Chapter Ninety-Nine Sakura’s Careful Thoughts!!

“Oh well”

Ye Xue opened his eyes and stretched out, skimming the time on the alarm clock. Too tired last night.

He had only returned to his bedroom in the morning, and it was now two o’clock in the afternoon.

“Good morning Tenyu”

Yosuke Hirata, the central figure of the class, said hello.

In Sakurajima, you can greet you with “Good Morning” at any time.

“Good morning~”

Ye Xue’s casual response, Hirata’s biggest advantage is that he never asks troublesome questions, and does not wonder why Ye Xue did not return to the bedroom yesterday.

Skimmed over, although it was summer vacation, his three housemates were in the room at this time. Miyake sat in a chair and flipped through the textbooks, as if he were studying, he was one of the lone wives in the class, but as long as he came forward to say hello, the other party could respond very well, but he didn’t like to be with noisy guys.

The other is Kyosuke Okitani of the blue bag, who is sitting on the bed watching the manga, although his status in the class is higher than that of Sudo and others.

But it is the only character that Ye Xue does not want to approach, even in the face of some disgusted Hirata and Ayakoji, Ye Xue can control his feelings very well.

But only Kyosuke Okitani does not want to approach the existence anyway, not that there is anything wrong with Okiya, as a boy, he is more cute than Shinohara Takazuki, but when eating, he occasionally sighs that eating peach is cool and cool, but he also has a good popularity among girls.

Such a group atmosphere is not good, but it is not bad, everyone is focused on their own business, at the beginning Hirata has opened the topic many times, although every time can get a response, but also understand that Miyake and others really do not want to have too much communication with them, by the so-called group atmosphere affected.

Night Snow also washed up quickly, although there was no scheduled thing today, but there was no need to stay in the bedroom, it was better to go to Yuhime or Little Kirito to play with this time.

“By the way, Tenyu, Panasonic is planning to go to the stage play in the afternoon, and you just happened to be sleeping without disturbing you, so are you going to go together?”

Hirata suddenly sent out an invitation.

Ye Xue picked up the phone and sure enough, there were Matsushita, Wang Meiyu, and other people’s phones on the phone, and Ye Xue changed his clothes while asking, “Who are there to participate?” ”

“Panasonic, Karuizawa, Wang…”

Hirata said the names of the ten people in a row, but there was really no Kushida Kirito among them, and Ye Xue nodded knowingly, “Forget it, I’m not interested in the stage, help me say sorry to them, next time there are other activities to contact me.” ”

“No problem.”

Ping Shuanglang nodded, as if thinking of something, and turned his body to look at the night snow, “Speaking of it, Tenmiya classmate, Karuizawa seems to care a lot about the photos of the uninhabited island.” ”


Yuyuki nodded, “I’ll leave the matter of washing the photos to Sakura.” ”

After the first few days of fresh energy, no one was interested in the camera for a few days after the uninhabited island, and basically kept it in Sakura’s hands.

“Can you trouble Tengo to talk to Sakura?”


Ye Xue nodded.

Hirata has rarely pushed his job back, and it seems that he has grown a bit in his relationship with Akihito Miyake and others.

Night Snow casually changed into a white beach pants and shirt, stepped on the beach and dragged out the door.

After waiting for the night snow to leave, Okiya tilted his head sideways and sighed a little, “It’s really hard to believe that the Heavenly Imperial Classmate in front of me is actually the same person as the Heavenly Imperial Classmate on the Uninhabited Island.” ”

“Well, he may be the type of person who will become very serious about doing things, and Tianyu is unexpectedly quite harsh.”

Hirata smiled and helped explain.

“Yes, that’s right.”

Okiya quickly nodded his head in agreement, “Now it feels like Tianyu classmates seem to be quite casual, but when there is no one on the island, Tianyu classmates are super strict, and there is basically no free time.” ”

“But thanks to Tianyu’s classmates, we were able to save so many points.”

Hirata nodded, as if he didn’t want to talk more about his classmates, and quickly changed the subject, “Do Miyake and Okiya want to go to the stage with me?” ”

“I’ll leave it at that, I’m not interested in stage plays.”

Akito Miyake looked at the textbook in his hand and replied casually.

Okiya nodded quickly and left the dormitory with Hirata.

Although the luxury cruise ships are very large and the facilities are very sound, the popular facilities are still only those, and the pools, cafes, etc. are often full.

