(PS: The picture shows the tea pillar Sakai).

Tea pillar branch.

He looked less than thirty years old, at a somewhat delicate age, with the beauty of a young woman, and some maturity| the competence of a woman.

Inside, like the students, was a white shirt with a black work jacket on the outside.

Under the tight professional clothes, the graceful curves are more obvious, with black silk and pointed heels, which is more touching than the students who are still around them, a unique charm of light familiarity.

Having seen the original Tianyu Night Snow, I naturally know this tea pillar Saeda teacher very well.

Saeki was also a Class D student at a highly cultivated high school, but the gap between the classes in that class was not large, and the difference between Class D and Class A was only less than 100 class points.

To put it simply, as long as Class D can succeed, it is entirely possible to defeat other classes and graduate as Class A, but due to the naivety of Saeki himself, he made a mistake, resulting in the failure of the entire Plan of Class D and eventually losing the throne of Class A.

Chazhu Saeki also blamed himself for this, and he had the obsession of making sure that Class D would be promoted to Class A, even as a class director.

It’s just that this school not only needs students to compete, but also teachers need to compete, and the class director of Class B is the same class as Saeki Sakai.

Therefore, if there is no hope of promotion, Chazhu Saeki will not expose his ambitions, otherwise, it is very likely to be targeted by the crazy target of the Star Palace Zhihui.

For Sasuke, there is only one chance of promotion!


If she can’t see the hope of promotion, she will sit by and watch Class D fend for itself with an indifferent attitude, continue to maintain a harmless image, and wait for the next opportunity.

However, every D class is a flaw, and there is no possibility of being promoted to A class.

Tea pillar Agae has been waiting for many years.

And just this year, ushered in a new hope!

The tea pillar Saeki couldn’t help but secretly glance at Ling Xiaolu Qinglong in the corner.

This board chairman of the board of directors personally opened her mouth, dragging her attention to the students she cared for, there must be something special about it.

However, nothing could be seen under the ordinary, dead fish-like appearance.

Retracting his gaze, the tea pillar patted a stack of books that had already been put away, and said in a cold tone:

“This school will not be divided into classes, so in these three years, I will study with everyone as a class guide, please give more advice.”

“In addition, the entrance ceremony will be held in the gymnasium in an hour, before that, everyone reads about the special rules of this school.”

From Chiaki Matsushita, he received two booklets that seemed to look at each other, and all the students had received them before enrolling.

Unlike other high schools, this school is very special.

Choosing to enrol means that you are given the obligation to live on the school and that all external contact, even family members, is prohibited without the school’s permission.

In contrast.

The school has established many related facilities, such as KTV, cinema, café, clothing store, etc., which can be said to be a small business district.

Unlike the booklet I had seen before, the booklet in my hand was thicker, and when I opened it, there was a machine that resembled a mobile phone lying inside.

“This is your student ID, you can use all the facilities in the school, and you can buy any goods on the goods, which can be understood as a credit card.”

“But because it costs personal points, it all needs to be noted that nothing can be bought with points, and you can buy anything.” As Yuki played with his student ID, Saeki continued to introduce the rules.

It’s just that.

Behind him, Horikita Suzune was still a little confused

It is common knowledge of students to pass information backwards, but the snow in front of her confiscated her student ID!

How else can you quickly grasp the intelligence?

At this time, the classroom was quiet.

Horikita Suzune frowned and poked the snow in front of him with his pen.

Soon I saw a note handed from under the armpit of the snow of the Heavenly Night, and Horikita Suzune took it without thinking.

[Name, by the way, draw a pattern that I think is cute.] 】


Horikita Suzune instantly pulled out the compass in the pen bag, it was almost exploding, there was everyone’s nameplate on the table before, she didn’t believe that the snow would not know!

This is obviously to entertain her!


Horikita Suzune clutched the compass in his hand and scolded inwardly, looked up at the tea pillar Sakura on the podium, and finally slowly put the compass down.

Picking up the paper, Horikita Suzune wrote his name.

As for the teacher is not considered at all, there are too many ways to explain, and it does not echo her personality, and she does not think it is necessary to communicate with this group of students.

