Chapter 55: First Love That Can’t Start!!

The door of the student conference room was pushed open again, and the two walked into the conference room, and Sakagami explained, “I’m sorry, I met Dragon Garden in the toilet just now and talked for a while, he seems to be very interested in this matter, student council president, can you let Dragon Garden also participate?” ”

“No problem.”

Horikita said lightly.

Receiving an affirmative answer, Long Yuan walked directly to Secretary Tachibana and took the camera and began to fiddle with it.

It’s just that the door of the conference room is still open, and Sakura leans out half of her head to peek at the situation inside, watching Yeyuki beckon, and then she trotts behind Yoruki.

Ye Xue was a little puzzled: “What’s wrong?” ”

“Some… Care about the outcome of things. ”

“Could it be that Sakura has been waiting outside?”


Airi Sakura nodded weakly.

Ye Xue said casually, “Okay, since you came in, let’s find a place to sit first.” ”


“Nope… No thanks… I’ll just stand. ”

Airi Sakura shook her head in panic, although there were a few empty seats next to Sudo, it was too scary to sit there, and it was more reassuring to stand behind Yoruyuki.

Ye Xue didn’t say much, just feel free, it was Sakura’s problem not to sit in a position, deliberately letting go of the position was a bit contrived, and he would not let Sakura have the opportunity to get closer to Hirata.

At this moment, Long Yuanxiang’s fingertips tapped the screen of the camera and said disdainfully, “This kind of thing can also be used as evidence?” ”

“Classmate Long Yuan, we have already discussed the issue of whether it can be used as evidence”

“You’re Hirata from Class D, right? Of course this Lao Tzu knows. ”

Long Yuan slowly walked around to Class D with his hands in his pockets, his eyes staring at Sakura like a poisonous snake, “Your name is Airi Sakura, right, it’s really brave, you actually dare to do perjury, just happened to take a picture there, dare to reverse black and white, ready to enlighten?” ”

As if stared at by a poisonous snake, Sakura Airi’s frightened pale face quickly hid behind Yexue, closed his eyes, grabbed Yexue’s clothes, and did not even dare to look at Dragon Garden.

Stretching out his arm to block in front of Sakura, Yexue also said coldly, “Dragon Garden, you don’t have to do this, who moves first, you know in your hearts, what kind of skill is it to threaten a girl.” ”

“I… I… What I said is true. ”

Sakura echoed like a mosquito.

“I can really say it.”

Long Yuan sneered, turned around and directly picked up Hirata’s collar.

“Dragon Garden, what are you doing!”

The orange bookstore immediately coquettishly pouted.

“Why don’t you let Lao Tzu go.”

Sudo also instantly got up and punched Ryūen, only to be blocked by Hirata with his arm halfway through.

Hirata quickly turned around and soothed, “Sudo, you calm down, you definitely can’t do it here, Dragon Garden is just stimulating us.” ”

“Stimulate you?”

Long Yuan instead laughed, loosened his palm, and then said coldly, “Your D class is really good, do something to our C class, and actually want to pull us C class to be punished together, don’t think that this is the end.” ”

“You bastard, Lao Tzu is the legitimate defense, don’t pretend to Lao Tzu.”

Sudo glared at Ryūen with a flushed face, but was hugged by Hirata deadly. I have to say that in terms of provoking people, Dragon Garden is indeed a genius.

It is clear that he is the perpetrator, and he has indeed played the face of a victim to the fullest, and he has almost made Sudo mad.

“Dragon Garden, what do you want to do.”

Horikita Gaku spoke lightly.

Long Yuan was still staring at Hirata in front of him, and said coldly, “I just want the elders of the student council to make a fair judgment.” ”

“Students will have their own way of judging.”

“This is unacceptable to our C class.”

Long Yuan scoffed, “Although it is difficult for the student council to make a correct judgment knowing that the confession of Class D will make it difficult, it is clear that the victim will be punished in the same way as Class D, and this school is really interesting.” ”

“Dragon Garden, what the hell are you trying to say.”

