[Ps: Chiaki Panasonic, Meiyu Wang, Maya Sato].

The morning of Class D is always very lively.

After all, most students don’t understand the importance of learning.

As usual, Yuyuki stood with Hirata, Chiaki Matsushita, Kei Karuizawa and others, and nearly ten girls began to chat with two boys.

The general topic is ‘what is super delicious in a certain café’, ‘what to do after school today’ and so on, the same daily life, they are really very happy in it.

The process is that the girl named Karuizawa randomly initiates a proposal, and Yuyuki and Hirata agree, and the other girls echo it, and they are still happy every day.

The central character of the original school, Matsushita Chiaki, did not know when it began to fade out of sight, and its purpose should be just laziness, not wanting to be overly dependent on others.

She always stood next to the night snow and from time to time to attach two sentences, with the night snow as the dominant.

The two look like a good couple, and the other girls also cooperate not to be too close to the night snow, and when they encounter the cold field, Panasonic Chiaki can also bring up new topics and maintain the atmosphere of the group.

It is worth mentioning.

Yuyuki keenly discovers that this group named Karuizawa has a tendency to be docile and weak, except for Karuizawa herself, who is shown as a hot girl.

For example, Sen Ningning, who always follows Karuizawa and is asked by two other groups of girls, will not hesitate to agree, and is not good at rejecting others, which is a very common type in Sakurajima.

It gives people the feeling that as long as they find an excuse at random, even if they beat Sen Ningning, such a girl will not dare to speak out because of fear, I am afraid that there will be ‘just being beaten, it is not a big deal, it is good to endure, and I am also wrong, as long as I apologize, it will be fine.'” ‘ naïve idea.

This is extremely unusual!

Ye Xue has always believed in the principle of clustering things.

Sen Ningning and others probably also noticed that Karuizawa this hot girl is different from the hot girl seen in junior high school, the real hot girl is extremely self-centered, without the slightest regard for the feelings of the people around them, and Karuizawa is indeed very considerate of the ideas of others.

They gathered around Karuizawa not so much because they had a good relationship but because they were in a group to guard against another group of girls in the class.

Shinohara Takazuki Group!

Like the Sudo Three Fools group among the boys, Shinohara Takazuki and others are somewhat arrogant.

The difference between them and Karuizawa is that when their proposal is rejected, Karuizawa will launch another proposal to solicit everyone’s meaning, and Shinohara will ask bluntly “Why refuse?” ‘, say the reason before you can change it for another.

Sen Ning Ning had a hard time dealing with someone like Shinobara.

The choice to follow Karuizawa should only be her natural choice of survival, of course, Sen Ningning herself may not have thought about it so much.


Without superb social skills, excessive support for others, too humble, will only make people do not want to approach and it is not easy to refuse, Sen Ningning, although he has communication with all girls, does seem to be a little out of place with all groups.

Simply put, the flattering personality.

Most of the people in Karuizawa group, except for Chiaki Matsushita, are like this. This group can maintain quite harmony.

“What the hell is the school doing, my points are in crisis.” Karuizawa held up his phone with both hands, looked at the personal points on the phone with only two digits left, and let out an exclamation.

The girls around them also echoed suit.

According to the tea pillar.

Class D received 79 class points in May, but because of some problems in the school, it has not been issued so far.

Night Snow couldn’t help but look back.

It seems that Sudo has been tricked by the Dragon Garden, although he did think of stopping this, after all, there is no benefit to the D class, but the two who have no social skills, Ye Xue can’t follow Sudo every day and take care of Sudo like a nanny.

Now that things have happened, there’s no point in thinking about it anymore.

Without finding trouble for himself, Dragon Garden’s target could only be Sudo.

This is not intended for Class D!

Capable people like Dragon Garden, after taking charge of the class, have begun to want to understand the rules in depth, testing how the school will react if someone withdraws from school.

Ye Xue had also met the students of Class A and Class B and Dragon Park many times in the senior grades, and the whole school was only living in the middle of the year in the D class.


In the eyes of the other classes, he and Takaenji should be inquiring about intelligence on behalf of Class D.

The purpose of Dragon Park is to test the rules, to test the strength of the leaders of the next D class, and perhaps to blackmail two times if there is a chance.

After all, he appeared at the door of Class C just after the beginning of the school, which would make Dragon Park wary of Class D, and would make Dragon Park think of ‘who can lead the class so quickly’, after all, only people like Ichinose of Class B can do this.

And Sudo, an impulsive and irritable person, is the best target.

After that, there will be more and more tests of teamwork, and in order to advance to the A class, Sudo’s physical fitness is a must.

The power of the individual is ultimately limited.

However, what is the difference between being busy with one thing and just helping Sudo, and Hirata.

The payoff is too low to be worth it.

How much you can get depends on how you play.

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