the end, they helped Lu Yu?

I was so sad that I couldn't even cry!

Now the black iron crystal core restored Lu Yu's physical strength to 90%.

In addition to the Qingguang Sword and two wind blades, and Ding Feng who returned!

Lu Yu felt that it was not particularly difficult for him to beat the monkey king to a near-death state and force it to contract.

So after he made this decision, he quickly followed the instructions of the scroll while the monkey didn't notice him.

First, he opened the scroll, then gently cut his finger with the Qingguang Sword and dripped blood into the middle of the dark scroll.

As the drop of bright red blood dripped into the scroll and disappeared.

A special induction instantly connected Lu Yu and the scroll together.

The countless ancient runes on the scroll began to change and soon formed two circles.

In the middle of the rune circle were two fist-sized circular blanks.

The two blank spaces were used to drip monster blood, and also represented the two battle pets that Lu Yu could enslave with this scroll.

But just when Lu Yu put away the scroll and prepared to join forces with Ding Feng to capture the monkey king.

A system prompt suddenly sounded.

[Ding, congratulations on successfully changing the fate of the heroine 'Yan Yun' and obtaining the basic reward: all attributes +10. Obtained additional reward: the villain's eye evolves. ]

[Ding, congratulations on your enhancement level being upgraded to the high-level black iron level...]

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