Often I would meet students from other classes, and occasionally I could meet Long Yuanxiang and Ge Cheng of Class A, and when I met Ge Cheng, the two would nod their heads in response.

There are no benefits, no clear goals.

Dragon Garden did not come forward to provoke for no reason, the two were not even friends, even enemies, with this kind of idleness, not with the people in their own class.

When he only met Ichinose, he would talk a few words, but as long as Yuyuki did not want to talk more, Ichinose would also evacuate thoughtfully.

Arriving at the café on the fifth floor, Yuhime Mizushima smiled and nodded in one direction, and Sakura with plain eyes sat in a booth with his shoulders shrunk, and the sofa on three sides blocked the surrounding view very well.

From time to time, his eyes carefully looked around, and there was a pile of sugar bags on the table, which was obviously not the amount needed for a cup of coffee, and it seemed that he had been waiting for a long time. Say goodbye to Yuhime who is working.

Nightshade wrapped around Sakura’s back, and her hands suddenly covered her eyes.


Sakura cried out like a frightened rabbit, and Yuyuki duly increased his strength by a few points, “Guess who I am? ”

“Heavenly Emperor…”

Sakura’s shoulders seemed to unguard in an instant, stuttering at the opening.

Feeling that her pretty face was a little hot, Ye Xue sat down opposite Sakura and said helplessly, “So quickly guessed, Sakura has the potential to be a detective.” ”

“No, no, no, it’s just that the fingers of the Heavenly Emperor are very good-looking, and they recognize it at once… No, no, no, only the Heavenly Emperor would do this to me! ”

Sakura waved his hand in a panic, his face getting redder and redder, and finally he couldn’t say it anymore, hanging his head low to pretend to be an ostrich.

Night Snow also took advantage of this time to order coffee, Sakura took off his glasses and wiped the mirror with a flannel cloth, and secretly looked at Night Snow from time to time, only to find that he was chatting with the waiter.

Sending off Yuhime, who likes to be clingy, Yuki turned back to find that he had snubbed Sakura, “Sakura, you seem to be flat light glasses, why do you always wear glasses, obviously not more beautiful.” ”

Hearing Ye Xue’s praise, Sakura’s face turned red and sullen and he couldn’t speak.


Ye Xue sighed helplessly, “Are you still a little afraid of people’s sight?” ”

“Hmm… I always feel a little scared to be watched. ”

Sakura’s frustrated response.


Yuyuki nodded and proposed, “Sakura can try to take off his glasses and spread his hair out, just like when you take a selfie, it is really very beautiful, I believe it will be popular with everyone.” ”

Just imagining the picture of being watched, it felt a little scary, Sakura shook his head in confusion and looked away, not daring to look at the night snow.

He also just wanted to see if his presence could make Sakura overcome his timidity, but it didn’t seem to work.

Yuyuki sighed helplessly before talking about the right thing, “Is the photo of the uninhabited island Sakura ready?” ”

“It’s ready, there’s a lot of good photos.”

Speaking of photos, Sakura quickly recovered, took out two stacks of photos from the bag next to him, and pushed them in front of the night snow.

On one side are the photos of the class, and on the other side are the photos of the night snow, which have been classified.

In addition to the group photo, there are many group photos of the night snow among them, such as the Karuizawa group, and the Kushida group occasionally appears in the night snow.

“Is that all?”

“Yeah, yeah, that’s all… It’s all here… No other photos…”

His face turned red, Sakura said in a panic.

Of course, the photo with the night snow has been hidden, and the photos of the night snow have been kept separately, but how can such a thing be told to the night snow.

It was really a woman who was not good at lying, flipping through the photos in her hand, Ye Xue smiled from time to time, and quickly frowned, “Strange, why don’t you have Sakura your picture?” ”


In addition to the photo with the night snow, she did seem to have forgotten to take a picture of herself, Sakura looked at the night snow on the table, and whispered, “I seem to have forgotten, but it doesn’t matter, there are already so many good photos.” ”

“Really, this is a rare memory, isn’t such a good opportunity a waste?”

Yuyuki helplessly sat down next to Sakura and held her in his arms, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and pointed the camera at himself, “Come ~ eggplant! ”


Not knowing why happiness came so suddenly, Sakura Airi felt that his soul was going to fly, sniffed the breath on Ye Xue’s body, and suddenly froze in Ye Xue’s arms.


