The old man was very tired.

Because Lu Yu was using a non-attribute crystal core, he had more than enough physical strength but less mental strength.

However, in this case, he only needed to sleep to be fully revived!

But it was different for the others.

They were exhausted physically and mentally, and one night was obviously not enough to recover.

So Lu Yu left Ding Feng in the hotel to guard the supplies and brought the others out.

After a day of fighting yesterday, Ding Feng is now a mid-level black iron.

Generally, he is no match for him.

With him around, Lu Yu is more relieved.

There is no problem with Li Wanning and He Li doing logistics together!

Yan Yun must be brought along because she must help find the crystal core.

As for why Wu Qiang was brought along?

There is no need to say more about this.

This guy not only has strong recovery ability, but also has a problem with loyalty. Who else can we take if not him?

Outside the hotel!

Lu Yu is cleaning up monsters.

The smell of decay and stench permeates the air.

Occasionally, people can see some lizardmen who can't find food, gnawing on corpses that are only bones.

The wreckage of various cars and signs can also be seen everywhere.

Because there may be many monsters hidden in the rooms on both sides of the street.

So everyone is very careful along the way.

After a morning of hunting.

Yan Yun found a spiritual crystal core in the brain of a high-level lizardman.

This is a lizardman who looks very smart and knows how to escape.

As the name suggests, the spiritual crystal core is used to restore spiritual power or increase the upper limit of spiritual power. The total value of the increase is 3-5 points, the same as the attributeless crystal core, and very few are 6 points.

However, the general black iron-level attributeless crystal core is transparent, but there are black lines on it.

Although the pattern of this crystal core is also black, the crystal core itself is gray.

"Haha, not bad, not bad!"

Lu Yu smiled and took the gray crystal core in his hand, then looked at the others: "Do you all know the function of the crystal core?"

"Yes! Ding Feng told me yesterday!" Xue Li nodded.

Yan Yun was with Lu Yu yesterday, so he knew it.

Although Wu Qiang joined later, Lu Yu did not hesitate to keep this secret.

"From today on, you need to keep this secret."


"Don't worry, I promise not to tell anyone." Wu Qiang patted his chest.

Lu Yu nodded: "That's good. By the way, if it's not particularly necessary, our team will adopt a centralized training method!"

"Centralized training?"

"What do you mean?"

"It means to concentrate the crystal cores on one person first, make this person's combat power stronger, and then use this stronger person to collect crystal cores to feed other people!"

"Mr. Lu, just decide."

"Yes, we listen to you."


Except for Wu Qiang, the betrayal rate of other people in Lu Yu's team is very low.

So they will definitely not object to Lu Yu's words.

Even Wu Qiang can't go against Lu Yu on the surface.

Besides, Lu Yu's distribution method is the most reasonable.

First concentrate on training one person, and then use this trained strong man to help others.

As long as it is not because of excessive physical consumption that the crystal core must be taken.

These crystal cores should be used by one person.

Doing this is indeed easier to survive in the end times than dividing the crystal cores equally.

Of course, the person who is being trained must be recognized by everyone, otherwise problems will easily arise.

Lu Yu's team does not have this problem.

So Lu Yu should be responsible for the distribution of crystal cores.

Lu Yu took a look.

Seeing that everyone was still barely in good condition, he did not use these crystal cores at the first time!

"He... is so awesome!!"

In room 8008, through the window, watching Lu Yu and everyone on the street kill those monsters cleanly and neatly.

Li Wanning couldn't help but exclaimed.

She lived with Yan Yun last night.

In such a dangerous environment, the two women naturally abandoned the teacher-student relationship and talked a lot.

To be honest, she admired Yan Yun very much.

A 20-year-old girl dared to go out with her boyfriend to face those monsters on the first day of the apocalypse.

This courage is not something that ordinary people can do.

Even if Yan Yun said that she was forced to go by Lu Yu on the first day, it was also amazing.

At least Li Wanning felt that she definitely didn't have the courage.

Just like

Just like today, Lu Yu took people out to hunt monsters.

But she could only do hygiene in the hotel with He Li.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a knock on the door of the room suddenly.


"It's me, Shen Bin!"


Li Wanning opened the door.

Standing in front of him was Shen Bin with his hands behind his back.

Looking at the talented man in front of her, a picture suddenly flashed in Li Wanning's mind!

Shen Bin and Lu Yu are about the same height.

Both of them are tall and handsome, but why do they feel so different?

"Shen Bin? Why are you here?"

"I came to see you, they are out???"

As Shen Bin spoke, he looked past Li Wanning into the room.

Li Wanning didn't reply to 8046 last night, but he also came over.

After learning that Li Wanning and Yan Yun lived together, he didn't think much about it.

"Can't you see it over there??"

"Okay, I just saw them going out, so I came here! Wan Ning, look at what this is?"

Shen Bin pretended to be mysterious and smiled, then took out a bowl and a pair of chopsticks from behind his back.

The bowl contained half a bowl of yellowed rice, two green vegetables and a handful of kimchi.

"You haven't had lunch yet, have you? I specially ordered this for you from Manager Zhao. You should eat it quickly..."

"Huh? No need."

Seeing that the food that Shen Bin usually looked down upon was treated as a treasure by him at this moment, Li Wanning felt indescribable sadness in her heart.

"When Lu Yu left, he left a lot of food in Mr. Ding's room."

"Ah? He left a lot of food?" Shen Bin was dumbfounded: "No... isn't it?"

"Why are you lying to me?" Li Wanning still smiled seriously: "And when he left, he said that if you come over at noon, you can also go have something to eat together. It happens to be lunch time, so I will take you there."

Hearing Li Wanning's words, Shen Bin's eyes lit up and he quickly grinned.

"Haha, is this kid really good at things?"

The two called He Li and then found Ding Feng!

After that, Shen Bin was confused.

"Oh my god... Braised beef, white chicken? And roasted pork intestines, cold three shreds??"

Lu Yu had no plans for his breakfast today.

So to be on the safe side, he spent the whole morning trying to get in touch with Manager Zhao and the others.

I also grabbed some breakfast from Manager Zhao downstairs.

According to the character of Manager Zhao, an old fox, it is of course impossible to give him too much food.

And compared to the food at Lu Yu's place, the food served by Manager Zhao and his friends is just pig food, right? ?

Seeing so many delicious foods, Shen Bin couldn't wait.

He quickly gathered a few people around him and started eating without any ceremony.

But he didn't throw away the bowl of white rice.

Because only when you have experienced hunger can you know how precious food is.

Compared with Shen Bin's gobbling, Li Wanning is different.

Because she had eaten breakfast and had food and water provided by Lu Yu.

So she wasn't very hungry.

At this time, her mind was filled with Lu Yu's questions from yesterday.

"It seems I have to find someone to protect myself."

Li Wanning was not stupid and quickly figured out the current situation.

If he wants to live normally, he must find a strong boy to protect him.

Otherwise, it’s really easy for something to happen.

But judging from the current situation, there are only two people who can protect themselves.

Lu Yu and Shen Bin.

"Shen Bin? No..."

Thinking of Li Wanning raising her head and looking at Shen Bin who was devouring food, she couldn't help but feel a sense of despair in her heart.

"This guy, no matter how you look at it, is unreliable! As for Lu Yu? It's no problem for him to be so powerful, but he is just his own student, why should he protect himself?"

"Also, those things he told me last night... Hey, why did he tell me those things?"

Suddenly an idea flashed in Li Wanning's mind, and she was dumbfounded: "Could it be that he also treats me... Oh my God... No... No way???"

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