Chapter 185 Pathetic Fantasy!!


The next morning.

The Star Palace opened her hazy eyes and looked at the same ceiling as usual, and she stretched out lazily, not knowing for a moment what was happening.

Frowning, the Star Palace was still dizzy in its mind, unable to remember yesterday’s events, at this moment, Ye Xue came out of the kitchen and put bread and milk on the low table.

Looking at the somewhat cute Star Palace in front of him, Ye Xue said with a slight smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, “Eh? Is the Star Palace teacher up and let’s have breakfast. ”

Seeing the figure of the night snow, the pupils of the Star Palace suddenly shrunk, and yesterday’s events instantly came to mind, and the whole person instantly froze on the bed.

What happened is already obvious.

Then, she forced herself to endure the pain and pounced on the night snow, picking up the collar of the night snow and roaring in the bottom, “You bastard. Unforgivable! ”

Frenziedly shaking the collar of the night snow, the Star Palace completely lost its usual sweetness, as if it was crazy, “Damn, I want you to drop out of school, I want to make you lose your reputation…”

The Star Palace spat out the fragrance like crazy.

“You bastard, don’t think that’s the end of it!”

The Star Palace looked at the man in front of him coldly, and it was hard to imagine that this was the innocent Star Palace Zhihui.

But this is the night snow dormitory, and her words are difficult to get the approval of the school.

It was also understood that it was difficult to gain the approval of the school by relying on unilateral testimony, and after a moment of silence, the Star Palace picked up the clothes on the ground.

Although she had just experienced something that was enough to make people collapse, her movements did not have the twists of Karuizawa and others.

Now I’m afraid I’m full of thoughts about how to make Ye Xue drop out of school.

Look at the Star Palace where you are dressed and groping for your pockets.

Ye Xue took a silver voice recorder from his pocket and said somewhat teasingly, “Star Palace Teacher, are you looking for this?” ”

“You bastard.”

The Star Palace bit her lip out of a trail of blood, and the unilateral testimony would certainly not be recognized by the school, which she had known for a long time.

Originally, she was not so naïve in her thoughts, yesterday she had been inducing Ye Xue to say some key words, as long as it was cut afterwards as evidence!

“Stealing a teacher’s belongings is a serious violation of school rules.”

The Star Palace said coldly.

Ye Xue casually threw the recorder to the Star Palace and said casually, “Of course, I am a good child, I will certainly not make a move that violates the school rules, yesterday the Star Palace teacher accidentally fell asleep, the voice recorder accidentally fell out, that’s all.” ”

After all, the contents of the voice recorder had been deleted by him, and there was still hot water, so it was of little use to keep it in his hand, but it would give the Star Palace an excuse to argue.

The reluctant Star Palace, who was holding the voice recorder, also knew this very well.

Taking a deep breath, she seemed to have made up her mind and said coldly, “Heavenly Royal Night Snow, this time it is true that I underestimated you, underestimated your despicable degree, you have no qualifications as a student at all, but don’t be too proud…

I will publicize the matter here, even if it can not make you drop out of school, it can make you discredited, and you are ready to be isolated by the whole school. ”


But if there is only the degree of rumors, I am afraid that most people will stand on the side of the Star Palace, after all, in the eyes of many people, they are born to be on the side of the vulnerable group.

At that time, even Inose would probably find it difficult to see him from a positive perspective, not to mention the rest of the class, such as Boga and Wang Meiyu, who would gradually become vigilant.

However, Ye Xue did tease, “But then the Star Palace Teacher will also be discredited.” ”

“Maybe other women really care about this, threatened by you and then at your mercy, and you may have used your power to harm many people in this way, but I will not.”

The Star Palace sneered, completely unconcerned about the other party’s threat.

As long as Saeeda can understand her, as for the comments of others, they are just trivial matters.

Although she knew that her strength was insufficient, she at least wanted to let Ye Xue have nothing in this school!

Looking at the Star Palace with a cold face, Ye Xue teased.

“No one has ever been able to refuse me, and I still don’t think the Star Palace teacher will talk about things here.”

“Oh well”

There was a flash of hatred in his eyes, and the Star Palace did not care about the actions of the night snow.

Her vengeful eyes instead stared more firmly into Ye Xue’s eyes, “Are you like this, will I obey you?” ”

The regained Star Palace also understands that this is the dormitory building of the school, and although the school prohibits improper relations between men and women, the sound insulation measures are surprisingly excellent.

It can even be said that in fact, the school has acquiesced to the occurrence of these events, as long as it does not make a big fuss, there is no need for management.

As a female streamer, she could not be the opponent of Night Snow.

No matter what Night Snow did to her now, the Star Palace had no means of resisting.

But tomorrow is Monday, and as long as tomorrow is not put back, sooner or later it will attract attention, and the night snow cannot imprison her here forever.

As long as she leaves here, the Star Palace swears that she will never let go of the night snow, although she does not have any advantage, but at least she can get the night snow to the point of disrepute, “I did not expect that the star palace teacher still has such an interesting side ~”

Ye Xue stared at the determined eyes of the Star Palace against her forehead, and the Star Palace also looked at each other without fear, expressing her determination to take revenge.

The Star Palace also completely fainted yesterday and did not feel any pleasure at all, which is not surprising.

People who fall when they are pushed down do exist, or people who are submissive do exist, and there are many people like Sakurajima.

“Even if I didn’t think that the Star Palace Teacher would give in so easily.”

Night snow doesn’t matter if you count your shoulders.

Within a few moments, the door of the room was heard, and with the stomping of the high root shoes, a figure appeared in front of the two people.

See the person who appears in front of you.

The pupils of the Star Palace suddenly shrank into the tip of the needle.

PS, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly passes, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly passes, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly passes

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