A few drops of sweat appeared on Hirata’s forehead, and although he stopped Sudo’s violent walk, his physical ability was far inferior to Sudo’s, and he was already on the verge of exhaustion.

“So be it.”

Long Yuan said coldly, “I don’t let the student council be embarrassed, this time it is indeed your class D that is superior, I recognize, Sudo suspended school for two weeks, Ishizaki three suspended for one week, or, Sudo and Komiya two principals suspended school for a week, this is the bottom line that our class C can accept.” ”

Ryuyuan is not an idiot either, and he understands that no matter how he plays, he cannot affect Horikita’s judgment.

“Yes, no problem, Sudo and Komiya will suspend school for a week, let it end like this.”

Hirata quickly replied and said that he was already very satisfied with such a result.

Now he only hopes that Dragon Garden will leave quickly, he really can’t stop Sudo for long.

“You bastard, don’t joke, Laozi is obviously in legitimate defense, you believe me!”

Sudo pressed Hirata’s shoulder, his fingers were a little blue, if Hirata hadn’t held it, he would definitely beat Ryuen.

Long Yuan’s words are really disgusting, and now he has the face of a victim and the appearance of recognition.

“Did you misunderstand something, you don’t have the power to decide punishment.”

Secretary Tachibana said dissatisfied, isn’t this a hustle and bustle.

Hirata also reacted and quickly looked at Horikita, while Ryuyuan kept staring at Hirata.

“The judgment of the student council is…”

Horikita Gaku spoke lightly, his eyes scanning the people on both sides.

Saeda frowned and pulled the hem of the night snow clothes, a little puzzled, not that Sudo will not be suspended from school, if it goes on like this, Sudo’s mentality may explode.

She still can’t figure out which side is the victim, and Long Yuan’s performance has indeed affected her judgment.

Protect Sakura who is shivering behind him.

Ye Xue secretly yawned and watched the performance of Dragon Garden. Load, continue to load.

He firmly believes that the interests of this world are paramount.

Dragon Garden doesn’t want to judge whether Class D is deliberately guiding and forcing Class C to compromise, or whether it is really just to strive to reduce punishment, so as to judge the strength of Class D or Hirata.

Proving Sudo’s innocence is a bit troublesome, but getting Class C to withdraw the lawsuit is very simple.

Although Sudo’s innocence can be proved in the end, there is no doubt that the latter method is more leftover.

Just make Class C feel at a loss.

Even if Sudo and Komiya were suspended from school for a week at the same time, they would be at a loss for Class C, and after a bunch of operations, they were deducted the same points, as if they were joking.

It will only widen the gap between Class A and Class B.

Although Ryuyuan doesn’t care much about class points, he has got what he wants, and Hirata is a peacemaker, as long as he remains stable.

If she were to change to the presence of Suzune Horikita, she would only make things more complicated, prove Sudo’s innocence, and show her strength to Horikita.

Even, even if Dragon Garden bites hard, it doesn’t matter, although the injuries on Ishizaki and others’ faces look very serious, there are no injuries in invisible places such as arms, and the evidence is that Ishizaki and others have slammed the table many times without making painful expressions.

In the face of beatings, humans instinctively protect important parts, and Ishizaki and the others obviously went against their instincts and did not carry out any defense, or went to the seniors of the basketball department to verify how Sudo and Komiya usually had conflicts.

Dragon Garden is not thoughtful enough, and there are many flaws!

Set your sights on Ishizaki and others, and there will only be more flaws.

It can even blackmail Ryūen in turn, but it is not necessary, Yoyuki doesn’t care much about personal points anymore, it’s better to let this incident become the nourishment for Sudo’s growth, and see Ayakoji’s reaction.

At present, among the same grade, only Ayakoji and Sakayanagi Yusu are worth seeing.

