Chapter 202 The Best Interests, Unnecessary Things!!

“Hirata, let’s form a group.”

“Heavenly Emperor, shall we team up to try it?”

As the tea pillar explains the ends, the bus is instantly noisy, and people such as Ike Hiroji who have no confidence in themselves look forward to teaming up with Hirata.

This exam is set up quite benevolently, as long as you hold your thighs and mix into the top five of the group, you can pass it safely, even if the performance is bad.

Only the last person in the large group will be withdrawn, and the average score of the group is lower than that of the person in charge of the school who set the passing line.

In other words, as long as the performance is average, even the person in charge cannot drag people out of school unless the entire group is perjury.

Looking at the worried Chi and the others, Hirata still showed a cheerful smile like an old and good person, “Of course, everyone doesn’t have to worry, as long as you use your usual strength, I believe you can pass the exam safely, and if necessary, I will also serve as the person in charge to help everyone!” ”

He still had the idea of saving everyone from the exam safely, and Chi and the others also showed a relieved expression.

After skimming a few people, Yukimura pushed his eyes with some concern, “Teacher Chazhu, if we want to benefit the most, how many points can we get?” ”

Hearing Yukimura’s question, the class couldn’t help but calm down, as long as they could pass the exam, they would definitely expect to get more points.

Cha Zhu skimmed the distant night snow and explained intimately, “If you want to maximize the benefits, you must form a group of twelve people, and then draw one person from each of the rest of the classes, and the students of our class will serve as the person in charge (reward × 2) to reach the twelve members of Class C, composed of four classes of ABCD (reward ×3), the maximum number of 15 people (reward × 1.5), and the large group score is the first!”

In this way, Class C will earn 30,000 Individual Points× 12 × 2×3× 1.5 equals 3.24 million Individual Points, and 3 Class Points× 12×2×3× 1.5 equals 324 Class Points. ”

Obviously, there are only 3 class points at the beginning, and I did not expect that after multiplying the coefficient, the reward would be so large.

I am afraid that the words of the tea pillar have not been finished, the C class boys have a total of 20 people, if you can form two groups of 12 plus 8, get the top two of the large group, I am afraid that you can get more than 500 class points.

If according to the most ideal situation, the girls can also get the top two in the group, and the class points obtained can break through the 1,000 marks!

Of course, all this is only according to the most ideal situation, the reality is impossible, other classes will not allow such a group to appear.

At the same time, there is also a fourth- and fifth-place deduction system, if the elite is concentrated in one group to compete for the first place, another part of the people are likely to face the penultimate ranking of the deducted points, or even face the withdrawal crisis.

Leaving aside Hirata and the others, Yukimura also knew that he could not change Hirata’s thoughts about the good old man, and he quickly analyzed, “Since Hirata and the others are aiming to help others, then the rest of us should strive for the first place with a small number of elites, and you will be the person in charge…”

Before he finished speaking, Yukimura seemed to think of something, and shook his head again, “Or I will be the person in charge, and Tenyu Classmate can only be responsible for the actual command, how about it?” ”

The project of the exam is still unknown, as long as the person with a little brain will not want to become the person in charge.

Even if the first name is the goal, it is to let the classmates take this risk, and the leader is in command behind.

After all, there is no guarantee that anyone in the other classes will be willing to drop out of school, use the abandonment tactic, and deliberately drag the leaders of the enemy class into the water.

In order to be promoted to Class A, Yukimura’s consciousness is also quite firm.

“Guys, calm down first.”

Digging North Lingyin stood up to comfort everyone, and finally looked at Ye Xue and whispered, “This time men and women are taking separate exams, I can’t take care of the boys, can Ye Xue please you?” ”

Although the binding force of the agreement between the two is very small, she believes that as long as Ye Xue is willing to shoot, the boy’s side will definitely get the first place.

After watching the bell tone, Ye Xue sighed, slightly disappointed, it seems that as long as she is still following a certain goal, the vision will always be so narrow.

“While it’s a good idea to compete for first place with a handful of elites, I reject it!”

Without waiting for Yukimura Kaipin to speak, Ye Xue explained lightly, “Hearing that men and women are going to take separate exams, you should realize that this exam will be an important factor This exam tests the four aspects of morality, spiritual exercise, law and autonomy, hearing autonomy, and then talking about the accommodation, the easiest thing to think of is cooking, anyway, I don’t think the school will be considerate enough to prepare food for us…

That being the case, in order to aim for the first place, members must have both physical fitness, self-discipline, cooking, and good moral qualities, and academic ability is secondary.

Even if you want to form a group of a small number of elites, Yukimura, you are not an elite, but a member who needs to be saved, of course, I am also. ”

After speaking, Ye Xue sat back in his position and operated the terminal.

Yukimura froze in place, he originally wanted to challenge the first place with his academic advantage, but he did not expect that Ye Xue had already seen that this exam really needed some of those conditions.

And it makes perfect sense, and if so, he’ll still be put on the tired side.

The elder Aya Xiaolu also looked back expressionlessly, Ye Xue’s vision was too wide, which was a problem that even he did not consider.

Feeling the disappointed look in the eyes of the night snow, Horikita Suzune was also like a lightning strike, she still couldn’t see enough and didn’t see enough.

However, she also quickly adjusted and began to think about a more reasonable personnel structure, although the assessment items given by the school were somewhat abstract, as long as she thought about the relationship with the forest accommodation, she could still find some clues.

Nightshade operates the terminal to exchange information with Yasuo Mizuno, a third-grade class, and he doesn’t have the heart to play with first-year students.

The point is.

He knew that he lacked in cooking, after all, from childhood to almost everything, he spent everything else.

Cooking is not a necessary skill for him.

Although it doesn’t matter if you start learning now, Ye Xue has no intention of further developing in cooking.

More importantly, Ye Xue also has a negative attitude towards morality, asking him to show friendship with others in the exam to help each other, although he can perform, but his heart is still unwilling.

The guy who is not strong enough, and is not his person, then it is best to get out of the egg directly, and the night snow does not have the idea of assisting them.

But these are not insoluble, after all, it is just a matter of supremacy of strength, as long as everyone becomes a pawn, friendship is also an unnecessary thing.

The content of the exam was left to the digging north and Hirata to solve on his own.

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