"What's wrong, Li Lang, are you familiar with Lian Chengbi?" Lian Xing asked curiously when she saw Li Hao's movements suddenly paused.

"No, I'm not familiar with him. I've never even heard of this name." Damn, if a friend dies, I'd rather die than die. Miss Yao Yue went to cause trouble for Lian Chengbi, wouldn't she have saved herself a lot of trouble?

"Okay, let's start the treatment. Mother, your injury has lasted too long and you have taken too many medicines, so besides the bones and meridians have been fixed, a lot of toxins have also accumulated in the flesh and blood of your left arm."

"So, I need to crush all the meridians and bones of your left hand, and then use silver needles to force out the accumulated toxins and poisonous blood, and finally use Xiao Huan Dan to repair the meridians, replenish the flesh and blood, and then use Hei Yu Duanxu Paste to fix and repair the bones."

"The whole process is to break and then build. The process is cruel and painful, but..."

"It doesn't matter, Li Lang, I have suffered. Also, my left leg has the same symptoms. Do you want to treat it together?" Lian Xing said with a firm look in her eyes.

It's better to suffer a short pain than a long one. Anyway, it's going to hurt, so let's suffer together.

"Let's treat them separately. Treat the arm first and see how effective this plan is. If the recovery is too slow, let's change the plan for the left leg." I want to say that I have a super knockout drug, and you won't feel the pain after using it.

Besides, if I heal your hands and feet, and you just walk away, what should I do? Let's take it slow. It's best to grow in love over time.

"Okay then! I can wait." Although Lian Xing was very eager to get back to normal, she also knew that she couldn't get anything done in a hurry.

"Okay, I'm going to start healing. Everyone else, get out! This is a family craft, and outsiders are not allowed to watch." After the things were ready, Li Hao began to order the guests to leave.

"You two stay." Just after all the disciples of Yihua Palace had left, Li Hao grabbed Hua Yuenu and Hua Xingnu. Healing injuries is a physical job, and a few of them have to stay to massage his shoulders and back, no, no, no, to wipe sweat and feed water.

"Bear it, I'm going to start. It will be very painful at the beginning. Scream if it hurts." Li Hao carefully instructed Lian Xing in the house. "Well, don't worry, I can bear it. It's just painful...ah..." A scream came from the house.

Several Yihua Palace disciples guarding outside the house looked at each other in bewilderment. How could this scene make people think so much?

"Bear with it, I will be gentle." Li Hao held Lianxing's left forearm and crushed it inch by inch. In this process, not to mention Lianxing, a pretty girl, even a rough old man like Yan Shun would probably not be able to resist drawing a knife to commit suicide.

"Can you hurry up...ah...it hurts...I can't stand it anymore" Lianxing shouted, she really wanted to slap Li Hao to death.

This is not just a little bit of pain, this is obviously a heart-wrenching pain. Watching her arm being kneaded into a meatball, Lianxing felt like crying.

Can this meatball be repaired? If it can't be repaired, what should I do? I will be a real disabled person with missing arms in the future.

Although I was disabled before, at least I didn't have missing arms or legs. Lianxing felt bitter, but she didn't cry.

"Finally it's done, obsessive-compulsive disorder kills people!" Li Hao muttered, stretching his neck to let Xingnu wipe the sweat off his forehead.

"Obsessive-compulsive disorder, what is that?" Lian Xing has been tormented by injuries for more than ten years, and her endurance is no longer what ordinary people can achieve.

However, Li Hao's mysterious operation also made her suffer.

"Obsessive-compulsive disorder, this is not the point, hehe." Li Hao smiled embarrassedly. Fortunately, the ancients did not know the meaning of obsessive-compulsive disorder, otherwise Li Hao was worried that he would be beaten to death by Lian Xing.

Because just now when he crushed the bones and meridians of Lian Xing's left hand again, his obsessive-compulsive disorder attacked, and the size of each broken bone and the length of each meridian were basically the same.

Lian Xing endured the pain and looked at Li Hao's mean face, wondering if she had overlooked something.

Li Hao's palms flew, and in an instant, dozens of silver needles of different lengths and thicknesses soaked in the cup on the table were all inserted into the acupuncture points of Lian Xing's left arm.

"Hey, why doesn't it hurt?" Lian Xing, whose face turned pale with pain, suddenly asked.

One second, it hurt like hell, and the next second, she lost all consciousness.

"Oh, I sealed your acupuncture points with silver needles, so of course you won't feel any pain." Li Hao said casually.

"Then why didn't you seal my acupuncture points at the beginning? Do you know that I felt pain just now?" Lian Xing's face was a little embarrassed. Can't you tell a white lie to comfort me?

"Well, when you break and then build, it's best to keep the meridians unobstructed, otherwise you may not be able to achieve the effect of recovery."Li Hao lied with his eyes open. Can I tell you that I forgot about this?

The ancestors said that girls will only remember the man who hurt her.

"Oh, damn intensive phobia, I feel dizzy again." This time Li Hao did not lie. Looking at the dense silver needles on Lian Xing's arm, he really felt dizzy.

"Pop" Hua Xingnu smacked Li Hao's cheek.

Li Hao turned his head and looked at Hua Xingnu with a red face. Did this tiger woman understand it wrong? I really felt dizzy this time.

It seems that her method is quite effective. Li Hao recovered his spirits instantly, and Xiao Haozi raised the flag in high spirits.

After being used to the days of soft jade, warm fragrance, jade arms and fragrant lips, this journey made Li Hao miserable.

Although a Huayue slave was caught later, the drink can quench thirst, but it can't satisfy hunger!

It seems that Xiao Haozi is as hungry as himself.

As the silver needle was inserted, Li Hao asked Lianxing to take a small Huandan, and then took out a Baicaodan, crushed it into powder, sprinkled it around the silver needle, and then used internal force to penetrate the medicine into the wound through the needle hole of the silver needle.

After a while, the effect slowly came out. I saw that the arm, which had become extremely black due to the precipitation of toxins, slowly turned from light black.

"Start detoxification. "Li Hao took out a knife and cut a wound on the index finger of Lian Xing's left hand. Then drops of black poisonous blood flowed down into the copper basin prepared in advance.

Watching the arm slowly recover a trace of white from the shoulder down, Lian Xing's tears flowed out.

It was too difficult. Since the injury, this injury has tortured me for more than ten years. I had planned to give up. As a result, Li Hao appeared at this time, and his appearance gave me hope again.

Will Li Hao be the true love sent by God to me? But my sister seems to be very interested in him!

It's a headache.

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