Just when Horikita was about to speak, Long Yuan Sho finally determined that this Hirata in front of him was really pulling the skin for such a trivial matter.

Really to reduce the punishment for Sudo, behind him, Yoruyuki’s voyeur is holding the earth girl in Sakura Airi, and he is desperately protecting her in his arms, obviously colored.

A bunch of waste.

After a long day, Class D is not how powerful the leaders are, but that the entire Class D is a group of Muggles.


Dragon Garden sneered.

“Horikita, Class C withdrew the lawsuit!”

Long Yuan and the others calmly left the student union room with the posture of victors. From the beginning, his side held the initiative and could withdraw the lawsuit at any time.

There is no respect for Horikita, let alone whether Horikita is aware of the truth, and Class D also has no evidence to prove Class C’s slander.

Hirata was also visibly relieved and was already very satisfied with the result.


With a bang, Sudo slammed his punch on the tabletop, and the entire desktop was dented, only he and Sakura did not understand very well, in fact, everyone already understood that as long as Ryuyuan withdrew the lawsuit, it had already proved his innocence.

It may just be that Dragon Garden’s words are too infuriating, Sudo can’t accept it, is regarded as wronged, and is let go by Dragon Garden like a handout.

“The matter is over, everyone in Class D can leave.”

Horikita Gaku spoke lightly.

In his opinion, it was just a school incident as usual, it didn’t matter who was right and who was wrong, and the people in Class D didn’t care about Sudo

Emotions, he is even less necessary.

Sakura grabbed the corner of Yoxue’s clothes, his eyes darkened, and he still explained with some grievances, “I… What I said is true. ”

Looking at Sakura looking a little lost, Yoruyuki touched her head and said softly, “Stupid, everyone knows.” ”

“Alas… Is that so? ”

Feeling the pleasant temperature of Yexue’s palm, Sakura couldn’t help but look up and say with some doubts.

There is no need to prove that Sakura’s words are true, just let Sakura understand that it is enough to believe in her.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Sudo glared at Sakura angrily, “Damn, why didn’t you stand up before, stand up earlier, things won’t turn out like this.” ”

“I’m sorry…”

Sakura hung his head and whispered an apology.

Ye Xue quickly blocked in front of Sakura and said coldly, “Sudo, you are enough, don’t be angry with your classmates, in the end, it is because your own usual attitude is disgusting, if you don’t pay much attention to your usual attitude, this kind of thing will happen often”

“You bastard, do you also want to say that it is my fault, all said, Laozi is a legitimate defense.”

Sudo kicked down the chair next to him, already venting his anger indiscriminately, venting his anger on his classmates.

Yoruyuki also knew that Sudo could not listen to him, and would only go in and out of his left ear and right ear.

“Yexue, you have two words less, Sudo is also calmer, everyone already knows that you are innocent, and Dragon Garden is just talking hard.”

Hirata quickly comforted.

Under his comfort, Sudo gradually quieted down, but gritted his teeth and still couldn’t accept it, if he could force Class C to withdraw the lawsuit, it could still be regarded as his own victory, but Dragon Garden’s self-confessed unlucky posture was really infuriating.

The two also left the student union room, and at this moment, Horikita Gaku walked to Sakura Ai and said coldly, “Words can’t be put into practice, testimony is a lie, it’s best to be prepared to testify next time.” ”

Dodge Horikita’s fierce learning

Sight, Airi Sakura hid behind Yoruyuki and said weakly, “Understood… Thank you. ”

Looking at Sakura like a frightened little rabbit, Horikita Gaku didn’t care, and turned his head to look at Yoruyuki, “Tengo, what do you think is the final judgment of the student council?” ”


Although he didn’t quite understand Horikita’s intentions, Yoruyuki shrugged, “Who knows!” ”

“Forget it.”