After drawing the pattern, Horikita Suzune poked the front table again.

Tianyu Yexue took the note and smiled satisfactorily.

【Horikita Suzuto].

Yuki slowly tore the paper to shreds, knowing that it was unlikely that Horihoku would draw a cute expression, but it would not be childish enough to make some meaningless moves.

If you want to control Horikita, you must leave a deep impression on Horikita, otherwise Horihoku’s character will inevitably be a passerby.

Although the means are a little naïve, they just work.

Looking at Horikita with indifferent eyes, Tianyu Yuxue calmly handed over the book.

Cold eyes looked at the night snow at the front table.

Horikita Ringtone’s attention quickly turned to his mobile phone (student ID).


If it weren’t for the teacher explaining the rules, Horikita Suzune would have stabbed it with a compass.

On the podium.

Sasuke saw everything and ignored it, but continued to say lightly:

“Personal points are automatically remitted on the first of every month, and now everyone should be fairly distributed 100,000 points, one point is equal to one cherry coin.”

The classroom was instantly noisy, and Horikita was a little surprised.

Sakurajima’s average high school student’s pocket money is only about 5,000 cherry dollars a month, and if you count your part-time job outside, it would be nice to have about 30,000 a month.

The school actually directly issued 100,000 yuan of pocket money to the students!

“Surprised by so much money?”

Saeba’s tone was a little playful: “This school measures the value of students by strength, and being able to enroll means that you all have this value, don’t be rude, just use it.” ”

After waiting for half a ring, seeing that the students did not have any doubts, Saeda looked at Ayakoji and left the classroom slightly disappointed.

Tianyu Yexue touched his chin somewhat unexpectedly, although the teacher did not have the details of the rules of the informant, but from the words can still see some problems.

For example, although I said the number of remitted points on the first day of the month, there is no guarantee of 100,000 per month, and it is not difficult to see the problem!

However, none of the people in Class D raised any questions.

“It seems that being assigned to Class D is indeed justified.”

Tianyu Night Snow secretly thought.

The basic strength of each class of D is indeed much worse than that of other classes, and Saeki obviously wants to use this way of informing as a test.

“This school is really amazing, go there after school, right?”

“Anyway, with these points, you can buy whatever you want!”

As soon as Saeki left, all the students were excited, and it was the first time they had such a huge amount of money.

“Guys, listen to me a little bit.”

A blonde man got up and left his seat, looking at the crowd with a hearty smile on his face

“From today onwards, we are going to live together as a class, so let’s introduce ourselves spontaneously now and if we can all become friends.”

“And there’s still some time before the entrance ceremony, what do you think?”

Perhaps it was he who took the lead, and his proposal was endorsed by everyone.

The blonde man said confidently, “Since everyone agrees, let’s start with me.” ”

“My name is Yosuke Hirata, everyone calls me Yosuke, he likes all sports, he is very good at football, and he is planning to participate in the football department of this school, and I also ask for more advice.”

After Hirata, most of the students began to introduce themselves.

Tennokuro slowly chewed on every word of Hirata’s words.

Yosuke Hirata.

In junior high school, because his childhood friend was bullied, Hirata, as a friend, did not pay attention to it and chose to turn a blind eye, resulting in his friend being killed |.


The bullying at school did not disappear, but spread more rampant to Hirata’s classmates.


Under the bullying of no end.

Hirata chose to calm the bullying of the whole school in a violent way, as long as the equal giving both sides the same pain, becoming the top of the school can make the bullying disappear.


It wasn’t just the bullying that disappeared, but the smiles of the whole school.

Only Hirata is at the highest level in the whole school.

Everyone else is equal, and every time an incident occurs, Hirata will give both sides the same pain.

The cheerful classmates in the past seemed to be like walking dead, going to school every day and leaving school, living under the domination of Hirata’s horror.

Tianyu Yexue soon found that what Hirata had just said was all question questions, soliciting everyone’s opinion.

This appearance of sunny and confident present, can not make their own decisions.

The student, named Yosuke Hirata, is not a good person, and Hirata cares more about the concept of ‘class’ than his classmates.

Tennoyuki smiled, and Hirata could be said to be the perfect tool man.

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