The sound of a successful shot rang out.

“Now I have a picture with Sakura.”

Sending the photo to Sakura, Yuki smiled and looked at Sakura, “However, it was just taken by the mobile phone, and Sakura didn’t mind.” ”

“No, no, no, no

Sakura, who just wanted to say that it was okay, suddenly froze, and his face turned red and he quickly changed his mouth, “I have a camera, can I take a few more pictures?” ”


Ye Xue was a little puzzled, “Yes, but this kind of photo is generally enough, Sakura can try to make more memories for himself.” ”

Obviously only hearing the first half of the sentence, Sakura quickly pulled out his camera and pointed it at himself, and secretly looked at the night snow when he refused to return.

“Really, what’s going on with this sight, is it just a picture?”

Nightshade was a little speechless and leaned over to Sakura’s face and made a gesture of victory. So close!

So close! So close!

Smell good, what perfume is used in the night snow.

Although his face was facing the camera, Sakura’s gaze was deeply attracted by the face of the night snow.

Get closer, he shouldn’t be annoyed. The faces of the two men were getting closer and closer.

Sakura felt his heart beating faster and faster, and suddenly had the urge to kiss it, so close to the distance, some accidents are also willing, it’s okay!

“Press the shutter, Sakura, what are you doing?”

Ye Xue’s cheerful smile was facing the camera and he spoke softly.



“Show me too…”

Yukiyuki also rushed to Sakura’s side and was a little curious about the quality of the photo.

Sakura’s face turned red from his neck to the root of his ear, and he only felt a blank in his mind, dot painting

Although she pressed the shutter in a panic, her eyes were always on Ye Xue.

Sakura’s face turned even redder as if it were on fire. Super shy.

Secretly looked at the night snow around him, and sure enough, he frowned at him, what to do, super shy, so I want to find a hole to drill

Get in. It’s over, Yukiyuki has a girlfriend, and she will definitely feel very troubled, and there are tears gushing out of the corners of her eyes, and Sakura is about to cry.


Yuyuki frowned and sighed, “Sure enough, Sakura still takes off his glasses and looks better like a selfie.” ”

Looking at Sakura next to him, Ye Xue was stunned, “No, what happened to Sakura, why are you crying?” ”

“No, no, no, the sun is a little bit harsh.”

Sakura breathed a sigh of relief as if wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, it was great, Ye Xue didn’t care about this, after all, he was such a good person, he must have seen these things no wonder.

This is not an open-air café, looking at the window next to the eyes, the sun is softly shining on the table, the night snow is a little confused, “I said that it is okay to be casual, if Sakura does not like this, you can directly bring it up, don’t hold it in your mind, understand?” ”

“No no no dislikes.”

Sakura shook his head in confusion, and quickly changed the topic to look around, the sofas on both sides blocked the line of sight, like a mosquito, “Also, sure enough, Heavenly Emperor Jun thinks it would look better if I don’t have eyes?” ”

“Hmm… Sakura’s eyes are as pure as sapphires and beautiful. ”

Yuyuki nodded honestly, still a little concerned about Sakura’s mood.


Sakura blushed and grabbed the pleated skirt with a small hand and skimmed his eyes

To the side, “If you can take another picture with me that night, I want to make the best memories.” ”

“I have no problem taking as many pictures as I take… It’s just…”

Yuyuki was a little puzzled, “Isn’t Sakura afraid that others will see you like that?” ”

“If there are few people, no problem…”

Sakura blushed in response. Secretly blame yourself, lovely, when did you become so good at lying! Night.

Sakura went back to the bedroom and lay on the bed, she had just left many good memories with the night snow on the cruise ship, and sure enough, the night snow was very gentle, no matter how many photos, the night snow did not feel bored.

In the picture, she is not wearing eyes, and her long pink and waist-length hair is casually draped over her shoulders, only her gaze has been fixed on Ye Xue’s body.

“Hey hey ~”

Buried the camera in front of his chest, Sakura suddenly smirked and rolled around on the bed.

“Classmate Sakura, it’s been this time, be quiet,” Shinohara said casually.

“Yes, sorry~”

Sakura quickly apologized, lightly covered his head with the quilt, and continued to look at the photo of Yuyuki holding himself, showing a sweet smile again.

When you go back to school, you must stick it on the bedside door!

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