Pushing the glasses on the bridge of his nose, Horikita Gaku finally left an intriguing sentence, “I don’t care what you want to do, but Suzune is my sister, don’t go too far.” ”

Looking at the backs of Horikita Gaku and Secretary Tachibana, Yoruyuki frowned.

In the original work, Horikita Gaku seems to be able to judge a person’s strength by a certain breath on the person, which seems to be true.

He didn’t spend much effort on Sudo and Sakura, worrying about their emotions and not in line with his own strength.

It is estimated that in the eyes of Horikita Gaku, he is a very ruthless person, this is to warn himself not to bully Suzune too hard, but he doesn’t mind bullying Suzune and helping Suzune grow.

Although he did not give an evaluation of his own approach, it seems that he is hated by Horikita.

When there were only two people left in the room, Airi Sakura finally breathed a sigh of relief and stammered, “That man’s words… What does it mean? ”

“He is the older brother of Suzune Horikita, maybe the fact that I like to bully Suzune was discovered.”

Nightsnow shrugged.

Sudo naturally doesn’t need to say much, nor does he have to take care of Sakura’s emotions, just let her know that it is enough to believe in her forever, and he is the only person in the world who believes in Sakura.

Whether it was Sakagami-sensei’s questioning, Ryuen’s intimidation, or even Horikita’s kind and strict teachings, it only scared Sakura Airi.

Just through these tiny details, slowly let Airi Sakura know that the outside world is scary.

She is like a pot of orchids that needs to be cared for, no matter how much it is when it opens

Beauty, also allowed to bloom only for yourself.

The two walked slowly out of the student council room, and Airi Sakura curled up on her shoulders and followed behind, “It’s amazing, I still just learned that Horikita-san is actually the sister of the student council president”

“However, Suzune doesn’t seem to want to be discovered.”

Yoruyuki responded casually, and when the two were alone, Sakura could also have a conversation very casually.

It is not a big deal to like bullying Horikita Suzune, it is estimated that it has long been passed out of the mouths of Matsushita and others.


Suddenly, Yoruyuki turned around and flicked Eri Sakura’s forehead.

“Why do you play me?”

Ai Sakura was obviously confused, although it didn’t hurt, but he still said aggrievedly, it’s not that he played it when he said honorifics, why did he play me again.

Giving Sakura a touch, Yoruyuki said softly, “As an encouragement to me to treat me and go and eat something after school, it’s great that Sakura was able to stand up for Sudo today.” ”

Feeling the temperature of Yoruyuki’s palm, Airi Sakura contracted her hands in front of her chest, lowered her head, blushed and stammered, “But… But I don’t seem to be of much use. ”

“Enough, Sakura can take his first step is already a great achievement, and he should not be afraid to communicate with people now.”


Recalling the words of Dragon Garden and the others, Sakura visibly trembled his shoulders, but still nodded reluctantly, not wanting to disappoint Ye Xue.

The two went to the Zelkova Shopping Center, and Airi Sakura fiddled with the camera in her hand half a step behind, sharing interesting stories on the Internet.

From time to time, he took out his camera and pointed it at Night Snow to record his bits and pieces.

Looking at Yexue’s bright smile in the camera, Sakura Airi’s face couldn’t help but turn crimson, this feeling of being able to chat with people casually, it seems that he has always been by Yexue’s side.


Ari Sakura’s eyes slowly darkened. She knew it was impossible.

Yoruyuki already has a girlfriend like Ichinose.

To encourage her and take care of her in this way, I guess I treat myself as a sister. Airi Sakura couldn’t help but feel a little lost.

Her first love ended before it even began.

“Sakura, what are you doing, if you don’t follow, I’ll leave first.”

“Wait for me!”

Looking at the night snow not far away, Sakura Airi’s face turned red and a little anxious, and she hurriedly held the camera and trotted to catch up.

At least let this time continue.

She wants to record the bits and pieces of Yexue’s three years of high school. There are no regrets in this memory.

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