Chapter 167: The Change of the Crowd, The Sticky Karuizawa Kei!!

When Saeki leaves the classroom, the atmosphere in the class instantly becomes noisy, and everyone is discussing how to spend the exam.

Many people will look at the digging north bell tone, although the sports festival is defeated, but the night snow does not have the idea of being the leader, the leader can only be Horikita Suzune.

At this time, Kushita, Karuizawa and Hirata also took the initiative to surround Horikita Suzune and coordinate their strategies.

Yukiyuki sat in front of Horikita and the conversation would reach his ears.

Hirata, who was most concerned about the class collective, took the lead in speaking, “Horikita classmate, how should we treat this exam?” ”


Before Horikita could respond, Yukimura at the front door of the classroom walked over, and he hesitated, “Tengoku, don’t you have any idea of leading the class now?” ”

At the time of the sports festival, Yukimura’s physical ability class did not have much say in the bottom of the class, but when it comes to test results, he is indeed the top three in the class, and occasionally he can get the first place, and he has full right to speak.

It’s just that Yuyuki is a little speechless at the corners of his mouth, although he knows that in addition to Horikita may be Yukimura who wants to be promoted to Class A the most, but what is the situation of this guy, how he always wants him to lead the class.

Before Yukiyuki could respond, Horihoku frowned, “Yukimura classmate, the sports festival is indeed my responsibility, are you dissatisfied with my ability?” ”

“That’s not true…”

After a little struggle, Yukimura also saw that Tenmi’s thoughts had not changed, and he finally gritted his teeth, “I hope that when you make decisions, you can listen to the opinions of Tengoku’s classmates more, try to avoid situations like the sports festival, if we lose this special exam, we are likely to fall into the D class.” ”

At present, the C class has 563 points, while the D class in Dragon Park is 392 points.

If his class loses, Dragon Garden wins.

What Yukimura said is indeed very likely, and he can’t accept this point before specifically reminding it.

“No problem, not only the opinion of the night snow.”

“I also hope that everyone can give more comments, so that I can also have more references.”

“And, Classmate Yukimura, your strength is indispensable to this exam, so if you have any doubts about my strategy, please feel free to raise it.”

Skimming the night snow in front of him, the north bell tone opened his mouth softly.

If she had definitely taken this opportunity to force Ye Xue to contribute to the class, but now she really did not have such a thought.

Rising to the A class is an agreement with Ye Xue, but also Ye Xue’s experience for her, of course, if she encounters problems that cannot be solved, she will no longer be strong enough to face difficulties alone.

Sending Yukimura away, he responds to Hirata’s question.

“I don’t have a particularly good strategy yet, can you let me go back and think about it for a night, and we’ll talk about it tomorrow class?”

“Well, of course.”

Hirata nodded in agreement without hesitation.

“Thank you.”

Horikita added, “But no matter what the strategy, the learning will definitely continue, so start today, and those who have the same club activities as before will be handed over to Hirata.” ”

Kitaku paused for a moment and looked at Yukimura and proposed, “Can anyone who has no community activities please Yukimura’s classmates?” Just do it today, and tomorrow I will continue to teach. ”

“Well, if it’s only one day, I can try it.”

Yukimura nodded slightly hesitantly, saying that he didn’t want to teach Chi Kuanji and the others, they were too noisy, but only one day he could barely accept it.

The time soon came to the end of the school, and Kuchihoku left the classroom with Karuizawa and Kushita.

Night Snow also followed behind with some sighs.

In just over a month, the handling of the north is also much smoother, at least not as harsh as when the school started.

She accompanies Ye Xue all the time, paying attention to every move of Ye Xue, from the change of expression to the way she speaks, to the way she walks and the likes of Ye Xue, she imitates Ye Xue without leaking.

Yukiyu didn’t know how Horihoku was doing, such a lovely Horihoku Suzune, that guy would actually be dissatisfied.

The group returned to the dormitory and went to the room of the digger, and her room also had some changes, including a simple bookshelf and a standing sandbag, and the style was almost the same as the room of the night snow, and she seemed to have recently had the idea of learning boxing.

Karuizawa and the others are also quite casual, and they have come many times.

With the cautious attitude of the night snow, the sports festival naturally cannot be discussed in the same room every time.

Instead, in Karuizawa, Kushita, Horikita and their own rooms without rules to choose “Tea pillar teacher may take a while, everyone is not welcome! ”

Placing the brewed black tea on a low table, Horikita Suzune spoke softly.

It is not that she refuses to communicate with Hirata and others, and even wants to integrate into the class like a night snow, but there is no doubt that it is more efficient to discuss face-to-face with Teacher Chazhu.

Although everyone belongs to the class as a group, there is no doubt that they have a greater sense of belonging to the group of night snow.

Came to the room of digging the north bell sound a few times.

Ye Xue naturally unceremoniously hugged Kushida and sat on the ground leaning on the edge of the bed, and began to pick up small orange stems, the smooth and delicate skin is much more interesting than the cat, and the soft white rabbit is also full of elasticity that makes Ye Xue love it.

Karuizawa climbed directly on the bed of the digging north bell tone, ran behind the night snow, the snow white jade small hand wrapped around his neck, the whole petite drive was pressed on him, Karuizawa like a kitten like a pretty face rubbing on the face of the night snow She was more yearning for love than Kushida and others, although she could not tell others, but now it can be regarded as a hot love period, experienced that taste, and now it is even more cruel to stick to the night snow all the time.

“You guys can stop there!”

“Don’t you get bored every time?”

Horikita sat at the low table with a dark face and watched several people, even if there was no exam, the four of them often met like this, but Karuizawa and Kushida stuck to the side of the night snow every time to do some provocative movements, it was really unbearable.

“Ah, is Horikita envious?”

“You’re welcome, let’s do it together.”

Kushita’s small hand slid overnight on the snow chest to unbutton several buttons and make a provocative move.

Karuizawa also did not look at the night snow, and then he laughed evilly and teased, “Eh? Or should Horikita be scared? ”

Her relationship with Kushida was already excellent, and she was soon taken into the pit by Kushida and naturally had already experienced the three of them together, and even occasionally met with the shrine, and was shocked when she first saw the shrine, but later found out that the shrine was actually a rather interesting guy.

Only Horikita sipped a few sips of black tea with her lips to suppress her inner restlessness.

Originally, I thought that as long as I was good enough, Ye Xue only needed her alone, but after a few times, I understood that Ye Xue was initially taking care of her feelings.

She alone could not cope with the night snow that was firing at full strength, and she could not even make the night snow truly satisfied.

Just at this moment, the sound of the door opening, they also knew that it was the tea pillar Sakuba, and they did not pay too much attention.

Several people had already exchanged spare key cards, and Ye Xue also had the keys to the rooms of several of them, and of course, they also had the keys to the room of Ye Xue.

It’s just that except for emergencies, without the permission of the night snow, they will not enter the night snow room without permission.

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